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PS3 or PC?Follow

#1 Feb 13 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
I will be a new player to XIV, previously played XI on 360. I was debating whether its worth it to buy a cheap gaming PC, or get a PS3? If you have suggestions for a PC, please include the estimated cost. Thanks all!
#2 Feb 13 2013 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm guessing we should have more info about the PC client after Yoshi's media trip. However, there was a screenshot of him playing the XIV beta on a mid level laptop so I imagine a gaming PC would be within reach for this game.


This article can give you an idea of what you can get with around $700. Personally I would go for an Intel processor but that will typically run you more.
#3 Feb 13 2013 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,163 posts
Well, I can't answer your cost question but I can give you my two cents.

If you want to play PC games in the future, invest in a nice PC. If that is your main goal. I only wanted to play a few games, I upgraded to a good standard of Graphics Card, but noting special because I only really play FFXIV on it... and then there is internet and writing and storage. That's me. I have no need to spend $1000000 on a sweet PC if I'm only going to play 1 game. You have lasted this long without a PC for Sweet Gaming, do you really need to do it for one game?

I went for a and have and will always use the PS3 for gaming, for two main reasons. 1) Bluray for HD movies and 2) I love games and a lot of games I want are console only, better on console, or just because I want it in my console collection. Since I'm only a part time PC player, to me, it doesn't make sense to get an awesome PC. I admit, some games are awesome on the PC and if I had them hooked up to a sweet machine, my HDTV, and surround sound, I would be happy, but I will always go back to the console.

Id say decide what means more to you, then the input will help. I mean, there is no difference on PS3s but the HDD space, New Vs. Old, but HDD can be upgraded anyway. If you are inclined to a PC, then I can tell you 100%, people on here will put you in the right direction. I guess you could decide after you see the price tags on stuff though... but they are so different that if you decided PS3, what would be the point?

Regardless, FFXIV: ARR on the PS3 will not look as good as most PCs, period. You will need a keyboard, and you will lose the, teamspeak stuff, and 3rd party tools if the come around. Unless Sony EVER listens to us and allows cross chat for the PS3, but that would be limited to PS3 players only.

*Wint is also correct.

Edited, Feb 13th 2013 11:58am by WFOAssassin
#4 Feb 13 2013 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
I guess that is what it boils down to. I spend $$$ on my computer because I do a lot more than just game with it, and I do a lot of gaming on it. Most people don't need a high powered rig like mine and probably never will. A PS3 will always be cheaper, and you would only miss out if you want to do VOIP chatting with others, although that can be accomplished on nearly anything these days. I have a Mumble server running on a Raspberry Pi and I can connect to it with my iPhone.
#5 Feb 13 2013 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
I think WFO summed it up pretty nicely.

Running it well on a PC will most likely cost a little more than a PS3, but you will probably also get better perfomance and I think there might be a few slight advantages in gameplay such as targeting with a mouse/keyboard imo which I think can play a role in PvP.

Playing XIV on PS3 will also most likely be a much better experience compared to XI on 360. I say this for several reasons with the new controller UI being point number one (and I think it is a very big one, if it is a good as it looks to be with the little info we have gotten so far) and point number two being that I can't imagine XIV being as poorly optimized for PS3 as XI is for 360. So basically if you thought 360 was okay to play on I can see PS3 being a very pleasant experience.

Overall I think like WFO said it also depends on what other things you want to do. If you prefer to game in your sofa PS3 is a cheaper and nice option, but if you want to play games and do other things on PC otherwise, of course that is a better option even if it costs a little extra.

Edited, Feb 13th 2013 12:42pm by Belcrono
#6 Feb 13 2013 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
if you already have a PS3 then get it on PS3.. and even if you dont a PS3 is still cheaper than buying a pc/laptopop that can run ffXIV

and pc and ps3 players play on the same servers
#7 Feb 13 2013 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Skaditoo wrote:
I will be a new player to XIV, previously played XI on 360. I was debating whether its worth it to buy a cheap gaming PC, or get a PS3? If you have suggestions for a PC, please include the estimated cost. Thanks all!

