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Son wants to playFollow

#27mokatu, Posted: Jan 06 2011 at 7:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Perhaps. Maybe the world I am on went to ****. Who knows.
#28 Jan 06 2011 at 11:18 PM Rating: Excellent
409 posts
Techsupport wrote:

My son wants to start to play FFXI, I have it installed on my upstairs and downstairs computers. We want to be able to play at the same time

Techsupport wrote:

My wife may even start playing again.



#29 Jan 07 2011 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
4,720 posts
Hallertau wrote:
I like you, please post more.
Reiterpallasch wrote:
Horst needs a 1 minute, 15 foot doom aura. Get in, get out, or @#%^ing die.
Calmus wrote:
...draining with sambas is kind of like you smack the thing and as you smack blood flies out... normally the blood would just you know fall and be red an what-not, but, with the samba your all whacked out and decide to drink the blood as it flys out. thus not adding MORE damage just taking more advantage of your damage. at least thats my take on it.
#30 Jan 07 2011 at 5:11 AM Rating: Excellent
398 posts
One of my biggest concerns with having children is that they wont like multiplayer video games :P

My long term partner and I want children eventually, and we both play FFXI. Once any children we do have are old enough I'll gladly play online games with them. Glady. I'd even turn to the darkside and play WoW if I had a son or daughter who wanted me too. My dad and I used to go bird watching and fishing when I was young. Those were great days and if I could have added an MMO to the father-son hobbies list I would have in a flash (if they existed back then!). I want my children to have great family experiences too.

Video games are becoming a more and more common family event, and that's a good thing in my opinion. One of the chaps I work with recently had a LAN party at home with his wife and 2 daughters playing some old school Age of Empires. How cool is that? All sitting in the same room trying to outsmart each other, forging alliances, trying different strategies. Who needs Monopoly? That wont teach you time and resource management, or even negotiation skills on the same level that AoE can.

I realise I have little point to this ramble, other than a response to good vibes brought on by Techsupport's situation. Good luck to you sir, and I hope your wife does come back so the whole family can play together!

Back on topic:
As for graphics issues, I've just ordered a new toy for myself and I'm acutely aware that FFXI might not run on it very well, particuarly in busy game areas. I'll be using the on-board integrated graphics card for FFXI, and from other peoples experiences with the same model I can expect a lower than max frame rate, but the game should run well enough for the few times I'll want to play in on that machine.

Most machines will be fine. My older laptop runs FFXI without issue using the integrated card (until the damned thing overheats and turns off!), as does my partners when her ISP is not being dreadful, and none of my friends using laptops have had FFXI issues (beyond Vista/7 issues that had nothing to do with the machine itself, and were eventually fixed). They seem pretty rare.

Unless someone has had FFXI problems with the same model you are looking at you'll probabaly not find out about it until you actually try. Not helpful advice, I realise, but try goolging for "FFXI" and various model details and see if anything crops up on any forums anywhere. If you find nothing chances are no one has had problems. If you find something you might at least know if its fixable or unavoidable. That's what I did before ordering my new toy and that's how I know I can expect some issues.
#31 Jan 07 2011 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Sir mokatu wrote:
Perhaps. Maybe the world I am on went to sh*t. Who knows.

Perhaps I can change worlds and be of some use rather than someone sitting waiting for something to do. I used to make money crafting black ink, but since those &^@(* at SE put in the universal ninja tools, my crafting is obsolete.

Anyway, the only way I would ever consider playing again is if there was a linkshell (don't care what world) who actually chats and doesn't ignore one another, and would help me get missions and such done without being told.. to do it myself. I would gladly help out other members of the shell. I ran a linkshell where we concentrated on having fun while getting missions and such done.

Any takers?

What server were you on? Are you up for a world transfer?

I'm in a small (20 ppl max) but VERY active LS, with about 5 tight friends who always help each other out.
Love to low man NM, hunt for seals, always up to kill anything in Abyssea and are always doing quests.
Most people in LS are RL friends and alot are couples. Thats why my wife and I joined.

