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Weekend GoalsFollow

#27 Dec 01 2006 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
7,466 posts
Hmmmm... I guess my main goal in WoW for this weekend is to kill Digdug Smiley: sly We'll get paintoy to come and fraps it or something.

I want to take down Baron tonight, and I actually think we can Tep, HOWEVER we will need a full raid of 35+ which we are having trouble getting. So, we'll have to see.

Wouldn't mind getting together some BRD Coffer runs for the FR Libram, and also finally learn to make repair bots for myself so we have more people with bots as we continue into the deeper parts of MC.

Also going to try to get some more people keyed for Ony, hopefully we can do a couple more runs of UBRS for those who need it.
#28 Dec 01 2006 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
12,905 posts
XBox 360 and lots of it.

Probably wont touch WoW this weekend.
#29 Dec 01 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
15,953 posts
Working this weekend, so very little WoW if any Smiley: frown.

Whatever happened to the days when I didn't have a life?
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#30 Dec 01 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
Well, today there was a huge snow storm which cancelled school for today... WOO!

Anyway, back on subject.

1. Level to 55

2. Get Skinning to 300, Leatherworking to around 250

Not many goals but theyre tough ones.
#31 Dec 01 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
3,801 posts
Tepetkhet the Shady wrote:
EDIT: Oh yes. Tomec and I also need to kill Digdug. *cackle*
I predict an epic battle of Khaz Modan Allakhazammers this weekend. Somebody better FRAPs that. You should all get a good laugh out of my lame rogueish self getting pwned by a gnome.

Likely not going to happen this weekend. I'm 11,400 rep short of Exalted with Alterac Valley on my Paladin. I also have to work tomorrow, and am going out with friends on Sunday, so it'll be a definate time crunch. If I can pick up ~700 rep per game, that means I need 17 more winning games to hit exalted. I don't even want to think about losing games.

Hopefully I can pound out 7-8 games tonight so I'm not under a heavy time crunch on Saturday and Sunday.

By the way, if you're looking for me, my char's name is actually Dinghy. Digdug was already taken before I transferred. In fact, there's over 150 Digdugs in Warcraft.

#32 Dec 01 2006 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
This weekend marks the start of my "vacation". Due to me only taking 2 days in 2006 (and having 5 carried over from 2005), I am taking 8 vacation and 1 flexible holiday this month. So, I should have plenty of WoW time.

This weekend
--Finish off AV rep for Dithers. He's kinda far away, and I get bored easy with AV though. I do need the offhand from there though and I don't have much time left if I don't want to start anew :(.

--Farm up some cash. In the new guild, we're not as strong as the old guild yet, so my repair bills are eating up my bank account. (We also tossed in 2 extra raids last week, so that didn't help).

--May go to MC on Dithers Saturday with another guild. I got a random invite on Wednesday night for it and it was a great time. The guild that was running it were good solid people that had a lot of fun. They raid way too late for me to raid with them regularly though (10pm-2am server, and I'm 2hrs ahead of server :()

--Get some of the new guildies started on Ony key and MC attunement. Most of us seem there already, but there are a good number that aren't finished one or the other (or both).

--ZG on Sunday. Aiming for High Priests + Hakkar. Arlokk is giving us some trouble (we were finally able to take her down though) and Hakkar is still a bit rough, but we're getting there.

Not too much else, wouldn't mind getting my rogue up a bit, and maybe start working on my mage some more again too. We'll see
#33 Dec 01 2006 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh, darn.
I'll have to remember to add that to my spy's "friends" list (i.e. People to Kill).


Hurry up.
Tepetkhet HUNGERS...

#34 Dec 01 2006 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Alestian wrote:
I see where the love is, Alestian. (j/k)

I rated you too!

I'm just feeling the love all round today.

Wanna furry /lick?

Erm..nah, that's alrighty.

Don't wanna violate my probation.
#35 Dec 01 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
505 posts
WoW Goals

1. Get my new main, a warlock to 35-37, from 33. Pretty sure I can do it, I hope at least.

2. Get Alchemy up to 200 on my warlock.

3. While questing/grinding, keep myself from buying gear/talents to ensure I get the gold for the 75 Skill.

4. Recruit some more members for my guild, sitting at about 32 total, with about 28 of them seriously leveling (new server) and even out classes for TBC and some raiding if we get numbers up there.

Real Life

1. Beat Wando Warrios, 4 times defending state champs in High School Hockey. Captian of my team, so alot of pressure on me, hopefully we will do good, and kill 'em. :)

2. Work, and maybe pick up a shift or so, since Saturday and Sunday the only days I worked this week.

3. See the new Van Wilder movie tonight after the game as a celebration of beating Wando (i hope).
#36 Dec 01 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,030 posts
This weekend is going to be straight forward.

