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#27 Dec 04 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
2,580 posts
You only get a DK from killing civilian NPCs. And that's up til 1AM PST tomorrow.

Oh, I always thought killing grey players gave dk's as well. Damn all those horde I let walk for nothing.
#28 Dec 04 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Pretty mundane weekend. Got a druid up to level 10.

Finished the MC run I had started with TFS, downing Domo and Rag. Didn't get any gear from it, but did get to see the raid encounter from a perspective other than a healer's.
#29 Dec 04 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
BWL Friday. For some reason we were having an off night... and we had a horrible class makeup (too many healers, not enough DPS... only 3 rogues, and the other two kept disconnecting). Didn't even kill Razorgore.

Saturday we went back and got our first Firemaw kill (on our first try, too). We were just blazin'. I won Venomous Totem, a nifty little toy.

Sunday was MC. I got Nightslayer shoulders and finally obtained my 5 piece set bonus (+10 energy, very nice). Cloak of the Shrouded Mists dropped, and I was high bidder... until a feral druid bid at the last second and won it. Still, a good weekend for me.
#30 Dec 04 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
167 posts
We've been running Ony/MC with another guild, and this guild has only 2 hunters. Ony went belly-up first try and I got my tier 2 hat. Port to IF and I added the ZG enchant I had been holding on to for a special occasion.

We go back to MC and kill Sulfuron (he dropped crap) and Golemagg (Mageblade / Cenarion). One or two people decided to go wander off and found a firelord and decided to train him and his 30 children back to the raid. Then the only other hunter in the raid had to leave.

Domo went down and I got a leaf. We didn't push for Rag, so I went to start my leaf quest and turned in the 2 sinews I already had (epic quiver, yay!). I killed 3/4 demons before I was just too tired. Woke up Saturday morning and killed the last demon. I got 4 epics in about 15 hours, huzzah!
#31 Dec 04 2006 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,876 posts

This weekend
--Finish off AV rep for Dithers. He's kinda far away, and I get bored easy with AV though. I do need the offhand from there though and I don't have much time left if I don't want to start anew :(.
Nope, did 1 AV and that was it.
--Farm up some cash. In the new guild, we're not as strong as the old guild yet, so my repair bills are eating up my bank account. (We also tossed in 2 extra raids last week, so that didn't help).
Did a little bit, mainly sold off Feen's BS gear and a couple other items I'll never use.
--May go to MC on Dithers Saturday with another guild. I got a random invite on Wednesday night for it and it was a great time. The guild that was running it were good solid people that had a lot of fun. They raid way too late for me to raid with them regularly though (10pm-2am server, and I'm 2hrs ahead of server :()
Did do this, we took out Geddon, Shazz, and Golemagg (had some issues on Sulfuron). No loots for me, but a good time.
--Get some of the new guildies started on Ony key and MC attunement. Most of us seem there already, but there are a good number that aren't finished one or the other (or both).
Took a run or 2 through BRD, didn't help with ony keys
--ZG on Sunday. Aiming for High Priests + Hakkar. Arlokk is giving us some trouble (we were finally able to take her down though) and Hakkar is still a bit rough, but we're getting there.
I fell asleep and missed it (go go raid leader!) the rest of the crew did manage to take down Hakkar and stuff, not too bad for our 2nd week raiding as a guild.
Not too much else, wouldn't mind getting my rogue up a bit, and maybe start working on my mage some more again too. We'll see
I did this a lot actually. Got her from 47 to nearly 49 (right now) and got her some money and some poison skill ups. Have a feeling this will be the common character I play this week.

Not a whole lot. Found the number for a friend I haven't talked to for about 6-7 years (haven't called her yet though), got turned down by the pizza girl :( (well, she's working some other stuff out but otherwise, yadda yadda yadda), and (in very good news) got to feel my other friend's baby moving around and kicking my hand (it was even following the hand around) so that was a very cool thing.

