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WoW Gates of Hell expansion...Follow

#1 Sep 25 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
First I'd like to state that this is pure fiction and an idea I had to merge Diablo into the Worlds of Warcraft realms.

While WoW is deeper than the Diablo series, it could certainly fit. There would be instanced dungeons, with each one different but with a Diablo feel to them. There could also be dungeons that are randomly generated the same way Diablo levels were with others being set in design. I don't recommend too many random dungeons though, maybe 5 with 10 dungeons that are set, all of them would be instanced though.

I like the way Everquest's Lost Dungeons of Norrath handled getting missions and people having to be within certain level ranges of eachother. I'm not certain how it would work between the two factions of the Horde and Alliance though. Either each side would have their own entrances into such dungeons, and/or they would be in the middle of contested lands like the battlefields. The quests would then need to be given out by a neutral being, or race of creatures. Angels would probably fit the theme. As far as the Horde the Angels could overlook their sinning ways as they are desperate and will take any help they can get at fighting Hell's armies.

Just some ideas I wanted to throw out, Anyone else think this would be cool? or have ideas they would like to add?
#2 Sep 25 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
469 posts
I have an idea. How about we let Blizzard come up with stuff to put in the game? Wouldn't that be interesting?
#3 Sep 25 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
*high-fives JAEFo* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#4 Sep 25 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Why not wait until the game has actually been out first before thinking about an expansion?
#5 Sep 25 2004 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
Wow, that's pretty sad. Guess your parents didn't teach you that if you didn't have something nice to say, to not say anything.

As far as letting Blizzard come up with its own ideas, don't you think that many ideas actually come from the communities themselves?

Part of what made me think of this idea was thoughts of Diablo III. Looking at it logically, it will be a full 3D game. Because it's fully 3D, you'll most likely be able to choose different points of view, or opt to view in the "classic" viewing mode. When selecting different points of view you could probably even select a 'First-Person' view.

Then think of Diablo III's characters. Considering Diablo II had branching ability trees in the same fashion WoW is doing talents, I would think the characters in both games would be mighty similar. If that's true and all the above are true, then how different would it be from WoW? Other than being able to play it off-line as well anyway.....
#6 Sep 26 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
6,678 posts
Kerik, I apologize for the other posters, but we sort of have an unspoken rule around here of not trying to associate WoW with Diablo.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#7 Sep 26 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
I don't think merging two games would ever be a good idea. I also seriously think that Diablo has no place in WoW. Like others have said why are you thinking about expansions if the game hasn't released yet. It would be better if you posted something that would help the game in it's current state.
#8 Sep 26 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
we sort of have an unspoken rule around here of not trying to associate WoW with Diablo.
Thanks for the heads up, I really didn't know that. While I am obviously not new to the Allakhazam forums, I am new to the WoW boards and had no idea. I'll try to keep it in mind though.
I don't think merging two games would ever be a good idea. I also seriously think that Diablo has no place in WoW.
When you look at the character classes of Diablo II, they really are VERY similar, both: in the fantasy realm they come from, and the way they pick certain skills/talents. You are certainly welcome to dislike the idea though. I won't be discussing the idea of Diablo or any form of merger of the two outside of this thread though.
It would be better if you posted something that would help the game in it's current state.
Agreed, but not being a beta tester and not seeing most of the changes first hand, I can only comment on so much and/or recommend so much. The biggest recent insight I had to the current state of the game was in the new "5 second rule". I wish I could be more involved with the current state of the game, it's my greatest desire right now, but sadly not to be.

Right now all I have is time on my hands and not much else till I can either get into WoW beta, or wait until the game goes retail, whichever comes first. All that aside, how about NOT telling me what I should or shouldn't post about. If you don't like the idea or the topic presented in a post and have nothing constructive to add to it, kindly click the little "X" and the top right of the page thus closing the window. I do not begrudge anyone for making a post that is of interest to them, so please kindly allow me the same right you all expect to enjoy. If you don't agree with the idea for one reason or another, that's fine. That is your right and feel free to post why you like or dislike the idea. But, Please, PLEASE don't tell me what to do. Unless of course I have the right to also tell you what NOT to post about as well. This works both ways.

I'm not looking to argue with anyone here, but I don't believe anyone here has the right to tell me what to do and/or what I should write about. I've personally read a lot more posts than I've replied to, but chose not to reply to a lot of them as they didn't interest me, or I didn't have anything constructive to add to them. If everyone else took this stance, there would be a lot less flaming on these boards, and a lot more people getting along. But what fun would that be right? That's just sad behavior.
#9 Sep 26 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Dug this up from Blizzard...

When worlds collide! (Wallpaper)

"When worlds collide!" Contest

This was a contest back in July where the world of Warcraft connected to the realm of Diablo. This was a simple competition to see who was up there as a top Diablo 2 player and the winner has the chance to win World of Warcraft: Collector's Edition.

I guess Blizzard made it so that both worlds can be connected but I'm not holding my breath for an expansion based on it.
#10 Sep 26 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
Thanks Red, it may or may not ever come to pass, but it definately has a lot of cool possibilities. I'm really fiending to play WoW so I just keep running different cool ideas in my head. Obviously, even with Blizzard, there has been at least the idea of the two coming together even if it never leaves the idea phase. ;) Thanks for the positive post.