RL - I've got a job interview this afternoon, so I hope it goes well. And my brother's coming over to leech my broadband again. :)

WoW - MC runs tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully some Prophecy will drop. We've got everything from the front door to Golemagg/Sulferon on farm basically. Even Domo's going down on a regular basis (now that we've gotten our heads out of our butts), Rags ... I got a feeling that Rags is going down this weekend. We keep getting closer.

Other than that - leveling my mage some (she's 45 and itching to start raising Timbermaw rep so she needs to grow up some) and level some more on my Paladin (level 39 and itching for a mount).

Should be an interesting weekend. Brother in town, wife off doing things with a friend in the hospital, so few distractions (other than 4 kids, but they're easily distracted).
#37 Dec 01 2006 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
This weekend:
- My first venture into MC (thought I find it counter productive as in a month MC will be old news)
- Level my priest to 20.
- Gank some horde that gank my priest in westfall. Its a vicious cycle.
#38 Dec 01 2006 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
Well, lots to do Id say.

Get my warrior to lvl 40 and pimp him out in plate (currently 37)

Get money for Warriors mount.

Lvl enchanting and tailoring on my warrior to 300 (enchanting proly not since it is only 226 and requires clearing ulda by dbl boxing to get new recipes.. but tailoring is 286 atm)

Finish the quest for sword of omen on my warrior too (btw shammies rule lol)

Try to get some good rep with AD on my hunter (main) currently just barely honored, 1/3 to revered would be sweet.

Ponder finding a guild for my hunter(and maybe rogue) so I can get the last few pieces I want from MC.

Continue to gather mats for the enchants I still need (15agi to gloves, 25agi to weapon for hunter and crusader for my rogue, greater fire resist on onyxia cloak, dodge to normal cloak as well as all the crap for twink)

If I have bad luck with AD rep I might try for ZG rep for the sexy enchants

Evaluate my 20-29 twink in the making to see what kind of gear upgrades she will need.

FFXI: (yes I know wrong game, but since it takes a long time to do anything there we dont have a weekend goals thread Smiley: wink

Lvl my WHM to atleast 25 from 23

make some money

Try to get a few more +.1 on my clothcraft skill

Try to grind out a few bonecraft levels an alt

Make some more money

Maybe try to get half a levle on ninja

Try not to get pissed at stoopid people.


Look for a cheap place to buy books, then buy the ones I need for next semester

Clean up the apartment some.

Clean out the car, which is long overdue lol.

Gouge out my eyes for even pondering grinding ZG rep lol. would be nice to join a run though.
#39 Dec 01 2006 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
869 posts
In real life... going to buddy's wife's birthday party. its 70s themed. apparently wigs and stick-on facial hair have been bought for my friend to wear. i think i'm going to cop out and show up in a ramones t shirt and some chuck taylors. close enough, right?

Other than that, Normal housework... Sunday Dinner at the parents'... the usual.

In game... Time (and the patience of my gf) permitting, I want to get 250~300k xp on my newly 56 Pally. 300k might take an act of god, but it would put me in shouting distance of 58 by monday (for that last set of PvP gear before maint.), and give me an ouside (very outside) shot of 60 by my 1-yr anneversary Saturday the 9th.

Level my Druid's tailoring (currently 274).

Edited, Dec 1st 2006 12:08pm by soobooboo
#40 Dec 01 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
423 posts
I have to prepare for my final exams this weekend, so not much play time at all.

But if I do get some time, I'd like to level my warlock from 22-26. I am sure I won't get that done, but I can always hope.
#41 Dec 01 2006 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
Three day weekend for me - I have this Monday off - so I should have lots of time for WoW. We may get together with an internet friend from Australia on Monday who is in town for a few weeks but I suspect that it will probably happen later in the month as none of us have actually made firm plans to meet up. (Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos that is actually willing to meet up with people I get to know on the internet.)

I think it's time to work again on my Troll Warrior and get her at least to 37 (for some nice mithril mail I can now make) and possibly a bit higher. Hopefully I can get the boyfriend to work on some quests with me so he won't get left too far behind again. He's done well in leveling his Troll Shaman up to 34 this week. I should try to find some time to go look for more iron and mithril for my blacksmithing so I can get high enough to make at least part of my plate by the time I hit 40 (I've already made two plate pieces so far.) I also got the cooking quest done and am started on my way to 300 now.

My NE Rogue could use a little attention and I think I promised the boyfriend some fish for him to use to work on his cooking so she'll probably run around Stonetalon a bit for herbing, fishing and perhaps some pickpocketing fun.

I'm hoping I can talk the boyfriend into pairing up with our Troll Hunters or Mages to do some questing. Both have decent rest built up and lots of quests to do. I may try having my Hunter solo Ragefire to clear those quests off.

My orphan Troll Rogue on the other server has gotten a lot of attention from me these past couple of days. I'm really coming to love this character. For some reason, starting a character on a new server from scratch has been really fun. He's sitting on over 10 gold at level 15 and I managed to have him solo the Dark Storms quest at level 13 (which is a first for me on any character - I hate that quest!) He did some of the starting Barrens stuff and then ran down to Mulgore and completed all of the lowbie Tauran quests (with some odd looks from the lowbie Taurans there.) He doesn't have any rest bonus to speak of but I will probably run him over to Trisfal to do those lowbie quests since rest bonus doesn't help fighting things that don't give exp anyways.

