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#27 Oct 28 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
My RL husband would say you need to add "doing the Taru dance" as a viable way of making gil. Within an hour of creating a Taru last night, he'd made a good starting bankroll from someone who just sat in front of him and said "Dance for me."

Having *just* finished making his dance macro, he happily did this, and the other player clapped. Jokingly, Noodles the Taru said "Now pay me for my dance". The other guy opened a trade request, so he accepted and we laughed and thought "oh look, he's going to give you a single gil!" Imagine his surprise when the guy gave him 500gil for a macro....
#28 Oct 29 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
378 posts
Thanks once again to everyone for your kind words and suggestions. I've begun to integrate them with the following edits:

-Thanks to your support, I have removed the preamble.
-Added the following "careers":
---4.19 Begging and Street Performance (at the suggestion of Silverel)
---4.20 Conquest (at the suggestion of osovamp the Shady)
---4.21 Mugging

My next task will be to add the "future" concept to all 21 "careers", and to email Pikko a link in the hopes of having this added to the actual guide section. Please keep the feedback coming!

Edited, Fri Oct 29 09:40:56 2004 by silalus
#29 Oct 30 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Excellent
52 posts
i got several ideas for you to add to your list, Silalus:

Playing the AH #1: This is similar to Reselling...To me, Reselling is people out there camping the guildhouse, buy lots of cheap items until the npc wont selling that particular items anymore and reselling it to the AH for a much higher prices, forcing the other people who need those items, to buy it from the AH.
What i mean by "Playing the AH", is this:
For example, I brought a Emperor Hairpin for 300k...several RL weeks later, the emperor hairpin now sell for 400k in Jeuno AH. you put it up for bid, and it sold overnight, and you now earn a solid 100k profit(of course, you need to think around that jeuno fee >< ).

(I'll try to make your life easier, Silalus, by writing in this format ^^)

Time: Very Very High. what you need, is to research, and wait until the AH fluctuate...which could take weeks, months, or even overnight.
Research:low. all you need to research is the min and max of the particular items history price. it'll never do, to pay 400k for a emperor hairpin, and wait several RL weeks, just to found out, 400k is the most, that people will pay for a emperor hairpin.
Job Level: None. It doesnt matter what lvl you are, everyone can play the AH.
Investment:med to high. the more you spend, the more you gain in profit.anywhere from buying cheap crystal, like 2k for a stack of fire crystals, and then later selling it for 2.5k on the sandy AH(500 gil profit) buying 300k for emperor hairpin, and selling it for 400k(100k profit).
Risk:low-med. if you research, and have paitience..and just wait until the price fluctuate. there is alway the chance, that it will not fluctuate. for example, i brought a emp hairpin, for 350k, and i waited 3 RL months, but the history price for the emp pin never went over 350k. so no profit for me :(

Playing the AH #2
this one is Similar to playing the AH #1
but this time, instead of waiting for long period of time, this one doesnt. for example: i brought a scroll of absorb-int, for 1.2k from the AH...went to a npc, and sell it for 1.5k(roughly) 300 gil profit ^^

Time:Very Very low.
Research:very low. You need to compare how much it cost on the AH, and how much it cost selling it to the npc.
Job Level:none.
Investment: low to Med. most items drop by NM doesnt sell well to the npc.
Risk:low-mid. it risky if you buy something on the AH, and then you check the npc, and found out it sell better on the ah than the npc. When this happen, let hope you put it back on the Ah, and hope that someone buy it overnight^^. i found out about the absorb-int, cause it drop from this goblin, that i was farming, and i put it up in the sold very slowly, so next time, when i got another absorb-int, i decided to sell it to a npc, and found out i could make some profit^^

airship quest
it not really a quest. When you complete a quest, you earn fame...when you complete airship quest, ,you dont get fame...not that i know of...i could be wrong^^
when you pay 200 gil, and you talk to this one npc...he'll ask you to give this key items, to one of the passenger on the airship, and then he'll show you what he/she look like. then when you get on the airship, and it leave port, you walk around the ship, looking for that particular npc. when you do find him/her and you talk to him/her, and if it the correct one, he'll/she'll give you 500 gil.
this doesnt work, if you leave jeuno port, and go on the airship...only work, if you leave from sandy, bastok, or windy port. also, not that i know of,(i try, but i cant find that npc >< ) you cant find this npc, to/from kazham port

