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how old are YOU??Follow

#27 Dec 02 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I couldn't care less what peoples' ages are in the game. If they act stupid, I just ignore them. If they're fun to hang out with/talk to, then great. There's one guy I partied with and talked to for a long time and then he said he was 14.


It doesn't bother me in the slightest.

That pretty much sums up my feelings.

I'm more tolerant of abbreviations and spelling errors in chat though because I do a lot of that simply because I'm really lousy at trying to chat while running or fighting and I don't bother to go back and proofread. I also tend to add "LoL" more than I should but then in real life I laugh a lot anyways so it's just an extension of my personality.

Oh - and I'm a 41 year old female. :P
#28 Dec 02 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
I'm 22. Age does not matter really as long of the person has some good characteristics.

But there is something where age certainly does matter. Nobody likes it when you see a thing like "Sorry my mother is calling me to dinner, I'll be back in 30 mins." in the middle of the instance. I do understand and respect people's real life but I've seen that a lot over months. If you're due to do something in real life, simply do not accept an offer, it's not nice to steal from people's time. I don't have to wait for 30 minutes for someone's dinner. What I want to see is that I've seen that happen a lot more frequently with younger players than older ones.

Just my two cents.

#29 Dec 02 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
lessac wrote:
Nobody likes it when you see a thing like "Sorry my mother is calling me to dinner, I'll be back in 30 mins." in the middle of the instance.

Is that any worse than "Hey my wife says it's time for dinner"? I've seen that more than once.

Or are single men age 18-25 the only ones allowed to play WoW? ;)
#30 Dec 02 2006 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
lessac wrote:
I'm 22. Age does not matter really as long of the person has some good characteristics.

But there is something where age certainly does matter. Nobody likes it when you see a thing like "Sorry my mother is calling me to dinner, I'll be back in 30 mins." in the middle of the instance. I do understand and respect people's real life but I've seen that a lot over months. If you're due to do something in real life, simply do not accept an offer, it's not nice to steal from people's time. I don't have to wait for 30 minutes for someone's dinner. What I want to see is that I've seen that happen a lot more frequently with younger players than older ones.

Just my two cents.

Yes I have to say that, even though I have limited experience in WoW so far, there have been too many times where I have started an instance with a group and a person had to leave not long after starting it. Some people just don't seem to take it seriously enough to actually think if they will have to go soon. It can be very frustrating!

I am a 22 year old female.. and I don't care if you're 13 or 31. Just do your best and be a fun friendly person and I am happy. :)

Oh first post btw, hello everyone. :)

Edited, Dec 2nd 2006 1:50pm by Honeyfrost

Edited, Dec 2nd 2006 1:54pm by Honeyfrost
#31 Dec 02 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
I am a 13 year old who quit the game, I had maany in game freinds who were in there 30's and 40's for the longest time had NO clue that i was 13. they all thought that i was at least 23. when the question came about "so how old are you" I said "dont laugh when i tell you this, Im 13" Then they would say "omg your 13 i thought you were like 25" and they were cool about it and were were always freinds. AGE DOESN'T MATTER MATURITY DOES.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2006 2:06pm by ozmonkey
#32 Dec 02 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
Age doesn't matter so much in game but as soon as that ventrillo server is up and you're talking..oh can sometimes be tedious to listen.

To be honest with you I've never broke away from my age range in games. When I was 18 my GM was in College, had a few guys who were in their late 20's, when I went to DAOC pretty much everyone was atleast 20+. It's just more enjoyable to group with people in your demographic in my opinion, not to say I won't be-friend someone who isn't, but more then likely I won't go out of my way.

I tried HALO online and even SOCOM and it was just unbearable till I found a good guild around my age.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2006 3:10pm by Wysh
#33 Dec 02 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
Again i dont mind really about what age the people im playing with are, its just when they start getting angry with you and swearing because you make the slightest mistake.

And i gotta admit...everyone does seem to be hostile to each other for no reason.

Im 18 btw.

#34 Dec 02 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
Actually age does matter.
For some reason it said when registering if your not 25 or older your not allowed in. I went into the game later and told him. Since I am 14 he wouldnt let me join.
Some guilds have reasons behind this (I could be wrong, but I think my guilds general age requirement is 18)

I'm not talking about maturity or lack thereof, but rather guild content.

I know our guild tries to recruit people over a specific age, because we don't want to expose younger people to things their parents might object to...
Like swearing, promotion of alcohol/tobacco/other substances, and generally explicit content.

Nobody wants to have to walk on eggshells, just like nobody wants to get grounded because their parents overheard/witnessed an explicit conversation over vent/guild chat. (Actually happened to a few people I know from our guild.)

We do make exceptions, but we make absolutely sure they're ok with that kind of behavior and that it won't affect their game play.

And by behavior I don't mean the immature-make-you-glad-you're-not-that-disrespectful stuff...
I mean things like wiping on Vael at 1% for the 2nd time in a row and screaming obscenities over vent while laughing it off...
Or making sexual innuendos while drunk. (I'll kick you in the phase two. Smiley: lol)

I'm really laid back, and I don't care who knows what I do... But on the same hand I don't want to be responsible for a kid getting into a drunk driving accident or getting arrested for having illegal substances because "I just want to be like Pye."

