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Stupid things I’ve done in WoW.Follow

#27 Jul 20 2006 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
i like to intercept stun the trash mobs in mc, zg, etc. about once a week i'll lose my bearings and pull the next group as i run out to get range. luckily, both times i pulled two molten giants that way i was the only one who died. out of the 20-25 raids i've been on, there've been prolly three where i didn't hear at one point, "DAWOOGIE BACK UP!"
#28 Jul 20 2006 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
2 funny stupid things ive done:
- attacked a totem in booty bay. Immediatly got ganked by about 10 brusers. I think i died flying somewhere high up in the air.
- attacking a flight master of the opposite side (try it, its fun!)
#29 Jul 20 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
wouterk wrote:
- attacking a flight master of the opposite side (try it, its fun!)

I have. It is! Enraged griffons aren't nice, but they die just the same.

#30 Jul 20 2006 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
839 posts
I'm sure most of you have heard the tired old phrase that goes somthing like "well, if such-and-so jumps off a cliff, would you do it too?" The other day, my mage was riding through the Hinterlands behind my wife's rogue. We were heading for the coast to pick up bottles for a quest, when she had a control issue and accidently ran off a cliff. I don't know if there is a way to activate slow fall while mounted and dropping like a stone, but I certainly didn't manage to find it quickly enough. The wife's character landed with a sliver of health remaining. My poor mage, on the other hand, landed with a big splat and died. I guess there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere. ;P
#31 Jul 20 2006 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
Some great stories here today. :)

I was on my mage and with my guild and was helping out on a quest in the Southern Barrens. When we were done, I offered to give a portal to everyone so they didn't have to walk back. I started casting and suddenly I dissapear and end up in the Undercity. Yea, instead of creating a portal I teleported myself...

20 Minutes later I get back... and do the same thing again. I was so embarrised, but I learned to remove the teleport icons from my GUI and just have portals there so I can't make that mistake again. :)
#32 Jul 20 2006 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts

Once I tried to explain to a pally that opening with concration to grab aggro form the 4 mobs on the tank was a bad idea, then later made the mistake of answering his question "Why are you not healing me"?

Edited, Jul 20th 2006 at 12:12pm EDT by Capitolg
#33 Jul 20 2006 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
Hmmm, stupid things? No, not me. Never.

Okay, so my middle name is "Oops". I'm sure it's a common name.

A perfect example was last night. I was playing my Troll mage, and I'd previously gotten the Warchief's Blessing buff. I was level 6 and kicking serious butt- taking on level 8 and 9 mobs with little difficulty. Of course, I forgot just how much of an improvement the buff gave, and when it wore off, I kept trying to play the same way. Instead of 469 health, I had 169, and the mana regen went back to normal. So not only did I go from invincible to dead-in-three-hits, but I also kept running out of mana!

It took me a while to moderate my play style to the point where I wasn't rushing headfirst into a suicide run. I guess I'm a slow learner. Smiley: rolleyes
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#34 Jul 20 2006 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
hahahaha i got the rallycry (+140ap for 2 hrs) on my 10 rogue and was like, "sweet! i'm gonna go pwn the hell out of westfall." i had a bag full of pots, bandages, and two new +3 dmg chanted daggers... i was gonna tear **** up.

then said, "hey i should try to solo hogger..." i forgot to drink all my pots before hand, and i panicked and gouged > bandaged at 90% health, or i woulda dropped his ***. at least a warrior happened by and killed him at the same time i died so i could loot him. during the corpse run i realized i'd just blown the buff. /cry
#35 Jul 20 2006 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
839 posts
I was on my mage and with my guild and was helping out on a quest in the Southern Barrens. When we were done, I offered to give a portal to everyone so they didn't have to walk back. I started casting and suddenly I dissapear and end up in the Undercity. Yea, instead of creating a portal I teleported myself...

