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Stupid things I’ve done in WoW.Follow

#1 Jul 19 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
4,574 posts
I did something rather stupid last night, and it’s a slow day at work, so I thought I’d start this thread just for the fun of it. If you have a stupid story to tell on yourself, please join in. Its not fun being stupid all alone.

I recently started playing a new hunter. I like having two pets to adventure with so for my second pet, I have an owl for my first pet, I chose Humar the Pridelord. For the one person out there who doesn't know, he's the level 23 rare black lion in the Barrens. Last night I reached level 23, put my owl in the stable and raced out to Ratchet. To my great surprise Humar was sleeping beneath his tree. I felt very lucky, as I’ve read stories of people camping him for weeks. I activate aspect of the monkey, use concussive shot and start taming. I died before I could tame him.

I raced back to my body as quickly as I could; hoping nobody else tamed or killed him before I got back. I come back to life and he’s still there. Woo Hoo! I heal up and try again. I died.

I race back once again. He’s still there. I heal. I start taming. I die.

I’m starting to get a bit ticked off. I get my body and heal up again. I try to think of some way I can protect myself a bit better or slow him down a bit more. What I really wish I had was my freeze trap. That’s when it occurred to me that I may have forgotten to train when I hit level 22. So I stone back to town, fly to Stormwind and head to the trainer. Sure enough, if I had trained at level 22 I would have had my freeze trap. *sigh*

Fully trained I fly to Booty Bay, catch the ship to Ratchet and hope that my new pet to be is still there. The fates were kind to me. Maybe because I gave them such a good laugh. Humar was still there. Using my freeze trap I tame him without any trouble.

So I now have a black lion as my second pet, earned the hard way.

Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 11:39am EDT by Calabar
#2 Jul 19 2006 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I activate aspect of the money.

Now I know why all the chinese farmers choose hunters. +50% bonus gold.

Blizzard seems to have avoided putting trainers in convenient locations out of spite. Glad no one else got their in the mean time. Have fun with Humar.
#3 Jul 19 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I activate aspect of the money.

Now I know why all the chinese farmers choose hunters. +50% bonus gold.


That's one I need to learn in real life.

I think I'll go back and edit that.
#4 Jul 19 2006 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,487 posts
Heh, I was wondering why you didn't Freeze Trap in the beginning.

Even with all those deaths, you're really lucky. Humar took me 4 days.

Dumbest thing I did was use AH runecloth to buy my way to Exalted with Darnassus... Ouch.
#5 Jul 19 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
Bah. Try spending 12 hours camping him and not seeing him once.

Then realize your at the wrong damn camp. Smiley: cry
#6 Jul 19 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
More ignorance than stupidity:

While looking for the Scarlet Monastery as a Night Elf hunter, I wandered into the Undercity.

Hmmmm.... What's this big building here? Could this be it? Wait, why am I flagged all of a sudden?
#7 Jul 19 2006 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,740 posts
CaptainOmelette the Meaningless wrote:
Bah. Try spending 12 hours camping him and not seeing him once.

Then realize your at the wrong damn camp. Smiley: cry

#8 Jul 19 2006 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Guild BRD run so it was ok:

I was on my 60 priest at the time, and had only done BRD once before.

We got to the area where you open those things in the wall, i think there are a bunch of rock elementals in the room too, or something (my memory is kinda fuzzy on this one.)

Outside that room was a picture of some dwarf that you could click on and "open". I told the mage to click on it. >_> Summoned some angry dwarfs that totally wtfpwned our hunter who was outside the room looting. LOL

Got a good laugh out of that one.
#9 Jul 19 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I've done too many stupid things to list.
One of the most stupid was in Warsong Gulch...
I had the flag and was hiding on our roof.
Alliance also had our flag and was turtling with it.
I had a shaman with me for protection, so I felt okay while the others ran off to find our flag.

One of my teammates told me to drop our flag, presumably to try to confuse them and flush them out. I had recently learned how to drop the flag (right-click it to dismiss it, just like you can with a buff) and so I thought I'd try it out.
They didn't tell me you have to pick the flag back UP again in a certain amount of time or it will be returned to their base!
I didn't pick it up fast enough (and neither did the shaman).
It was returned. They capped.

Now I know.

#10 Jul 19 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
490 posts
One of my fondest memories is when I was fighting a croc or something in Wetlands, and wondering why I was having such a hard time when I was the same level as it - I mean I know pallys aren't about dps, but man it was taking so long and I had to keep healing myself, and its HP was still pretty high!
My excuse is that I was also reading a book at the time, and not until I thought, 'ok something is wrong, let's check my equipment' that I realized:

I had forgotten to unequip my fishing rod...
#11 Jul 19 2006 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
460 posts
Someone challanged my preist to a duel the other day, while I was waiting for the countdown I accidentilly put all my buffs on him including shield
#12 Jul 19 2006 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
I was running Deadside a while ago, when I hadn't run it in forever. The party gets up to the banshee, and I mentioned that when someone gets MC'd, just sheep em. I forgot two things:

1, unlike all other mind control bosses, the banshee leaves during the MC.
2, I was bear-tanking, immune to sheep.