Seems you were in a bad shell there..

#32 Jan 07 2011 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,342 posts
mokatu wrote:
I used to make money crafting black ink, but since those &^@(* at SE put in the universal ninja tools, my crafting is obsolete.

Anu ninja who uses a universal tool in place of utsu ninja tools is either too rich for words or retarded. Also only ninja can use universal tools. Shihie(SP?) is the one ninja tool that will remain unaffected by universal ninja tools unless the cost of the tools are made to be cheaper than its all job counter part...and it shouldn't.




A family that plays together, stays together...or something like that.
#33 Jan 07 2011 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
763 posts
I'm currently on Alexander. After the linkshell I ran broke up in late 2008, I joined up with a lot of its former members, but later on the leader went through issues, and ever since then has never been on regularly, and the people that are on are focussed on other things, and there's hardly any conversation. I said I wanted to get the NMs defeated so I could get the AF gear from certain ones in Abyssea. They told me to learn how atma works and do it myself. While I agree some things is fun to do on my own, I do not enjoy doing everything on my own, such as this.

Look, I'm all for going to 99 and all that stuff, but to call the missions and old areas and whatnot 'junk' just bothers me to the core. I was halfway getting all the relic armor for my BLM and RDM from Dynamis when Abyssea came out and was looking forward to eventually upgrading my relic sword to excalibur like I promised myself to do as a tribute to a good friend of mine. That's not gonna happen now.

Anyway, right now I won't be able to return to play until later this month, but when I do, I'll be glad to trade servers for some old-fashioned fun. Now that a lot of us are capped, or near capped, it should make missions and such a lot more fun.
#34mokatu, Posted: Jan 07 2011 at 11:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol, then please tell me why the last time I checked the AH before I left in early December there were no Black Ink in stock, and none has sold since mid-november? I can't say that members are making it themselves as an excuse, because people made the stuff for themselves for quite a long time. Also, Nebimonites sky-rocketed to 23-27k a stack, which is BS. Not when they used to cost 11k per stack, and inflation is a BS excuse there. There's no excuse for materials to skyrocket for no apparent reason.
#35 Jan 07 2011 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
I wouldn't say the old areas are junk, just you can get some much better gear and faster in the new areas. One of these days I am going to try to get my group together and try to low man Fafnir. How awesome would that be to lowman Faf AnD actually get a Ridill drop :)

Anyway, stuff like that is just fun to me, one of the main reasons I like the "new" FFXI. You can get gear adn merits more easily so it allows me to "play" around more just doing stuff with online friends.
#36 Jan 07 2011 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
398 posts
Sir mokatu wrote:
lol, then please tell me why the last time I checked the AH before I left in early December there were no Black Ink in stock, and none has sold since mid-november? I can't say that members are making it themselves as an excuse, because people made the stuff for themselves for quite a long time. Also, Nebimonites sky-rocketed to 23-27k a stack, which is BS. Not when they used to cost 11k per stack, and inflation is a BS excuse there. There's no excuse for materials to skyrocket for no apparent reason.

What you are describing is not consistent with a craft item becoming obsolete. Shihei still sell, and they still sell fast. They sell at a more inflated cost than they used to. That is because the supply of materials has dropped, and is no longer sufficient to meet demand.

That was not caused by universal tools. It started before then, with many rarer craft materials dropping in Abyssea, compounding the effect of new gear obsoleting crafted gear, and a lack of any real high-end market resulting in some crafters not bothering to make gil crafting any more (like myself) because they can turn a reasonable profit just from doing Abyssea events and AH/NPCing any drops they end up with, and material farmers doing the same rather than less profitable activities such as fishing. It was further compounded by a lack of things to spend gil on, and the risk of further devaluation of gear as more higher level stuff is released.

