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Live Letter from the Producer, 1/12/16Follow

#52 Jan 18 2016 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Simple math, Filth. Your problem is you don't understand this is a per-day issue.

It still only sets you back an hour. Worst case it's the first hour of tomorrow rather than the last hour you play today, but again... what difference does that really make in the grand scheme of things?

Anyway, glad to see you were finally able to take a break from your hectic relic farm schedule to devote some time to the story and actually find that you enjoyed it. Whether or not the general population shares your enthusiasm; well I guess we'll have to wait for the data on the next non-gated story progression. Call me a pessimist, but I'm inclined to say that just based on the poor numbers in the last census coupled with the general 'skip that cutscene I'm going to mass pull' mentality that seems dominant in the game, not much will change. I guess we'll see...

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#53 Jan 18 2016 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
I didn't take time out from farming. I got my arming done first, and then I had extra time to do the story.

Next storyline will gate a dungeon, so people will probably prioritize it higher.

Edited, Jan 18th 2016 4:55pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#54 Jan 18 2016 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
...coupled with the general 'skip that cutscene I'm going to mass pull' mentality that seems dominant in the game...

This is why they don't do cutscenes in the middle of a dungeon anymore. Castrum Meridianum did not work well.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#55 Jan 18 2016 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
This is why they don't do cutscenes in the middle of a dungeon anymore. Castrum Meridianum did not work well.


Fortunately, most people aren't a-holes about cutscenes... it was always a problem of a sliver of people making life unpleasant for the rest. I've done more Castrum/Prae runs than not where people were totally cool with waiting for others to watch their cutscenes. You'll find rude gamers in any community.

And the key is to find a good FC, just like how in XI having a good linkshell was so meaningful.
Thayos Redblade
#56 Jan 18 2016 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
- The devs thought about implementing a cross-server raid finder and keeping SM difficulty as is, but they decided the difficulty would still be too much for most players to handle.

So theyre not doing the raid finder but lowering the difficulty?

- Alexander SM raid iLevel drops will be increased to be the best in the game (he used a comparison of i215 compared to i210).

Huh? Arent they already best? (il210) If not then the current 210 will be changed to 215 AND the raids themselves will be made easier? That makes no sense.

- Hinted at being able to obtain higher-tiered weapons more quickly through tomes/relic chain as weapon iLevels from hardcore raiding are increased.

So relic and tome weapons will be easier to get (by easier i hope they mean eliminate time sink), but raid weapons will be better (higher Ilevel)? Hasnt that always been the case? Unless theyre saying relic will NEVER be as good a a raid weapon (even though they first relic at the end eventually because better than the then highest lvl raid weapon in both stats and ilevel) Im hoping all relics continue that trend
#57 Jan 18 2016 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
So theyre not doing the raid finder but lowering the difficulty?

They need to do both. There are a lot of servers that are not Hyperion or Gilgamesh that need some access to the greater raid community.

Huh? Arent they already best? (il210) If not then the current 210 will be changed to 215 AND the raids themselves will be made easier? That makes no sense.

Because the Diadem exists, raid equipment is currently not always the best. Bumping it 5 item levels corrects this in most cases.

So relic and tome weapons will be easier to get (by easier i hope they mean eliminate time sink), but raid weapons will be better (higher Ilevel)? Hasnt that always been the case? Unless theyre saying relic will NEVER be as good a a raid weapon (even though they first relic at the end eventually because better than the then highest lvl raid weapon in both stats and ilevel) Im hoping all relics continue that trend

I'd expect it to work the way relics did in the 2.x series where they're just behind the raid weapons until the end of the series when they finally catch up. That seems reasonable to me.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#58 Jan 19 2016 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I didn't take time out from farming. I got my arming done first, and then I had extra time to do the story.

I was being sarcastic. You got your farming done and then used your extra time to do the story... pretty much exactly like I suggested it could be done.

Callinon wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
So theyre not doing the raid finder but lowering the difficulty?

They need to do both. There are a lot of servers that are not Hyperion or Gilgamesh that need some access to the greater raid community.