I also don't have to pretend to work this week, thanks to forced vacation so I don't lose the days. Hopefully I'll get Intanj (the aforementioned rogue) up closer to 60, and have fun with the new stuff on Feen, Dithers, and Intanj. I'll also likely level up the mage a bit to build some rest on the rogue.

Edited, Dec 4th 2006 12:55pm by cafeenoftheazurestorm
#32 Dec 04 2006 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
2,328 posts
Killed rag
failed UBRS run still not attuned for Ony.
#33 Dec 04 2006 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
I reactivated my account on Saturday after over 4 months of sweet, sweet freedom. First thing I did was drop skinning and disenchant all my resist gear, then turned down 3 raiding guild invites in a row, all within 15 minutes of logging on. It's good to be a druid. After that, I helped my husband level up his skinning back to 300.

We also reserved our Blood Elf names for the expansion pack, Anaxagoras[rogue] and Schroedinger[hunter w/ Cat]. I look forward to seeing what kind of crazy nicknames we'll be getting from people who don't want to type all that out. :)

And I turned 24 on Sunday. ^^ If you've never had a mojito (and are old enough), try one, they're delicious and quite alcoholic.
#34 Dec 04 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
2,634 posts
This weekend, I didnt get to do much, I was hoping to get more done.

I did get to play for 3-4 hours, got half way to level 50.

I ran ZF once and Jintha'alor.
I didnt get all the quests done in Jintha'alor, but that can be saved till the next time i get online.
I did get ZF basically done for me, all quests done and have every item i could have wanted. The only way im going back is if im very bored, and that instance just isnt all that fun to me.

I was asked to join a guild, the guy completely lied saying that it "is" a raiding guild.
Note there were only 2 members (him and me). LOL - needless to say he made me so mad, I told him i sent him 300g after he begged me for hours, for the guild bank and left the guild.

He said thanks, and i sad no thank you.

What a freaking idiot, Like i would ever send someone money like that.
Needless to say, other than that fiasco, It was a good weekend.

In RL, It was a terrible weekened, I got beat up pretty good. My whole family is mad at me, and Im thinking of moving away. But that happens after every single weekend im alive. Whats new?
#35 Dec 04 2006 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
978 posts
Well, last night I managed to kill three of the four demons for the epic hunter quest so my major goal for the weekend is the kill the last one and get my new staff and bow! I think I'm doing well for just getting the leaf Wednesday night :)

Tonight the guild is venturing into BWL for the first time, so it should be a fun night of wiping on Razorgore. We managed to kill Ragnaros for the first time Wednesday as well, so all in all this has been a good week for WoW so far, I hope it continues.

Well, I must say that this was a generally awesome WoW weekend. I managed to one-shot the Silithus demon after trying the fight once without buffs/potions/fear-ward just to see what happens so I am now the proud ower of my leafy epic-bow :) Makes me happy.

We also tried Razorgore Friday and Saturday night, I think we got it down to 2 eggs left before the wipe so hopefully we'll get him down later this week.

Last night was the most fun though, it started out with a guild run on the Gurubashi area with each group in the raid fighting off the other groups for the chest. My group was doing awesome until our former Grand Marshal rogue stunlock-ganked us all :) Then we proceeded to head to Orgrimmar where we were soundly trounced by Thrall and all the horde who showed up to run us out of their city. I think we're planning another raid later this week in conjunction with 3 other guilds on our server so hopefully we're more successful next time. For my first experience with World pvp it was a lot of fun.

Edit: Also forgot that we downed Ony again Saturday night which is always fun. Somehow we managed to get FOUR deep breaths during the fight but we still took her down with the few people who lived. haha She did drop the Dragonstalker helm which I realllllly wanted, but I lost out to another hunter by 2 dkp. haha

Edited, Dec 4th 2006 2:22pm by Khalane
#36 Dec 04 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
147 posts

I had all these idealistic ways to ding, but in the end it was in a pick-up-group for BRD that did it, as we were clearing groups of mobs on the highway on the way to killing the giant Bael'Gar. It was strange to suddenly see my XP bar disappear, since I had been staring at that for so long in the game.

