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Hunters unite - Tameable MountsFollow

#1 Sep 11 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
116 posts
I don't know how many people agree, but I do know that for a Hunter to be able to tame a mount at 40 would make sense. Here are my reasons...

1. Blizzard has set a precedence by allowing Warlocks and Palladins to "summon" mounts at level 40.

2. If they can tame animals and train them to fight for them, they should be able to train an animal to bear their weight. In the early days of the frontier they used to find wild mustangs to tame and use as mounts and work animals.

3. Palladins don't really have any abilities which would give them the ability to have a mount except that Blizzard decided to give them one. Warlocks I can understand, they can summon demons to fight for them, so why not a mount. The concept could easially be modified to work for a Hunter.

4. It would be a relatively simple change to the game. They would need to establish what beasts could be trained to carry their masters, then establish the graphics for the training (similar to current taming), the actual mounting process, it could be that only certain beasts could be tamed as a mount that are currently unavailable as combat pets. These are only a few of the issues to be resolved, but this is nothing compared to the development of a game like this.

I am sure there are more reasons that would prove that this makes sense but the main issue is that training animals is what hunters do, why not train them as mounts?

I have thought of setting up an online petition to Blizzard to have this done, but I thought i would get opinions from others before I started.

So what do you think?
#2 Sep 11 2006 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
Pretty much all beasts in-game can be trained as pets.
Problem with the "Hunter mount" suggestion is that most beasts in the game aren't big enough to be mounts.

Let's look at the popular hunter pets shall we.
In no perticular order:
- Scorpid (Waaaaaay to small to be mounts for anything)
- Boar (Maybe a Gnome could ride these, but they're not hunters)
- Birds (Not gonna happen)
- Cats (too small to support Tauren or Dwarves)
- Bears (possible)
- Crabs (too small)
- Alligator/Crocodile (ya right)
- Turtle (probably big enough to be mounts, but would you really want to have a turtle as a mount?)
- Gorillas (not gonna happen)
- Cockatrice (maybe, but Tauren/Dwarves would crush them)
- Raptors (Troll Mount)
- Wolves (Orc Mount)
- Spiders (too small)
- Bats (see birds)
- Wind Serpent (nope)
- Hyena (too small, same as cats)

Edited, Sep 11th 2006 at 3:45pm EDT by Galanda
#3 Sep 11 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
853 posts
The way Blizzard can force you to only go after certain animals is to make "Tame <animal type> Mount" a trainable skill taught by just a few and only a handful of animals would qualify to be trained.

For instance, a NE in Astranaar might be able to teach you "Train Cat Mount" for some preposterous amount of money, but only Nightsaber Matriarchs in Darkshore and Zulian Tigers in STV are trainable as mounts.

An Orc in the Alterac Mountains teaches you "Train Bear Mount", but only the Alterac Brown Bear can be used as a mount.

Horde hunters would have their mounts, alliance hunters theirs with a little overlap (like Bears and Tigers, say..).

I think it would be completely boss. Such mounts would have to be BoP rather than BoU as they are now.
#4 Sep 11 2006 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Wait...They dont just give a class a free mount because it makes sense. Paladins skills are expensive, and Warlocks have to pay for their skills and their demons. But it would be cool.
#5 Sep 12 2006 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
and hunters gotta pay for thier pets abilities such as growl/bite and the resistances

i say it would be cool..

also priests should be able to summon ponies.. because i like ponies.. :P
#6 Sep 12 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
But are the pet skills that expensive....Arrows! Those cost a ******** in the long run right? And food takes up space...
#7 Sep 12 2006 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
Hunters should NOT be able to tame a mount, since the animals tamed are not just slaves. They are comrades, friends and so on.

This has been debated to death in the Hunter Forums...
#8 Sep 13 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
In medeival times a mount was commerade and partner to a knight as much as a pet is to a hunter in the game, being able to tame a mount would allow the hunter the choice of what kind of mount they get, which in turn would promote their emotional attachment. Size would not be an issue as most times when you tame a pet they shrink in size but their original size is appropriate to Mounts. I am not suggesting that all tameable animals be made tameable as mount, but obviously there would be certain ones that could be and others that couldn't.

I like the idea of having different Hunter trainers being able to train you to tame different mounts. In Darnassus there would be a trainer who could teach you to tame a Cat, in Orgrimmar you could be taught to tame a Raptor or Wolf, in IF a Bear or Ram etc.. If you wished to ride a cross-faction mount maybe Ratchet and Booty bay would have trainers for cross-faction mounts so that a NE could tame a raptor or an Orc could tame a cat.