Yeah, by the time I realized my error two people were dead and the rest were trying to kill a large buffed bear whose point is that he just. doesn't. DIE! They laughed it off afterwards, thank goodness, I felt so stupid.
#13 Jul 19 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
The most stupid or funniest thing I've ever done (by accident):

Was on a 10 man raid in UBRS and we had just killed "The Beast". We were heading for the "General" and wiped killing some mobs right after killing "The Beast". I was maybe the 3rd or 4th person getting back and some others in front of me had waited a few rooms back from where we wiped. The rest of the group wasn't far behind me. When I was running back and got about half way through the instance (the room with all the eggs that "Father Flame"), there were respawns of all the mobs and I pulled a bunch without knowing. (and those in our group that were behind me and running back didn't know the respawns were back because they were all chasing me) So I was running back to where we wiped and right before I got there I realized I had like 30-40 mobs chasing me. They caught me and killed me right as I got to the place where we wiped (by "The Beast"). Of course after killing me, they all (at the same time) ran back to their original spots where they spawn. But the funny thing is, is that right after I died, everyone in the group starts saying "WTF", "Holy _hit", "WTF just happened", "I got ran over by a stampede of orcs, they killed me in like .5 seconds", "me too", "WTF, me too, how did it happen, where did they come from". LOL, it wound up wiping us again, but no one knew what I had done by mistake. Everyone was just freaked out about getting stampeded and killed by orcs and all and wondering how it could have happened and where they came from. I never told them what I had done either. hehe That was 6 months ago and I still crack up when I think about it.

Edited, Jul 19th 2006 at 4:01pm EDT by TrubadorTheWarrior
#14 Jul 19 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
478 posts
I had forgotten to unequip my fishing rod...


thats funny, i was fishing in STV the other night (on my warrior) waiting for BG queue to pop.
it pops
I port into WSG, mount up and procede to attack a tauren warrior with none other then my fishing pole. lol i lost that fight.
#15 Jul 19 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
The stupidest thing I did, and still do, is clicking on every clickable (gear) object in the game.

In instances I usually ask people what it's for, but in the world? Hah! I've died sooo many times :)
#16 Jul 19 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
This isn't the Funniest thing I have done...but something my RL Friend did.

I was lvl 49 hunter and he was a lvl 60 pally. So him wanting to show off his skill fighting undead we went up to the First Pally Tomb and he started to pull Mobs. He gets up to 15 and turn and fights them. About half way though I hear on vent "Damn...think I pulled too many" At this time I am Volly and Multi-shot, just trying to buy him time.

Out of nowere a lvl 52 hunter shows up and starts to fire into the 12+ mob of bad guys. Just Friend Bubbles and sheads all Argo...That poor 52 hunter didn't even get off a Feign death before the got onto him.
#17 Jul 19 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Ahh, the most stupid thing I've ever done in WoW...

At the end of a particularly good UBRS raid, my group was having a little trouble on Drakk. Our first go, the hunter had made it about 10 steps before the dragon he was kiting 2-shot him. OK, that happens sometimes, next go. We rez up and to vent my frustration, I Frostbolt a rat near Drakk. Now, let me tell you something about the mage talent Frostbite. When it procs, it alerts hostile mobs of your presence. The rat was frozen for only an instant, but it was long enough to aggro Drakk. I blink forwards to die alone, but to my horror, everyone jumped in to save me and wipe again.

To this day, I have nightmares of rats wreathed in ice...
#18 Jul 19 2006 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
I once had a Bloodrazor drop whlie messing around with my "main"ish character. I was stoked as my rogue had just hit 45 and could use it for a MH sword. Always wanted to try having something like that for Sinister Strike...

Anywho back in IF later on with the rogue I went to the mailbox to pick it up. I grabbed the Bloodrazor but after that my inventory was full. I ran to the nearest vendor and began to unload all the junk. I paused. Equipped the Bloodrazor to see how I looked. Then I got dropped (thanks Comcast!).

A few days later I got back on to do my morning fishing before I got to work (RL work). Again my inventory filled up. Again I went to dump the excess fishies.

And my Bloodrazor.

This was back before you could buy back.

#19 Jul 19 2006 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Yelling "You have the flag! Go cap it!!!" in my first WSG when both teams had the flag. I couldn't figure out why the flag carrier was hiding in a corner.

Taking two months before figuring out why "Transmute Arcanite" did on my first Paladin (who was an alchemist).

Not finding the auto-run until my second character was around level 40.

Jumping into Un'goro, planning on using Slow Fall, and then figuring out I was out of Light Feathers...

