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Blizzard better not have lied.Follow

#1 Dec 02 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
In short, ever since blizzard's announcement of raiding gear becoming obsolete and raids being reduced to 25 mans, my guild has been ravaged.

A once vital and strong guild of 60 people has been reduced greatly over the past few months, down to the size of 30. This was probably for the best though, as the small amount of us left (only around 25 of us are actually geared well enough for naxx) have joined forces with another small guild to run naxx as an alliance. The guild we joined up with has undergone similar changes since the announcement, as they were once stable as well and have been reduced to shambles.

So here we are to our current state. Two guilds running a hard 40 man instance, and running it well (we've already cleared a wing and we've been doing it 2 weeks). However, neither of us are what we used to be. We're an alliance comprised of two seperate once great guilds who are now shadows of our formal selves. In other words, we're hurt.

And now BC comes along. I just hope, for all the pain and agony blizzard's announcement has put our guilds through, that they deliver with BC. I hope the 25 mans are hard as hell and present quite a challenge. I also hope that although the arena gear is being put on scale with the pve gear that it takes just as long if not longer to get the gear that way instead of raiding. If so, then all the torment we've suffered will be worth it as we'll undoubtedly enter a new age of MMO bliss and BC brought about this change.

If the 25 mans are jokes of the former instances we've faced or if the arena proves simply too easy to face I'd have to say that BC killed WoW.

I -along with both of our guilds- eagerly await our demise or paradise, whichever BC may hold.
#2 Dec 02 2006 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a nOOb but why exactly would you have to split your guild up into two different guilds just in order to run a 25 man instance? Why not just make 2 "teams" within the guild...?
#3 Dec 02 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
I actually feel you a bit, while my guild is still going strong i've been worried about the MAJOR changes coming in TBC also. I can already see some members who are saying "why bother raiding now" or something like "Why bother spending the 10+ g a night for raiding when the gear will be obsolete and replaced almost as soon as TBC comes out in a month or so" and could be leaving the guild. I think it is nice they are going to be trying to lessen the gear gap between pvp players and pve, but I do have to wonder at the same time in the way they are doing it. They are literally changing the game into something totally new. Its like when you play WoW in TBC you'll be playing two different games, a 1-60 and a 60-70... and, just like when you play two different games (with a few exceptions) anything you do in one doesn't transfer to the other. All the gear you may get in the 1-60 is going to be obsolete and replaced come 60-70...

TBC is going to be very interesting... in more ways then one


Wysh wrote:
I'm a nOOb but why exactly would you have to split your guild up into two different guilds just in order to run a 25 man instance? Why not just make 2 "teams" within the guild...?

His guild didn't split in two, but rather people left because of what I said above about the thing with gear being obsolete and such. So it isn't a case of them purposefully spliting the guild, but rather people leaving because they are (to be blunt) pissed at the way blizzard is handling this and saying eff raiding until TBC. The same thing happened to another guild who they then allied with.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2006 1:14pm by Tomec
#4 Dec 02 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Because if you have two teams, they might as well be two guilds joined by a chat channel. They'd each have to have a main tank and their own set of leadership. One may be short on healers one night, another short on DPS. It just simply isn't feasible.

I really don't know what's going to be done about my guild. We definitely have enough quality raiders to do 25 mans, but I don't know how our numbers will be pruned without telling some to hit the road.
#5 Dec 02 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
very good question wysh... the main problem with a guild that has two teams is that one of those two are presented as the weaker of the two so some ppl hold some resentment... also another reason guilds split is that the lower lvls are always asking for some kind of help with something and alot of lower lvls are not as comitted to the guilds events. so when a guildie of lower lvl asks for help he usually gets it and that hurts the guild if a raid lvl player helps them out so... that is the main reasons guilds split i have a guild that recently did the same i split my guild into lvl 50+ for one so that i can help the higher ppl get to lvl 60 and i made another one that is 49 and below i alos made an alt a while back so i just quit the guild i was in and started the one im talking about so that i can keep track of everyones lvl in both guilds so no one person is lvl 50+ and in the wrong guild
#6 Dec 02 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
My guild didn't split into two groups and we aren't merging with the guild we ally with as we're in good shape for a BC guild when it does come out.
#7 Dec 02 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I think guilds will adjust naturally. Some will fall apart, more will form. It's the same thing that is happening now.