LOL - Last night I did the opposite. I made a nice shiny portal from Gadget to SW, just for myself. ;)
#36 Jul 20 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
Once, I was going on a Molten Core raid with my guild, and I was all geared up for it and had everything I needed, and the timeset (My job is very time demanding, so it was quite hard to find a day even on the weekend where I'd have 6 hours online.) So, I rode a gryphon all the way from Winterspring (my hearthstone place) to Desolace to Tanaris to Theramore, took a boat from there to Menethil, and rode my way to Ironforge, and then Thorium Point. I got there in about 20 minutes from the time I left Winterspring, and entered Blackrock Mountain. I got down to the entrance, and saw a Blood Elf or maybe a High Elf waiting there, with a yellow exclamation mark above his head.
I wasn't attuned.
#37 Jul 20 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
When my guild was learning BWL, the runs would take forever. We would sit in a BWL run for 5-10 hours wiping over and over. As you can expect this get quite frustrating, esp when it comes to stupid mistakes.

So here we are on one such run. We have down Firemaw and a lot of the trash after. Prior to pulling Ebonroc we took a we are just all standing around. All of the sudden with no warning ebonroc is in the room...and pissed off as all hell. Instant raid wiper.

Everyone is like WTF....who pulled... etc etc. Well no one had even gone near him so it was this huge mystery. Until suddenly a little gnome lock speaks up and says "sorry guys, my bad". Since he is also dead with us in the same room, we are like what the..

He goes on to explain he was taking his wandering eye out for a little exploration to aggro ebonroc. He said that it shouldn't have brought him to aggro everyone else, but merely should have just killed the eye...Just our luck


We forgave him, but told him not to be stupid again.
#38 Jul 20 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Ok, so I was on my Tauren druid, around lvl 23 or so and I'm in my 1st instance, SFK. I die and then try to run back...

I get lost. Really lost. So lost that the party has to come back and find me.

Of course they joke about women and their sense of direction :P

On my mage I tried to pull a single mob w/ flamestrike right after learning the spell...

That didn't work to well.
#39 Jul 20 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
rush home to make our molten core raid, get on just in time to grab one of the final spots and then we start, make it to Luci's room then we took a 5 min break, so I get up to go for a smoke, open the pack and see I'm out of cigarettes. So over the next 2 hours while looking for a spare pack during breaks, I found two cigars I had forgotten about (smoked both) Later I resorted to the "pipe" and smoked that, which made it MUCH more difficult to understand what was going on.

During the Geddon fight I heard "dps on" so of course not even thinking about it (fury warrior) I go running in and start swinging...Hear over ventrilo, why is weefolk in melee combat? So I rush out and totally forgot the strat, stood in one spot until it was over and one of my guildies sent me a tell asking me what I was doing. Being that it was hard to focus, I typed "can't think" very carefully, looked at it a few times to make sure it made sense, and hit enter.

Next day he asked me why I sent him 30-40 tells saying "can't think" over and I keep a spare pack of smokes in the desk.
#40 Jul 25 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
I went back four pages in the Forum index to add this!

So while I was waiting around Scholomance for the rest of the party to get there, I was running around the island just bored.

I climbed up on a wall there and, looking around, saw a tall chimny not far away. I impulsively thought: "I bet I can jump and land on top of that!"

So I jumped and indeed hit the top of the chimny: and then proceeded to fall ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM!


My hearth was on cooldown for more than 30 mins, of course (and so unstuck did not work)! I paged a GM, but finally got out when one of the party memebers logged onto his Warlock and summoned me to SW!
#41 Jul 25 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
During my first actual visit to Searing Gorge, I obtained some intial quests and started grinding the Golem mobs (the ones with knockback). I had managed to position myself in such a way that I got knocked back and landed smack dab in the center of the cauldron pit hole and fell all the way down to the pit floor....needless to say I was waiting the 10 min cooldown time for rezz sickness.

Know thy enemy.

- Bod
#42 Jul 25 2006 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Dancing with the flag just before capping it. Got ambushed, died, dropped flag, watched the Horde return it and steal ours.

