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Did XIV exceed the quality of Final Fantasy VII?Follow

#1 Jun 15 2015 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent

"According to Andrisang, CEO Yoichi Wada explained during the company's annual shareholder meeting that it would not remake the legendary RPG until it makes a brand new Final Fantasy game that "exceeds the quality" of Final Fantasy VII."

Maybe it was Type 0 HD, that's gotta be it!

#2 Jun 15 2015 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent

Thayos Redblade
#3 Jun 16 2015 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
XI already did..ages ago.
XIII preformed on the same level as VII did in terms of anticipation and sales even (not exactly 1:1 but it met the requirement and it wasn't exactly hard to surpass still had broken debuffs, tons of cut content and poor localization.)
He also stated that it would take 10 years to make if they ever decided to do it.

FFVII PS3 tech demo came out 10 years ago.
FFVII 20th anniversary is in 2017 I believe - It actually matches up nicely.


#4 Jun 16 2015 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Guess I have to buy a PS4 now.
#5 Jun 16 2015 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
Theonehio wrote:

FFVII PS3 tech demo came out 10 years ago.
FFVII 20th anniversary is in 2017 I believe - It actually matches up nicely.

Ya, that's what my thoughts were (and it seems what most others were thinking too). 20th anniversary release with the potential of boat loads of money.

#6 Jun 16 2015 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Why do they keep trolling themselves with this stuff?

People have wanted(and never received) a remake of FFVII for so long that even if it did become a reality, it probably wouldn't be well received anyway. FFVII has way more notoriety than FFXI, but considering the original release, the greatest hits release, the steam release, the PC releases and even the PS4 release... it still wouldn't knock FFXI out of the top grossing spot if it was given the 'HD remaster' treatment.

The notoriety would probably carry it further than the PC 'remake' that added nothing substantial, but I still own my PS2 and my original copy of FFVII. Unless they actually added a fair amount of content to the game(which is unlikely), I'll pass. Even if they did add a fair amount of reason to pick it up, I'd probably let it go on principle alone.

I feel like an old greyhound at the track. Years ago I would have chased after this rabbit, but at this point I'm exhausted and completely uninterested. I will say that had this been a completely different game with an entirely separate story, I'd be all for it. Dare I say I'd actually be excited for it.

*EDIT* because didn't answer the question...

The term "exceeds the quality" is sort of a matter of personal opinion. I'm of the opinion that IX 'exceeded the quality' well before FFXI surpassed VII in terms of income. 2000 was obviously too soon for a remake of VII, but that's how it would have played out in my assessment of 'quality'. Again, it remains to be seen exactly what they will deliver but I don't really expect much more than the original painted in HD with maybe a few easter eggs.

Due to medical issues I'm legally blind and progressively getting worse. Even when I had 20/30 vision I preferred gameplay to graphics, but now I have a legit reason to say I could care less about graphics. One thing about the trailer that bothered me though:

"The reunion at hand may bring joy. It may bring fear. But let us embrace whatever it brings... for they are coming back."

Joy? I'm joyful that I'm only going blind and not deaf. Fear? I fear that won't matter much... for he wasn't listed in the credits

It's taken you this long to do it SE, you'd better do it right or there aren't enough fanboy fingers to count the number of tables that will be flipped -.-

Edited, Jun 16th 2015 5:58am by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#7 Jun 16 2015 at 6:27 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Yeah, "exceeds the quality" could mean almost anything. At the time I took it to mean "we don't want to re-create the game from scratch and need a plausible sounding excuse not to."

I've always liked FF6 better as a game, and FF11 out-earned FF7 a long time ago. I'd imagine FF14 is well on its way to doing the same thing.