With content being so much easier I'd imagine that NA/EU players won't be so reluctant to PUG it. I'm pretty sure SE looked at coil completion rate as a baseline and decided where to nerf their raids down to so that a much greater share of the player base would be capable of clearing it.

Again we have to wait for results, but I'm going to do what I do and make another prediction...

The numbers were much lower in NA/EU due to lack of willpower rather than lack of skill. There will still be a part of the player base unwilling to build groups to progress into what used to be difficult content and the gap between JP and NA/EU will widen even further.

For those still clinging to the cross realm raid finder, trust me when I say it's as much a curse as it is a blessing. It's just another step in the direction of a single-player mentality crossing into a multiplayer game. There is something to be said for people who seek out other like-minded players on their own server to group up with. They're generally more skilled, knowledgeable, confident, ect.

It's evidenced by the flood of players you'll have taking their new and improved(and probably easier to acquire) gear as a nod to go ahead and queue up for a raid having no real idea how their job or class works, much less how to work with other players...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#59 Jan 19 2016 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
With content being so much easier I'd imagine that NA/EU players won't be so reluctant to PUG it. I'm pretty sure SE looked at coil completion rate as a baseline and decided where to nerf their raids down to so that a much greater share of the player base would be capable of clearing it.

It's not just a matter of difficulty though. It's a matter of community. There are small servers that have, no kidding, like 1 raiding FC. Even if the raids become more PUG friendly you'll still need people capable and willing to organize others and a lot of smaller servers just don't have that.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#60 Jan 19 2016 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Smaller servers should just be merges. Cross realm tech killed MMO communities.
#61 Jan 19 2016 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
...coupled with the general 'skip that cutscene I'm going to mass pull' mentality that seems dominant in the game...

This is why they don't do cutscenes in the middle of a dungeon anymore. Castrum Meridianum did not work well.

Worked perfectly fine in Research Facility, you actually can't progress unless everyone views (or everyone skips) the cutscene - another reason I said it was the perfectly designed dungeon and why that along with cues from XI, they could have so much better designed dungeons and content if they really wanted.

Edited, Jan 19th 2016 7:07am by Theonehio

#62 Jan 19 2016 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
448 posts
Thayos wrote:
The story didn't go nowhere. I thought quite a bit happened in such a short span of missions. We progressed in terms of what happened with the missing Scions and got to see what's been happening in Ishgard since the conclusion of 3.0's story. We also met a new character and got to see the introduction of a new storyline. I don't want to spoil anything though, but the story definitely made progress.

THe "missing Scions" is something I didn't like at all, coupled with the sheer idiocy of 2.55, that, in an even more bizarre turn, gets completely overturned in one cutscene during 3.0. It seems to me that whoever wrote the script didn't like the Scions at all as they were (they're still 1.0 material, after all) and used this to "reimagine them" (though most of the redesigns shown so far aren't good, IMO). My main issue is however, nothing that was discussed in 3.1 (related to the main HW story) was actually foreshadowed in 3.0. It was more like "hey guys, we need to create tension!".

I expect the ongoing issues with the Garleans and Ascians will continue through the game's life, and the 3.0 storyline was pretty much self-contained. However, unlike the 2.1 to 3.0 transition content, the post-3.0 transition content seems to be more directly pertaining to 3.0's story. I doubt we'll get complete resolution on the 3.0 story arcs until the last 3.x patch, and until then, the plot will move forward. That's how it's supposed to be.

You see, that's something I feel is undermining XIV's story. The Ascians are paper-thin villains, their master as well, whoever it is. I don't really want to go on playing for years just to complete the story (and by the way, HW feels like a gigantic sidequest). By contrast, I prefer XI's approach with each expansion being self-contained (more or less), not to mention, save for Rhapsodies, not only your character actualy does something instead of being a mute, but also it's not always praised like he/she is the only intelligent person on the whole Hyadeln.
Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#63 Jan 19 2016 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Yeah, they want to get rid of as many 1.x elements as possible but hold onto the stuff people still seem to like. So while I agree the plot should move's still disjointed as all hell.

