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Hunters unite - Tameable MountsFollow

#27 Sep 23 2006 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
Why not make it where your mount is also the your pet? Then again....that would limit what animals would be tameable. Unless, when unmounted they shrunk or something. I dunno..i tried.
#28 Sep 24 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
LinusRed wrote:
Yeah Night Elfs made a pact or something to never use Magic again. Not counting Druidic/holy magic. Their magic almost destroyed Azeroth. They will never be mages so, keep dreaming.

When 1 year ago someone suggested that bloodelf should join the horde and get thier addiction clensed by some uber pally god/goddness and the warrior I saved on WC3 somehow transform into paladins, they would be told by mass ignorant people: "keep dreaming", or worse.

Edited, Sep 24th 2006 at 1:38pm EDT by Gobio
#29 Sep 25 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
fist of all u can just go and edit the size like the kod mount swhenu go buy it it's pretty small but when u go on it it's way bigger!
- Scorpid (Waaaaaay to small to be mounts for anything)..AQ
- Boar (Maybe a Gnome could ride these, but they're not hunters) ..u never saw big boars?
- Birds (Not gonna happen) agree
- Cats (too small to support Tauren or Dwarves)...NE mounts
- Bears (possible)...agree
- Crabs (too small).. a kind of like AQ but less bug like
- Alligator/Crocodile (ya right) why not ????
- Turtle (probably big enough to be mounts, but would you really want to have a turtle as a mount?) had 100% speed free who woulnt want it
- Gorillas (not gonna happen) wtf their like bears their perfect
- Cockatrice (maybe, but Tauren/Dwarves would crush them) can u even tame those?
- Raptors (Troll Mount) -- Wolves (Orc Mount)
- Bats (see birds) UD flypath mounts
- Wind Serpent (nope) agreed
- Hyena (too small, same as cats) edit size 20%=perfect
- Spiders (too small)u never saw a big spider...-caugh- RFD -caugh-
#30 Sep 25 2006 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
let hunters have their own variety if different species of mount? thats unfair to the people who work long and hard for their revered status with another race for a mount that their class can't easily get.
#31 Sep 27 2006 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
853 posts
Again - make each taming skill separate. If you want different species of mounts, you have to pay/do the quest over again to get that different mount. And some mount quest-givers/trainers could be reputation dependant. Still no problem.
#32 Oct 04 2006 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
How about this, in order to save every other class ******** because Hunters can ride a bear. Say That we have to quest to get the Train x Pet for each race (Hunter Trainier in SW to train in Horse taming, in Darnassus to train in Nightsaber, Trainer in IF to train in Rams) this way it upholds the value that each race's pets are hard to get for the other races. That saves that. Now we can just tame the random Rams in Loch Modan, Nightsabers wherever (never played an elf), and horses in Westfall. (change up for Horde)

That's what I think. Maybe the ability to ride other big animals can be an Epic quest or something at 60.

That would honestly be fair, coming from a person who has a 44 Hunter and 46 Paladin. I also ran it by a few friends and they agree. This would be very fair.

Or at least take the freakin' stun off of our Pack and Cheetah Aspects!
#33 Oct 19 2006 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
Seeing as this is kinda on topic... why in the blue blazes did blizzard make Humans not able to be hunters...? Lets do a count, Dwarves and Night Elves the only alliance hunters (2) Tauren, Trolls, and Orcs for Horde (3)... this has always bothered me for as long as I've played.
#34 Oct 20 2006 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
At lvl 40 u should be able to tame the certain beats at watever wont will be the same as pally's and locks...and all other mounts except that u have alot more lvl 60 u could buy the ability to make it go faster...and maybye be able to tame another beast for riding for a fee of course.
#35 Oct 20 2006 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
yeah it does suck hey that u cant be a human hunter...sorry to gnomes but u guys are to small...smaller then nearly all yeah i think u should be able to get hunter would be way cool...and u also should be able to be a pally NE...Shamans are the opposite to Pally's id say...wouldnt u.

Edited, Oct 20th 2006 at 3:09am PDT by creepyrogue
#36 Oct 20 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
Why not make mounts a spell for all races.

At 40 you go to a mount stable master and pay say 10g to learn how to ride a mount.

You then pay another 10g for a special spell. You then go out and train your mount of choice.

Lets keep it simple and that mount types are as they are now, Horse, cat, kodo, ect, add Plainstrider to replace Gnomes Mechanostrider.

You find your mount of choice, cast the spell, this changes the way the animal thinks of its role, and will ajust the size of the mount to suit the rider, so Gnomes on horses, would be Gnomes on (what look like) Ponies. At the end you are left with a sumoning parchment, as we all have now in 1 form or other. 20g is not a great deal at lv 40. Make it 200 at lv 60 (100 training, 100 spell)

The idea is to have a seprate mount type (as we have now), versers pet types.

training lasts forever, if you feel like changing your mount, pay the fee for your level and go forth and get your diff mount of choice. The process would destroy the old mount parchment. Something to do with arcane forces and such. so any given charater has 1 sumoning parchment for your mount of choice.

I actually was next to a friend Gnome on a felsteed, I was on my felsteed as a Nightelf, his horse was noticably larger then mine. strange.

As a hunter for example, imagine taming Echeyakee, then later coming along and making a mount version. Echeyakee is 1 of only 2 white Lions in the game, Echeyakee is lv16, the other is lv60. Both are part of Horde quest summon quests.

As a human wandering the Barrens and thinking, 'I like that kodo's coloring', or 'that Zebera, would make an awsome looking mount'.

Perhaps your in Stormwind and see a Dwarf shoot past on a Pink Plainstrider (yes there is a tamable pink one out there, so hunters keep an eye out)
#37 Oct 20 2006 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
Firstly if you want that "hunters unite", you would better have to post in the right forum.

