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Weekend GoalsFollow

#1 Nov 30 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Good morning.
This weekend is probably the last one before the patch that will do away with the old system of battelground reputation and honor rewards.

Accordingly, my one goal this weekend is to hit exalted with AV, please note that for this purpose said weekend will extend until maintenance.

Now, since Murphy's law is omnipresent, my internet provider is having problems with secure internet pages, so no WoW for me last night, and no WoW this morning, here's hoping they'll fix it before this evening so that it doesn't mess up my scheduled AVing.

If it does, I'll have to abandon this quest and look for another goal. This one shall be to start on the Onyxia chain for horde, which means lots of BRS instancing.

What are your plans for this weekend?
#2 Dec 01 2006 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
217 posts
Wow binge weekend for me!

A: Get my shaman from 47 to 48/49 AND run maraudon a few times
B: Get my warlock from 46 to 47/48 AND run maraudon a few times
C: Get that +hit melee cloak from the Cenarion guys on my rogue
D: Grind some undead fields on my rogue, just for fun and giggles.
E: Try to do some duo questing with my baby lvl 18 druid.


But above all: Have fun!
#3 Dec 01 2006 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Yay! Weekend!

I'm currently in Day 1 of a 4 day weekend and am loving it.

WoW Goals:

1) AQ20 on Friday. Again, hoping to get me a nifty offhand off of Moam.

2) BWL on Saturday. I'd love to see Razorgore go down.

3) MC on Sunday. Hoping to get either my Arcanist Mantle, my Netherwind Leggings, or a ToEP(which will play really well with the build I'm doing post patch).

4) Depending on my luck in goal 1, I may attempt to hit exalted with AV this weekend. If not, I'll spend that time on other goals.

5) More money. I have a long term goal of 2500g by the time the expansion hits. Would love to make a big dent this weekend.

6) Level Warlock to 50. Want to have Felguard to play with after the patch. She's 45 now, so I shouldn't have too much trouble here.

RL Goals:

1) Hoping GF comes to visit. I think she will, but not sure.
#4 Dec 01 2006 at 1:15 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
My WoW time so far this week has been severly limited, so I'm hopin to make up for lost time:

1) Win about 10 more WSG games to get my Warrior to Honored before the patch - or lose a whole bunch...

2) Get to Exhalted with AV for my Rogue - I think I've mentioned before that I'm in Rank 13 gear, but I still haven't managed to get a better Dagger than Electrified Smiley: glare

3) If I have any steam left (or time for that matter) I'll get back to leveling my Mage. Trying to hit 60 from 45 before BC - I'm not optimistic.

That's my WoW business anyway.
#5 Dec 01 2006 at 1:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Mmm, I've played my main a fair bit this week so I may try to level my mage a little more. 37 would be nice.

As for the druid, I've put an LBRS run on GEM for tomorrow afteroon as I have a bunch of leftover quests from there, but last time I checked nobody had signed up for it :( Both myself and my boyfriend are running seriously low on cash on our mains, due to the fact that we've only been logging in to raid and the cost of consumables is adding up. Some questing either in instances or Silithus might be a good way to make a little money.

We are planning on having our guild's Christmas quiz in a couple of weeks so we need to make up some questions and find some good in-game prizes.

Outside of WoW - I just realised that December has managed to sneak up on me without warning, so I need to start thinking about Christmas! The house has to be tidied and decorated, travel plans to be made, cards and presents to be bought, mulled wine and mince pies to be scoffed...I love Christmas!
#6 Dec 01 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
631 posts
1. I'm a standby for BWL tonight, hopefully I'll get in. If not it's a toss up between an evening on the sofa with my girlfriend or working towards one of my non-raiding goals ^^

2. AQ40 tomorrow night, possibly with Ony first. On Wednesday Sartura was kind enough to give me a Creeping Vine Helm, which has more than made up for the appalling luck I've had in trying/failing to get my Stormrage Cover over the last few months. Considering the way things tend to go, I expect Ony will drop it next time. Probably two of them. Failing that it'll be double Transcendance again.

3. NR gear in preparation for AQ40. Assuming we get Fankriss (which we should) I'll need better than my current 77 for Huhu. I'll hopefully get the leggings from The Calling, if I have time to do the prequests, and then pop an enchant on a cloak for that little bit extra.

4. Naxx attunement - we're having our first couple of attempts next week. I expect I'll spend much of today watching Razuvious and Anub videos. There are some advantages to being a temp with little to do ^^

5. I need a belt to complete my feral gear, which is going to mean running Scholo, I think. Not sure I'll have time.

6. Group up with some people I haven't played with in a long, long time, in particular a good friend I was in guilds with a while back who was a massive help to me when I was a baby druid leveling up for the first time. Unfortunately, I probably won't have time for this either :(

Outside of WoW - I just realised that December has managed to sneak up on me without warning, so I need to start thinking about Christmas! The house has to be tidied and decorated, travel plans to be made, cards and presents to be bought, mulled wine and mince pies to be scoffed...I love Christmas!

