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Daily NPC Diagnostics - Updated Everyday!Follow

#77 Jul 21 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,914 posts


Rate up to Turtlelin....thats VERY Interesting.
#78 Jul 21 2005 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
412 posts
i try my day 1 in rolanbery and get aound 300XP before she left.
check agin she has new groves(white leather look.)
I will try agian today.
just my openion, when ahe lv up, she may stay with us longer.
I'm not sure the way to gain XP is has to be the same lv or not.
If we use high lv and dou she may not get XP. the same way that if we use low lv. That's why SE ask you to be Rank4(not sure or 5) to get the quest.
(my Blm lv33 when i dou with my dude)
anyone that get your noc up to lv31, please fill information taht what lv you dou with your npc.
#79 Jul 21 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
My NPC is either
C)Has a bad memory.

Day 1: Upgraded to Trader's Body armour.
Day 2: Upgraded to Brass Scale Mail.
Day 3:...De-graded to Trader's Body armour
This she got the HQ of Trdaer's? (Baron's)?
<edit> I'll test out Attacker mode for you guys tomarrow~

Edited, Fri Jul 22 00:00:41 2005 by Vobent
#80 Jul 21 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
2,313 posts
My NPC is still level 30, but I got the job option on third day.

I'm trying him out as a melee. HOpefully he wont take as much hate as me.
#81 Jul 21 2005 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
I guess the NPC has no specific job type if it uses a sword and shield but can cast WHM magic and Provoke.
#82 Jul 21 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,678 posts
Has anybody noticed any difference in the HP or MP pool of the different races of the NPCs?

I'm asking because I took a Galka, but now that I know you can effectively change their jobs, I'd like to have a healer. At the same time, I really like having a huge Galka following me around, and don't really want to change that. I'm not even sure if I can, as I already have the earring.

Could anybody shed some light on this?
Dooom wrote:
BG elitists <3 haste.

Allatards/uber casuals hate elitists.

Allatards/uber casuals hate haste, as valuing it would acknowledge that elitists are right

kerberoz wrote:
People don't hate emo kids because they're "misunderstood." People hate emo kids because they're useless.

Realix wrote:
PUP is an average to above average DD... when not in a zerg situation... or on particularly hard targets... and when properly configured... on windsday... with a RDM...
#83 Jul 21 2005 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
it is PLD to start, i saw the undead killer trait of an NPC kick in during skele battle

BTW, every time she voked she said "Hey! Don't ignore me."

i think little details like this are cool, so my NPC, (elvaan male, face 7a specifically) says something along the lines of "Your fight's with me!" when he provokes
#84 Jul 21 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
320 posts
I finally got mine today, Elvaan female.

She and I went out to Battalia Downs (I was 41 Black Mage at the time) and killed clippers until she left. Im not sure about exact time, but it was quite a while.

I go back to Ru'lude, and she's got all the same equip, except level 1 rse bodypiece! She didn't die or anything, got low health once, nothing a few cures didn't fix, so I don't understand this downgrade of equipment.

I'll try to level her again tomorrow, hopefully her equipment will get a bit of an upgrade at that point.
#85 Jul 21 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
111 posts
wow bismark i dont see the common sense in that one lol... sorry about your luck and hopefully better results next time
#86 Jul 21 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
320 posts
Yes, it seems that neither one of our NPCs had very good days ^^;

Oh well, tomorrow's another day, perhaps we'll have better results then. Good luck!
#87 Jul 21 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
Set my NPC to attacker style, since we already know shield style and healer style roughly. I was duoing mandys with mine yesterday as my 31 rng in yuhtungha(sp?) She saved me a crapload of times. =P

Anyhow, I think I'll run a parse and see how her damage will compare to mine. ^^

*crosses fingers and hopes for Great Weapon + nukes*

Results in the next couple of hours!
#88 Jul 21 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
Day 3: I can change Fighting style, thats it for me at least, heres my galka after 3 days of leveling.
Day 1: Got him, summoned as a 7 blm leveling. Killed one tough, click on him and bye bye. No armro changes.

Day 2: Fight as SMN lv 5-7 he leaves in 9 minutes 47 seconds.
Armor change;
Pants: Lizard pants
Body: Looks liek Breastplate
Feet: Gaiters
Head: Unknown
Sword: Onion Sword (looks like)

Day 3: I level with SMN from 7-8, he dies and i die VS a VT, ran outa mp. I return, pic below is what i see. Now I am able to chnage fighting style.

--Day 3 Infomation--
Name: Zoldof
Race: Galka
Combat Style: Attacker
Level: 30


What he talks about:

Day 1: The dragon at the outpost

Day 2: If the girl is ok.

Day 3: Again the dragon at the outpost.

BTW: My name is Konohamaru on Kujata, my screen name here is different.