That too is why I love XI's approach, while you aren't always "HEY I'M A CHARACTER I'M DOING SOMETHING!" you actually "fit" into the world and a part of the overall storyline. Yeah you're "the chosen one" but you're not the storyline's instant win button like you are in XIV. You can literally get rid of any "villain" in this game and still have a storyline.

Take for instance when you grappled with one of the Legatus and you had people cheering him on and such, it's an interesting fight (and over used trope) but they could have done more like that, especially with the Relic Quest in 3.x, but they aren't and won't.

The storyline really isn't going anywhere honestly, they put their best foot forward with 3.0's story and 3.1 and 3.2 is setting stuff up - They tend to waste some good elements on side storylines: For example Omega Weapon - we'll never see him in the main story because they shoved him into being a PvP element to give that a storyline. Omega traditionally was designed to seek out and destroy Shinryu, which will be a main story element in XIV and while that lore wasn't told in FFV, it was in the FF history book thing, so that's why even in XI, Shinryu was chosen as the "ultimate form" of Promathia, to keep Omega being designed a purpose, and Ultima being the "countermeasure" incase Omega went stray.

What would be interesting is if they start taking the XI approach and start weaving storylines together rather than self containing them in every update. I know certain people loved to say: "but but every update in XIV blows an entire XI expansion away!!!!11111!111 (it really doesn't)" but when you really sit and think about the story, it doesn't really feel like a storyline, and before anyone say it, yes I do read every line and listen to every cutscene (kind of have to since they rarely match up with the non Japanese localization) and did every side quest, which rarely even involves the storyline or lore.

Even if the story moves forward, it still should weave into every other storyline, I know they want to keep things in a way to "not confuse the new player omg!" but Coil, which obviously even SE agrees with (hence why they're choosing a Coil 2.5 type difficulty and possibly even design for Midas), was the better design as the storyline was linked to not only 1.x, but 2.x as well. I'd like this game's storyline better if it didn't just feel like an after thought at times.


#64 Jan 19 2016 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Even if the raids become more PUG friendly you'll still need people capable and willing to organize others and a lot of smaller servers just don't have that.

This isn't meant to offend anyone, but if you're not willing or able to organize a small raid then you're not really 'cut out' for raiding. Whether it's a matter of population or community, cross-server queues are not the solution to the problem.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#65 Jan 19 2016 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
This isn't meant to offend anyone, but if you're not willing or able to organize a small raid then you're not really 'cut out' for raiding. Whether it's a matter of population or community, cross-server queues are not the solution to the problem.

Why do we seem to disagree on everything? Ugh. I'm really not trying to disagree with you just for fun.

But yes, I disagree with this too. A basketball team can't be made entirely of Chris Pauls, and a raid group can't be made entirely of people who are drawn toward organizing. People need to be motivated, for sure, but being motivated to follow is just as useful as being motivated to lead. Good raid groups have room (and need) for both.

In reality, what happens when you have too many leaders and not enough role players is you get too many statics with not enough members to go around.

Edited, Jan 19th 2016 12:56pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#66 Jan 19 2016 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
448 posts
Theonehio wrote:

That too is why I love XI's approach, while you aren't always "HEY I'M A CHARACTER I'M DOING SOMETHING!" you actually "fit" into the world and a part of the overall storyline. Yeah you're "the chosen one" but you're not the storyline's instant win button like you are in XIV. You can literally get rid of any "villain" in this game and still have a storyline.

To be fair, Iroha's constant yapping about "Master" in Rhapsodies got on my nerves because it reminded too much of XIV.
In certain instances I feel HW's story was unintentionally comical, like when the Kori no Miko / Iceheart discovers that her image of Shiva didn't really exsist. Now, aside the fact that the player character could have tell her that ages ago since he/she is aware of the Primals "distorted" appearance, the whole cutscene, from acting (JP voices, by the way) to the script made me laugh at how bad it was handled.

What would be interesting is if they start taking the XI approach and start weaving storylines together rather than self containing them in every update. I know certain people loved to say: "but but every update in XIV blows an entire XI expansion away!!!!11111!111 (it really doesn't)" but when you really sit and think about the story, it doesn't really feel like a storyline, and before anyone say it, yes I do read every line and listen to every cutscene (kind of have to since they rarely match up with the non Japanese localization) and did every side quest, which rarely even involves the storyline or lore.

