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#52 Dec 27 2014 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
lass5 wrote:

By the way, just ignore the "Why are you even here if you hate it so much??" people. It's a classic meme used by fanboys of every game if you have a single complaint.

Hio's been complaining about this game since before it came out. Never has anything good to say about anything. If it's not a complaint it doesn't get said by Hio. In short, don't spout off when you don't have the experience to know better.
#53 Dec 28 2014 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
108 posts
still pretty happy with my roegadyn female. Refreshingly large and hot at the same time.... still no fat ones though. Some mmos play it safe with only beautiful playable characters. Some get grotesque beast races. One day, ffxiv might support fat chicks of all races. On that day, I predict an entire free company of fatties will emerge, winning their fat victories and taking group screenshots. Negative publicity would run rampant, and ffxiv would soon shut down as a result. I'm joking, but it almost seems like the making of ugly female heroes is not something the marketing dept is brave enough to allow yet.

Would anybody play an ugly and/or beastly race? seems like a lot of development for an extreme minority of players. I'm glad they did roegadyn female, Even though the race is not prevalent according to the last census 5%. It feels good to be tall. I put some dirt on her face, but still wish I could make my female roegadyn a bit more "rough" looking. Maybe a slack jaw, or piratesque barskanke grimace with a /drunk pose. She looks way too dayum noble.

Edited, Dec 28th 2014 1:32am by klooste8
#54 Dec 28 2014 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
klooste8 wrote:
still pretty happy with my roegadyn female. Refreshingly large and hot at the same time.... still no fat ones though. Some mmos play it safe with only beautiful playable characters. Some get grotesque beast races. One day, ffxiv might support fat chicks of all races. On that day, I predict an entire free company of fatties will emerge, winning their fat victories and taking group screenshots. Negative publicity would run rampant, and ffxiv would soon shut down as a result. I'm joking, but it almost seems like the making of ugly female heroes is not something the marketing dept is brave enough to allow yet.

Would anybody play an ugly and/or beastly race? seems like a lot of development for an extreme minority of players. I'm glad they did roegadyn female, Even though the race is not prevalent according to the last census 5%. It feels good to be tall. I put some dirt on her face, but still wish I could make my female roegadyn a bit more "rough" looking. Maybe a slack jaw, or piratesque barskanke grimace with a /drunk pose. She looks way too dayum noble.

Edited, Dec 28th 2014 1:32am by klooste8

Not going to argue about why people would play a beast race but as for fat chicks with strong jaws, you should try PSO2.

The body types and faces are completely adjustable, and they added all kinds of hairstyles and hats/accessories/makeup and eyeshapes and eyebrows. It's actually ridiculous, everyone can make their perfect character and yet it's not one of those character creators where you can make mutant freaks for the most part.

Turin wrote:
lass5 wrote:

By the way, just ignore the "Why are you even here if you hate it so much??" people. It's a classic meme used by fanboys of every game if you have a single complaint.

Hio's been complaining about this game since before it came out. Never has anything good to say about anything. If it's not a complaint it doesn't get said by Hio. In short, don't spout off when you don't have the experience to know better.

idc. Nobody has the right to call someone out and be like "why are you even here then?". It's always been a silly comment/question and always will be, like it's your business why someone plays or pays for something.

Edited, Dec 28th 2014 5:23pm by lass5
#55 Dec 28 2014 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Actually, if someone is being willfully antagonistic, their motivations should be put into question. And that has precedent here. Additionally, if someone does not genuinely understand someone's intentions and seeks to correct their misconceptions, then they're well within their rights to ask.

We've had two, very public bannings on these boards on people who were both of a negative opinion on the game and being disrespectful while doing it. Note, the disrespectful portion is the key difference here. (That includes being disrespectful to the game/developers, this is a fansite and some measure of 'fan' is expected in that.) Nothing is wrong with having disagreements and expressing exasperation and a lack of understanding when it's done civilly.

And regardless, it's a fair question to ask. People seem to forget that being here is a privilege, not a right. ZAM and it's affiliates are not a governmental body or public utility. So an individual has no more or less of a right to be verbose about their critical opinions of something as does the person who puts the motivations of the first into question for it - it's all at the whims and permissions of the administration here. Let's dial back on the absolutes, hm?

Anyways, I am of the opinion that it becomes someone's business when their disposition becomes disruptive to the group. You'd do the same for someone who's anti-brony walking into a brony forum. Or an Atheist starting to question a religion inside a church.