So this probably wasn't a matter of numbers. They just didn't want to do it and now something's changed to where they do want to do it.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#8 Jun 16 2015 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
Taking off the nostalgia glasses everything everyone is saying is true. The game had issues and has been beaten financially for quite some time. Putting my nostalgia glasses back one everything you guys said is completely wrong and ff7 is the best game ever you haters! lol. But no foreal, FF7 was my very first rpg and game that I encountered with the most indepth (for me being 9-10 years old) story in a video game I had encountered. I was grossly consumed with the game and being stuck on the Gi tribe boss fight at cosmo canyon for months didn't help! That dang boss caused me to start the game over so many times because I thought there might be way around it or maybe I was doing something wrong. I explored every nook and cranny talking to everyone up to that point. Because I hadn't played an rpg before I didnt know I had to grind out levels and had absolutely no clue you could cure/phoenix down the undead. So always died to fire possession haha. I remember buying the strategy guide and taking it to school and reading it over and over again. Sorry huge detour.. Say all that to say this, I am glad the game is getting a remake and I WILL be buying it. When I saw that and shenmue 3 my wife saw her husband turn into a gamer fan girly voice and all for the first time hahaha. I'm excited!

Edited, Jun 16th 2015 9:10am by SaitoMishima
#9 Jun 16 2015 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Yeah, "exceeds the quality" could mean almost anything. At the time I took it to mean "we don't want to re-create the game from scratch and need a plausible sounding excuse not to."

I've always liked FF6 better as a game, and FF11 out-earned FF7 a long time ago. I'd imagine FF14 is well on its way to doing the same thing.

So this probably wasn't a matter of numbers. They just didn't want to do it and now something's changed to where they do want to do it.

The cynic in me says they're extremely nervous about HW, KH3 and FFXV and know a VII remake will be an instant gold mine if things doesn't pan out too well, good or bad. But as said, based on Wada's words..the timing just lined up perfectly and it kind of makes sense now is the time to do it.

And since SE, FF side at least, deals in absolutes, we won't hear/see anything else until March at the latest if it's going by fiscal seasons

#10 Jun 16 2015 at 8:09 AM Rating: Excellent
I definitely want to buy VII for the PS4, but I'm undecided about whether I'll end up with this remake or the recent port of the PSP (?) version. The recent port was panned for not really being enough of an "upgrade," but that's exactly why I may prefer it. I don't see why an all-time great game really needs a huge upgrade, or even how it can be truly upgraded without upsetting the balance that made it great.

How will the gameplay, dialogue and story presentation change to accommodate life-like graphics? Will we still get a similar old-time FF battle system? What about when the game opens up with a world map? We haven't really had a world map since the graphical leap of FFX.

I'm certainly excited about this, if only to see how things finally shake out.

As for "exceeding the quality" of another FF title, I think all SE really cared about was getting its brand back on track before launching such a huge title. FFXIV has done its job nicely in that regard, as has FF Type 0. Even Bravely Default has helped SE's brand image in the eyes of its RPG (and FF) audience.
Thayos Redblade
#11 Jun 16 2015 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:

How will the gameplay, dialogue and story presentation change to accommodate life-like graphics? Will we still get a similar old-time FF battle system? What about when the game opens up with a world map? We haven't really had a world map since the graphical leap of FFX.

I'm really curious how they are going to handle everything. You've had world map games like Ni No Kuni, Xenoblade Chronicles, even Type-0, so it is do-able. It'll depend on the graphic style they choose, they going to keep the smaller characters? or go with a more Crisis Core style graphic (or FFVIII I suppose). Xenoblade Chronicles' world was amazing, but to translate that into VIIs world could be a massive undertaking.

Some are worried about the voice acting, but Crisis Core was fine, so they CAN do a good job with it. Part of me wants the game to change a bit (cause really, what's the point then if it's all eye-candy?) On the other hand, keeping the game very similar has its advantages too. Guess we just have to wait and see an actual gameplay trailer to see what it will become.

#12 Jun 17 2015 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Theonehio wrote:
XI already did..ages ago.

Do not agree with, although I spent far far more hours on XI than any other game in existence of my life to the point it was my life. It was by far missing "Quality on the levels of Music, Story, Characters and "Fun factor". BUT the fact is that's my opinion. Every time I ever see a Top RPG list of all time, FF7 is usually in the mix from fans and reviews. Twitter had a melt down over FF7 compared to the recent announcement of XI going through it's final story arc.