Aside the "errand boy" quests (which were luckily reduced) aside the general non-imposing presence of the player character (basically reacts to nothing) too many times the story uses the revelation -> there's something more important -> detour -> back on the main topic at the end trick.
Also, I hate the way Duties are handled in the story. I usually play with 2-3 people for the story, and I'm forced to disband the party every time there's a duty (in contrast, 1.0's duties could be done in party in certain cases).

Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#67 Jan 19 2016 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
This isn't meant to offend anyone, but if you're not willing or able to organize a small raid then you're not really 'cut out' for raiding.

That's ... totally unreasonable. I'm a great raider. I've been doing it for 20 years in one form or another. I'm AWFUL at organizing raids and I'm a good enough player to know that. Just because I'm bad at organizing other people doesn't mean I'm not cut out for raiding.[/quote]

Worked perfectly fine in Research Facility, you actually can't progress unless everyone views (or everyone skips) the cutscene - another reason I said it was the perfectly designed dungeon and why that along with cues from XI, they could have so much better designed dungeons and content if they really wanted.

There was never a real need to spam that place, so most people going through it are doing so for the first time and will want to watch the cutscenes (because frankly they're great... pretty much all of Azys Lla is great). CM needed to be spammed for tomestones, so people got irked because of all the cutscenes.

Dungeons that need to be run repeatedly do not include mid-zone cutscenes.

Edited, Jan 19th 2016 7:34pm by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#68 Jan 19 2016 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
derple post

Edited, Jan 19th 2016 7:34pm by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#69 Jan 19 2016 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Why do we seem to disagree on everything? Ugh. I'm really not trying to disagree with you just for fun.

But yes, I disagree with this too. A basketball team can't be made entirely of Chris Pauls, and a raid group can't be made entirely of people who are drawn toward organizing. People need to be motivated, for sure, but being motivated to follow is just as useful as being motivated to lead. Good raid groups have room (and need) for both.

I think you disagree with me most of the time because you read far too much into what I'm saying. I'm not suggesting that everyone trying to raid has to be ready for Elysium or Method. I'm just pointing out that raid finder tools tend to attract the type of players who don't care. They can't be bothered to form a group, they're not there to learn and they have no patience for wiping on easy content while everyone else figures out why they suck. The mentality is why waste time with a group that wipes once when I can just queue up until I get lucky enough to get a carry.

Absolutely nothing good has come from LFR. What's worse is that when it proves to be unsuccessful, SE will attach some sort of necessary 'incentive' for players to act like they care even though they hate it. It would literally become another weekly chore that you'd be responsible for if you wanted to earn the maximum amount of whatever currency is hot at the time.

It's not specifically organizing or running the raid as much as it's showing that you want to be there, you're willing to learn and you care. You sound like the type of player who isn't great at coming up with a strategy, but you have no issue understanding it and executing it. That's why most people dedicated to raiding have trial runs. You're not expected to run the raid, but nobody wants players who are there just to collect some loot and unfortunately that's what LFR amounts to.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#70 Jan 20 2016 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
I support the concept of a raid finder tool for two reasons:

1) Easier for raid leaders to find new members, especially on the smaller servers.

2) Friends who play on different servers could conceivably raid together, which would be awesome.
Thayos Redblade
#71 Jan 20 2016 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Let's be clear about the difference between WoW-style LFR and a cross-server raid builder. LFR has its uses but I don't think FFXIV would benefit from it. Cross-server raid building tools are akin to tools like openraid that allow the building of premade raids across different servers. Not automated matchmaking where you will never meet those people again to do content that's balanced for a full raid, half of whom are snacking on paint chips.

Realistically I don't understand why anyone would be opposed to the idea of being able to put premade raids together across server boundaries.

It's not specifically organizing or running the raid as much as it's showing that you want to be there, you're willing to learn and you care.