Now is a great time to make shihei, provided you have alchemy levelled and can get fish easily, because few people will be doing that for you. Its not worth the effort to buy expensive ink though, and I suspect many fishers think it not worth their time to go fish up nebs. There are currently faster ways to make gil.

Its a problem that is likely to persist until SE add some nice new things for us to make for a level 99 world and bring back some semblance of a marketplace. Even then, if people can make easier gil in Abyssea farming up gold chests or whatever for a couple of hours rather than spending that time fishing for Nebs then the price of shihei will stay high.

I feel for /nins right now. Considering that before Abyssea a stack of Shihei costs me about 1.5-2K to make, seeing them sell for over 8K a pop was at first surprising. But then when I considered actually making some to sell and discoved the shortage of fish on the AH I thought "Sod it. I'll just go play in Abyssea instead. It's not like I need money these days."

If you manage to sell cheap ink, someone will buy it to make cheap shehei. I would, if it was cheap on my server. But to do it you'll need cheap fish. And that's the root cause of the problem, not the universal tools.
#37 Jan 07 2011 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
7,565 posts
You also have to remember that prices rise as the amount of gil available does to. (inflation kind of like real world economy the more you make the more it seems to cost to get stuff too) Everyone has easy access to money, Abyssea has made making money as simple as grinding for 2-3 hours. It is also so freaking safe if you show up without Shihie one day big deal, chances of you dieing are low unless your healers are afk.

I used to make 300-400K a week doing nothing but selling Teal/Perle/Azure Head/Chest/Leg items. @ 7K a pop. I would go in and grind cruor and make enough money that I could buy what I wanted. This isn't even including the money from random items like dark rings and such available. (its not a huge sum but really what do you have to spend money on these days.)

If you don't have money it is because you are really effing lazy. Its not like farming/crafting, it is a constant reward, for doing stuff you do anyway. There is no excuse to not have money (not that there ever really was). This ease of getting money is why the prices are rising on some things (in conjecture with declining market supply as well).

Edited, Jan 7th 2011 1:22pm by rdmcandie
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#38mokatu, Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 7:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good thing I'm not lazy. I used to farm my own dark clusters, make my trips to windy for tea leaves, then back to jeuno to grab nebims off the AH to make black ink. I used to be able to make a killing cause I would HQ quite frequently, especially on watersday. Those were some great times!
#39 Jan 10 2011 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
Sir mokatu wrote:
I actually had to work stupider to get gil.
#40mokatu, Posted: Jan 10 2011 at 8:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol hey grand master, can I borrow one of your cheats then? Maybe it will work for me. haha
#41 Jan 10 2011 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
I've never cheated for gil. Unless pos hacking to enms counts, i guess, but that was never a significant income anyway. Farming dark clusters never makes sense, and doing so is just retarded. There are far, far better ways to make gil. Work smart, not hard.
#42 Jan 10 2011 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
763 posts
Grand Master Leatherworker ThePsychoticO wrote:
I've never cheated for gil. Unless pos hacking to enms counts, i guess, but that was never a significant income anyway. Farming dark clusters never makes sense, and doing so is just retarded. There are far, far better ways to make gil. Work smart, not hard.

Did you read my post at all? I farmed my own dark clusters to save 3-5k a peice, then went to windurst to buy tea leaves, then back to jeuno to buy nebims. I've been doing it this way since god knows when. HQing blank ink was my biggest seller, profitting anywhere from 2-5k per stack. I used to make a million gil a week easy this way.
#43 Jan 10 2011 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
Sir mokatu wrote:
Grand Master Leatherworker ThePsychoticO wrote:
I've never cheated for gil. Unless pos hacking to enms counts, i guess, but that was never a significant income anyway. Farming dark clusters never makes sense, and doing so is just retarded. There are far, far better ways to make gil. Work smart, not hard.