I may not be giving young adults enough credit here, and I might be giving myself too much credit, but still...
That kind of thing just isn't appropriate for impressionable youngsters, ya'know?
#35 Dec 02 2006 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
717 posts
I don't care one bit how old you are. I let your actions speak for themselves. And that's the way it ought to be.
#36 Dec 02 2006 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
I don't generalize, but it would probably help some if I did. I started playing very recently, and the majority of people I've met in game are some of the rudest, most immature people I've ever met in my entire life. I take a lot of what happens personally, when if I knew they were 12 year olds or something I'd probably just laugh it off. It may just be the server I play on, but every week someone says or does something that's so over the top that I'm completely stunned...

I don't read about people having this problem too often, so maybe I just have really bad luck :P The game itself is very enjoyable though, so I can manage to put up with it usually.
#37 Dec 02 2006 at 11:06 PM Rating: Default
No one in my guild thought I was a teenager. My voice is deeper, and I'm more mature than most of my age group.
#38 Dec 03 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
We have had a couple of young people join our guild. There have been, I think, just 2 or 3. There was one 11-year old kid, his father was in the guild and he had a character in the guild. Everyone hated having to watch their language when he got on Vent, plus he really didn't know how to play. That's something of an extreme example, though. More recently, we had a teenager, I think he was 14 or 15. He was a fine player, but his voice grated on everyone's nerves on Vent! Plus he said, over Vent, "lol." He had been in an end-game guild before, and they had kicked him out for being too young. We ended up kicking him out, not because he was young, but for some other reason. I don't know why, I wasn't on when it happened.

Overall, having those young people was a problem, but 99% of the time age doesn't even come up, let alone matter.
#39 Dec 03 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
It may just be the server I play on, but every week someone says or does something that's so over the top that I'm completely stunned...

I have to agree. The other night someone whispered to me telling me to f&$£ off and die and I don't even know what I did. In general I don't care too much about other players ages...but if I had a choice I'd rather play with people who are atleast 16+.

I'm 22 December 10th by the way. >_>
#41 Dec 03 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
LilZippy wrote:
radnuke wrote:
I left a guild because there were 11 y/os in it.

I do not socilize with pre tens and teens in real life. Im not going to do it in game either.

If I join another guild and they have anyone under 16. I will leave. But, they are few and far between. So I might just remain guildless.

It's sad that you will set such an arbitrary limitation on who you will group/guild with.

Now, it's true, the generalizations exist because, in general, they are true. However, there are lots of exceptions.

How old are you? Doesn't matter nearly as much as the true question.

How old do you act?

I have met some decent young people in game. But most of the jerks i have had close contact with all had the same thing in common. Most of them were young. But you are right there are lots of exceptions.
#42 Dec 03 2006 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
MissYecats wrote:
I don't generalize, but it would probably help some if I did. I started playing very recently, and the majority of people I've met in game are some of the rudest, most immature people I've ever met in my entire life. I take a lot of what happens personally, when if I knew they were 12 year olds or something I'd probably just laugh it off. It may just be the server I play on, but every week someone says or does something that's so over the top that I'm completely stunned...

I don't read about people having this problem too often, so maybe I just have really bad luck :P The game itself is very enjoyable though, so I can manage to put up with it usually.

I am in the same boat as you. I love this game it is fun to play, but the community is by far the WORST of any game i have ever played.
#43 Dec 03 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
ozmonkey wrote:
I am a 13 year old who quit the game, AGE DOESN'T MATTER MATURITY DOES.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2006 2:06pm by ozmonkey

Actually age does matter.

I have been on tons of raids in this game and others. Have had TONS of open conversations on teamspeak where sometimes, the topic went overboard, quickly too.

Adults having fun, but some adults having fun conversations could be viewed as "being lewd: with minors.

I honestly think this game should have adult only servers. I would bet 6 months of my check that they would fill up very very fast.
#44 Dec 03 2006 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
radnuke wrote:
I am in the same boat as you. I love this game it is fun to play, but the community is by far the WORST of any game i have ever played.
Not trying to badmouth anything here, but have you ever played FFXI?

Both WoW and FFXI have it's fair share of idiots and a-holes... At least in WoW you're not forced to party with them in order to acomplish anything. ><

{Looking for group}{I'm sorry} JP ONLY! Smiley: lol
#45 Dec 03 2006 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
I loved the community in FFXI actually. I'm a very social person, and it was unbelievably easy to make friends in any party or just riding the ferry. A lot of those people I still talk to regularly today, even though I quit FFXI months ago. I really miss that, but the time investment that game took isn't worth going back to it.

I realize much of the community exists in guilds and such, but I have no interest at all in joining one, as I don't like raids or pvp very much. Everyone I've tried being friendly with in WoW acts really strange.. it's as if they don't know how to respond if you aren't insulting them or bragging about something. As I said before, it's probably just me and my bad luck, but I have yet to make a single person there that I can really get along with ><

And yes, FFXI did have its fair share of idiots, without a doubt. Some people did some things that really irritated me.. on WoW, i experience both that and people who do things that are so immature that I can only stare blankly at the screen, trying to really understand why they'd do something like that. Fortunately, I can solo and alt+tab out of WoW to talk to my friends elsewhere, so it's all good!
#46 Dec 03 2006 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
just turned 21 this past wednesday... beyond that...