Time:10-20 RL minutes, roughly, i think( one trip)
Research: none
Job level: you need a job level, that will get you rank 5, so you can get the airship pass for free...or you can buy it(not recommended)
Investment: at least 200 gil ^^....then you can ride it back and forth,without leaving(so you dont have to pay 200 everytime^^) until the npc stop giving you that happen to me once...then i decided to lvl my bard....came back, several weeks later, and it start giving me that quest again^^
Ethics:Noble. you're returning something, that someone drop....i still dont know if it a quest, and if you complete it, do you get fame? Of course, i got max fame, in sandy/bastok/windy/jeuno (dont know if i have max fame in salbina/norg/kazham/raboa), so i wouldnt know, and couldnt check if it did.
Risk: almost none. you can repeat this quest, over and over again, til that npc, stop giving it to you...dont know, if it count against you, if you fail to give it to the right person.

this airship quest(cant find a better name for it ^^), is similar, to repeatable quest...just not sure, if we should call it a "quest" since i'm not sure this "quest" give out fame.

there is a way to make gil using the bazzar...the perfect example is this:
buy/create tons of kabob, pie, juice, spells/scroll, maybe weapon, or armor...and walk/ride a chocobo down to salbina..and put your bazzar there...since there isnt a AH, or npc, that sell certain items in salbina, it perfect to put a bazzar there. It easier for people who ran out of food, or need certain spells/armors/weapons...instead of warping, or running back to sandy/bastok, to buy the needed items, from bazzar located in salbina.
another example, is if you are minning, or fishing...and you dont have time to go to town, to dump it on the AH...just put it in the bazzar, and someone running along, might buy it from you, right there on the spot, freeing up needed space...of course, you might need to sell it a little cheaper then the AH so ppl will buy it from you...but how will they know, if they getting a bargain, if they cant check the prices of the items on the AH, cause there no AH close by ^^

Time:mid-high. depending on location, and supply and demand, etc might take from a few hours, to just leaving your character online overnight.
Research:mid. you need to research, and see what most ppl will buy, and just fill your bazzar, with those items. Sometime, during certain moon phase, most ppl(fisherman) will buy insect paste from your bazzar, since it ran out in the AH, so you can fill your bazzar with that. of course, now that they nerf fishing...this might not work as well as before the patch.
Job Level: low-mid. you can just dump all your extra stuff on your mule (level 1), or you can run to salbina(make sure you are a high enough lvl, so you dont get aggro) to put up your bazzar there.
Investment:mid. of course you need some money to buy, or create it from raw materials.
Ethics: friendly. it doesnt really help Vana'diel, but i'm sure the people who need those items will be glad you're there ^^.
Risk:low. if this doesnt work out, you can alway put it on the AH. some ppl use bazzar, cause their 7 slot on the AH, was fill up, and they need to ditch some items. like maybe they were lvling up their cooking on juices..and since juices doesnt stack, they use bazzar.

well, that all i could think of, that is not on your list, Silalus. Hope this help ^^

and sorry about any grammer/spelling error...i'm half-asleep when i wrote this

(please feel free to correct, edit, cut, copy, paste, etc anything on this post^^)

Edited, Sat Oct 30 23:21:17 2004 by Jart
#30 Oct 30 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
2,444 posts
By all that is Baqst ^^

This should get a sticky, then there should never be another post on how to make gil.

I mean dam.....
#31 Oct 31 2004 at 12:41 AM Rating: Good
edit the tele-taxi the 3 basics are 36 not 37
#32 Nov 03 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
523 posts
Man, bumping a thread should make you some gil ^^

#33 Nov 03 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
946 posts
Great info....Nice guide without giving everything away you make nice suggestions.

The only other comment i can make is...