Oh, so many ^_^
#20 Jul 19 2006 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
i rang the bell in RFD.... about 30 spiders n 10 quillboar dudes come and attack us and make us wipe.... it was funny, but every1 said they had to go for some mysterious reason. i also made an ally group wipe in SM when they pulled 5 mobs... I'm all like "hey free gank" so i kill em all. little did i realize that they had a level 60 friend....
#21 Jul 19 2006 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
I had been doing ZF for about 2 weeks (maybe 4 runs total) in an attempt to get my Mason's Fraternity Ring from completing the stairs event. I finally got in a group that completed the huge pyramid zerg. We killed the priest boss and had the goblin bomb the door, so Bly was standing there at the bottom. I assumed that I was just to talk to him and he would give me the gizodynamic rod or whatever it is. Nobody told me not to! But noooooo, he had to be a jerk about it, and we had to fight him AND his buddies before they hearthed out. We failed the encounter, and I still don't have the Mason's Ring.
#22 Jul 19 2006 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
Got a totem of the storm drop. Tried to get it to a horde alt to ease the selling of it. Well, seems you can't bid on items put up by an alt now and nobody had the courtesty to tell me about it. >< (I near never do anything with the neutral AH)

Upon finding that out, I go back to my main...item is bought. In 3 minutes tops, someone happened to find it and snatch it from me.

I don't know if that's bad luck or if I should be suspicious. I sent the guy a tell and predictably got no answer.
#23 Jul 19 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
So many stupid, stupid things i've done.

Heres 1, i was going to do SM and a 60 warrior offered to help out. So 4 of (2 more joined us) us go outside of Orgrimmar, and go to the Zepplin tower. The warrior and another guy got on the wrong zepplin. i say "idiot", "******" or "stupid" (i cant remember which) to him, then he whispers me something, then kicks me from the group and puts me on ignore.

The other shaman in the group whispers to me, "what happened?", i tell him/her what happened, and (s)he tell me that that (s)he might leave.
#24 Jul 20 2006 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
Well not really a stupid thing i did, but a guildy...

We where on one of these sunday BWL clear runs and it was about to get late, most people tired and a little frustrated too (2 Ninja pulls on Broodlord in a row, found out why they call it the depression room).

But we finally get to Nefarian and got him down as usual, at this point some of the guy's who are tired and need to hurry just leave raid and start to HS back to oggrimar... Except for one who suddenly remembers that he forgot to loot the gold, so he loots the gold (around 250-300 if i'm not mistaken) but forgot that he just left the raid so he gets all the gold himself(This was the same rogue who ninja pulled broodlord btw).

About 5min. later he started writing "I'm sorry etc." in guild chat and split the money to send it around so everyone got their share :P

Had a good laugh about it..

Edited, Jul 20th 2006 at 7:12am EDT by Lebusmaster
#25 Jul 20 2006 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
FenrirSulis wrote:
One of my fondest memories is when I was fighting a croc or something in Wetlands, and wondering why I was having such a hard time when I was the same level as it - I mean I know pallys aren't about dps, but man it was taking so long and I had to keep healing myself, and its HP was still pretty high!
My excuse is that I was also reading a book at the time, and not until I thought, 'ok something is wrong, let's check my equipment' that I realized:

I had forgotten to unequip my fishing rod...

Dude...I do that all the time :(

Stupid thing I did recently:

10 minutes or so into a BRD run I realised my armour was going yellow. WTF? I'd repaired, hadn't I? Yes...but only the caster gear I had equipped - not all my feral stuff in my bags. This was before the option came up to repair everything in your inventory. I felt pretty stupid and had to hearth out to repair.

But at least I learned my lesson. A few days later and my guild had just tried out ZG for the first time. We'd done pretty well and since it was a Friday night I'd had a fair few drinks along the way. Back in SW afterwards I went to repair, knowing that I wouldn't be such a noob again and forget half my gear. So I repaired what I was wearing, then clicked on the little "repair item" button and merrily whizzed through my bags. I'd clicked on 13 items before it struck me that it was making a "ka-ching" noise rather than a "clink" and that my money was going up instead of down...

Yup - I sold half my lovely feral kit :( Thank God for buyback! Unfortunately that only lets you re-purchase the last 12 items so one was lost forever. It was only a sub-par green cloak, but in my panicked and slightly drunken state I messaged a GM with something along the lines of "OMG I SOLD MY CAPE PLZ HELP ME PLZ KTHXBAI!" Well, not exactly like that, but you get the picture ;)

This was a matter of days before the option to repair all items in inventory was introduced, which rubbed it in that little bit more.

#26 Jul 20 2006 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
I was running Deadside a while ago, when I hadn't run it in forever. The party gets up to the banshee, and I mentioned that when someone gets MC'd, just sheep em. I forgot two things:

1, unlike all other mind control bosses, the banshee leaves during the MC.
2, I was bear-tanking, immune to sheep.

Yeah, by the time I realized my error two people were dead and the rest were trying to kill a large buffed bear whose point is that he just. doesn't. DIE! They laughed it off afterwards, thank goodness, I felt so stupid.

Haha! I did exactly the same thing with Balnazzar recently. I was in bear form, beating the crap out of my boyfriend's priest and yelling "Sheep me!!" when I suddenly realised what I was saying. Boy, did I feel like a n00b.
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