Here is a list of my ideas for potential Mounts for Hunters:

Cats- From Nightsabers to Lions and Tigers
Wolves - Most wolves that I have seen are all the same
Hyenas - kinda cool evil looking mounts for hord
Zebras - I know that in-game they are called something else...
Thunder? - forget the full name, but they kinda look like Kodos
Kodos - great for the Taurens
Wild Mustangs - this would actually require an addition to the beast list
Rams - found in the Northern Pass
Bears - Great Mounts for Dwarves
Giraph - from blasted lands - not right name, but you know what I mean
Raptors - there are many larger raptors that would be fine for this
Spiders - some of the larger spiders could easially be made into mounts if the game did not shrink them. Imagine riding Lady Sathrah around.

I would even go so far as to say that if you want a mount that is already a mount for a certain race you would have to buy it, and the only animals that would be tameable for this purpose would be those that are not available to your faction (a stretch) or ones that are not currently available for purchase.

As for price, I don't know how expensive it is to learn to summon a mount for the other classes, or how much work the quests involve, but similar pricing could be developed for hunters to keep it fair. You wouldn't be able to just go pay 10s and get trained to tame any available beast as a mount or anything. Perhaps a quest which takes you through the ringer to prove that you are worthy and then a cost for the training comparable to that of the Warlocks and the Pallys.

I am developing a website where people can add their information to a list asking Blizzard to add this to the game. I plan on adding all reasonable limitations and ideas to the request, so if you have any details that you think should be a consideration, I will review and if they have merit add them to the final proposal to Blizzard.

If anyone has experience in creating the graphics or any technical information so that we can anticipate what Blizzard would have to do to accomodate us it would be helpful if you could provide constructive comments. The more we know about what they have to do to make this happen the more likely we would be to give them a proposal that would be feasable for them.

Stay tuned to find out more about the website/petition. I hope to post a link to the page as soon as it is available.

#9 Sep 13 2006 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I agree that they should be able to tame the pets. Yes, even though there is the size issue, it doesn't matter because your pet grows in size as it's level increases. But theres a problem with taming a beast to a mount. Theres the problem with feeding it, loyalty, and leveling. Wouldn't it look odd if you were to ride a lvl 2 wolf? seriously. So something like this could probally only be made through beast mastery talent points. The idea I think is pretty cool and all but would be too complicated and silly. =P
#10 Sep 14 2006 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, if they can add tameable mounts, then i DEMAND that shaman get ghost wolf mounts.
#11 Sep 14 2006 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
It´s not what beast COULD be mount, just Blizz does hunter quest line wich ends that they summon somekind of version from their own racial mount and then tame or force it to obey you...
#12 Sep 14 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
Zurckoneos wrote:
Ok, if they can add tameable mounts, then i DEMAND that shaman get ghost wolf mounts.

HELL NO!! horde get hunters too..
#13 Sep 14 2006 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
853 posts
It would be important that this mount be no more "free" than Warlocks' or Paladins' mounts - possibly more expensive. In the scenario I was spinning above, I was thinking that such a "Tame Mount" skill would cost 80-100g to learn at 40. At 60 some skill, quest, whatever - could allow you to train your mount up to epic standing, or tame very specific, ridiculously hard to get to beasts for epic mounts. Naturally - The epic mount would have to cost big bucks or MAJOR time sinkage and difficulty.
It shouldn't be any easier for hunters to get their mounts, just more in keeping with the class.
I DO think Shaman should have some sort of class mount as well, not sure what it would be though. The nature aspect of the Shaman just makes me think he should be able to summon a beast or nature spirit to bear him. Sort of warlock-like without the demonic aspect. I suppose you could make the same argument for druids, but I think building on travel form would be the version of "class mount" that best reflects druids.
Hmmm, an "epic" travel form that you can fight in - if not very effectively. THAT might overpowered.
#14 Sep 14 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
116 posts
A few points to clarify...

1. A Hunter WOULD have to exert the same cash/effort that a Palladin or Warlock already does, this is a given, I am not suggesting that this should be a free gift to Hunters. Whatever Pallys and Locks have to go through we would as well.

2. The pet would remain a pet, the mount would be another beast to tame - I am NOT suggesting we be able to ride our pets, and perhaps we would need to feed our mount to have them gain loyalty to build up to regular mount speed by offering food just like you need to do with a pet (this may be too much programming for such a complicated game and may just provide too much of a complication).

3. If any other classes believe that they too deserve a mount through a similar process then they will have to take up the cause as I am and try to unite their bretheren into signing a petition to Blizzard. Perhaps if Shamans also signed our petition it would set a precedence to pave the way for their petition to be recognised. We hunters would most likely be willing to sign yours as well to return the favour...but I can only truly speak for myself. Remember all those in the alliance who oppose this based on Hord having hunters as well that soon we will have our own shamans who may wish for this to be included.

