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allakazam slippingFollow

#1 Nov 09 2004 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent

I appreciate that this site is under development. However, I have to say I'm fairly disapointed that clanwhitestorm has more spell and power information on release day than this site. Mostly because I pay for this site and I could just get all my info free from another location.

Not to be down on Alla, but there are a rare few sites I pay to get information from and I would hope that they could at least copy and paste info from clanwhitestorm if they can't get it themselves. So far, the partial list they have for spells and powers looks like they copied just some of them from Rik on the beta forums, but didn't copy all of it.

I'd like to be able to come to one site and get my eq2 info, much like I could for eq1. Hopefully things will shape up here, but it's looking about as half-asked as their Lineage II coverage which is mostly "under development." Blah.

#2 Nov 09 2004 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
878 posts
I'd say "Give it a little time" When the FFXI boards were released, they were, shall we say "unrefined". Since then, they have become a great resource for that game. I have the feeling that Allah's will be up to date soon.
#3 Nov 09 2004 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
Alla's is a player submitted info site. If you want more info to be on the site, then submit some.
#4 Nov 09 2004 at 6:03 AM Rating: Default
Check out the lineage II class section for alla... it's still "under development."

I pay for this site. If clanwhitestorm can do it for free, clearly I'm paying too much.
#5 Nov 09 2004 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
When you pay for this site, I believe its just for the "extras"
like avatars, etc. You can still use it for free, without paying for it, and get the info you know.
#6 Nov 09 2004 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
Hey, if they want me to do the leg work, then I submit:

Copy and paste it here.

I don't think this sites lack of information would be so disappointing if I didn't pay for it. That and that eq1 was the only game I've seen them do well.

Spells and abilities for eq1 weren't player submitted. There were parsed by lucy for the site.

#7 Nov 09 2004 at 6:07 AM Rating: Default
Good thinking... maybe nobody should pay for this site.

[This is sarcasm for folks who clearly don't understand that.]

Edited, Tue Nov 9 06:54:08 2004 by Boneflail
#8 Nov 09 2004 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
Mmmmm, I wasn't suggesting that nobody should pay for this site ~_~
The membership fees from those who do sign up are used in things like maintenence, etc. Having the site up and running isnt free, the money has to come from somewhere.

I for one think the "extras" are well worth the extremely low membership fees. I have no doubt that Alla's will have TONS of great info in the not too distant future. Just look at how well the FFXI section took off. I remember for a short while after its release, there was almost no info to be found, and look at it now. I believe just about all of it was player submitted as well. It all depends on how popular the game is, and how dedicated the players of that game are to the community, both in-game and out.

Just my 2 cents.
#9 Nov 09 2004 at 6:28 AM Rating: Default
You specifically said that nobody has to pay for it. Now you are flipping around and saying they should. It's really hard to say where you stand on this.

If it's a fee-site, which it is, you'd expect that they could offer more than a free-site.

People who are all giddy with eq2 excitement are rubbing that excitement off on this site. Defending it by rating my posts low like children. However, they aren't reading my posts with a rational clear mind.

Jumping to the defense of the site, as if it's perfectly justified that it's mediocre compared to another site is clearly a sign you are blinded by your excitement.

I appreciate that excitement. However, it doesn't make the site any more useful right now. My concern is this is going to be just as half-baked as their lineage 2 coverage was.

#10 Nov 09 2004 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
I'm sorry, but I didn't "flip" anything around.

•I said you don't HAVE to pay for the site.
•I said I think the "extras" are worth the low membership fees, I didn't say that you HAD to pay for them.

I am not "all giddy with eq2 excitement" and as a result "Defending it by rating your posts low like children"

If you would notice, I do not have "scholar" status, meaning that I am unable to rate posts.

Up until today I hadn't planned on playing this game at all. I simply chose to do so today to stay with some friends from other mmorpgs who decided to migrate here, that and the hope that this game would be able to bring back that special something that I found in EQ1, but seemed to be somehow lacking in other mmorpgs that I've played since leaving it. But in no way am I "giddy with eq2 excitement".

