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Hillsbrad GankingFollow

#1 Oct 22 2006 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
Hello. I'm Horde.
I've never played Alliance before, and this isn't meant to insult anyone or anything. Is it really fun ganking lowbies in Hillsbrad? I mean, I hardly see any level sub-30 allies in the Foothills. Yet, Horde gets a quest there at level 23 to kill humans at the fields. Perfect ganking opportunity, eh? To tell you the truth, it's getting really old. ALlies storming Tarren Mill all the time, 'till some friend calls in his guild to kill you guys. Hey, is Southshore better fortified than Tarren Mill? I think so.
Oh well, that's the end of my rant.
#2 Oct 22 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
SS better fortified than Tarren? Tarren has sooooooooo many 55 guards hanging around it.
#3 Oct 23 2006 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
Are you kidding? We have a quest where we have to enter your graveyard and resurrect an NPC. It is NOT fun. So many guards coming on your ***.
#4 Oct 23 2006 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
Run naked...
#5 Oct 23 2006 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Yesterday we had 15 geared out Horde come to SS and own everyone there for about 30 mins until we finally got reinforcements and pushed them out.

I find Hillsbrad has more Horde then Alliance, personally I love that because I gank everyone I see on my 23 pally. The other day I saw a 24 UD warrior 3/4 health, after he killed the monster I ran up and took him out with ease. About 2 mins later I was killing a lvl 24 mob when he charged me, so I took him out while the mob was still attacking me. I ended up killing him with ease and killed the mob too with 3/4 health and 1/2 mana.

A little bit before that I saw 2 lvl 22 UD mages, I ran up and stuned one then attacked the other one. I hit the mage and my SoC proced and crited so he was down to half health. I ended up taking both out and still have almost full health and half mana.

Thank you for listening to my stories, I just wanted to share those. :)
#6 Oct 23 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Dont want to be ganked?

Roll on a PvE server.

Red = Dead

I dont care if you are grey or not...
#7 Oct 23 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
505 posts
Are you kidding? We have a quest where we have to enter your graveyard and resurrect an NPC.

Oh, god. The hecular quests?
Okay, I don't know how many horde will be in here, but for any that are -


Not only is the rod a pathetically rare drop for a quest item, a following quest sends you into alterac to get beat on by yetis and higher level alliance. Then comes the suicide run into the southshore GY to resurrect the damn mage.
And the reward? He gets his *** kicked by a SINGLE Southshore guard.

That's it. no gold, no items. some exp. and a corpse run.

See, way back in the day the SS/TM guards were nowhere near as powerful as they are now. Back then, ressing hecular would cause him to rampage throughout the town, bringing death and destruction to south shore and generally make you feel like you actually accomplished something.

Then came the tarren mill/southshore zerg wars, when the honor system was implemented but there were no battlegrounds. With TM and SS being razed almost hourly by the legions of 60 zerging back and forth, blizz both increased the number of guards for the towns and also buffed them considerably - to the point where they are now, sitting at level 55 in a 20-30 area.

Now even though the zerg wars are pretty much over, blizz won't reduce the guards back to their previous strength. So hecular comes back to life, then gets killed by the inevitable guard you pulled trying to get into the GY. Joy.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2006 at 5:46pm PDT by Rodrax
#8 Oct 24 2006 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent

All this whinging about being ganked is very frustrating. Some people like the thrill of PvP and don't mind being ganked, others like myself rather go about their own business and leave the PvP'ing for BGs.

Don't wanna be ganked? Roll on PvE, simple as that.
#9 Oct 24 2006 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
What Athalaxx said....

Amen Brutha....Amen!
#10 Oct 24 2006 at 5:36 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
This has "beating a dead horse" all over it. Why do people, DESPITE blizzard describing the types of servers at creation screen, roll up a toon on a pvp/rppvp server then come here and whine? Did you not get the drift? PVP=other players kill you a lot? anywhere? anytime? They dont care if you are questing or gathering flowers or ore?

Its simply amazing.