Theonehio wrote:

XIII preformed on the same level as VII did in terms of anticipation and sales even (not exactly 1:1 but it met the requirement and it wasn't exactly hard to surpass still had broken debuffs, tons of cut content and poor localization.)

When people talk about SALES, don't forget the fact that a 20 Year old game that came out on the PS (it wasn't even called the PS1) which at the time the gaming market wasn't available to everyone. At the time I only knew "Geeks" who played games, now even footballers or jocks/chavs and pretty much anyone plays games. I never did understand why people compare sales to 20 Years ago, its the same with Films and Sports like Football.

Theonehio wrote:

He also stated that it would take 10 years to make if they ever decided to do it.

They've said many things over the Years, they also admitted that when they released the Tech Demo that the reaction of fans was unexpected.

Theonehio wrote:

FFVII PS3 tech demo came out 10 years ago.

Doesn't really matter, they said they were not doing it. They have since released FF7 many times since then and they even gave us a prequel/film and even the film was released what 3 times? Giving us endless amount of extras. Not forgetting that their first big film was a flop and their Straight to DVD Advent Children sold very well.

Theonehio wrote:

FFVII 20th anniversary is in 2017 I believe - It actually matches up nicely.

In all honesty I think it has nothing to do with it, I think it's all the fans who have constantly asked for it. The endless times SE has been pestered, forums, polls and the constant FF7 Remake. Every time they announce a new game - FF7?, every time they HD or release improved versions, FF7? SE are probably sick of the question - FF7?

Maybe fact or not but I strongly believe it was the fans who achieved this. SE has had to learn to pay attention to the fans especially when compared to XI time to XIV.

Edited, Jun 17th 2015 5:32am by Lonix
#13 Jun 17 2015 at 7:10 AM Rating: Excellent
XI made more money. SE admitted as much. That's what we're referring to, not quality of story.
#14 Jun 17 2015 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Catwho wrote:
XI made more money. SE admitted as much. That's what we're referring to, not quality of story.

^. VII is one of their most popular and financially successful FF games.

XI surpassed it and funded most of SE's projects for quite awhile.
XIII did just as well financially despite the love/hate relationship
XIII-2 also did well and had better reception.
X/X-2 HD Remaster did just as well and even got a SECOND release on the PS4 because it did so well and outsourcing the developments significantly sped things up.

So yeah, VII has long been surpassed on most fronts. If we're regarding game design - Let's not forget VII is also one of the more thrown together, broken and unfinished FF games to be released. It was playable of course, but they admitted VII could have been done much better. So like or hate it, in comparison to other FF games, especially VI, XII and IX for example...the fact VII was quite a lot of people's first FF game is what really cemented the fact it gets overlooked that it wasn't that great from a design standpoint. Had good concepts, nice length but at the same time, you REALLY have to overlook VII's glaring problems. However, VII was also an entire generation's first Final Fantasy game, let alone RPG.

That's something that will never be surpassed.


#15 Jun 17 2015 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
There will always be a private hope that Square Enix take a moment to stop developing engine software and uses that uses existing assets, engines, and their fantastic crew to start genuinely remaking many of its classic games in a manner the same way they're now approaching FFVII.

Honestly, I'm glad that they're doing this. They created a lot of great worlds that have been left to the annals of forgotten gaming history, and I feel as if this could be a great first step towards revisiting those worlds in a manner that would bring back the wonder and appeal of Final Fantasy.

Honestly it's always been a wonder why they don't build upon more of these worlds they've created. I was always in support of FFVII's spin-offs and secretly hoped they did more of that with more titles. We have series that spend so much time building upon a single universe, where Final Fantasy just kinda skips from one to another - taking the time going back to these worlds where people's fond childhood memories reside, and gathering more fans of each title in doing so could really do well for the brand - potentially.
#16 Jun 17 2015 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
XI made more money. SE admitted as much. That's what we're referring to, not quality of story.

Ah you see, title of OP was "Exceed Quality" response to that was "XI already did"...