With enough power and time a character can take out what I think of as the "Big Bads",

I see we have a Buffy fan ;) If so don't be ashamed, my gfriend got me hooked on all things Joss Whedon.
#34 Nov 03 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
Even though you're allready at 5, I truly felt as though I was required to rate you up for that post. Excelent presentation, kudos to you!
#35 Nov 03 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
::claps:: Very well done ^_^
#36 Nov 04 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
378 posts
Thanks again to everyone for the feedback, suggestions, and rate ups! It does make a difference to rate up a post that's already at 5, and I can see the difference- so it's a real reward for me! ^.^

I've made some edits and the following changes:
*Discovered and corrected some minor inconsistencies in formatting.
*Corrected a significant error: basic teleports are level 36, not 37. (discovered by BattierCN)
*Added the “growth” factor of each of the “careers” (based on the suggestion of Gergall).
*Added the following “careers”:
---4.22 AH Speculation (based on the idea of Jart)
---4.23 Street Peddling (based on the idea of Jart)

I've also sent a PM to Pikko requesting that this be put in the guide section. I'm not sure what the process is for that- so if any of you have suggestions or if any admin's are following this thread, please let me know. As always, keep your suggestions coming. I will continue to try to incorporate them.

Oh and...

stormico wrote:
Great info....Nice guide without giving everything away you make nice suggestions.

The only other comment i can make is...

Quote:With enough power and time a character can take out what I think of as the "Big Bads",

I see we have a Buffy fan ;) If so don't be ashamed, my gfriend got me hooked on all things Joss Whedon.

I'm amazing and entertained that you recognized where I picked that up. I was a buffy and angel fan for a while, although these days the relationship dramas kinda got to be a bit much for me, so I don't really watch anymore. I dated someone who was a HUGE fan, though, and they introduced that term to me and I loved it.

Incidentally (and real REAL OT) there was an amazing but short-lived series called "Brimstone" that shared a lot of the production team that works on angel. It's much more serious, but was an extraordinary gothic-horror series with great imagery. If you can find it anywhere, I'd recommend you take a look.

Ahem, now back to our regularly scheduled plea for feedback... Please keep 'em coming! :D

Edited, Thu Nov 4 10:29:50 2004 by silalus
#37 Nov 04 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Check the Sticky in tradeskills, Silalus, I PMed Popsi about a week and a half ago, it's been there for a few days ^_^.


Unfortunately, if you didn't know, Popsi will soon be leaving, and the successor to the Stickies is unknown. At any rate, your guide is there, great job, and keep up the good work ^_^. Ciao!
#38 Nov 04 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
I didn't see this in the guides section yet, so I thought I'd bump it for you to keep it active, this should definitely be up there.
Plus, it was an excuse to comment...

"Brimstone" was a great series, I would have loved to see them finish it and have the main character finally catch all 147 (I think that's the right number, could be wrong though) escapees.

The actor who played the Devil (who plays a similar role as Lionel Luthor in Smallville) was absolutely brilliant in that show.
#39 Nov 04 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
I disagree that crafting is "low risk."

This is the highest risk way to make gil I can think of, because you are going to have to spend hundreds of thousands of gil and countless hours into leveling the craft, not knowing at all whether it will pay off.
#40 Nov 04 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, that is an awesome guide. They should make this thread the pop up for once every page loads ^^
#41 Nov 04 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, that is an awesome guide. They should make this thread the pop up for once every page loads ^^
#42 Nov 05 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
523 posts
At least we can keep it....*bumped*
#43 Nov 05 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
523 posts
At least we can keep it....*bumped*
#44 Nov 05 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Very good post, my only suggestion is about the growth potential for AH speculating. There's no speculating stat that goes up, but as you speculate, you acquire more money, and more money allows you to get bigger profits, because bigger items tend to flucuate more.

for example, an item that usually sells for 7,000 dropped to 6,000. I was able to buy 3 stacks at the lower price, before it rebounded to it's original 7,000. So now I stand to gain 36,000 (minus transaction fees) selling these at the original price. of course, I never could have done this if I didn't have the 6*36 = 36 + 180 = 216,000 gil needed to buy the three stacks.