Same here! We cracked open our first bottle of mulled wine last night, and it was good.

Edited, Dec 1st 2006 5:07am by Alestian
#7 Dec 01 2006 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
631 posts
RubyTitania, I think I just rated you up to a sage.

I feel good :D
#8 Dec 01 2006 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
Alestian wrote:
RubyTitania, I think I just rated you up to a sage.

I feel good :D

Smiley: flowers
#9 Dec 01 2006 at 2:25 AM Rating: Excellent
2,588 posts
not a huge amount of playing this weekend, as i'm starting the move to my new flat. i won't tell you more about it, or you'll all be jealous :-p

- make some g

- maybe level an alt

- fish

that's it.
#10 Dec 01 2006 at 2:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Rubytitania the Charming wrote:
Alestian wrote:
RubyTitania, I think I just rated you up to a sage.

I feel good :D

Smiley: flowers


I see where the love is, Alestian. (j/k)
#11 Dec 01 2006 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
631 posts
I see where the love is, Alestian. (j/k)

I rated you too!

I'm just feeling the love all round today.

Wanna furry /lick?
#12 Dec 01 2006 at 2:53 AM Rating: Excellent
3,478 posts
I want to hit exalted in AV.

Then hopefully hit lvl 34 on my hunter :)
#13 Dec 01 2006 at 3:25 AM Rating: Excellent
422 posts
Well my hunter is running AQ20 for the first time tomorrow. Expect us to be slaughtered by the General but should get my poker.

Priest is back to ZG on Sunday, only 8 more runs and I should have the rep to cash in my shoulders, already have the belt and bracers.

RL: what is that?

Have a good one people.
#14 Dec 01 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
Goals for this weekend:

1. Level my warlock to 20 (Yes, I am a newb. =p)

2. Choose my professions and start leveling them.

3. Try out the PvP aspect of WoW.

Any suggestions for other goals?
#15 Dec 01 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Excellent
473 posts

-Level Priest from 55 to 57


-Prepare for a business trip
-Go watch James bond again
#16 Dec 01 2006 at 4:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm going to try to dedicate some time to World of Warcrack this weekend. Although it's hard when you just bought Medieval II: Total War and Warhammer: Mark of Chaos.

Friday (today) will be a mix of Warcrack and Warhammer. I just can't let that game (Warhammer) go, it's so awesome! The trailer alone made me cry from awesomeness.

Saturday is in the name of birthdays, but I'll see if I can squeeze some quality time with my computer in there somewhere. Probably do Warcrack some. Need to get my Hunter to 60 now that my devilish plan to stay 59 for the honor grind failed (people are bloomin' idiots in the 50-59 bracket!).

Sunday will be a tough call. Probably Warcrack with some Medieval in it.

Holy crap, I'm such a dork.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Dec 01 2006 at 4:22 AM Rating: Excellent
1,078 posts
Well, Real Life might hit me in the butt this weekend. I'm not happy with my ISP, so I switched, so at some point this weekend, I'll lose my interweb. I pray that the other modem arrives today, so I can hook everything up.

In the WoW World, Get my Hunter to 55 and get at least neutral with the Timbermaw. Saving up for my third piece of Beaststalker set, so I might have that by this weekend too.
#18 Dec 01 2006 at 5:52 AM Rating: Excellent
- Run AQ20 tonight
- Get friendly with Silverwing Sentinels just to get that stupid Rune of Perfection before the honor change. I need like 1400 rep or so, and this is Sentinel weekend.
- Maybe get honored with Stormpike. I'm somewhere around the 2/3 mark there.
- Get some better gear so I can try Razor with TFS. I've done the fight a dozen times with my old guild. Experience will have to help make up for my poor gear (though I'll immediately have to drop if we down him - my FR is too low for Vael).

Real life:
- Another WoW TCG tourney (Lazy Peon format) on Sunday. I hope. I have so much school work that I have no idea whether I'll make it up there. But the Onyxia raid decks are out and I want to pick up a couple of those.
#19 Dec 01 2006 at 5:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm hoping to hit level 48 by Sunday night. I need to keep plugging away in ZF to get the other half of Sul'Thraze. That damn sword has me obsessed. I have Sang, just need Jang.

I will probably grind the Pirates in Tanaris for quite a bit. Mageweave seems to be selling really well right now and I need the extra cash, plus, the big old turtles drop pearls every now and then and there are some good crates too.