No PS3 yet, that's what he's asking.
#8 Feb 13 2013 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Thanks for all the feedback, I appreciate it.
As Wint noted, I currently don't own a PS3, just s 360 and an iMac. I did play XI on the iMac (via bootcamp) for a while without problems (I switched toward the end of my XI days because of the wealth of macro options via windower, the 360 lockups in beseiged, plus being able to use ventrilo. I enjoy the 360 controller (haven't tried a PS3), so I was thinking maybe a low end gaming PC might allow me to continue using that controller along with KB and mouse as necessary. I was thinking about trying out the v2 benchmark whenever it comes out to see how my iMac might fare if I was to try it on XIV, but I am guessing it would be pretty bad as I only got a 1838 when I ran the v1 benchmark. Those are my main reasons for considering PS3 vs. PC. My max cost for a new PC is probably about what that article Wint posted said, ~$700. If I get a PS3, I could always use an old laptop with a headset for chatting.

Again, thanks for your ideas, I do appreciate them :)
#9 Feb 13 2013 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Also, I forgot to post in case anyone was curious, my iMac is an Intel Core 2 Duo E8235 @ 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, with an nVidia GeForce 8800 GS w/512MB
#10 Feb 13 2013 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
383 posts
I didn't see anyone mention that the genre (for the most part,) lends itself to playing on PC. While a keyboard and mouse setup will most likely be the ideal config for any player, once add-on support is released, PS3 players will be at a serious disadvantage once a "must have" add-on is released. (E.G.- DBM/Recount in WoW)

Just my two cents.
#11 Feb 13 2013 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Well maybe..

Unlike the PS2, the PS3 does not suck at using the internet. And it has a reasonable hard drive. So it's possible that addons aren't out of reach for PS3 players. Just a matter of finding a way to deliver them without making them want to jump off a cliff.

I'm thinking some variation on an app market that could integrate with the game client itself. That would also have the advantage of letting SE decide what addons they do and don't want to exist.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#12 Feb 13 2013 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
383 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Well maybe..

Unlike the PS2, the PS3 does not suck at using the internet. And it has a reasonable hard drive. So it's possible that addons aren't out of reach for PS3 players. Just a matter of finding a way to deliver them without making them want to jump off a cliff.

I'm thinking some variation on an app market that could integrate with the game client itself. That would also have the advantage of letting SE decide what addons they do and don't want to exist.

Dev team did state that ps3 would not support add-ons. It was a while ago, so it'd be difficult to dig up. Installing them would be a chore, if not completely impossible.
#13 Feb 13 2013 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Really? That seems like an odd decision especially given that there absolutely WILL be addons you need to have.

Kinda sounds like they just don't want to figure out how to do it, so they decided not to do it at all.

That also makes my decision for me as to whether or not to play this on my PC or PS3.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#14 Feb 13 2013 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
254 posts
I must say that surprises me, since they did so many version updates, expansions, and add-ons for XI on the 360, but maybe that is just a side effect of the new engine or something.
#15 Feb 13 2013 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
I believe they mean no third party add ons.
#16 Feb 13 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Really? That seems like an odd decision especially given that there absolutely WILL be addons you need to have.

Kinda sounds like they just don't want to figure out how to do it, so they decided not to do it at all.

That also makes my decision for me as to whether or not to play this on my PC or PS3.

I really doubt that it wont support add on or expansions.. If that's the case very few people would play on the ps3 and for me would make the difference if I even pick the game up or not. I am not spending a fortune to play a game that was a major flop once already.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#17 Feb 13 2013 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
Well as a PS2 FFXI play for 5 years. Having the add-ons and 3rd party tools, are all relative. I personally was fine and I was a WHM. I developed a skill to know when I needed to cast something, when something was up, and how I should go about doing something. Although the 3rd party tools for the PC are pretty awesome, they were not originally intended for the game, therefor, you can live without. However, I know that they made some stuff Easy that would otherwise be Very Tough.... see what I did there? Smiley: grin
#18 Feb 13 2013 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I don't know that I'd miss third party add-ons anyway. They tend to make the game easier, which makes players feel pressured to get them because easier means they're more effective. Yet at the same time, this often chips away at the fun of the game.

