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If Im reading this right (alexander loot)Follow

#1 Jul 10 2015 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
ok supposedly HW has an improved loot system...

Yet from what I see Alexander chest dont drop loot, just coins to BUY loot, however getting a chest of coins is restricted to once a week, and since teh coins are in a chest that means you still have to compete with other played to even Win the lot.

how is this any different than the old way or getting loot.. i.e the chest actually contained equipment but you still had to compete to win loot and still has a once a week limit as opposed to competing for coins to BUY loot but still has a once a week limit?

I fail to see how this is improved or different, anyone care to explain?

Also they said enemies on the world map would be more threatening, yet they dont do any more damage to me or give me a harder time to kill than any of the stuff on the PRE HW maps did, the only huge difference I seen (which is actually an annoyance) is that EVERYTHING aggroes, everything aggroes =/= harder
#2 Jul 10 2015 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I am in agreement with you that this alexander loot distribution system is asinine.

Takes multiple pieces to buy gear as well, so you are entitled to five fragments of gear per week (4 + the one for completion bonus) and not even a full piece of gear itself, and was locked into a random loot drop (if you go df).

So pretty much they increased the influence of RNG on loot in this event.

I was under the impression that pieces of gear dropped, that you could roll on once a week, but everyone participating for the win gets a token on your first win for the week that you could trade in for gear (i.e. a restricted version of how bismark ex, shiva ex, and ravana ex currently work). Turns out that is not the case.

Those primal loot sytems are amazingly fair and excellent, but the alexander loot system is crap, imo.

Edited, Jul 10th 2015 12:50pm by Valkayree
#3 Jul 10 2015 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Loot system is up for revision as per Live Letter today.

Savage grants tokens AND armor drops, which was what everyone expected. Perhaps they just wanted the easy-mode items to be a bit more grindy because of how easy Normal Alexander ended up being. Who knows, they're going to revisit it, will be a moot point soon.

Once again, Yoshida's crew seems to be on top of things, while still managing to **** off some people by taking a stance on their design choices. Liking the fact that the changes are fairly swift, even if they're not everyone's ideal.
#4 Jul 10 2015 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't mind the Alexander loot system, and here's why:

While there's still RNG involved -- and there will always be those who despite RNG -- each floor of Alexander seems to drop two or three tokens. So, at least right off the bat, you have a decent chance of winning a lot.

As time passes, and you need more specific tokens to meet your goals, then it could become more of a pain... but at the same time, others will be refraining from logging on certain tokens too, so things will balance out a bit.

And finally, each floor of Alexander isn't very difficult. A good party can clear each floor easily in less than 10 minutes. So, unlike something like Crystal Tower, this isn't like you're spending 40 minutes in a dungeon, only to come out empty handed. A good group could probably spam an Alexander floor six to 10 times within an hour, getting enough drops to go around.

It ain't no silver platter, but this isn't atma hunting, either.
Thayos Redblade
#5 Jul 10 2015 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Perhaps they just wanted the easy-mode items to be a bit more grindy because of how easy Normal Alexander ended up being.

That's exactly what I think they were going for.

Alex Normal is really easy, yet still awards superior gear. So it's the now-classic tradeoff of time spent vs player skill. Less skilled players will not be able to do Savage where gear drops in whole pieces rather than fractions of gear. Yet Savage still has some RNG protection built in with the collectable token system like the EX primals.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#6 Jul 10 2015 at 12:55 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Ok lets say each floor drops 2 tokens, theres 4 floors on the first floor you have a 1/8 chance of getting 2 tokens, 2nd floor you have 1/7 chance, 3rd floor is 1/6 and 4th is 1/5 and that assuming you have the same party throughout the whole thing, otherwise its 1/8 chance for tokens on every floor

token costs:

Head Tarnished Gordian Lens 2
Body Tarnished Gordian Shaft 4
Hands Tarnished Gordian Crank 2
Waist Tarnished Gordian Chain 1
Legs Tarnished Gordian Spring 4
Feet Tarnished Gordian Pedal 2
Accessories Tarnished Gordian Bolt 1

So while youre not guaranteed to get one piece of gear a week with that setup, I would think getting legs and body are would probably take months without a static.

Then how long before the "experienced/only must have cleared" starts? I mean HW isnt even a month old yet Im already seeing that in PF with the extreme primal fights... and Im only level 53 still getting through story, which means by the time Im 60 that content will then be "inaccessible" to me.
#7 Jul 10 2015 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok lets say each floor drops 2 tokens, theres 4 floors on the first floor you have a 1/8 chance of getting 2 tokens

You can only get one drop per floor, so the correct way to look at this is you have a minimum 1/7 chance of getting a token on the first floor (because someone else will win the other token and be taken out of the running).

I know that won't make you feel better -- might make you feel worse, actually -- but just wanted to clarify that.