Makes me wish Blizz pvp had same lack of rules that Eq pvp had, I killed you and looted your corpse of one item and the money you had on you. Maybe if people had more to whine about than just being killed they would think twice before rolling pvp.

I do have toons on both styles of servers and yes I enjoy the rush of having to be aware of my surroundings and the unexpected one on one moments that are part of pvp.

To me BGs AV/AB/WSG are not true pvp,just a way to let the masses "safely" pretend they are pvping.
#11 Oct 24 2006 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
Does IndependanceDay really complain about being ganked? - he talks about the Horde quest in Southshore in his first reply to the thread, and if you did read the entire thread...

...Oh, god. The hecular quests?
Okay, I don't know how many horde will be in here, but for any that are -


Not only is the rod a pathetically rare drop for a quest item, a following quest sends you into alterac to get beat on by yetis and higher level alliance. Then comes the suicide run into the southshore GY to resurrect the damn mage.
And the reward? He gets his *** kicked by a SINGLE Southshore guard.

That's it. no gold, no items. some exp. and a corpse run.

See, way back in the day the SS/TM guards were nowhere near as powerful as they are now. Back then, ressing hecular would cause him to rampage throughout the town, bringing death and destruction to south shore and generally make you feel like you actually accomplished something.

Then came the tarren mill/southshore zerg wars, when the honor system was implemented but there were no battlegrounds. With TM and SS being razed almost hourly by the legions of 60 zerging back and forth, blizz both increased the number of guards for the towns and also buffed them considerably - to the point where they are now, sitting at level 55 in a 20-30 area.

Now even though the zerg wars are pretty much over, blizz won't reduce the guards back to their previous strength. So hecular comes back to life, then gets killed by the inevitable guard you pulled trying to get into the GY. Joy.

Thanks to Rodrax for the information

- So IndependanceDay does have a point -

my advice is don't do the quest if you want to save your time for something less frustrating, or do the quest but prepare for many corpse runs - if the quest is achievable at all now - maybie try to do the quest when Level 60 hordies attack Southshore, you will need to wait for this, or call your guild / or wait until you reach 60 yourself -

BTW if you really complain about ganking IndependanceDay in general, you can still move your character to a PvE or Roleplaying server now

Edited, Oct 24th 2006 at 9:25am PDT by Aaadon
#12 Oct 25 2006 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
IndependanceDay wrote:
Hello. I'm Horde.
I've never played Alliance before, and this isn't meant to insult anyone or anything. Is it really fun ganking lowbies in Hillsbrad? I mean, I hardly see any level sub-30 allies in the Foothills. Yet, Horde gets a quest there at level 23 to kill humans at the fields. Perfect ganking opportunity, eh? To tell you the truth, it's getting really old. ALlies storming Tarren Mill all the time, 'till some friend calls in his guild to kill you guys. Hey, is Southshore better fortified than Tarren Mill? I think so.
Oh well, that's the end of my rant.

Personally, I never gank other players unless they attack first. Though I do gank in Hillsbrad all the time. What're you expecting me to do? Sit there and watch as you murder innocent civilians, hell no! Though it wasn't really ganking when I did it, me and my hunter friend went there around lvl 30 or so killing all the lvl 22+, it gave us HKs, so there's nothing wrong with it. Don't come here acting like Alliance are the only ones who gank. If you think it's so hard to kill 15 or so mobs while getting ganked, then you obviously haven't seen STV. I remember at lvl 30 I was doing my warrior quest for the whirlwind weapons, I had to get 30 drops which had about a 15% drop rate. It took me 2 hours of grinding and getting ganked nonstop before I finally finished, though it was kinda fun. Some lame-*** undead rogue ( my lvl ), ganked me while I was killing a mob. I returned the favor a few minutes later and then /spit.
#13 Oct 26 2006 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
293 posts
This has "beating a dead horse" all over it.

Thank you.

Everybody knows my view on ganking. Here's a breakdown if you don't.