I'll probably finish up a few quests.....and prepare for Mara....and try to sell the Underwold Band I found for a decent profit.

busy busy
#20 Dec 01 2006 at 6:11 AM Rating: Excellent
I need to start working on my fire resist gear in earnest since we killed Garr in Molten stop is the Lava Packs and Baron Geddon and we simply don't have enough FR for that.
I've gone over some of the available craftables and think I've got a decent list assembled...but that still leaves me with only about 150 FR unbuffed. Smiley: frown Gotta get more somehow.
Also need to figure out WHO can make these craftables! If nobody in our guild can, I'll have to scour the o-boards for our realms for crafters who can and request some of the mats out of the guild bank. Luckily we have some mats stockpiled, but not nearly enough to equip everybody who needs it.
I may also start working on Thorium Brotherhood rep myself just to get the FR leatherworking recipes from there...but I think there's another leatherworker in the guild who's already doing that. Hmmm...

Apart from that, I would like to help the rest of the guild get their Onyxia keys. Last night I lobbied to get our "off night" raid replaced with some LBRS and UBRS runs and so a couple more people got Onyxia keyed last night. This makes a grand total of...uh...25 people that I know about (not all of whom actually play these days).

Tonight is another MC run, but without the FR gear, I'm not sure how far we'll get. It'll be fun nonetheless and we should at least get more crafting mats. I'm kinda sad in a way that Magmadar's dead because that means we won't be getting any more core leather on this run. Oh well.

Tomorrow will probably involve helping guildies or levelling my priest or druid alts. Priest is level 28. If I play her, I'd want to get her to 30. Druid is level 15. I wonder if 20 is a lofty goal to aspire to...

Saturday night is another hockey game. With my fiancé down at the game, I'll have to decide if I'm going to watch our team go up against our rivals (The New Jersey Devils), or leave the TV running in the background and raid instead.

Sunday should be more helping guildies with Ony key quests and/or levelling healer alts.

I also hope to get some decisions made regarding some officer stuff that's been floating around for a week. That's just way too long to wait on some of these decisions.

Oh. One more thing. Just found out one of our guild's rogues who retired from WoW (temporarily?) lives in Philly. Maybe we'll do lunch or something and have some Roguecraft chat.

EDIT: Oh yes. Tomec and I also need to kill Digdug. *cackle*
I predict an epic battle of Khaz Modan Allakhazammers this weekend. Somebody better FRAPs that. You should all get a good laugh out of my lame rogueish self getting pwned by a gnome.


Edited, Dec 1st 2006 9:17am by Tepetkhet
#21 Dec 01 2006 at 6:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Date night after work today with my S.O. Then we have an AQ40 raid to attend together. Our guild is still attempting Skeram, but I have a feeling we'll put that deranged prophet in his place tonight.

Tomorrow, I'm working on a local mountain biking trail, rerouting an old eroded section. Followed by pizza and beer! No other plans but I will probably PvP a bit on my priest, and level my hunter some.

Sunday, my day starts with more mountain bike activities -- going to ride for a bit in the morning. Later in the afternoon, I will join my guild in BWL, still basking in the glory of our first Nef kill this past Monday.
#22 Dec 01 2006 at 6:29 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
RL: Survie an ice-borne drive up to Tulsa. (Southerners don't know how to drive on anything but clear and dry roads. This could potentially suck much ***.)


- Get started on some serious Profession Grinding with my 60 Hunter, who has been languishing during my time working on my plethora of Alts.

- Continue the grind with my 41 Rogue or my 23 War. Likely the Rogue, since that one is actually a bit more fun to play.
#23 Dec 01 2006 at 6:31 AM Rating: Excellent
978 posts
Well, last night I managed to kill three of the four demons for the epic hunter quest so my major goal for the weekend is the kill the last one and get my new staff and bow! I think I'm doing well for just getting the leaf Wednesday night :)

Tonight the guild is venturing into BWL for the first time, so it should be a fun night of wiping on Razorgore. We managed to kill Ragnaros for the first time Wednesday as well, so all in all this has been a good week for WoW so far, I hope it continues.
#24 Dec 01 2006 at 6:43 AM Rating: Excellent
839 posts

(1) I hope our little guild group can finsh BRD tonight. We have been having trouble with the Lyceum, but I expect to beat it this time due to a couple of respecs and a better grasp of the strategy.

(2) Work on farming for the Crusader enchant. I doubt it will drop, but we shall see. Besides, I can still use the Runecloth that drops from the mobs there.

(3) Finish some WPL quests including the one for the Scholomance key.

(4) Kill some Furbies for Timbermaw reputation - aiming for Honored atm.

(5) Level 33 -> 35 with my druid leatherworker so she can relax in the city and work on her crafting.


Nothing major is planned, but my wife and I have only two weeks left until a three week trip to Germany, so we will probably start wrapping up year end items here.
#25 Dec 01 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Excellent
93 posts

Get my shaman from 20-22 Doubt it will happen. I will be surprised if I am able to play at tall this weekend. I should be moving into the new house I bought hopefully I can find sometime to boot up but I doubt it
#26 Dec 01 2006 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
The Fifth Star is running BWL on Monday, Razorgore is going down, baby! Other than that, I'm going to be farming and probably run some ZG and AQ20.

Hopefully MC will be kind to me on Monday as well, maybe pick up some T2 legs off of Rags.
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