That said, I didn't want Hio to leave, I wanted to understand her more. She must have a great group of friends to be willing to stay and be a critical part of their connection to the news of a game that is continually disappointing to her. (I know the feeling, FFXI was like that to me for a while.) I just hope she gets enough enjoyment out of it in spite of everything that irks her.
#56 Dec 28 2014 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
dc. Nobody has the right to call someone out and be like "why are you even here then?". It's always been a silly comment/question and always will be, like it's your business why someone plays or pays for something.

There's constructive criticism and then there's just being a negative Nancy. "FFXI did it better!" is not constructive criticism even if you could hope to navigate past opinion to more empirical data.

And doesn't hold grudges. Ha.

But as others have pointed out, this is essentially a fan site. People are here because they like the game and want to share that sentiment with others of like mind. Disagreements are bound to happen, sure, and nobody is obligated to like anything and everything about the game proper. Nonetheless, there are parallels that can be drawn between games, communities, and the behaviors of players of all types. Integrating such things into conversation isn't inherently bad, but it also needs to have a point. Some are simply sick of the noise and the overall lack of moderation that goes on here is a strong contributor to that discontent. And if Zam has one glaring negative I'd point out over my time here, it's allowing some to overstay their welcome.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#57 Dec 28 2014 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Theonehio is like that chick Debbie Downer from SNL.
#58 Dec 29 2014 at 4:06 AM Rating: Default
Seriha wrote:
And if Zam has one glaring negative I'd point out over my time here, it's allowing some to overstay their welcome.

The fact you can disagree with someone without actually having to argue the basis of your disagreement is not a massive, glaring negative?

#59 Dec 29 2014 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Seriha wrote:
And if Zam has one glaring negative I'd point out over my time here, it's allowing some to overstay their welcome.

The fact you can disagree with someone without actually having to argue the basis of your disagreement is not a massive, glaring negative?

I'll just reference Hyrist since it's at least someone saying something else I would say in a situation like this:
Actually, if someone is being willfully antagonistic, their motivations should be put into question.

For me, this certainly goes deeper than incidents in the XIV section. I don't mind friendly debates, truly, but sometimes that blurs the line with trolling. I certainly wouldn't say you and I are on good terms, but I'm willing to concede that's more on the perspective of what would make a game good than more direct assaults upon my person. I've endured such in the XI section, especially with RDM involved, and been privy to outright lies I've seen propagated about me on BG or even the XI OF when that became a thing.

Otherwise, we could reference personalities like preludes for here, or further back to XI with rog where, instead of answering questions, he'd berate the person asking them under the premise that maybe they'd possibly hopefully figure it out themselves. Some people were still kind and smart enough to at least help people out, but it'd be difficult to say that damage wasn't done when some newcomer's first step into the pool was met with a shark bite. I could also bring up people like RCD/RDD where, despite being banned, were still allowed to come back and even gloat about deliberately being antagonistic with zero consequences. Such are histories some old-timers aren't looking to repeat because they only nurtured frustration.

Ancient history lessons aren't really what's needed at the moment. For every troublesome face, there are probably 2-3 I like to see around, nevermind those who just plain slip under the radar because they don't make waves. And that's totally okay. Not everyone's going to be a forum celebrity or even a villain. But I'd like to think we can agree that accountability isn't a bad thing. Stuff like, "I put up with it all by playing with friends!" is easy as hell to say, especially when none of said friends are around to concur. So, I'm going to remain skeptical about the implied altruism in this case. For those who might think I'm being unfair, this doubt's been earned.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#60 Dec 29 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I don't think anyone is implying full on Altruism, except my girlfriend on my behalf, which I don't agree with. But rather simple humanity.

If I may make broad speculation on the human dysfunction: Most people here are well meaning enough for their own live's context. They want to play a game they enjoy and discuss their viewpoints upon it. But we're all different perspectives with similar base instincts. For all I enjoy ZAM forums, they're not that consequential. But when something annoys or angers me it feels like an itch I want to scratch. (the implied 'scratching' being an abrasive reply) It's taken literal years to recognize that base human instinct and actively attempt to curb it, because of the difficulty being aware of long term consequences.

This is how I view many situations in gaming forums. It's people with little bug bites scratching them not realizing it's just going to make the situation more raw. And I mean, who doesn't feel that need to itch? To reply and clarify logic, correct misinformation, defend's ones rights, viewpoints and bias. Often times though it's a whole lot more effort to soothe that itch out without scratching, and sometimes it's going to be irritating regardless of what you do and you got to train yourself to ignore it.