To you it may seem like you were cheated by this site's lack of information the day of the games release. Thats fine, perhaps you should have put off subscribing till later when there was more info available.
To everyone else that has read this thread and rated you down for your words, perhaps all they see is someone disgruntled by their choice to pay for membership, and is thus blindly flaming.

I'm done, out, peace.
#11 Nov 09 2004 at 6:48 AM Rating: Default
I've been paying for this site for over a year... I can't even recall when it was, maybe longer than that.

I'm disgruntal because I'm doing my part (paying) and the announcement today that they "made it" before release, is pretty disapointing.

No racial traditions and pretty mediocre list of spells/abilities.

You said people don't have to pay, but that people should pay to support it. That is indeed flipping around on the issue.

It's people like me who continue to support this site that help pay the bills for people like you who don't pay. [edit: you do pay, but i misread that somewhere above.] Just the same, I expect results for that money. That isn't unreasonable.

More than that, the lack of being prepared for release is telling that allakhazam has lost it's passion. When you go to clanwhitestorm or eq2-artisan or any of the other trillion eq2 sites now out there, you see people doing it for free because they are passionate about the game. They love the game, they work hard because of it. Allakhazam is starting to look fat and lazy and I'd like to bring it to their attention.

Edited, Tue Nov 9 06:51:24 2004 by Boneflail

Edited, Tue Nov 9 07:13:18 2004 by Boneflail
#12 Nov 09 2004 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
I don't pay? Excuse me? Notice the avatar under my name. (Just in case you don't get it yet, I DO pay, and have been doing so for over 2 years now).

And no, I didn't "flip it around".
I DIDN'T say people should pay for membership. I said I THINK that the "extras" are worth the low cost that I PAY FOR.

You keep reading things into what I say that just aren't there.
#13 Nov 09 2004 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
79 posts
Think he has Premium Services, sice he got an Avatar ;)
#14 Nov 09 2004 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
I must have misread that you didn't pay, either way, the rest is true.
#15 Nov 09 2004 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
I think that someone is doing some unnecessary complaining. As stated above, this is a player driven information site. If you want there to be better/more information, then submit it through the proper channels. Don't create a sock puppet to complain on the forums.

edit> Nvm. I see that this is your paid account. I just assumed you'd have more posts having been here so long.

Edited, Tue Nov 9 06:58:49 2004 by Miravelle
#16 Nov 09 2004 at 7:02 AM Rating: Default
Clearly, I must be wrong. Paying for this site was obviously a mistake. My second mistake was thinking that the folks on the forums would also want useful information. If you don't speak up, nobody will hear you. You've spoken and you've said "mediocrity is good."

I have no more to say on this.

[edit to fix typo on "mediocrity"]

Edited, Tue Nov 9 07:06:14 2004 by Boneflail
#17 Nov 09 2004 at 7:13 AM Rating: Good
Actually, I've spoken and I've said "use the proper channels if you wish to improve the site". Clearly you misunderstand what a player driven site means.

I fully intend to submit information after I have access to the game, which is in about 3 hours time. You don't seem to be doing much of anything but complaining. Perhaps you feel this is productive?
#18 Nov 09 2004 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
First, my copy of eq2 won't arrive until later today.

However, spell and ability information for eq1 was as good as it was because of lucy, not because of the players. If you spent as much time as I did on that part of allakhazam, you'd know that for the most part the player driven info was horrid for those spells, but the lucy info was very, very good and the whole reason to pay.

If they don't have lucy for eq2, I will not pay for this site.

Seriously, did you read my post on Lineage 2. Go to that portion of the site right now, before going further and click on "classes." That game has been out since this spring.

This is about the death of passion in the staff of allakhazam. If they were passionate, they would have had this site in shape before release like sites that are free. Period.
#19 Nov 09 2004 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
So why not take this up with them instead of ******** in the EQ2 section of the forums? Take it to forum system feedback if you have such a beef with them. Also, you'll note that the Lucy issue is already under development.

I have no intention of checking out the Lineage II section of the site. I have never played, nor do I intend to play that game. However, I did spend a lot of time in the FFXI section of the site, which while Lucy-less was still very nice in the information department. It seems that you just want everyone else to do the work for you.