Defending yourself: Find by me.
Returning the favor once: Understandable...under the right conditions.
Returning the favor multiple times: Just seems like you're wasting your and their time.
Ganking an equal~ level: Not great, but expected.
Ganking a lower level once: Also expected...
Ganking a lower level multiple times: You should have a burning cig put out on your arm.
Running around max level, in a low-level [Not your faction] Owned randomly killing everything because it makes you feel like more of a man: Ever seen SAW one or two? Those were actually people that did this.

And don't even say, "It's WARcraft, not LOVEcraft" We also drive on parkways, and park on driveways. The name doesn't always describe what it is.

...well..."Yeah, but Life isn't fair"? It's a game. It isn't life. Yet in both you have the choice to make somebody's day, or ruin it. It sometimes makes me really wonder if the human race is really good, with a few evil, or the other way around.
#14 Oct 27 2006 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
I personally do not go out ganking horde unless they gank or grief a guild member... for example... yesterday myself and a fellow guild member were in STV we were lvl 38 and 39... now... you do the math... does it make sence for a 58 Tuaren Warrior to grief us repeatedly? I mean come on how cowardly do you need to get... you can't take on ppl your own lvl? and he was a coward. I got on my 59 hunter and Omie came with her 60 rogue and he ran like hell... we killed him about 6 times before we finally stopped killin him. I do not see the need to kill someone that you don't get honor for. unless attacked I leave them be.

I would like to say I'm not dissing horde but... I am... kill me when I'm low lvl but run and hide when I'm the same lvl as you are? coward
#15 Oct 27 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
I'm all for the honor... if they'r gray in alliance territory or near alliance controlled areas I'll normally get their attention, a single whistle or whack or whatever then /point where they need to go...

Otherwise they can learn the hard way. And cry me a river about alliance ganking, especially in hillsbrad, alterac, etc... I've been ganked by horde so much in those areas...

But you know what... So when I'm owning an orc warrior 4 levels higher with my pally and his ?? rogue needs to save his butt, I still feel good because I had him... he knows it no matter the outcome. Same for the ?? who laugh after the kill... so when I know they're coming I just /lol /spit before i'm dead...

Whatever helps overcome their insecurities because they can't hang with their own level... they need to eat with the children's table as it were... That's my 2 cents.

Edited, Oct 27th 2006 at 6:47am PDT by kimchiguy
#16 Oct 27 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Hillsbrad can be fun... I love the open ended battles in Non BG PvP though... never know what is going to happen. However, when it comes to my favorite zone, it is game on. STV is the best, as it has PvP, tons of quests, great drops... what more can you ask for. I just want to say that if you like to solo and complain then as stated before, go to a damn PVE server. In STV, in a group of mid lvl 30's (5 of us total)we were attacked by an epic level 60 AQ orc warrior. With luck I got a cheap shot off that he did not resist and he proceeded to die by the casters pummeling him and me luckily stun locking him on my rogue. The point is, anyone can take out any level in the right environment. When he brought in his guildmates to hunt us down we were screwed as there were 4 epic 60's and we wiped so fast I laughed. Now the secret... that is why we all moved are main characters to STV before questing with our alts so that we could hunt them in turn. Suddenly, full on epic battles and raiding the horde town ensued. You have to love that. PvP or RpPvP is the only way to go. Keep on killing and remember... even if they are grey, they probably have or will kill someone that is grey to them. Keep the love flowing.
#17 Oct 27 2006 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
I play horde and alliance. Personally, I loved defending southshore from horde assaults when I played my alliance character. Anytime I saw "Southshore is under attack!" I was on the next flight there. That's why you play on a PvP server! I have never even rolled on a PvE server, what would be the point?
#18REDACTED, Posted: Oct 29 2006 at 9:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I Don't see any point in ganking. You get killed by some jerk so you turn around and abuse the smaller guy?
#19 Oct 29 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
293 posts
Keep on killing and remember... even if they are grey, they probably have or will kill someone that is grey to them.