I have noticed that to generalize people in the 18/19/20+ bracket tend to be more mature and overreact a lot less than the kids that are 13/14 years old. Just from more life experience they can handle their anger or problems better... and not sound like a whinig baby over vent.


Overall though, I do not ask for age, I just play to have fun. I do not call people 12-year olds or whatever. If they act immature in a group then I leave the group, simple as that.
#47 Dec 04 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
Yes I am 14, and i enjoy playing wow and I would not like my age to stand in the way of getting the most out of the game. I know this post isnt going to make any difference, but I know I would be frustrated at getting kicked out of my guild because of my age.
#48 Dec 04 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
Hell, I'm having trouble keeping minors in my guild!

We had 3 13 year olds, and 1 14... Had them (helped them) from level 41 to level 54. As soon as they could, they took what they could from us and without fail left our guild.

One borowed 30g from me. Now I don't usually lend money at ALL, but this guy has been with us for more than 2 months, and I counted him as one of my good online friends. He /gquit in the week he had to repay me.

Another said: "K guys, I'm gonna try to create my own guild", /gquit. After taking from our guild bank any good mail hunter items (also a long time member). His friend, the Rogue (also a teenager) did the same thing, except he took Rogue items.

One sold everything he had, and deleted his character. A month later he asked GMs to restore it, and they did. He was naked, we pooled him some cash and got him started again, did runs with him for some loot and gear, and finally when he was well geared again, /gquit.

From now on, the membership to our guild will have an age requirement, verifyable by vent. I'm sick of people exploiting us, and we've only seen this behaviour first-hand from "kids".
#49 Dec 04 2006 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
MissYecats wrote:
Everyone I've tried being friendly with in WoW acts really strange.. it's as if they don't know how to respond if you aren't insulting them or bragging about something. As I said before, it's probably just me and my bad luck, but I have yet to make a single person there that I can really get along with ><

It is not you. The wow community is top heavy with first timers and social misfits. There are some really cool people in gma.e it just takes a bit to find them.
#50 Dec 04 2006 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
i'm 31. i'm in a guild that has an age requirement of 18. i think there are one or two players that are a year or two under. but that's not the point.

in my experience, very young players are mostly not as serious about the game and don't feel as obliged to their co-players. they just leave after an unlucky wipe etc. there are certainly some notable exceptions, i'm not saying i don't want to play with anyone below 18 or they can't be fun to group with.

i've never thought about it the way jklotros put it, but now you said it, some of our /g and teamspeak is definitely not suitable for 13-year-olds.

it's quite normal that 13- and 31-year-olds have different interests. and a guild is about more than just running an instance. at least for me, but my guild has way less than 100 members. i still occasionally group with younger players, because for a pug, it doesn't matter. but our guild has also had a real-life meeting, and it's better there weren't any under-age people there hehe

and welcome honeyfrost =)
#51 Dec 04 2006 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Rhodekylle wrote:
Ok, whats so wrong about being a teenager and playing this game, and if thats not what your saying whats so wrong about playing WITH teenagers.

What's "wrong" about playing *with* any particular group is that it is a matter of personal choice. The choice that your quotes highlight is a preference for who the posters wish to associate with. They don't have to associate with anyone they don't want to, but in the case of first quote notice the phrase "just to do instances." In other words, going back to that thread's topic, the poster wanted to know if he could get to 60 solo, or would the game's mechanics force him to group with people he didn't really want to?

Urk! I've read "10 is the new 15" and perhaps for some matters it is. To lol at a sexual joke is fine, you might even drink beer depending on where you are, you could even have some form of part time job ... you still have rather little in common with the college crowd, and less in common with those older. Your dates are not their dates, you're unlikely to frequent the same bars, and your work environment has little more than a superficial kinship to theirs. You live in a structured environment of classrooms and activities that is foreign to me -- nor would it be what I experienced at your age, in '74, when you knew the other side were Germans because the counters on the board were afflicted with Pink Panzer syndrome. If you didn't get that joke, that highlights my point. We will tend to see things though different filters.

As a game player, you are probably far better than I am. As a choice to burn through a raid, you would probably be a far better choice than I to group with. As a person to talk to during a long grind though, you're a bit short on life experiences. Whether it offends you or not, people have the right to choose who they talk to. If their criteria include things like "must be of an age that can legally marry and/or enter a bar" that's up to them.

A final observation comes to mind. Words are often used casually, with unfortunate results. Immature is "not ripe yet" and not quite the same as "acts like a jerk" although the distinction is often overlooked -- as is the distinction between ignorant and stupid. There are jerks of all ages, and the condition seems to be impossible to cure; however, immaturity (in the technical sense) often responds to the application of several years of experience.

only 13 posts? atleast you seem to make em count. Nice to see an abject thinking in action.
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