I don't see many people having that level of awareness let alone tolerance or skill, and I don't blame them for it. It's not something you'd think important in the long haul unless you start to see the long term consequences of it all.

FFXI's Red Mage is defiantly one of those old itches I'd love to scratch or soothe over. But I still see some pockets of the community who manage to play how they wish. So I'll leave things be there, and hope they'll be a bit more broadly accepted or better designed here.

Otherwise, in the meanwhile, I'm quite happy with my spear.
#61 Dec 29 2014 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
863 posts
Hyrist wrote:
We've had two, very public bannings on these boards on people who were both of a negative opinion on the game and being disrespectful while doing it. Note, the disrespectful portion is the key difference here. (That includes being disrespectful to the game/developers, this is a fansite and some measure of 'fan' is expected in that.) Nothing is wrong with having disagreements and expressing exasperation and a lack of understanding when it's done civilly.

Honestly though, those two people were for the most part more respectful towards others than people on these forums were towards them. I don't know how many times I saw people get upvoted for calling them names and being extremely inapropriate, whilst they got downvoted to sub default even when they made a valid point.The thing was that they didn't like the game and since this is a fansite more people took issue with them so they were banned (not claiming they never started what could be seen as a bit of a troll thread, but for the most part it didn't even matter because they got jumped either way). Now I am not saying they didn't deserve a ban, but there were many others who deserved it just as much if not even more for the way they treated the ones who got banned.

I agree with you that one should always try to be respectful when discussing (which is admittedly hard sometimes when arguing about something you have a strong opinion about). I would just like to remind people that it goes both ways; even though this is a fansite and you will mostly get a lot of support as long as you are positive about the game.
#62 Dec 29 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
In that discourse, I can't agree with you. There were a multitude of very negative, very insulting posts on their end that were just flat out nuked into oblivion that ended up earning their poor reputation. To view only the posts that were not removed would be to see a very skewed perspective of the situation as it occurred. I'm not certain if you take that into perspective when you assess the situation.

There's a certain level of banter expected when you've been actively engaged, and our standing examples were, without a doubt, the antagonists in that situation, not the other way around.Could people have afforded to not scratch the itch as much? Sure. But when it's gone from an ich to a nasty rash that urge is something fierce in situations like those, you're going to itch. It's just that bothersome.

You don't have to be just positive of the game to earn support, but rather be positive as a person. It is more than possible to be critical about the game and not seem like all you wish to do is express negativity. There are people on this site that accomplish that. A lot of people don't see to be able to produce that in their posts, however.

My best advice in order for it to work both ways is to reflect upon, rather than respond directly to, a comment, or a direction of the game you do not agree with or upsets you. Separate yourself form the situation and speak as if you're spectating someone else, even though you're close to the issue.

*pretend holds a skull up in front of him.* "Poor Hyrist, I knew him well. He was a douche."


Don't mind me. It's going to be a pretty terrible week and I'm indulging in ridiculousness in order to survive it.

Edited, Dec 29th 2014 7:15pm by Hyrist
#63 Dec 29 2014 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
I am not trying to say they were innocent, but even accounting for nuked posts Hyrist it was pretty bad. From both sides. As someone who more or less just watched from the outside I completely understand why they got banned, but by the same token it was just as strange to see everyone else walk away unscathed so to speak.

As for not having to be positive to earn support I guess it depends on what you consider support. This is a fansite however so I am not even saying people should be necessarily be supportive of someone who is somewhat negative. I am just saying the whole idea that unless you are someone who can sound positive you don't add value to the community or asking why they are even here is a great way to make sure they don't feel welcome. Even though they might like the game enough to want to play and discuss it.

I will just leave it at that because quite frankly I am not even sure how a thread about exciting expansion info turned into this discussion and I don't want to ruin it more.

Also, hope your week turns out better than you seem to expect it to.

Edited, Dec 29th 2014 8:51pm by Belcrono
#64 Dec 29 2014 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
108 posts
I am not even sure how a thread about exciting expansion info turned into this discussion and I don't want to ruin it more.

Because change (or lack thereof) in a new expansion brings controversy and old friends and enemies together.

The change I want most is this trend of making a new "tomestone" making the old one ..... well... old, and making the oldest obsolete. I feel like my progress is void when I know tomes of poetics will be in the dumpster soon. I now log on once a day for fifteen minutes to cap my poetics via roulette and log off. I'm too stupid for coil (can't even beat turn 5) and extreme shiva even though I'm above 110 ilvl..... so that's it.