Edited, Fri Jul 22 01:00:23 2005 by Lavacool
#89 Jul 21 2005 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
526 posts
I dbout your NPC will have a great weapon until after a day of that style.

It was said that healer mode still used SWD + shield, maybe day 4 the tNPC will use wand?

Only time will tell~
#90 Jul 21 2005 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
I honestly don't expect a great weapon. But I can hope! =P
#91 Jul 21 2005 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
The first day I had my NPC I went to Rolanberry fields as a 47PLD and fought bee's and gobs for little to no exp. He stayed for 20mins then left. I went to talk to him at the NPC point and he was wearing lizard type armor.
The second day we went to Qufim Island, this time I went as a 30RDM, because I wanted to be the same lvl as him. We fought bats, crabs, and giants for decent solo exp. The part that confused me is that he stayed out for 45mins. I haven't gone back to check on him yet though.
Any ideas why he stayed longer or what determines how long he stays out?
#92 Jul 22 2005 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Also i found the NPC stays longer and fights longer if you have him cured alot. the 2nd day, i never cured him, and he left in about 10 mins. 3rd day i kept his at at full all the time, he stayed for 30 minutes, untill he died, discuss
#93 Jul 22 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
After you set the npc "type" like attacker, shielder, or healer, can you change it? or is it permanent?
#94 Jul 22 2005 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
526 posts
You can change it as much as you want. I change from healer, to attacker, to shield, to healer, to attacker today.
#95 Jul 22 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,678 posts
Quote:BTW, every time she voked she said "Hey! Don't ignore me."

i think little details like this are cool, so my NPC, (elvaan male, face 7a specifically) says something along the lines of "Your fight's with me!" when he provokes

So what you guys are saying is... the NPC is smart enough to use it's job abiltities at the proper times, putting it above a Jungles party, but they still spam lame battle cries, putting them below a Citadel party.

Oh, well. I guess they can't be perfect =P.

edit - what the hell is a "battel"? orz

Edited, Fri Jul 22 01:26:03 2005 by TybudX
Dooom wrote:
BG elitists <3 haste.

Allatards/uber casuals hate elitists.

Allatards/uber casuals hate haste, as valuing it would acknowledge that elitists are right

kerberoz wrote:
People don't hate emo kids because they're "misunderstood." People hate emo kids because they're useless.

Realix wrote:
PUP is an average to above average DD... when not in a zerg situation... or on particularly hard targets... and when properly configured... on windsday... with a RDM...
#96 Jul 22 2005 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
Got mine yesterday, chose Hume Female Beatrice.

Started off with generic Scale Mail.

Day 1 : First Frolic through Rolanberry

I was excited to obtain my npc, but I had been researching into it, and found that she was apparently level 30, so I decided taking her somewhere with my 72 RDM was not a bright Idea. I changed to 43 Black Mage, and we set off. I called her just outside of Lower Jeuno in Rolanberry.

We proceeded to fight a variety of too weak bees, and easy prey goblins, quadavs and malboros. After about 20 minutes I accidently sent her away. /sigh-_-) When I checked the rendevouz point she had switched her feet to gaiters and her hands to mythril gauntlets.

Day 2 : Second Attempt, exp in the Green Grass

Having researched more into it, and gotten once again excited about the NPC deal, despite the annoyance of all the inital upsets with the 20 hr recast etc. I changed to 32 samurai, got my friend (26 whm) and went to Rolan. I called the NPC just outside, and we spent roughly 40 minutes fighting ep wasps, dc goblins and quadavs, and em quadavs and goobues. I was getting about 20-46 exp a kill, and my whm friend 30-60 (she didnt have the exp reduction from the npc). My friend left after a fight. Upon checking the Rendevouz point, I was a little upset to see that only her legs had changed to Plate Leggings. >_<) Her outfit dosent match at all Scale Mail, Mythril Gauntlets, Plate Leggings, Gaiters. Anyways... No level 31, I'm not quite sure how far it is but I hope to get it tommorow!

As for her AI, its definatly intellegent. She repetadly made use of flat blade to stun bomb toss and various spells. She voked at critical moments when my hp was low, or when the white mage got hate. And she also closed a few skillchains. Overall, We got about 1-1.5k exp a little less for me because of the exp reduction.

And on another note, has anyone noticed a signifigant difference between, Exping at a level under 30, where the npc is capped. Exping roughly around 30, where it would be good for an exp pt. and Exping where the npc is fighting stuff much higher than itself. I'd like to try exping on some of my lower jobs with her at my side, but I dont want to if its going to give less exp ^^; I want her to get 31, and some un-ugly armor.