I'm totally getting addicted to Battleground PvP. I didn't start until level 59, as all my time and attention was into questing and leveling. I wanted the Corporal trinket to break fear so I did one match of AV. Now, I've been running AV matches as often as I can, trying to get as much rep as I can with Stormpike Guards before the patch. I'm closed to revered with them, so hopefully tonight will get me one step closer to exalted.
#37 Dec 04 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Excellent
lauisifer wrote:
In RL, It was a terrible weekened, I got beat up pretty good. My whole family is mad at me, and Im thinking of moving away. But that happens after every single weekend im alive. Whats new?

PM me if you ever need to talk.

#38 Dec 04 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
7,466 posts
Tepetkhet the Shady wrote:
lauisifer wrote:
In RL, It was a terrible weekened, I got beat up pretty good. My whole family is mad at me, and Im thinking of moving away. But that happens after every single weekend im alive. Whats new?

PM me if you ever need to talk.


That goes for me too... I know that you probably wouldn't feel like talking about the things with complete stranger(s?) but still, that just isn't right.

Edited, Dec 4th 2006 4:01pm by Tomec
#39 Dec 04 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
lauisifer wrote:
In RL, It was a terrible weekened, I got beat up pretty good. My whole family is mad at me, and Im thinking of moving away. But that happens after every single weekend im alive. Whats new?

PM the cops, i'm not joking. domestic violence is still wrong and against the law.
#40 Dec 04 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Excellent
7,466 posts
Turicus wrote:
lauisifer wrote:
In RL, It was a terrible weekened, I got beat up pretty good. My whole family is mad at me, and Im thinking of moving away. But that happens after every single weekend im alive. Whats new?

PM the cops, i'm not joking. domestic violence is still wrong and against the law.

It would sound less like a joke if you didn't say "PM the cops" but rather "call the cops." However, while it is easy to say that, it is harder to do. There could be circumstances beyond her controll at play here, be it something with money, love, psychopaths, ect... the fact is you (nor I) know exactly what is going on. However, even saying that, if you can you SHOULD call the police or someone and get help with this.
#41 Dec 04 2006 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
505 posts
WoW Goals

1. Get my new main, a warlock to 35-37, from 33. Pretty sure I can do it, I hope at least.

2. Get Alchemy up to 200 on my warlock.

3. While questing/grinding, keep myself from buying gear/talents to ensure I get the gold for the 75 Skill.

4. Recruit some more members for my guild, sitting at about 32 total, with about 28 of them seriously leveling (new server) and even out classes for TBC and some raiding if we get numbers up there.

1. Didn't happened. 34.25 is as far as I got, see RL.
2. Nope didn't happen, but it will probally tommorow after 35.
3. I heard that Locks don't need skill, so going on that.
4. Went down to 30 serious, which is cool, but slowly starting to die. /sigh


Real Life

1. Beat Wando Warrios, 4 times defending state champs in High School Hockey. Captian of my team, so alot of pressure on me, hopefully we will do good, and kill 'em. :)

2. Work, and maybe pick up a shift or so, since Saturday and Sunday the only days I worked this week.

3. See the new Van Wilder movie tonight after the game as a celebration of beating Wando (i hope).

1. Nope. Held 'em 2-2 till halfway through second, then State Champs showed, ended up losing 8-3. :(
2. 12 Hours straight at work. That sucked.
3. Saw it, funny.

Edited, Dec 4th 2006 9:42pm by madslane
#42 Dec 04 2006 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
1,716 posts
Pretty good weekend. Friday we snitched on some bots on the turtles in Hinterlands. Friday night Kang the Decapitator drops off a scorpid in Tanaris and then Saturday Bloodrazor drops from an Ogre in Burning Steppes(talk about freeeeeakin out!)! Same Ogre dropped Enchant weapon-demonslayer, which I needed, and another a few minutes earlier dropped Two of Portals!