3. Palladins don't really have any abilities which would give them the ability to have a mount except that Blizzard decided to give them one. Warlocks I can understand, they can summon demons to fight for them, so why not a mount. The concept could easially be modified to work for a Hunter.

For your information, paladins are...knights. And? And a knight has a horse.

The Paladin class always gets a special mount, it was the case when the class first appeared in Dungeons and Dragons, the paladin got a special mount, it was one of his ability. This has not changed in WoW.

And in WoW, paladins pay for their mount...their training cost is more expensive than for the other classes.

And warlocks have a special mount too, because they are the dark counterpart of the paladin class.

If any other classes believe that they too deserve a mount through a similar process then they will have to take up the cause as I am and try to unite their bretheren into signing a petition to Blizzard.

you want to petition/attack Blizzard for a hunter special mount? I am afraid that nobody has signed this yet. Good luck for that though.

Edited, Oct 20th 2006 at 8:47am PDT by Aaadon
#39 Oct 20 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Isn't it enough you get pets that can teleport enemies 30 yards away, get a talent that makes you unstoppable unless by death for 18 seconds?

some people are never satisfied /sigh
#40 Oct 20 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Gawd not another double post :<

Edited, Oct 20th 2006 at 2:41pm PDT by Waztec
#41 Oct 20 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Oh ya, and shamans should get to ride totems too.

I like this
#42 Oct 20 2006 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Aaadon wrote:
Oh ya, and shamans should get to ride totems too.

I like this

Want to ride my Toutem? Smiley: sly
#43 Oct 20 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
Oh ya, and shamans should get to ride totems too.

I like this

Want to ride my Toutem?

It's not my idea
#44 Oct 29 2006 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
Uh no the reason blizz let pallys and locks have free mounts is because they are the two most difficult classes to play in the game. Both classes require a lot of skill and patience and both classes level up SLOW. Especially pallys. Nothing is more boring than grinding on a pally. Locks too. We have the worst mana and life regen in teh game. If we aren't specced affliction we get loads of down time drinking/eating.
#45 Oct 31 2006 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
853 posts
Um, no, murio. It's because it's consistant with the lore.
#46 Nov 02 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Mishkarah wrote:
I don't know how many people agree, but I do know that for a Hunter to be able to tame a mount at 40 would make sense. Here are my reasons...

1. Blizzard has set a precedence by allowing Warlocks and Palladins to "summon" mounts at level 40.

2. If they can tame animals and train them to fight for them, they should be able to train an animal to bear their weight. In the early days of the frontier they used to find wild mustangs to tame and use as mounts and work animals.

3. Palladins don't really have any abilities which would give them the ability to have a mount except that Blizzard decided to give them one. Warlocks I can understand, they can summon demons to fight for them, so why not a mount. The concept could easially be modified to work for a Hunter.

4. It would be a relatively simple change to the game. They would need to establish what beasts could be trained to carry their masters, then establish the graphics for the training (similar to current taming), the actual mounting process, it could be that only certain beasts could be tamed as a mount that are currently unavailable as combat pets. These are only a few of the issues to be resolved, but this is nothing compared to the development of a game like this.

I am sure there are more reasons that would prove that this makes sense but the main issue is that training animals is what hunters do, why not train them as mounts?

I have thought of setting up an online petition to Blizzard to have this done, but I thought i would get opinions from others before I started.

So what do you think?

LOL? worest idea ever
they gave warlock mount cuz they suck as lvling and pvping
they gave paladin one cuz they are hard to level low dps
why would they give hunter one? hunter is by far the most easy to level, and not bad a pvping
if they give hunter one then rogues, warriors, druids, shamans, mages, should all get one

Edited, Nov 2nd 2006 at 3:29pm PST by THEantichrist
#47 Nov 05 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
i think it would be to hard for blizzard to make a mount pet cause u cant fight on mounts and well pets are there to fight and other stuff, but i myself am a hunter and i would love the idea but i think it should cost like 20g to learn it then u have to go to a certain area and tame it cause riding a frigging bear is just dum almost as bad as riding a sheep :P but i say we should get the tame mount thing.
#48 Nov 05 2006 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
LOL? worest idea ever
they gave warlock mount cuz they suck as lvling and pvping
they gave paladin one cuz they are hard to level low dps
why would they give hunter one? hunter is by far the most easy to level, and not bad a pvping
if they give hunter one then rogues, warriors, druids, shamans, mages, should all get one

You sir, are retarded. Tell me how pally's are hard to lvl, cmon they wear plate and heal themselves, now maybe if you have the iq of a summer squash, then yes. As for locks since when do they suck at pvp. I cant remember when a lock hasnt gotten the kill cuase of his/her DoT. Leveling, no they dont suck u can easily grind if you know how, again you iq has to be higher than -2. Yet, I do agree, if u add another class with easily obtainable mounts, all classes would cry and want there own with excuses to get their own.

Edited, Nov 5th 2006 at 7:28pm PST by precursor
#49 Nov 06 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
I just wanted to make an amusing observation. In the list of animals that was posted in relation to "would it be a possible animal to use as a mount" Turtles were listed with the comment (but would you really want a turtle as a mount). The Hero's of Azeroth Cardgame features a special rare card that will give you just that, a turtle mount. Now you can ask yoursef "thats the stupidest thing ever.. why would anyone want a turtle mount???"

Then look at ebay and see them selling for $300+

#50 Nov 08 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
LOL yeah...i'd want a turtle mount, i mean riding a big....Should i actualy say tortoise...turtles are aussie the toroise is the big giant thing turtle is a tiny thing that would be squashed...ROFL
#51 Nov 21 2006 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent

was double posted sorry >.<

Edited, Nov 21st 2006 8:59pm by SkoRPid
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