I believe that as much as I believe twinks are made to kill other twinks. (that would be not at all of you didn't catch that)
#20 Oct 30 2006 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
I think i shocked a tauren warrior in desolace a week ago. He comes barrelling over the hill smack into a ??pallie. He backed up ready to leg it but i was on my horse so he just stood waiting for me to finish him off. I just emoted "yawns and goes back to reading", dont know if he saw the same emote, but after a while of me just trotting slowly round the area he saluted and continued on. Myself, even though i have been ganked by ??horde in the past i cannot see the point in being like them or anyone else who gets off on "been a bully".
#21 Oct 31 2006 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Man on my server the horde raid SS every night. I seen some T2 shamans that scare the crap out of me, well used to. I treid to quest in SS 3 nights in a row then gave up. I didnt get to leave the inn the second night. The same goes for STV and now EPL but thats what happenes when you play in a PVP server. Man I was trying to do the tower quest in EPL and ran into a guild which I think was gettin ready for Naxx and took their anger out on me. I refuse to kill a horde below level 55 unless they are dumb enough to attack me first. I won't go starting fights just because. My advise either go complaint in the horde forum, cuz you aren't gonna get any love here we all have been ganked, go play on a PVE server, grind instances 'till you can move to the next one, or suck it up. Also if you are in a guild that PVPs a lot and gank people your *** is toast.
#22 Nov 02 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
This is to the Hord member who started this topic.

1. Don't complaine about being ganked it happens. If you feal you are being misstreated then you should not be on a PvP server. You will have your turn to Gank Alliance member when you are in your 40's and in STV. I remember lvling my rogue in his early 20's in HB yes i got ganked some times by 30's and once in a wile by 60's.

2. Have i ganked Alliance I will not lie yes I have. Will I attack an lower lvl alliance who is attacking other hord yes as I am sure you alliance will agree with me that if you see hord attacking fellow alliance you will not just sit and watch.

3. I am on Deamon Soul server the ganked is even across the bored. Now grantit when Hord gank in STV at least when we gank the mobs dont like us eaither. BUT I will remind hord there is AH and the orc form that alliance to attack.

4. I Love PvP i would not play WoW if there was not PvP and all I can say is this if you dont like being ganked get off PvP you should be on PvE or RP.

50 Hunter
Deamon Soul

60 Rogue
Demon Soul

" In order to survive WAR you have to become WAR." (Rambo)
#23 Nov 08 2006 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
I am a lvl 32 Pally and I get ganked by lvl 60s repeatedly all the time mainly in darkshire by what I like to call pussys like a group of lvl 60 rouges, that use vanish and kill me in one or two hits or roof campers that in order to even reach them you need a mount. I can understand ganking someone 30 lvls lower than you nonstop if they are in enemy territory but if im in a friendly town and for no reason get ganked everytime I respawn thats bs, I understand its a pvp but do you have no honor, because of some ***** lvl 60s when I hit high lvls I am going to gank nonstop in low levle Horde territorys.
#24 Nov 08 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
I play on a pvp server, just so I can play with a friend of mine. I really hate it. I don't like ganking lowbies, and don't like getting ganked. I'd switch to a pve server in a heartbeat, if I could get my friend to do it. But she wont. So I'm stuck in pvp.
#25 Nov 09 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I play on a pvp server, just so I can play with a friend of mine. I really hate it. I don't like ganking lowbies, and don't like getting ganked. I'd switch to a pve server in a heartbeat, if I could get my friend to do it. But she wont. So I'm stuck in pvp.

You can start a character on a PVE server to play when you aren't playing with your friend. You are never 'stuck' with one character or one server in this game.
#26 Nov 09 2006 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
You can start a character on a PVE server to play when you aren't playing with your friend. You are never 'stuck' with one character or one server in this game.

I've done that, that's why I have characters on all the types of servers. First off, if you can't stand it...move anyway, if she doesn't come then I'm sorry but you can't do much about it. I personally see no reason to gank, and I will never do it, but you do have to expect it on a PvP/RPPVP server though.

This is a dead subject, I don't know why I keep posting on these...
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