With your mere handful of posts, you can't be THAT invested in this site. Allow your membership to lapse, and stay on a non-paying member if it upsets you so. I see no reason for you to complain about this here.
#20 Nov 09 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Hate to point this out, but all this wonderful info on clan whitestorm is A)incomplete, and B)inaccurate. The combat arts wernt finnish and the spells have been revamped to where the info is no longer correct, nor has it been updated. I have scoured web sites and have yet to find 1 that is correct at this point. I would rather the web site be accurate, then handing out incorrect info at a fast pace. Just give it a little time and Allakazam will be up and running, they have always been prety good with stuff.

Also, all of us who do pay for the premium have access get that access for all the games that this site covers, not just EQ2. It would be decent of you to give them a fair chance before jump on thier case, EQ2 hasn't even hit the store shelves yet and you are complaining that there isn't any areas set up for preme users.

Edited, Tue Nov 9 09:35:05 2004 by Demothisis
#21 Nov 09 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
I Also don't post alot but atleast understand the concept of player driven information sources.

Also I think it was smart of allakhazam to wait to post alot of information due to the fact that I'm sure Sony has changed alot of things from what was in beta to what will be current.

I'm Also pretty sure that in the next week to two weeks we shall see alot of "tuning" to modify what skills and spells and such that are out there. So I would rather wait and see what is added that base my information on 2 month old beta information.
#22 Nov 09 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
LOL. We realize that people now expect us to have massive databases upon game release. With some games like WoW and FFXI, where there has been plenty of time to collect info ahead of time, we have actually come close to succeding at that. EQ2 is a different story. The game has changed so much in beta, that it's only been the past few weeks that we could even consider gathering accurate information. Heck, most of the spell tables were just released by SOE last week. We want to be complete, but even more so we want to be right, so it's very much a work in progress. Also, with the limited time we had to get this done, we made a decision to initially concentrate on quests, items and mobs -- especially quests as we felt that was what people would need first. Hopefully, over the next few weeks, we will get a mass of good submissions and be able to fill out the rest of the site.

As for an EQ2 Lucy, we are working on it. They kept changing their file structure on us, so there was little reason to put much effort into it until they stabilized the game. However, there's no guarantee we will ever get something like that. If they want to keep us out, they can. For now, I'm just counting on doing this the old fashioned way with the players submitting everything.
#23 Nov 09 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
/agree Allakhazam

They changed ALOT of stuff in the last 10 days of beta.
#24 Nov 09 2004 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
While I think you are doing an amazing job of getting stuff out as quickly as you can I did notice one thing that really bugged me. There are 0 quests listed for IoR. This is huge IMO since most people will not spend much time there and there are a number of quests that you have to go look for. These should have been up and ready to go day 1. Otherwise keep up the good work. Oh and change the colors around a bit this brownish pink coloring is a bit hard on the eyes.
#25 Nov 09 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
Ehh well think of it like this: EQ2 aint no flash in the pan, so hey ya maybe some guild info sites out there have assloads of info. Bookmark the site an stfu up. When in time you're a level 42 disgruntled penny pincher, and you want a site to compare your gear to what's available and print you out a spiffy little list of what quests to do, you'll be clickin buttons on Alla's. If this pisses you off, then don't pay for it until then.

EDIT: There are quests for IoR posted already btw, before release. =)

Edited, Tue Nov 9 10:29:22 2004 by AevicNij
#26 Nov 09 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Well that is new as of a very short while ago. I know when I checked this morning I did a search of all Quests on IoR and it returned nothing. Though I will keep with the point that so far 3 of the 4 that are listed are part of the basic walk through and pretty much everyone will do them. The 4th is a good one. I liked that quest and the reward was nice. Though the things that need to be up are the harder ones to find like the shark hunting quest or the ghost pirate. Just about every person I talked to during beta never even knew about these quests.

I'll keep checking over the course of the day I'm hoping to find some quests listed that I did not find during beta. I know I did 17 quests on IoR during beta but I heard there were 20 would like to know which 3 I missed.

At anyrate keep up the good work and keep the updates coming.
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