Azuarc, I also meant to thank you. You had the first relatively constructive thing to say in this thread and I wanted to give a big nod to you too.
#11 Sep 26 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
Not to be an a$$ or sumthing, but when u said that the characters in both games r similar, i laughed to myslef then said DUH. Wut game doesnt have a warrior/fighter class, or a mage/spellcaster class, plus of course theyd be the same they were made from the same company. Like i said before im not saying this to be an a$$
#12 Sep 26 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Not to be an a$$ or sumthing, but when u said that the characters in both games r similar, i laughed to myslef then said DUH. Wut game doesnt have a warrior/fighter class, or a mage/spellcaster class, plus of course theyd be the same they were made from the same company. Like i said before im not saying this to be an a$$

Not to be an *** but Tetris, Super Mario, Halo, Pikmin, Metroid, GTA, Blackthrone, any racing game, Dance Dance Revolution and the list goes on and on. Of course, not to be an *** ;)
#13 Sep 26 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
What my point here was that the classes are a little more than just superficially similar. The Paladin class is a great deal like the Paladin in Diablo II. Many of the other classes parallel their Diablo II counter-parts. My point is that the merging of the two in a future expansion is a logical progression of the games. Or at the very least that Diablo III will have even more in common with WoW.

Be honest, if Diablo III came out soon, do you really think the characters would be so different from WoW characters? And I DO NOT mean just in name.

If you think they would be so different and that a connection between the two games couldn't be made, then I'd have to think you were just being an *** or sumthing.
#14 Sep 26 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
I like it, sounds possible. I'd like to see how WoW compares to other MMORPGs I've played. I will say I've liked all the other games Blizzard has released so far.
#15 Sep 26 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
I still don't understand how the classes and the games in general are the same. All i remember is Diablo was a clickfest and i thought the game sucked no offense, I was a FPS fan at that time.
#16 Sep 26 2004 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I still don't understand how the classes and the games in general are the same.

How Diablo is similar to WoW:

- Frost spells does the exact same thing, which is slow movement.

- Both uses a form an instance system.

- Both are multiplayer RPGs though thats as far as I'll go on that statement (hides)

- Both use a "skill tree" made of 3 skills, each having various abilities and passives that help specialize your character in a role. (ie. Elemental Druid, Aura Paladin)

- Only similarity class wise that I can honestly state are paladins (to Paladins, duh) and sorceress (to mages).

- Various ablities and spells appear in both games, such as charge and bash.

- Both were made by Blizzard.

This will be the last time I will state how they are similar for fear for my life *points at JAEFo*. I will say that just because they are similar in some aspects doesn't mean they play the same. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Edited, Sun Sep 26 21:56:00 2004 by Redmoonxl
#17 Sep 26 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
531 posts
I never claimed they were the same, but they aren't so different either.

Think of it this way if you can. If you had a WoW character in a Diablo dungeon, how would it be any different? In Diablo II, to move, you would just click the spot you wanted to move to and the character moves. In WoW you would control your character the way you currently do, kind of like in a FPS. In Diablo II, to attack a creature you just clicked on it and attacked. In WoW you would attack creatures the same way you currently do.

What made Diablo the click-fest that it was, was it's isometric point-of-view where you were looking down into the dungeon from above almost as if you were god watching what your people are doing. Because of this view point it is easiest to control everything with the click of a mouse. In WoW you are in a 3D view where you are either in a "first person" view mode or a "third person" view mode(meaning a floating camera viewing everything over the character's shoulder). The real difference is in the point-of-view.

Point-of-view aside, any WoW dungeon is a "hack and slash" to kill the monsters to get to loot and treasure chests. Diablo is basically the same, only the controls and view point were really different in those regards. WoW is deeper in that it can offer you a lot more than a game like Diablo can but that is in part how it could even offer and area/region that is Diabloesque in nature.

If that doesn't help explain the idea to you then I'm really not sure how else to go about it. :P
#18 Sep 26 2004 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
Ah, I kept thinking whether or not to reply to this. But, I had to say this... here it all.. goes.. /e jumps up and down frantically!

Okay, here it is..


Just my 3.5 cents. Thought I'd let you guys know that, a level 6 Lich would rock Baal, Diablo, and Mephisto all at the same time. (Except on Hell difficulty) >=]!
#19 Sep 26 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
I think there are similarities between the two games simply because Blizzard made them both, meaning they both know what has worked for them and what their customers will recognize in a game. WoW took aspects of Diablo (class trees, pseudo-random items,) aspects of Everquest (or another MMO of your choice,) met somewhere in the middle (quest system, useful potions but with cooldown,) and then added its own elements and of course the Warcraft universe.

So yes, there are ways that the two will be alike. And the point of view comment about playing your character in a Diablo dungeon is an interesting one. But I would have to say that there is no reason to try to pull them any closer together than they already are.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#20 Sep 26 2004 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
I see the day when people are discussing the upcoming release of the DoD, Dungeons of Diablo, MMORPG.
#21 Sep 26 2004 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I see the day when people are discussing the upcoming release of the DoD, Dungeons of Diablo, MMORPG.

Not until they make Starcraft 2 first!
#22 Sep 26 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
The only reason the games are similiar is because of your last point; they are both made by Blizzard.

Blizzard will never via storyline or via a new product blur their worlds of Warcraft, Diablo, or Starcraft. They might have a random event where players swap games and race to attain the highest lvl or whatever, but they will never have a server where a WoW character can jump into a D2 server or reverse (plus they did that event that was mentioned as a marketing ploy for D2 players not as a future tease to a cross-over product like "Diablocraft" or "Dungeons of Diablo").

It might sound cool to be a tauren in full firebat gear taking on Bhaal but it wont ever happen.
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