Also, the feature to chat with the npc, and the ability to ask luto if any new jobs have come up. I'm thinking that as the NPC progresses, new quests with Luto might open up. Perhaps NPC can be changed even further, gain more "Stamina" to assist you longer, and possibly even be upgraded to have a smaller cooldown or an ability to enter more areas through quests, it definatly looks like they'd be able to help on more than 1 quest, or why bother making a chat option when only 2 lines will ever be uttered by the npc.

Also, I've noticed from reading all of these posts, and my own experience, that if the npcs is fighting monsters below or around its level, it will stay longer, whereas if they are far higher than the npc, it will be a more strenious fight,and they will run out of energy sooner. So if you want them to stay around fight something they are a match for, not a level 60 mob with a 30 npc, it may stay alive and hit it, but the battle will be tough and it will be weary quickly. I wanted to race and try to get my npc up, and I will every day, but it looks like I'm already far behind ^^) So lets level our npcs and see what happens when we choose all different ways!

Edited, Fri Jul 22 01:43:08 2005 by RamseySylph
#97 Jul 22 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Day1: went to La Theine Plateau to lvl up my thf called my NPc and started to fight to my experirence i believe their attack is equal to the lvl of the oppenent i was hitting 6's with my beestinger and he was hitting 12's with his sword NPC left after 36 mins 34 seconds due to death. [/note] i did rest almost after every battle so the stamina cap is a possiblity

Day2: Went through Rolanberry feilds as my lvl 41 rdm and began soloing TW~DCs after about 15 minutes he left {/note} i did not rest once due to refresh to keep TP up I did manage to create a Liguafaction Sc Burning Blade > Burning Blade after Npc leaving i checked him at Rendevous point new gloves kinda looked like the Coarse Gauntlets

Ill keep this updated
#98 Jul 22 2005 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,411 posts
Xclint wrote:
Its officially safe to say... if a chocobo won't go there.. nither will your NPC

simply put and stated.

oh oh oh!

I almost wasn't ganna post till I saw that, but you can summon them in carpenters landing. I saw other areas like, no misreaux coast. I think if the area is beyond chocobo reach and storyline the NPC cant make it there. Do we have confirmed that you can summon NPCs in jungles yet? I think I saw someone say yes to there. Which sort of makes sense for a lv 30 right? They have access to kazham, but not sky. I wonder if the northern regions are a no no? Story wise it makes sense that tavanzia is off limits for the NPC.

I have a galka, he was hitting for mor DMG than me. I was using a 13 DMG axe. I was leveling BST 19 in carpenters landing and summoned my NPC and used a pet with familiar. Stuck around for 20 mins and 1k exp. I cured him alot as he was tanking, along with my pet.
#99 Jul 22 2005 at 12:56 AM Rating: Good
290 posts
I almost wasn't ganna post till I saw that, but you can summon them in carpenters landing. I saw other areas like, no misreaux coast

You can chocobo in Carpenter's Landing.
#100 Jul 22 2005 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
Day #2 - When everything goes wrong.
Jin and I went back to yutunga for more NPC partying action. We got a total of 629exp from 9 mobs. Full rest we decided to try our luck at an IT gob. I stoneskined, juiced and dia'd to pull. We had our weapons drawn and it was then I noticed the r0 icon by Jin's head... Oh boy, I thought.

Sure enough Jin DC'd and his npc followed. Well my npc and I stuck it out in hopes of a victory that was not to come. We were doing ok until my mp hit 0. So I decide to disengange and run for Kazham. Gob in tow, we run past a RDM who tryed to dia the gob but he got interupted. He got the spell off just in time for the gob to deliver the finishing blow to my npc.
A single tear fell from my eye, and I figured "time to RP and see the dammages." Heres the results: sword, chainmail body, lizzard hands, scale legs/feet. No jobs/lvl up's.
Jins results: sword/shield, liz. body, scale legs/hands, NO feet. I beilve jin cried more than I did. lol

I'm forming two theorys, 1- your npc lvl's by the number of mob's you kill. or 2- your npc lvl's by being productive and staying out for as much time as possable. (everyone seems to be in the same place when you review days, disregarding armor)
In anycase I plan to test the mass-mob one out tomorrow by making the biggest gd train I can, summoning npc then nuking em all at once. cya then! ~Aet
Edit: Yhoat->yutunga I always get them confused

Edited, Fri Jul 22 02:06:44 2005 by jklotros
#101 Jul 22 2005 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Also, I've heard you can buff and cure your NPC, but using Cure II or III (possibly IV and V) may send your NPC back and make you wait that 20 hours. Dunno, I'll try it out and risk not seeing Evi for 20 more hours ;.;

I can confirm that you can cast spells on your NPC without penalty. I cast Protect IV and Cure III on mine and she was happy. Then I made the classic mistake of talking to her because I though she would like to converse. Well she said she was leaving and I cried. Didn't know that I could talk to her her again to make her stay. This thread is great and I'm learning a lot form it. Keep up the good work all!
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