"Hard" mode primals are a joke with new equipment, and extremes are too extreme for me despite a few lucky clears. I don't know what I want out of this game anymore.....
#65 Dec 29 2014 at 11:49 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment of moving along with the conversation, it did run a bit longer than I desired on the topic,

However I do not mind the topic of conversation derailing from the original as getting too adherent to the topic tends to lead into circlular debate and arguing, moving from one topic to something related or brought up in the course of discussion does tend to move the conversation along, which I find both more enjoyable, and ultimately more productive.

klooste8, I would like to try to turn the perspective on your predicate on its head and instead of being too focusd on the achievement aspect of it, as you're not one that seems to wish to raid heavily (or have doubt in your skill or learning ability) instead, I'd like you to ask yourself what you enjoy doing in FFXIV the most, and let that be your goal in the game. Instead of slogging around the treadmill if that bothers you, make the efforts to explore an unconvential game habit. Perhaps you like the siteseeing, and instead work to hit all of them, then make your own for people in your community to try to find? Perhaps you felt spurned by housing yet still want to have a house of your own, which money making to have the capital set aside for the next housing expansion may be your goal.

If you enjoy questing and story, there are lots of hidden lore gems in local quests and leves you may wish to explore out. So much gets lost in the gear-grind due to that pressure to always stay current. Don't let it break you, and instead, let yourself slip behind some and induge in what you enjoy, and explore what is unfamiliar. You may find passions you never knew you had.
#66 Dec 30 2014 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
Belcrono wrote:
I am not even sure how a thread about exciting expansion info turned into this discussion

Basically, because it's new expansion information which should be exciting, but isn't.

It's three new classes (wow) and a new race, and yet they chose the most boring classes that they possibly could, and created probably the lamest looking race in any MMORPG that I've seen so far, which is a human with goat horns.

Edited, Dec 30th 2014 7:58am by lass5
#67 Dec 30 2014 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
lass5 wrote:
Belcrono wrote:
I am not even sure how a thread about exciting expansion info turned into this discussion

Basically, because it's new expansion information which should be exciting, but isn't.

It's three new classes (wow) and a new race, and yet they chose the most boring classes that they possibly could, and created probably the lamest looking race in any MMORPG that I've seen so far, which is a human with goat horns.

Edited, Dec 30th 2014 7:58am by lass5

I am going to agree even though I have not read much of this thread. I have been out of town and this is just my opinion. This stuff is not interesting to me, I have enough time keeping up with my jobs already with the constant upgrades to equipment so what do I need new jobs for.
Gun classes I have never cared for in games with swords and shields.
New race well that is more cash shop fodder.
I have seen nothing yet to get me excited about the new expansion..
If it turns out to be just a land expansion with more cookie cutter fates, primal's and dungeons I may quit the game.
I am sure there will be some new story/quest content.
I want new playable content.
I dont want to pay 60.00 to have more fates and 3 boss dungeons with more dodge mechanics and dps checks. I am tired of primal fights that dont require much skill just a good internet connection and memorization. Yea memorization could be considered a skill I guess.

Right now I have discovered crafting and it is keeping me busy for now but I really want to do battle content again, I just got so burned on what is there now.

Edited, Dec 30th 2014 1:00pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#68 Dec 30 2014 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Nashred posted in a manner I'm in full support of. Kept things in the personal level as to what wasn't exciting him, instead of making it like a global statement of facts.

For me, the storyline surrounding Dragoons and dragons has me stoked. I'm also excited about the new race. Me and one other have already began to work what possibilities that our personal stories end up having the race change occur to our primary characters.

Content wise, I enjoy dungeons and raids, therefore more of them is more playable content to me. I'm already intrigue on how the flight-based open world and the whole treasure hunting aspects are going to pan out. It sounds much different than the chest Hunts we currently have.

Astrologian may replace scholar for my studious healer character, and it's replacing my GF's healer. She's ALWAYS been about guns so she's stoked about that. One of our stalwart tanks is giddy about Dark Knight as well.

3 Classes, a fully expanded story, new zones with new mechanics involved in them and a new race. I'm contented and excited by what's to come - and we're still in the 'teaser' section of details, and I can safely say a lot of my group is too.
#69 Dec 30 2014 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:

For me, the storyline surrounding Dragoons and dragons has me stoked..

I love dragons too and so does Tesee and that does sound cool too me.. I also love story line more than anything. Most story line so far in this game can be finished in a night or a day except pre-end game. Hildy is my Favorite so far.