Did you read my post at all? I farmed my own dark clusters to save 3-5k a peice, then went to windurst to buy tea leaves, then back to jeuno to buy nebims. I've been doing it this way since god knows when. HQing blank ink was my biggest seller, profitting anywhere from 2-5k per stack. I used to make a million gil a week easy this way.
If you couldn't make a profit being buying the crystals, then you'd have been better off selling the crystals than using them.
#44 Jan 10 2011 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
239 posts
Alright, I know this has kind of gone off from where my original question was but I figured better to post on here than start another thread. I found out that I will be getting a specifc laptop but also found out that I can trade that laptop in for store credit if I wanted to get something better/similar. So here is what I am thinking and just wanted some opinions.

So this is the laptop I can get, or scheudled to get.

this is what I am thinking about getting if I take the original back and I would get some store credit as well!!

Whatcha think?
#45 Jan 10 2011 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
7,565 posts
You will likely appreciate the latter, shared video sucks, but for the purpose of ffxi it is not that bad. Having the latter will allow you and your son to adventure into newer more demanding games if you choose to do so as well, and having the separate graphics is a huge plus.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#46 Jan 10 2011 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
239 posts
that is what I was thinking, I know that a dedicated video is better than shared. Only downside to the other is that it has 3gb of Ram and not 4gb like the first, but I think that wouldn't be an issue with FFXI obviously but the dedicated video would more than make that up. And the memory is expandable as well.

For overall system specs, will I see a differnece between the processors?

Edited, Jan 10th 2011 4:37pm by Techsupport
#47 Jan 10 2011 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
763 posts
My Acer Aspire 3610 ran Final Fantasy XI Online with very little problems. It had a 1GHz Celeron Mobile Processor. It also had an Intel Graphics Card, and only had problems lagging something terrible in Jeuno. If the game is playable on THAT, then you can buy just about ANY laptop out there right now and it should run damn near perfect.
#48 Jan 11 2011 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
Techsupport wrote:
Alright, I know this has kind of gone off from where my original question was but I figured better to post on here than start another thread. I found out that I will be getting a specifc laptop but also found out that I can trade that laptop in for store credit if I wanted to get something better/similar. So here is what I am thinking and just wanted some opinions.

So this is the laptop I can get, or scheudled to get.

this is what I am thinking about getting if I take the original back and I would get some store credit as well!!

Whatcha think?

will run ffxi fine, though not much else other than games released around the same time as ffxi or older, so dont buy it if your planning to play other games on it. intel hd gfx are probably faster than the old radeon 9200 se, i played ffxi on. only problems i had were lag in dynamis, lag during windy weather, and when i went near a teleport crystal or that misty bit in the middle of a crawler camp in crawlers nest.

#49 Jan 12 2011 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Techsupport... I love you.

Any chance you play on Ramuh?

Also: For a while my step-daughter and her husband used to play... I had dreams of having my own low-man family group. But then they quit. And now play WoW.

I feel so betrayed...
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#50 Jan 13 2011 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
239 posts
LOL, thanks I guess.

I actually play on Q server. I quit playing for a while (4 years) and let my friend use my account since he liked War, 4 years later I get it back and he hadn't used it much and it's on a different server. Go figure. Used to be on Ifrit.

Guess all the servers are about the same.

Did have an update though, it looks like BestBuy is out of the laptop that they did for the contest we had at work, guess it was year end blow out of old models. Looks like I am getting the updated laptop now. I will post back what it is when I get it this Saturday. Got a feeling I am going to bring it back for store credit and get one with seperate video card though. Should be better for future game proofing.
#51 Jan 13 2011 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Techsupport wrote:
Guess all the servers are about the same.
Not really, no.

Ramuh is rather a ghost town at times. I mean, we went to Walk of Echoes a couple days back. There was myself, two LS members, and a random NIN.

That's it.

There are times the server feels crowded, but there are long stretches where it is fairly underpopulated. I'm just waiting to see if we will be the victims of a merger, or the destination of a merger.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
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