Thanks for clearing it up that it was about profit margins of single player vs MMO subscriptions :)

Edited, Jun 17th 2015 11:30am by Lonix
#17 Jun 17 2015 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good

Not surprised by this, I wonder if/when this game is released and the reviews are very positive. Could this game break XI's most profitable game for SE. If it matches quality of the original (by quality I mean game quality) could it turn out to be one of the best RPG games?...

I want it now..
#18 Jun 17 2015 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Lonix wrote:

Not surprised by this, I wonder if/when this game is released and the reviews are very positive. Could this game break XI's most profitable game for SE. If it matches quality of the original (by quality I mean game quality)

If by game quality, you mean them actually completing the game? Not rushing it? Actually making sure all of your stats work? Actually making sure all of your buffs and debuffs...actually do something compared to its original 1996/97 inception? I sure hope it exceeds the original quality.

However Nomura already stated in a post reveal interview that they're going to be changing it up but didn't specify (and likely won't) but like FFXIII, it's highly anticipated, so it will make a lot of money pretty quickly, but XI ran for 13+ years, hit its stride in 2004-2006 and pulled in hundreds of millions per month for quite a long even financially, not likely. At best they'll recoup development costs, but as said, even XIII sold amazingly well, XIII-2 following it.

As long as they fix the glaring issues it'll do fine in terms of qualities. Sales is already a no brainer.

Edited, Jun 17th 2015 9:23am by Theonehio

#19 Jun 17 2015 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
The remake will be a high, if not the best selling product of the year, simply because name recognition, heavy nostalgia, and genre drought.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#20REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2015 at 12:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#21 Jun 17 2015 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
First of all, comparing an MMORPG to a Single-player game is like comparing apples to oranges.

Secondly, one has to ask, "in what way"? In terms of graphics fidelity, there's really no comparison whatsoever as FF7 was a pretty horrible-looking game (it had good FMVs and backgrounds and almost nothing else) even by standards a couple years after its release.

And maybe they just, well, changed their minds on whether or not they'd do a remake, since you know, fans have been asking for it for ages? I just hope they do it right.

While I don't fall down on my knees and worship the game, I will have to admit that it did have its good points and I do have fond memories of it. I'm no Sephiroth worshipper like a lot of people I've seen, I don't worship Cloud and his ridiculous oversized weapons, nor do I weep in sorrow over that scene were Aeris died.

It had a reasonably good story, it was the first FF on the new generation platforms, and they did a pretty good job with it. It was a long game, had lots of minigames and optional content (far, far, FAR more than FF4, FF6, etc had), its battle system was an extension of the tried-and-true battle/stats/leveling system they used in the last few games (I wish they had kept it in FF8...), etc.

It was just an all-around good solid game.

The problem with FFs after it, is that they tended to try to re-invent the wheel with each FF game and said re-invention attempts usually wound up bringing annoying stuff that a lot of people disliked. FF8 had that awful magic junction system and the fact everything levels with you (what's the point in leveling up, then?), FF10 was OK, but I didn't like the fact how if someone didn't take at least one action in a battle, they missed out on the AP gained from that battle which means you had to waste time swapping people in constantly or they got left behind. FF12 had that stupid License system and I wasn't a fan of the Gambit thing either, where if you programmed it right, you just sat there and watched the game play itself.

I think FF9 was the only game after FF7 that I considered to be as good or better overall because of them attempting to re-invent the wheel each game.
#22 Jun 17 2015 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
FFXIII was better than people give it credit. You take away the 20 hours tutorial and make those environments more explorable and it would have been right up there with the greats. I am looking forward to this remake and whether it is made old school or open world like FFXV.I would like it either way. I do hope the battle system is an improved version of the original and not some other FF battle system or something completely new. Otherwise I wouldn't call it a remake personally.

I would like to see them do it ATB turn-based. That way the world can see what a modern visually intensive, high budget, triple A turn based game looks like. Would it sell lots and win the hearts back of people who miss the turn based days or sleep in a mediocre tomb? I think it would be the prior but who knows.