Everything will be OK after a few months, in terms of population adjustments, but time will tell to see if Blizzard will give us that 'epic' challenge.
#8 Dec 02 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
Meh. I remember when my guild was allied with another to do MC and Ony runs. Our guild had a lot more people than them, but not enough to do our own runs (we'd have about 25-30 sign up for MC). Being the 6th rogue signed up out of only 3 going from your guild sucked. I can see similar things happening for a lot of our members in 25 man raids (in 40 mans now we generally have 2-5 people on the waitlist at a given time). I am on the "Core Raid" team, which means I get first priority with signups, but this could definitely be a problem for others.

As far as raid difficulty, I'd say Blizzard is doing a great job in making unique, dynamic raids. I am enjoying BWL and I'm sure that TAQ and Naxx are 10x better.
#9 Dec 02 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
Yeah that's a concern, but I also have another question... People keep saying that the gear in MC+ will be pointless after the expansion and I can deal with that (though I think it'll make leveling easier) but my question will be about the actual MC/Ony/BWL/etc. instances themselves. Blizzard had to spend countless hours developing these, do you really think they will make them completely useless? If you can get better gear later on what will the instances be used for?
#10 Dec 02 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
11,852 posts

Blizzard has learned a lot about making things challenging. I dont think that they will disappoint you w/ the 25-mans.

For me, any possibility of getting gear w/out raiding is paradise. I hate to say this but if the only way to get geared up in the game is to learn, master and then mindlessly repeat scripted encounters, then I'd quit :P
#11 Dec 02 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Dilbrt wrote:
Yeah that's a concern, but I also have another question... People keep saying that the gear in MC+ will be pointless after the expansion and I can deal with that (though I think it'll make leveling easier) but my question will be about the actual MC/Ony/BWL/etc. instances themselves. Blizzard had to spend countless hours developing these, do you really think they will make them completely useless? If you can get better gear later on what will the instances be used for?

I thought about that too... i'm thinking maybe they will do somehting like another .5 set and you'll need to run MC/BWL/Nax/Ony or something to do it. Or maybe they will do something like with T3 only place some items for it on the bosses in there also. Time will tell.
#12 Dec 02 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
761 posts
My guild has gone through similar difficulties. People started to not show for raids as the impending mudflation of TBC devalued the current gear (also a few had beta keys), I think every raid guild on the server suffered this.

Inevitably, the top few raiding guilds started poaching people from lower tier guild to fill their raids and this made the problems much worse for the guilds not in the top 3. Cancelled raids, lots of frustration and much recruiting followed and now we can more or less field a decent raid (Razuvious going down recently for the first time) but we lost weeks of progress.

Next week will see further disruption as some people will no doubt spec for PvP or just mess around with the new talents. Soon there will be a slowdown for Christmas and once the expansion hits some of the top geared people are re-rolling to new races. I'm looking forward to the expansion, but the amount of frustration and disruption it's caused is just unbelievable.

With future expansions supposedly coming out every 12 months and beta information starting to be published 3 months before release, I expect this may turn into an annual cycle of disruption and despair. Let's hope I'm wrong.
#13 Dec 02 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
For me, any possibility of getting gear w/out raiding is paradise. I hate to say this but if the only way to get geared up in the game is to learn, master and then mindlessly repeat scripted encounters, then I'd quit :P

Right, but if raiding doesn't yield rewards faster than PVP then there is no point to raiding after you've beaten every boss once or twice. That's just the way it is. That's way, imo, people should have to spend just as much time if not more pvp'n to get the gear as they would raiding. In other words, Raiders get the same gear pvp'rs get faster would be a great balance I think.
#14 Dec 02 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
do you really think they will make them completely useless? If you can get better gear later on what will the instances be used for?
They won't be useless, they will be less loot focused though.

People will run them for progression, content, and just to say they did it (even with inflated gear from TBC, it's still an accomplishment for many, myself included). It's just, not the best gear will be coming from them anymore.
#15 Dec 02 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Right, but if raiding doesn't yield rewards faster than PVP then there is no point to raiding after you've beaten every boss once or twice. That's just the way it is. That's way, imo, people should have to spend just as much time if not more pvp'n to get the gear as they would raiding. In other words, Raiders get the same gear pvp'rs get faster would be a great balance I think.