A few moments later the raid channel is full of "SOMEBODY STOP THEM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD" and "WHAT.. THE.. HELL!?" and "ok, we lose" and "Err, why didn't we cap the flag?".

Talk about feeling stupid.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#43 Jul 25 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Dancing with the flag just before capping it. Got ambushed, died, dropped flag, watched the Horde return it and steal ours.


Cap first, THEN dance. Smiley: smile

#44 Jul 25 2006 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
LoL, some of these gave me a good chuckle.

I'm 2nd MT for our guild and was MT in an URBS run a few nights ago. Things where going quite smoothly. That was till we reached the bridge from "Furnace"
to Draks room. Thats where I did the dumbest thing I can recall, I some how ended up tanking/fighting on the bridge where I was suddenly kicked from UBRS all the way into the lava at the bottom of LBRS. Likeways, unable to be rezzed, and the instance starting to re-pop we called it a night, and from then till now. I have been dubbed "Bridge Boy" and also the raid leader alerts, "Do NOT fight on the bridge!", much as he now states "No touchy eggs!" in the rookery (priest did that awsome one :P).
#45 Jul 25 2006 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent

As a lvl 60 hunter, I was farming some savatge flora in Ungoro for the Nax turn ins and I was blowing through them cause I had recieved 2 stacks of crack water from a mage friend. So I'm there unloading all my insta cast shots when I use multishot... 2 numbers pop up ... I was like wtf and a Ungoro Stone Guardian steps out from behind a tree and charges me. Luckily, FD ftw! :)
#46 Aug 01 2006 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,182 posts
Bought a 16 slot enchating bag for 4g.
The bad bit is i'm not an enchanter. I only found out it was an enchating baga fter equipping it.
#47 Aug 01 2006 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
So here I am in ULDA with friends, and this one warlock we picked up.
We are at the final boss and gettin our asses handed to us, finally after dieing a few more times we nail down a good patter to defeat him.

Unfortunately we ran out of pots and our durability was pretty much squat. >.<
SO, we devise this plan that we can portal back, repair and the warlock in our group stay, with 2 others, in the chamber while 2 of us go back to get fixed up.
Then he can summon us once we enter ULDA.

So we make the portal, enter... all seems well till I see all these caps-lock messages popping up. I assume someone is angry and don't bother to read them. Although I did see our warlock friend pop out the portal 2 mins later, and quote "Whats he so angry about? I am just fixing my armour!?"

Gawd, I laughed hard after I thought about how dumb people are sometimes.

In regards to an earlier post
To this day, I have nightmares of rats wreathed in ice...

ahah that was a good story about "procs" and all. aha
#48 Aug 01 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
A pally I know was being attacked by a warrior near the great lift. Well, my friend jumps off, but by then the warrior has already charged, so he charges off.

Pally bubbles and survives. Warrior dies.

Okay, then there was the time when I had made my second character, a troll hunter that I got to level 6.

I had reached Sen'jin, but only just. There was a cliff wall or something that I had found, so I decided to climb it.

Curiosity killed the cat.

By the time I had reached the top, I jumped off the other sid, thinking "hey, maybe there's water below."

There wasn't.

Landed hard, lost more than half of my health.

Well, my health had regenerated and I was swimming in the lake I had missed before.

I see land, so I start swimming in that direction. Suddenly, I'm eaten by this... thing... that comes out of the water and kills me in one hit from behind.

I get to my corpse and start swimming again.

Well, waddaya know. I get eaten again.

I rez and barely make it to land. But as I'm about to come out of the bushes, I see a level ?? human and freak out. Luckily, Kael'Thas is a PvE server, ad my friend comes up to the computer and reminds me so. So, I start inland.

Before long, I find myself in THE BARRENS. At level 6.

Well, I thought "hey, there has to be a monster my level." I start to search.

I attack one beast, but he kills me in three hits.

The same happens twice more.