I know, I know, there are some that make the games more fun, and you can always just not install them. If only it were that easy.
#19 Feb 13 2013 at 2:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Kachi wrote:
I don't know that I'd miss third party add-ons anyway. They tend to make the game easier, which makes players feel pressured to get them because easier means they're more effective. Yet at the same time, this often chips away at the fun of the game.

I know, I know, there are some that make the games more fun, and you can always just not install them. If only it were that easy.

They're still planning on allowing them for the PC, last I heard.
#20 Feb 13 2013 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,232 posts
If there's and add on you MUST have the the game is broken or you dont know how to play it well. My opinion is that add ons should enhance the experience not rewrite it. As I recall the same article stating ps3 players would not get add ons also stated that se would not allow add ons which gave a pc player a distinct advantage. I can only hope they mean it.
#21 Feb 13 2013 at 8:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Wint wrote:
Kachi wrote:
I don't know that I'd miss third party add-ons anyway. They tend to make the game easier, which makes players feel pressured to get them because easier means they're more effective. Yet at the same time, this often chips away at the fun of the game.

I know, I know, there are some that make the games more fun, and you can always just not install them. If only it were that easy.

They're still planning on allowing them for the PC, last I heard.

Whether they allow them them or not, they will exist. At least by allowing them, SE can certify their safety.
#22 Feb 14 2013 at 1:04 AM Rating: Excellent
383 posts
Xoie wrote:
Whether they allow them them or not, they will exist. At least by allowing them, SE can certify their safety.


As a result, PC players will have an advantage over those who play on consoles. All it takes is repeated wipes to 1 raid boss before something becomes "must-have".
#23 Feb 14 2013 at 7:03 AM Rating: Good
1,163 posts
Anything in the game has a way to be beaten. I know glitches happen and I know some Bosses I'm sure are meant to kill everyone to get interest before they can be taken down. Absolute Virtue and Pandemonium Warden come to mind as glitched and/or purposely un-killable.

I never got into add-ons because I became efficient with macros and learning the ends and outs of my job, something SE intended. The biggest problems add-ons are going to be with the PvP arenas. Where consoles will be at a huge disadvantage over a PC player with add-ons. I leave it to SE to allow, ban, and create tools to assist the players without gimping others. The PS3 is a huge potential market, noticeably gimping us would be a really bad idea.
#24 Feb 14 2013 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
SE routinely bans users of the third party apps in XI that are considered as giving an "unfair advantage" - things like AppRadar, which allow you to see all mobs in a zone, or FleeTool, which grants flee on jobs that normally cannot access it.

Probably the most famous bannings occurred due to the NASA Bot - so named because it cost $3,000 and only one was allowed to be sold to a server. (So some HNMs had to do server transfers to buy it.) It provided the HNM which purchased it a near monopoly on HNMs by packet sniffing the servers and relaying that information to clients before the NM actually popped. It only gave you a few seconds notice that something was about to pop, but in a highly competative HNM environment that few seconds was all you needed. An HNM with the NASA bot was more or less unstoppable - until SE banned the entire linkshell, as they did with Toki on Seraph. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

SE looks the other way with things like Windower and FFXIAH, because most of the add-ons there are informational. They read information that the server already provides to the client and simply add a numerical quantity to it, like the distance to a target, or the amount of TP a party member has, or reading the chat log and relaying that information to a web page that refreshes every sixty seconds.

These add-ons are helpful, but do not give a game-breaking advantage. They simply serve to streamline gameplay, so that the melee aren't shouting "147% TP!" in party chat every ten seconds.
#25 Feb 14 2013 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
91 posts
catwho wrote:
so that the melee aren't shouting "147% TP!" in party chat every ten seconds.

Aw, man, THOSE were the days!
#26 Feb 14 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
383 posts
catwho wrote:
These add-ons are helpful, but do not give a game-breaking advantage. They simply serve to streamline gameplay, so that the melee aren't shouting "147% TP!" in party chat every ten seconds.

Aye. This is basically what I'm getting at. I don't know of anyone who raids in WoW without DBM. I'm not entirely sure it can be done, if only because battle in wow is so busy. It remains to be seen if ARR will be similar in that regard.

Edit: Because I forgot about it, people should realize that there's a distinction between add-ons and cheat tools.

Edited, Feb 14th 2013 1:36pm by TurboTom
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