From 0 - 50 this was the best MMO I have played to date.
Crafting is also the best I have played.
Just end game has been lacking for me and that is where I would really like to see something added.

I can see how someone might like a new job.

I have a friend who pretty much played Darknight in FFXI, he started out playing FFXIV but now is thinking of coming back just for Darknight.

If one of the jobs interested me I could stop playing one of my existing ones but they dont.

What I am looking for in this expansion really is once the story is over some new end game content that is actually new too keep me playing.. something that makes me want to get on..

Edited, Dec 30th 2014 2:31pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#70 Dec 30 2014 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
If I can ask a curious question: What kind of endgame would you find interesting and engaging? Would it be a different raid type? Something more open-world?

I recall a lot of different varieties of the same-old game in FFXI. Dynamis and Einjerjar felt more or less interchangeable to me, though Nyzule Isle was perhaps some of the most raid-fun I've had in a while. Salvage for me was Eh, and I loathed most of the NM systems in the game. Then after Abyssea I just kinda didn't feel like the content held me enough, even though there was a wide variety.

For me, I'd like to see more focused open world content instead of just FATEs - something along the lines of Besieged and Conquest, as well as dungeons that were less Linear overall. (something with dividing paths that you are only able to select one path before it closes behind you, etc.)

But I'm curious as to what others view as more engaging endgames as I tend to be astray from the typical pack on that. I do not, in the least, mind our current dungeon system. The dungeons are fun to me and the Raids are too. Only issue I have is having the free time to do them all and keep up with the currency grind and the fact that I would like more alternate paths to upgrading gear and weapons. I'd always love a wider endgame but I realize that may not be as feasible in a vertical progression MMO as it is a Horizontal one like FFXI.

Still, I'd always welcome a wider endgame overall, just not sure what everyone would expect for 'new gameplay'.
#71 Dec 30 2014 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hyrist wrote:
though Nyzule Isle was perhaps some of the most raid-fun I've had in a while.

That's because you got a different experience every time. That randomness could be frustrating at times ("kill 5 psychflayer NM" floors...) but at least it never got boring.

That sort of randomness is sorely missing from FFXIV. All dungeons and bosses are so incredibly scripted and linear that no matter how cool you make them they're going to get old very quickly.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#72 Dec 30 2014 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Yeah, I remember. It would be nice if there was an optional dungeon that was specifically for the random element, like Nyzul was. I don't think there would be much of a problem in this game's structure for that. It's a standing request of mine.

Edited, Dec 30th 2014 5:38pm by Hyrist
#73 Dec 30 2014 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
Karlina wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
though Nyzule Isle was perhaps some of the most raid-fun I've had in a while.

That's because you got a different experience every time. That randomness could be frustrating at times ("kill 5 psychflayer NM" floors...) but at least it never got boring.

That sort of randomness is sorely missing from FFXIV. All dungeons and bosses are so incredibly scripted and linear that no matter how cool you make them they're going to get old very quickly.

This x59247856895
Articus Vladmir
#74 Dec 31 2014 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Stilivan wrote:
Karlina wrote:
Hyrist wrote:
though Nyzule Isle was perhaps some of the most raid-fun I've had in a while.

That's because you got a different experience every time. That randomness could be frustrating at times ("kill 5 psychflayer NM" floors...) but at least it never got boring.

That sort of randomness is sorely missing from FFXIV. All dungeons and bosses are so incredibly scripted and linear that no matter how cool you make them they're going to get old very quickly.

This x59247856895

Exactly. Even events like Dynamis/Einherar/Delve and so on has their own elements to them that while it's "the same", there's multiple ways to go about it or objectives, it's not the same: "CLEAR THIS CIRCULAR PLATFORM IN THIS PART OF THE LONG HALLWAY!" over and over.


#75 Dec 31 2014 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
If I can ask a curious question: What kind of endgame would you find interesting and engaging? Would it be a different raid type? Something more open-world?

I recall a lot of different varieties of the same-old game in FFXI. Dynamis and Einjerjar felt more or less interchangeable to me, though Nyzule Isle was perhaps some of the most raid-fun I've had in a while. Salvage for me was Eh, and I loathed most of the NM systems in the game. Then after Abyssea I just kinda didn't feel like the content held me enough, even though there was a wide variety.

For me, I'd like to see more focused open world content instead of just FATEs - something along the lines of Besieged and Conquest, as well as dungeons that were less Linear overall. (something with dividing paths that you are only able to select one path before it closes behind you, etc.)