Not everyone likes PvP, though. And PvE'ers and PvP'ers have different gear needs. Different gear, same time is fair IMO.
#16 Dec 02 2006 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
In short, ever since blizzard's announcement of raiding gear becoming obsolete and raids being reduced to 25 mans, my guild has been ravaged.

A once vital and strong guild of 60 people has been reduced greatly over the past few months, down to the size of 30. This was probably for the best though, as the small amount of us left (only around 25 of us are actually geared well enough for naxx) have joined forces with another small guild to run naxx as an alliance. The guild we joined up with has undergone similar changes since the announcement, as they were once stable as well and have been reduced to shambles.

My guild has been bleeding members too... people just haven't been showing up very consistantly. We've been getting first boss kills with a less-than-full raid (first Thaddius kill was ~87ish in the raid, first Heigan kill two days ago had 33, and Thaddius especially _sucks_ with a less than full raid) but god is it a pain in the ***. Even recruiting people we're running short pretty much every night... bleh.

None of the 25-man instances are released yet but I have high hopes that Blizzard will make them better and more intereactive than Naxxramas was, even. Kharazan is a brilliantly designed instance for a 10-man that _feel_ like a 40-man raid in terms of boss tempo and progression; here's to hoping that they can do the same with the 25-mans.
#17 Dec 02 2006 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
this happened to me in eq, the 80 man raids got cut in half
#18 Dec 02 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
619 posts
thefinster wrote:
this happened to me in eq, the 80 man raids got cut in half

umm, been a while, but wasn't PoP 72, and then LDoN, GoD and later 48?

though I suppose 72->48 is kinda close to 80->40.

#19 Dec 02 2006 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Blizzard has learned a lot about making things challenging. I dont think that they will disappoint you w/ the 25-mans.

For me, any possibility of getting gear w/out raiding is paradise. I hate to say this but if the only way to get geared up in the game is to learn, master and then mindlessly repeat scripted encounters, then I'd quit :P


This is how I did it in UO. Granted it is completely different but at the same time while some people would go kill monsters for a few hours maybe to get some "Vanq" weapons I would PvP and just loot them off of people. Same concept I guess..
#20 Dec 02 2006 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
comment on the beta boards concerning one of the bosses in a "heroic mode" dungeon.

Vazruden... wow. I mean obviously the risk vs. reward of the entire instance is somewhat out of whack, but it's probably the most out of whack here. We did get to see one of his epics since we can down him with some regularity (it was a very nice druid belt!) but obviously the difficulty lies with the transition to Vaz + Nazan and thereafter.
I don't think he's impossible, which seems to be a sentiment shared by some others. In fact I like the current difficulty level. He's not C'thun mk1; it was very clear to us after about 16-17 wipes that he was possible and within our grasp as a group, although delicate and very difficult. However if he is kept at the current difficulty (which demands a lot of the players both in execution and preparation, which is as it should be IMHO) his rewards are going to need to be better.

I think any boss that's comparable to C'Thun is probably in that epic category. In fact, general consensus on the beta boards seems to be that the difficulty is just about right to be called "Heroic Mode" in a game such as WoW, just the rewards could use some buffing (people are saying that some quest rewards are better than 90% of the drops). Here, another quote that I think sums up the feeling of the raid community on the beta boards fairly well (as far as I can tell) concerning these dungeons that are supposed to be epic challenges.

I have greatly enjoyed the difficulty of the heroic mode dungeons. Someone mentioned that these areas foster elitism and block off content for casual players, and nothing could be further from the truth. This is something that is raid difficulty, without pulling any punches at all, that's doable by a 5 man in under an hour, for many of these zones.

People said tanks need 11k hp and healers need 1100 healing minimum for these zones, and that also doesn't block out casuals. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are quest rewards, normal mode blues, and craftable items which are rivaling the best gear coming out of karazhan, and which frequently beats Naxx gear. So no, these instances are designed to be hard for the average player at 70 who takes the time to build up his gear and character. Yes, casuals might take a month or two longer than raiders by virtue of playing less often, but they do wind up decked out. Look at many casuals on the live server, and they'll have their ZG enchants, spellpower enchant on weapon, they'll have darkmoon fair items, high cost craftable items, etc. They will get the gear to compete in these zones, especially with professions now having access to much better quality gear than before. They want to play, and they want to have challenging, non-boring content, but they don't have a reliable enough game schedule to commit to a large scale raiding guild, or they just don't like the atmosphere in such guilds.