Eventually, I decide to see what happens if I rez at a spirit healer.

So, I click to rez now, but I click past the things that say what will happen if I do. But by the time I had realized that, I had already rezzed.

Without my weapon.

Or so I had thought. I had seen the yellow/red suit of armor and sword in the upper right corner of the screen, but I had never recognized it.

Thinking I had gotten myself into a situation I couldn't get out of in a million years, I deleted that character.

Also, as my tauren warrior I had no idea you could sell the gray items like cracked eggshells, splintered tusks, etc. and therefore never made much money.

I had gotten six silver by level 10...

Also, I didn't know that you couldn't speak to members of an opposing faction until I had gotten to level 11, though I never tried in the first place.
#49 Aug 02 2006 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
Every day i play i use my engineer transporter to everlook, and i go farm some demons for eye of shadow...
A few weeks ago, i go there, dropped one, and got the eye from first drop... Could not believe my eyes...
I spended the whole evening farming for another one, when all of sudden i decide to kite three of them at the same time to everlook, so the guards could kill them, i could loot them and fly off...
One of the demons was killed before we arrived (at the little road o go to the blue dragons) the other two at everlook...
I loot the ones in everlook, and there was another eye in them... i just freaked out but then i saw that i could not loot it... unique...
So i panicced, my friends on vent told me to send em to another person or alt so that i could loot them...
I go to the mailbox, type in the first two letters of my alts name (auto reminds all the names i mailed 2) and by being confused is sended an eye to Bubu (my alts name was bumbklaat, and when i type bu, there is his name)
So i send the first eye, loot the second one, run off to loot the 4th demon at the dragons (the third one dropped noything) and when i arrived there there was... another eye...
I ran back to everlook, mailed it to bu (mail reminden bubu at that time, not any longer choosing to send to bumbklaat), i looted the third one (yes!!! he was still there) and mailed it to -what i tought was- my alt to be sure if i getted another one...
So hours passed, my alt didn't get them, searched what went wrong... I found out i sended something to bubu, qnd sending 600G to someone you don'y know is q lot...

I added bubu to friendslist, cque i hoped it was someone honest, and he mqybe would return them... and when he didn't accept in a mont i would have em back... cause they should return to me...
I counted the days, and it was 4 days before resending that the guy came online... my heart just stopped beating when i saw him online...
My fear was grounded... never where they returned, and obviousley he didn't get them... he said...
#50 Aug 02 2006 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
hmm let's see...
- want to destroy item by dragging it to the floor but I click a player, so they open trade.
- getting frustrated, send ticket to GM, why the hell I kill monster X for quest, but it doesn't count for the quest.. finally GM reply, explain everything, and I just realized that I was in raid group :(
- roll on newbie priest, saw a man in trouble, instead of heal him, I spam shield button.. he was not on my group.
- told by my RL friends, how the "Need, Greed, Pass" loot system works, but I confuse, there is no option for that, no pop-up window.. when the next day I realized that I always auto-looted the items.
- was told by a friend how to go to IF (I was NE), he told me to find a boat, and it will take you to menethil. so I walk to Darnassus (yes DARNASUS), find a SMALL BOAT on water, hop on it, and wait for about 15 minutes.. when will this boat start moving?? (ahh.. good old days).
still have many more stupid things.. Just forgot them :)

btw very sorry for bad english.. not my 1st language heh
#51 Dec 06 2006 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
not really a stupid thing, but i still think it's funny. I was in a UBRS group, but everyone was ninjaing i asked em why they said w/e and changed it to ffa loot. all these noobs were aggroing and we barely killed what they aggroed. when we finally make it past rend i am so tired and angry that i go stand by awbee (that little blue dragon) and fire my crossbow at the mobs accross the way.... they have to go around because there is no path. HS. still in raid 30 seconds later...WTF WTH ??? U Mother******! I'll ******* kill you!... i guess they new it was me. also to make it sweeter instance respawned rite in front of em
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