4. Hunter mounts would work just like the mounts for Locks and Pallys, however, due to the attachment hunters tend to feel for their beasts, perhaps simply a quest to "upgrade" our current mount at level 60 in order to keep the mount that has served us faithfully for 20 levels would be prudent. Something such as a spell that, once cast, would make our mount appear epic as well as perform as an epic mount would, this again would COST THE SAME IN EFFORT/CASH AS PALLY/LOCK EPIC MOUNT.

I am NOT looking to get a "free ride" for hunters, just for a similar ability which makes sense for a beast oriented class such as this. My main argument has always been that if we can tame a pet we should be able to tame a mount - in real life the people who are inclined towards animals are the ones who train and work with them, it only makes sense.
#15 Sep 14 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
well instead of mounting them as usual..(the smaller animals like scorpids)..maybe they could have them ride them like a surfboard? i think that would be pretty pimp. they already have the surfer type body position (night elfs when shadowmelded or ready to attack rogues..etc.)

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 2:35pm EDT by avanden

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 2:35pm EDT by avanden
#16 Sep 14 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
i don't think anyone that anyone that owns a horse in real life thinks it's a "slave" they ARE friends and comrades...!!! maybe hunters in order to have a tameable mount..the tradeoff would be that they have to feed them too..just like their pets.. thereby making it more expensive and offsetting the possibility that they might get them as a skill for free.

also..maybe your pet could be your mount also....just a thought.

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 2:38pm EDT by avanden

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 2:40pm EDT by avanden
#17 Sep 18 2006 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
I suppose this may be a good idea, i would love my alt hunter to be able to tame a turtle and ride it just for the fun factor(maybe it could cross water very fast). I know that paladins get a free horse for the fact that all the spells cost me a fortune and i spent most my time skint due to them, yet at the same time the sheer amount of money i spent on hunters skills and food and arrows etc... shocked me.

Dont think its gonna happen though.
#18 Sep 18 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
The amount of effort that Blizzard would have to put into making mobs act one way when "wild", and another way entirely when "tamed" would probably be too much trouble for them to even want to attempt- not to mention it might break the world physics (much like trying to introduce flying mounts into Azeroth would). The developers didn't make the mobs initially with the intent to let them be mountable, so it would probably take a lot of work and testing before they could release that. Also, they'd have to modify the way the mob's physical framework interacts with the player's character when mounted, which means the models for the mountable animals would have to be overhauled.

When you mount your rideable animal now, I beleieve you become one unit, so that it's easier to direct- hence, you "appear" mounted, rather than getting on your mount.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#19 Sep 21 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
853 posts
No - Im fairly sure it's the character model superimposed on the mount model. It shouldnt be that hard. And besides, they can constrain your choices by making you have to learn "Tame Cat" OR "Tame Bear" rather than a general "Tame Mount" skill.
#20 Sep 21 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
As a mage lover, I ;d like to conjure a mount everytime i log in, and also being able to tame a pet for a hunter which is my Alt.
#21 Sep 21 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
Scuse me brushyourhair but...Why do you want NE mages>
#22 Sep 21 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
Because they have dodge bonus, which is good for AoE grinding. And if their cousin bloodelves can, why cant they be mages as well. Since way back then gay dwarves get to be mages, and there are still some left in Uldaman, Night Elves-which is the coolest race ever, should be mages. Its powerful,its respected,its popular, thats what nightelves are.=D
#23 Sep 21 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah Night Elfs made a pact or something to never use Magic again. Not counting Druidic/holy magic. Their magic almost destroyed Azeroth. They will never be mages so, keep dreaming.
#24 Sep 21 2006 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
mazirogue wrote:
Zurckoneos wrote:
Ok, if they can add tameable mounts, then i DEMAND that shaman get ghost wolf mounts.

HELL NO!! horde get hunters too..

Ever heard of paladins and their free mounts?
#25 Sep 22 2006 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
well i do understand some pets can't be used as a possible choice for rideing, but in loch modan there are wild rams that could be used for this. If it was made possible.

" As i walk in the valley of the shadow of death i fear no horde, for the alliance is with me. "

Edited, Sep 22nd 2006 at 12:40pm EDT by Warjuncky
#26 Sep 22 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Free Hunter mount or "free" would be great. To balance it, make it your active pet, so you can have either combat pet OR mount pet at a time
(Which might also give them an excuse to add more stable slots :D) So they would be usefull for traveling between towns or non-FP towns but the lock/pally/mage/priest/shaman/druid/war/rogues can't /wrists at blizz
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