Please please please do not tone down the difficulty of these places. If you want a mild challenge, but a zone that should be fairly easy, any of the normal mode level 70s will suffice. If you want to step it up a bit more, these zones on heroic provide a great springboard to raid level content. I would like to see the number of hard mode tokens needed for rewards toned down, or the quality of the items buffed. For example, I have a green ring from a quest in netherstorm which I feel is equal to the hard mode ring reward. The same is true for the necklace.

Also, finally, there is a HUGE instance set for release just after the expansion, called the Black Temple.

Heroic Dungeon-Difficulty Feature
Another exciting aspect of the expansion is the new Heroic dungeon-difficulty feature, which will let you experience many of the expansion dungeons in two different modes. One mode will be the normal version, and the second mode, Heroic, will boost the difficulty of the dungeon. The additional risks that players take on at the higher difficulty setting will also come with the opportunity to gain greater rewards.

The challenges that await players inside of a dungeon set to Heroic difficulty will go beyond just increased hit points and attack power for the creatures inside. Enemies will also have extra abilities, making each encounter more tactically challenging. The rewards of course will scale up accordingly with the boost in difficulty. In order to unlock the Heroic level of a dungeon, players will need to be level 70 and achieve other objectives as well. More details on these prerequisites will be revealed at a later date.

While I’m on the topic of dungeons, I wanted to mention here that the Black Temple -- the dungeon intended to offer the most challenging encounters in the game -- is still deep in development and will be opened up for public testing after the expansion is released. It’s important to us to spend as much time as possible balancing and polishing the content in this dungeon before releasing it to players; it’s definitely not something we want to rush out the door just for the sake of meeting a deadline. We look forward to sharing more information and offering some glimpses of the Black Temple content in the weeks ahead... and then opening it up to Burning Crusade players on the test realms once they’ve had a chance to level to 70 and gear up in the other dungeons.
#21 Dec 02 2006 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know..

It sounds good to me.
#22 Dec 03 2006 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent

I think any boss that's comparable to C'Thun is probably in that epic category. In fact, general consensus on the beta boards seems to be that the difficulty is just about right to be called "Heroic Mode" in a game such as WoW, just the rewards could use some buffing (people are saying that some quest rewards are better than 90% of the drops). Here, another quote that I think sums up the feeling of the raid community on the beta boards fairly well (as far as I can tell) concerning these dungeons that are supposed to be epic challenges.

What was meant by the C'thun comment was that the boss would be literally impossible (the old C'thun required a consistant raid DPS that would have been difficult to pull off in full Kel'thuzad Naxx Gear, and was completely impossible to do in AQ40/BWL gear - this was not a "play better" problem, this was "there is just too much HP that needs to be killed consistantly" - the boss wasn't tuned properly).

Still, the instances do need to be retuned so that the general difficulty is rather consistant - as it stands now, the Hard Mode Ramparts is well-balanced until you reach the final boss, who is _much_ harder than the rest of the instance (think of old-school final Ulda boss with an underleveled party in comparison to the rest of the instance)... and he either needs to be toned down a BIT or the rewards for killing him need to be vastly, vastly increased.
#23 Dec 03 2006 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I understand your feelings, but I am just curious...

What sparked this rant? O.o
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Dec 03 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
I understand your feelings, but I am just curious...

What sparked this rant? O.o

The discovery that one of his favorite fantasy novel characters is, in fact, a Mary Sue.
#25 Dec 03 2006 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
Your mom's a Mary Sue...

Although no, what started the rant was the fact that my guild hangs on the edge of breaking/stabalizing heh.
#26 Dec 03 2006 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
Shaolinz wrote:
what started the rant was the fact that my guild hangs on the edge of breaking/stabalizing heh.

I'm not too sure if the person asking about the reason for the rant was directing it at you, as there have been several other rant-ish type posts... and anyone reading the OP should realize what it the reason is fairly easily. *shrug*
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