But I'm curious as to what others view as more engaging endgames as I tend to be astray from the typical pack on that. I do not, in the least, mind our current dungeon system. The dungeons are fun to me and the Raids are too. Only issue I have is having the free time to do them all and keep up with the currency grind and the fact that I would like more alternate paths to upgrading gear and weapons. I'd always love a wider endgame but I realize that may not be as feasible in a vertical progression MMO as it is a Horizontal one like FFXI.

Still, I'd always welcome a wider endgame overall, just not sure what everyone would expect for 'new gameplay'.

Yea more open world would be nice.. I am looking for something along the lines of How campaign, besieged or dynamis changed the game. I am not looking for those exactly but how they changed FFXI.. I could not wait to get home from work to play them for a long time. Well Dynamis had its timer.

I did like hunts allot and wish they would have kept that going but hunts are pretty much dead most of the time on our server.

Most of the dungeons and raids kind of ran together with even primal fights. I did like CT and ST because of the amount of people who had to cooperate to get it done. I liked coil in the beginning too. All dungeons, primals, and raids feel pretty much feel the same. Dps check, dodge mechanics. Less skill and more memorization, almost feels like watching youtube is more important than actually playing sometimes. That is not fun.

I would not mind new dungeons if they did something different. Not just 3 bosses with trash in-between. Each dungeon has got better but yet they still feel the same. I need some variety. I want bosses that react different to the situation.. Not bosses that go ok at this point in my exp bar I am doing this, now at this point in my exp bar I am doing this. I want fights that change same with raids. I want battles that are not predicable.

I know the game is still new and can change and get better. But we are talking a major expansion that we have to pay more money for and it needs to offer more than the major patches did.. They cant just add new land with some new quest line, another primal, fates and new dungeons that are not different than the ones before them. How is that any different than what they have done before?

I just dont want more dungeons, Primals and raids where every-time I go in its the same thing. End game just feels the same over and over.

You know I want that feeling where I am excited about playing the game, I had that earlier. Now with end game I feel like I am getting on because I have to cap tomes or what ever. I feel like I am being forced to run old content over and over.

Also for the new expansion it would be nice if the story line took more than a day to complete.. Some of them in FFXI took months.

This game has so much potential. Even housing, SE needs to work on it not just make it a vanity item. Tes had so much fun decorating it but now what?.. You cant even use any storage in it. We were going to sit in our hot tub the other day just for fun and we had to go back to our inn room for our swim suits in the Armoire. Make the garden sharable and the mender etc. Make the stove usable.. Housing could be so cool but no one is ever there and why not?

Edited, Dec 31st 2014 10:08am by Nashred

Edited, Dec 31st 2014 10:27am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#76 Dec 31 2014 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
That's what irks me when in comparison, XI felt like much more love and care went into it. I know they 'rushed' ARR but..XI just does so much more better on a base level that it makes no sense they didn't follow it but instead followed WoW. Which is fine since they wanted to follow the 'standard', but still..

Look at Mog Houses - They even could have done a system they couldn't with XI due to limitations. They wanted to deliver us "newspapers (vanadiel tribune) to our Mog House, but instead put it on the website/POL Viewer. With the whole 'Mog Net' and Delivery Moogle things, they could have done that with housing. Your Mog House was basically your personal space..FC Housing/Personal Housing just feels like a useless dollhouse. You get to decorate it, sure..but in terms of use? It's still behind even what a 2002 PS2 MMORPG gave us.

So yeah, there's just so much missed potential with so many areas of this game. It's why I liked 1.x more in a lot of regards. The dungeons felt like they were part of the world and the lore/story behind them felt like they were part of the actual storyline. In ARR only the last 2 story dungeons feels as such for an obvious reason. Things like Totorak/Tamtara and so on exists, but doesn't feel like it's connected to the world. Tam Tara Hard should, theoretically be the only Tam Tara that exists.

As said, once 3.0 Lands or even 2.5 on the 20th of Jan, maybe they'll be able to focus better or show the care that they did with XI. Since whether you liked or hated XI, they definitely paid attention to the continuity of the game's content, simply because they gated the end-game areas behind story progression, which makes sense (you know, RPG...Final Fantasy...) but these days gating stuff just pisses off players, so the 'fast food' approach is why it seems they miss the potential that's there. Hell Toto Rak 1.x had multiple bosses and paths including multiple objectives (leveling/finishing dungeon or going for the story quest related to it.) Toto Rak in 2.0 got rid of most of that "choice".

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