What you said was:

This isn't meant to offend anyone, but if you're not willing or able to organize a small raid then you're not really 'cut out' for raiding.

If you'd like to revise that statement, by all means. But please don't act as if that's not exactly what you said. It was all of 3 posts above mine.

Edited, Jan 20th 2016 11:12am by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#72 Jan 20 2016 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Let's be clear about the difference between WoW-style LFR and a cross-server raid builder. LFR has its uses but I don't think FFXIV would benefit from it. Cross-server raid building tools are akin to tools like openraid that allow the building of premade raids across different servers. Not automated matchmaking where you will never meet those people again to do content that's balanced for a full raid, half of whom are snacking on paint chips.

And yep, this is what I'd like to see, although it sounds like they're not doing this -- at least not for now.

I imagined it more like a cross-server party finder, which seems logical since endgame hardcore raids are never in the duty finder. The WoW-style tool sounds more like a cross-server duty finder, which would suck.
Thayos Redblade
#73 Jan 20 2016 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
And the only reason for that is because whether people clear it or not, unlocking the new raids immediately means people will farm it faster and thus exhaust the current game's content that much quicker.

The main reason to oppose it is because Yoshi has a hard on for "think of the new player" and "balance." He's even went on record to state any content that can be done via duty finder has to be adjusted in a way that anyone loading it will have the chance to clear it. So cross-server means unless it's still locked off content (i.e Savage Alexander not being in Duty Finder) it's going to further be nerfed down or else there's literally no incentive to use it because it FURTHER takes away from server communities than the game already does.

Think about it: You have almost no reason to care about your server community because most content is solo or done through DF, then the VERY few "Server only" content is obsolete, now in DF or shattered most end-game communities for its asinine difficulty - Now extrapolate that to being able to pull people from another server - why would you ever try to find "locally" again? It will help short term, that much is very true, but long simply means content will further be nerfed down in order to get people to actually use it, because as some people even said here, they wait until content is nerfed before even setting foot into it and that certainly echoes true through the "targeted playerbase", because of how often you get new player bonus in even older ex primal fights.

Since the real issue is content design, not even finding the players. This is why most raiders moved to Gilgamesh, because it started being advertised as the refugee camp for people who lost their statics due to A3S genocide.

#74 Jan 20 2016 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
The few times I did attempt to use the tool for finding members to fill a raid it ended up taking more time than it would for me to just hearth back to a city and advertise. The only exception to this was being able to invite a friend of a guild member who was from another server to participate with us a few times. Most of the limited time I spent using the grouping tool for raiding was spent denying players who weren't close to geared enough, had little or no experience or couldn't even be bothered to read the description stating that our group was looking for a specific role.

Callinon wrote:
If you'd like to revise that statement, by all means. But please don't act as if that's not exactly what you said. It was all of 3 posts above mine.

I didn't act like anything. Nowhere in my post does it state or imply that you misunderstood what I said. It's always been my position that if you aren't willing to put in the effort to raid, you're not going to put effort into the raid. Listing yourself in a raid finder tool is literally no different than sitting in Jeuno with your flag up. The only difference is that people on other servers can see you and you have the potential to group with them. It sounds like it might provide more opportunity, but there's that many more players you're competing with for a spot in a raid and that many more players listing themselves to be carried.

Edited, Jan 20th 2016 2:46pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#75 Jan 20 2016 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Listing yourself in a raid finder tool is literally no different than sitting in Jeuno with your flag up.

It's actually a lot different.

If you make a raid listing to recruit a group, then you're saying, "I'm the leader here, I'm going to put in the time and effort to organize this, and the buck stops with me."

If you "put your flag up," then you're saying, "I want to raid, and I'm open to joining a group."

Edited, Jan 20th 2016 1:51pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#76 Jan 20 2016 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
It's actually a lot different.

If you make a raid listing to recruit a group, then you're saying, "I'm the leader here, I'm going to put in the time and effort to organize this, and the buck stops with me."

If you "put your flag up," then you're saying, "I want to raid, and I'm open to joining a group."

Difference between PF and DF. Would someone seriously argue that those are the same thing?
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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