Finished my Mages tier 0.5(??) belt/epic gloves quest. Hooray!

RL-our local school won the football state championship Friday! Awesome! And the Titans won-muey awesom-o!
#43 Dec 04 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
No 'craft this weekend which was to be expected. RL - caught the Bond movie which fair rocked, had dinner at a couple of great restaurants but otherwise took things slow and WoW-less =(
#44 Dec 04 2006 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I had a fairly good weekend.

I wrote:
1) AQ20 on Friday. Again, hoping to get me a nifty offhand off of Moam.

No luck there. Moam killed us all again. Really could use a 3rd warlock.

I wrote:
2) BWL on Saturday. I'd love to see Razorgore go down.

Made some good progress, we can now get all the eggs down, but having tanks and healers survive until after that is still something of an issue. Got him down to about 82%.

I wrote:
3) MC on Sunday. Hoping to get either my Arcanist Mantle, my Netherwind Leggings, or a ToEP(which will play really well with the build I'm doing post patch).

Didn't manage to get anything from here, and due to a bunch of people bailing mid run, didn't get to Rags.

I wrote:
4) Depending on my luck in goal 1, I may attempt to hit exalted with AV this weekend. If not, I'll spend that time on other goals.

Got a wild hair up my butt on Sunday night and went crazy with the AVs. I'm now the proud owner of a Tome of the Ice Lord and a Goat.

I wrote:
5) More money. I have a long term goal of 2500g by the time the expansion hits. Would love to make a big dent this weekend.

Did a fair bit here, made about 90g or so. However, I turned around and spent about 80g on AV rewards, a libram enchant for my twink, and random junk. Had a lot of fun farming the ogres outside of Dire Maul, though. A couple bad lag spikes got me eaten by hyenas. Smiley: blush

Oh well.

I wrote:
6) Level Warlock to 50. Want to have Felguard to play with after the patch. She's 45 now, so I shouldn't have too much trouble here.

No luck here. Got about a level and a half, but didn't quite make 47 even.

Other things I accomplished:
Did a couple Baron runs and in doing so I managed to upgrade my FR a little by picking up a nifty FR offhand.

On a whim we decided to try for a 45 min Baron run and we managed to get it in with about a minute and a half to spare. So if I wanted to spend massive amounts of gold I could get my Tier 0.5 stuff, but nah.

On Monday I was part of a world PvP event organized by one of our server's big guilds that crashed Kalimdor on Dalaran, but after the third crash, I went to Tarren Mill with a small group and got a few DKs. Attempted to help defend SW when the Horde responded by invading, but ended up giving up and going back to bed for a little more shut-eye when the Eastern Kingdoms started to crash.

Yeah, all in all, it was a very good weekend.
#45 Dec 05 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
Took about a week and a half, however got my lock epic mount and hunters SP battle charger (exalted 999/1000). Went from Cpl to MS and waiting today to see if I made it to Knight.

Finished off in the same period engineering to 300 and helped pay for a friends epic mount with the spare cash left over.

Broke, but feeling content;-)
#46 Dec 05 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Weekend: Studied.
Monday: Took Final
Dec 16: Graduation Ceremony

Smiley: yippee

#47 Dec 05 2006 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
That goes for me too... I know that you probably wouldn't feel like talking about the things with complete stranger(s?) but still, that just isn't right.

Thanks guys for reaching out and caring. I appreciate it. Honestly i dont feel like talking about it once again. I have already talked to the authorities, and of course the same old. They cant do anything for me at this time.

Im working on getting things better on my own, it just takes time. They realize that im trying to leave and are doing a very good job at making it impossible for me. No one has a magical mystery cure laying around do they? j/k. Its hard to joke about, but i got to to keep my spirits up.
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