Please post here too

Edited, Jun 17th 2015 7:49pm by sandpark

Edited, Jun 17th 2015 8:43pm by sandpark
#23 Jun 17 2015 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
I would like to see them do it ATB turn-based. That way the world can see what a modern visually intensive, high budget, triple A turn based game looks like. Would it sell lots and win the hearts back of people who miss the turn based days or sleep in a mediocre tomb? I think it would be the prior but who knows.

Sorry about the nitpick, but ATB != Turn-Based.

The two are completely different systems, and neither is necessarily bad but the former does sometimes offer a bit of pressure on the person, while the latter tends to rely upon Agility/Speed stats more, and with the latter, the heavy-hitting warriors oftentimes are at a large disadvantage because they always go last in the round.

I like both systems, both can be done awesomely (and there's also hybrids like Lufia and the Fortress of Doom, where the game internally calculates who gets the next turn similar to ATB, only it isn't done in real-time like Turn-Based) I do, however, immensely miss the simplicity of it. I know lots of newer gamers prefer the "third person action" RPG, but when I'm doing singleplayer RPG, I miss the good ole days of games like FF7, FF9, BoF3, etc.

And then there's the FF3/FF4 remakes lately... I can understand why they chose that art style for systems like the DS, but on the PC ports? Seriously?

One of the coolest FF storylines ever (FF4) and they use a highly cartoony art style, one I'm not a huge fan of and I feel it detracts from what was a classic fantasy storyline. I woulda loved to have seen FF3 and/or 4 re-done in an art style similar to, FF9's.

EDIT: Whoops, quoted wrong paragraph.

Edited, Jun 17th 2015 10:29pm by Lyrailis
#24 Jun 17 2015 at 10:37 PM Rating: Excellent
X's conditional turn based was a system I'd like to see come back. It allowed for more thoughtful and deep strategies during boss fights, deliberately swapping in and out players as part of the turn by turn tactics, and with the Sphere grid, allowed for extensive modification and customization of each character outside of just gear and levels.
#25 Jun 18 2015 at 3:16 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lonix wrote:
Ah you see, title of OP was "Exceed Quality" response to that was "XI already did"...

As stated earlier, "exceeds the quality" doesn't mean anything specific. The only real way to argue the statement one way or another would be to ask Wada exactly what that meant. Outside of that, all we have is our own opinions on what it means. Based on my measurement of higher quality than FFVII, they should have remade the game 15 years ago Smiley: lol

Lonix wrote:
I wonder if/when this game is released and the reviews are very positive. Could this game break XI's most profitable game for SE. If it matches quality of the original (by quality I mean game quality) could it turn out to be one of the best RPG games?

I wouldn't be surprised if VII took over the top spot, but then again... it's still shocking that XI surpassed it in less than half the time on not nearly as many platforms. I really think it depends on how this is handled. There are still several other SE RPGs alone that I'd keep above VII, but my list doesn't consider sales or popularity. I only really consider how much of an impact the game had on me and people I knew who played them when they were released.

To be honest, I think the only reason VII is as high on my list as it is centers around the fact that it was rendered the way it was. I spent a lot of time on table tops chucking dice so the old school 2D didn't bother me much, but I feel like the 3D rendering in VII was a big part of what made it a breakthrough title. VII remake has the possibility of doing that again depending on how much is changed, but they also run the risk of alienating their original base for the game depending on how far they stray.

lolgaxe wrote:
The remake will be a high, if not the best selling product of the year, simply because name recognition, heavy nostalgia, and genre drought.

It's definitely got the potential to be the game that everyone buys and tries either to relive the nostalgia or to say they were a part of it, but I'm curious how that will impact the game's standing. Will people hold it to VII standards or will it break off as ARR has and try to separate itself from the original? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#26 Jun 18 2015 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
I doubt the VII remake will knock of XI as the most profitable game. It could become the most popular single-player game, but I don't see how it could compete with a subscription MMO that made boatloads of money every month (plus the box sales, expansion sales, etc.) over the course of several years.
Thayos Redblade
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