#42 Dec 01 2006 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
40 on Hunter.

Friendly with Defilers and buy Talisman.

Honored with Outriders and buy Ring + Necklace for each level bracket.

Buy AV rewards with Warlock before it is too late. Smiley: frown
#43 Dec 01 2006 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
147 posts
- Get as close to 60 as I can. Currently 59.1.

- Got my [Pattern: Stormshroud Shoulders] last night after 4 hours of killing Son of Arkkoroc giants. I'll make these to complete my stormshroud set.

- Got a ton of quests lined up for BRD and BRS. Also need to kill Araj in Andorhal and Blightcaller. For some reason despite my LFG often to kill these guys, we haven't been able to form a full party yet to do so. Maybe this weekend I'll have better luck.

#44 Dec 01 2006 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
-Hopefully get Warrior to 47-48 (currently 45)
-Pop my maraudon cherry :P
-Level up a new rogue

-Hold back all urges to strangle roomate.

that is all.......for now.

edit/p.s. read sig

Edited, Dec 1st 2006 11:30am by Rejekted
#45 Dec 01 2006 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
Continue with the PermaDeath Project.
Fix my sister-in-law's computer and teach her how to keep it clean.
Level some alts.
Nef run on Sunday.
#46 Dec 01 2006 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Get my noob paladin to level 25 or higher :D

#47 Dec 01 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
Work on Timbermaw Rep.

Save up to buy the BG epic rewards before patch hits
#48 Dec 01 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Hmm my weekend goals for this week, Ive been failing pretty bad in the last few weekends so ill keep them pretty low key this weekend.

I would like to take my lvl 27 warlock up to 31. My plan to this is as follows. She has full rest xp and is almost 28 like 5-6 bars away. So im gonna grind out the rest xp to 29.9. Then im gonna go to WSG and AB till my eyes bleed. I want a stack of each mark in my bags then i wanna try to fill up my mailbox with marks. I tried this a few weeks ago with my warrior and it seems to work out really well. I had gotten i believe it was 5 full pages in my mailbox with marks then turned them all in at the same time. I dinged a little over 31 when i did it on my warrior so im hoping for the same with my warlock.

Could be interesting.

Good luck to all on your goals for this upcoming weekend.
#49 Dec 01 2006 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The One and Only TXStormknight wrote:
RL: Survie an ice-borne drive up to Tulsa. (Southerners don't know how to drive on anything but clear and dry roads. This could potentially suck much ***.)

What is it with you and the road to Tulsa?

Every time you post about going there I get this mental picture of a black and white Tarantino movie about a guy in a leather jacket and dark shades with stubbles from yesterday, behind the stearing wheel of an old Camaro, smoking a hand-rolled cigarette while looking out the dirty windshield at the road in front of him with eyes that reflect a man weary of life.

<engine noise, someone's working the speeder>
TX: Alright, you sumbitch asphalt. It's just you and me now.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#50 Dec 01 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
2,328 posts
Get attuned for ony.
BWL sunday.
#51 Dec 02 2006 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
181 posts
Mazra the Meaningless wrote:
The One and Only TXStormknight wrote:
RL: Survie an ice-borne drive up to Tulsa. (Southerners don't know how to drive on anything but clear and dry roads. This could potentially suck much ***.)

What is it with you and the road to Tulsa?

Every time you post about going there I get this mental picture of a black and white Tarantino movie about a guy in a leather jacket and dark shades with stubbles from yesterday, behind the stearing wheel of an old Camaro, smoking a hand-rolled cigarette while looking out the dirty windshield at the road in front of him with eyes that reflect a man weary of life.

<engine noise, someone's working the speeder>
TX: Alright, you sumbitch asphalt. It's just you and me now.

If ONLY my life were remotely cool enough to rate B/W films. (Now I'm stuck with images of Clive Owen in Sin City.. if only...)

A little illumination into the TX (Texas) Stormknight's life:

I currently live in Plano, a northern suburb of Dallas, but have the great luck of having a beautiful girlfriend that lives in Tulsa, a 3-4 hour haul from the "Big D."

For the past... Jaysis, going on NINTEEN months I've spend about 90-percent of my weekends trucking up to the Tulsa-Plex to make visits.

I'm either devoted... or crazy.

As it goes, in April I'm saying "chuck-it" to long-*** drives across the Cimmeron and moving to Oklahoma City, where I will not have to drive every weekend because the girlfriend is also moving there to continue her quest to becoming a psycho... I mean psychiatrist.

But until then, I will keep complaining about the feckin' road through bum-feck Oklahoma, where the cows have higher IQs than the law-enforcement... Yet for some reason Darqflame lives up here? Smiley: tongue
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