Then how long before the "experienced/only must have cleared" starts? I mean HW isnt even a month old yet Im already seeing that in PF with the extreme primal fights... and Im only level 53 still getting through story, which means by the time Im 60 that content will then be "inaccessible" to me.

This has already started.

However, you can do Alexander Normal in the duty finder, and most duty finder groups can clear each floor.

The only real exception is Floor 4, which is about on par with some Extreme Primals in terms of difficulty. However, it's a shorter fight with shorter phases, and there's really no DPS check, which is the biggest obstacles in a lot of primal fights.

In other words, you'll be fine.

Edited, Jul 10th 2015 12:10pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#8 Jul 10 2015 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"You can only receive one item per floor each week. In the event you are awarded an item from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining items regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed. Also note that there is no weekly restriction on entering Alexander: Gordias. "

To me that SOUNDS like one item per floor each week.. meaning you can get something from every floor.... at least thats how Ive interpreted.. that doesnt make my interpretation correct... I think they should reword that a bit
#9 Jul 10 2015 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
You're correct, you can get one item per floor per week. In that sentence of yours that I highlighted, it sounded like you were expecting to get two drops from the first floor each week... I may have misread that.

EDIT: Oh, I see... I think you meant to say "1/8 chance of getting one of two tokens."

Edited, Jul 10th 2015 12:20pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#10 Jul 10 2015 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
1/8 change of getting 2 tokens actually.. If we operated by the assumption that EVERY floor only dropped 2 tokens each... every week youd have at least gotten 8 tokens, but since youve clarified that EVERYONE gets one drop PER floor per week, that means you are correct your number will ALWAYS be 1/8 regardless to what floor youre on, even if going through all 4 floors with the same party member, which brings the loot system back o being no different than previous raids since at the end of the day someone can still do all 4 floors one week and still go away empty handed that week, only difference is unlike previous raids were you could only do it once whether you got loot or not, with Alex you can repeat a floor 50 times until you finally DO get coins for that week so no one potentially will ever be empty handed... I guess if you look at it THAT way then it IS better

Edited, Jul 10th 2015 2:33pm by DuoMaxwellxx
#11 Jul 10 2015 at 1:42 PM Rating: Excellent
1/8 change of getting 2 tokens actually

Really, unless everyone only lots on one token and lets the other fall to the floor, then you have a minimum 1/7 chance at one of two tokens per floor. But we're splitting hairs at this point... the bottom line is you're unhappy with the grind.

In reality, though, I don't think the odds will be as bad as 1/7 for the majority of your runs. As people gear up, they'll ignore certain tokens as they aim for others. You also have groups who are using Alex NM to gear up for Alex SM, and they're pursuing "optimal" routes where they're only lotting on certain pieces with the intent on finish gear to complement what they'll get in Alex (or, right now, they're only focusing on gear they know they can complete within two weeks).

By the time you hit 60, more people will have finished grinding gear such as the body piece, so you may have an easier time winning those lots through the DF.

Of course, the way to do this would be with a PF farm group... each floor can be beat in less than 10 minutes, so you could farm whichever weekly token you need in the time it took to run two floors of WoD upon its release.

And you can do this with i170 gear, jumping up to i190 while entirely skipping hunts (which I'm sure you're not a fan of).

Really, this is actually a very cool system.

Edited, Jul 10th 2015 12:44pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#12 Jul 10 2015 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
oooo for some reason i thought tokens dropped in stacks, it the tokens drop as individual, then that means 2 tokens would be two separate items (and not 1 like i though) so TWO people would get something on every floor, which makes your chances like you said 1/7 per floor.. but since you only get a max of ONE token per floor and not 2+ per floor like i thought that means farming tokens and getting loot will be even more grindy than I thought lol
#13 Jul 10 2015 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Yep! That's what I was saying earlier... I'm probably not helping you feel any better, but just wanted to make sure you had the right info.
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jul 13 2015 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
And the odds of getting all four drops every week in four runs back to back are at best 1/7 * 1/7 * 1/7 * 1/7 = 0.0004 That's about 1 / 2500.

Plan on running these multiple times per week.
#15 Jul 13 2015 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
I think what worries me, is once Hard Mode hits, all the raiders/static people are going to completely abandon this. So you're going to be stuck just trying to scrape wins out from week to week. We'll see how it goes, but my DF runs so far have not been very pleasant.

#16 Jul 13 2015 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
I actually went 1/2 on each floor in week one... considering myself lucky!
Thayos Redblade
#17 Jul 13 2015 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
I actually went 1/2 on each floor in week one... considering myself lucky!

Yep, I've been keeping visual records of my DF runs as the week went on and the amount of wins vs continual wipes skyrocketed after the "better" people got their item for the week and stop queuing lol. Not to be mean or anything but it'll be akin to WoD soon enough. You'll get through it, sure..but you'll get to a point you'll be thankful you only wiped 4 times instead of spending 2 hours wiping over and over due to the same mistake.

But yeah, HM won't be much due to the turns themselves having a lockout as well, so story mode will still get blood pumped into it simply because it's the only content we have to do once you're done with HW content via vertical progression.

#18 Jul 23 2015 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
I don't mind the Alexander loot system, and here's why:

While there's still RNG involved -- and there will always be those who despite RNG -- each floor of Alexander seems to drop two or three tokens. So, at least right off the bat, you have a decent chance of winning a lot.

As time passes, and you need more specific tokens to meet your goals, then it could become more of a pain... but at the same time, others will be refraining from logging on certain tokens too, so things will balance out a bit.

And finally, each floor of Alexander isn't very difficult. A good party can clear each floor easily in less than 10 minutes. So, unlike something like Crystal Tower, this isn't like you're spending 40 minutes in a dungeon, only to come out empty handed. A good group could probably spam an Alexander floor six to 10 times within an hour, getting enough drops to go around.

It ain't no silver platter, but this isn't atma hunting, either.

I agree.

What I will add though A4 has been a nightmare. Spammed this around 20 times just to get my 1 single drop, the win rate was very bad this day. 5/20 wins and only getting the drop on my last run.

On another day though like last night, got 1-4 all drops in 5 runs and only had to do another run because I didn't get the drop n A1. It was actually my smoothest alex run so far and this includes the times I help others get drops or win. I am finding more frustration with 4 though because people keep forgetting ADDs which then end up killing the healers (like me).

Still - I love it, I cant hide the fact I really enjoy Alex.
#19 Jul 23 2015 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
125 posts
Yeah, I'm enjoying Alex too. Really enjoying the fights and the songs.

Ways its better is shown in this example...

In a single duty finder attempt by yourself, its harder cause now you compete with the whole raid for loot vs just having to beat the other guy that was your job for loot.

On the other hand... you get a raid group together 8 men, then it is way faster as in trying to wait for that Dragoon piece to drop Vs as a member gets a token you no longer have to lot against two people the first got, 4 people the second, 6 people the third run, to the point where you get your drops pretty fast in 4 runs for everybody unless people looking for that crank, and it hasn't dropped yet, you might to run another one to get the man what he wants.

But yeah, by yourself in duty finder. Lotting against 7 people everytime.
#20 Jul 23 2015 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
5,055 posts
they need to slow down on the new content (i remember when you only had to worry about new gear every 3-6 months). I havent even hit 6900 yet and done alex normal and we already have alex savage gear? by the time Im doin that that gear will be obsolete and ppl will be grinding whatever gear is new lol
#21 Jul 23 2015 at 9:05 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
they need to slow down on the new content (i remember when you only had to worry about new gear every 3-6 months). I havent even hit 6900 yet and done alex normal and we already have alex savage gear? by the time Im doin that that gear will be obsolete and ppl will be grinding whatever gear is new lol

This was the heavily advertised plan from the beginning. 2 weeks after launch would be Alex normal, 2 weeks after that would be Alex savage.

So now all the 3.0 content is out and available. The next content release will be in 3.1, probably 2ish months from now, and it'll be the 24-man raid (so not progression content). A new Alex wing won't open until 3.2 which is probably 5-6 months away at this point.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#22 Jul 23 2015 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
they need to slow down on the new content (i remember when you only had to worry about new gear every 3-6 months). I havent even hit 6900 yet and done alex normal and we already have alex savage gear? by the time Im doin that that gear will be obsolete and ppl will be grinding whatever gear is new lol

This was the heavily advertised plan from the beginning. 2 weeks after launch would be Alex normal, 2 weeks after that would be Alex savage.

So now all the 3.0 content is out and available. The next content release will be in 3.1, probably 2ish months from now, and it'll be the 24-man raid (so not progression content). A new Alex wing won't open until 3.2 which is probably 5-6 months away at this point.

Even the top 0.000001% can't clear turn 3 at the moment. Apparently the dps check is a ridiculous 12-18k+ or something. Going to take them a few more weeks of gear I bet, and forget that last floor for a few months at the very least for even the top statics.
#23 Jul 23 2015 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Valkayree wrote:
Apparently the dps check is a ridiculous 12-18k+ or something.

Smiley: yikes

That's ridiculous. Seriously, unless gaining 10 item levels will cause me to more than double my current dps, that sounds like an impossible number to me.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#24 Jul 23 2015 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Given how much I loooooove Alexander *COUGH*, I'm sure glad they totally invalidated its loot in a mere two weeks.

Makes me wonder why they even bothered with designing two separate versions of the raid.
#25 Jul 23 2015 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Makes me wonder why they even bothered with designing two separate versions of the raid.

Storyline and casual play.

I'm super glad they added the normal version. I really have very little desire to bang my head against the wall in savage mode, and I don't want to be enslaved to a static in order to experience the game's storylines. I STILL haven't seen all of Coil's story.
Thayos Redblade
#26 Jul 23 2015 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
3,737 posts
I'm sure glad they totally invalidated its loot in a mere two weeks.

Fully esoterics geared are you?
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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