Edited, Fri Nov 5 17:27:11 2004 by Taber
#45 Nov 07 2004 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Why isn't this stickied somewhere?
#46 Nov 07 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
This guide is so good that I suggest you do the following:

1) Copyright it! There are people/sites out there that WILL steal this guide and claim it as their own. It may even get printed in a guide that someone will sell.

2) Share it! Submit this as a guide/FAQ to as many sites as possible. IGN, GameFAQs, Gamespy, etc... Anyone who hosts user-submitted guides should have this one.

The third would have been update it but you're already doing that, so maybe just add a version number. Great job silalus!
#47 Nov 10 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
378 posts
Thanks again for the comments! Some replies that might be of interest to a few of you:

Taber wrote:
Very good post, my only suggestion is about the growth potential for AH speculating. There's no speculating stat that goes up, but as you speculate, you acquire more money, and more money allows you to get bigger profits, because bigger items tend to flucuate more.

You are absolutely correct. I'm not sure, though if I will change the rating on that- my jury is still out. The problem is that the growth is entirely based on your funds. My idea behind growth was that it would reflect growth over time. While, hopefully at least, your funds will grow over time, you can start at very different funding levels. I'm just not sure how to handle that yet. I'll give it thought, though- the same thing applies to several other categories to a lesser extent.

Parzival wrote:
Why isn't this stickied somewhere?

^.^ Thank you. I appreciate that thought- it kinda/sorta is already stickied, as it is listed in the "useful links" post that is stickied in the crafting section. I really would feel good if it was more formally posted somewhere, though, so thanks for the flattery. I've PM'd Pikko- but I haven't gotten a response. I'm not sure if she's just very busy or if she doesn't normally use PM's to correspond. If anyone has a better idea on how to contact the Powers that Be, please let me know! :D

Ejoty, Eater of Souls wrote:
This guide is so good that I suggest you do the following:

1) Copyright it! There are people/sites out there that WILL steal this guide and claim it as their own. It may even get printed in a guide that someone will sell.

2) Share it! Submit this as a guide/FAQ to as many sites as possible. IGN, GameFAQs, Gamespy, etc... Anyone who hosts user-submitted guides should have this one. Thanks! I consider those two suggestions to be high praise, and #1 is (perhaps unfortunately) probably a good idea. I updated the guide with some brief text to that effect- please nobody take this as discouragement to provide feedback, though! I will continue updating the guide and giving credit wherever I possibly can. Only the text and how I present it can be mine- the ideas are everybody's!

As for #2, I never really even thought of that. I tell you all what, though. If the admins of this site end up deciding that this really is a good enough guide to post in their guide sections or sticky somewhere, I will begin submitting it everywhere. Sound like a fair bargain? :D

Thanks again to everyone for feedback of all kinds and positive rating- it means a lot to me and I'll try to continue responding to it as it comes in.

Edited, Wed Nov 10 14:09:54 2004 by silalus
#48 Nov 10 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,616 posts
This is an ecellent guide I am going to bookmark for future reference. Thank you so much for this valuable information.
#49 Nov 12 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
/ja "Bump" <t>
#50 Nov 15 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
lol this is great. I especially like the "mugging" section.
#51 Nov 15 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
4.7 Fishing

Although technically a craft, fishing is in a class of its own. It does not require crystals and has a much lower starting cost.

Time: Very very high! Fishing is a mind-numbingly repetitive and time consuming activity. However it also requires relatively little attention, which mitigates it somewhat as you can do something else in RL at the same time. Unfortunately this also makes it susceptible to "botting" or using automated programs to fish for you, which is both against the ToS and cheating at a game.
Research: Moderate. There are specific times of day and locations that are best for fishing, and certain things you can catch that are worth more than others. It certainly does not require the kind of intense research that some other methods do, but nor does it require none.
Job Level: Moderate. Although you can fish at level 1 and make money, having a higher level does help. It does not improve your fishing results directly, but you can get to more specialized fishing spots in high-level areas.
Investment: Low. High-priced rods and other equipment help significantly, but you can start with cheap equipment and generally start turning a profit in your first hour, so long as it is the right hour of the day and you are in the right spot.
Ethics: Questionable. It is certainly possible to be a fisherman who contributes meaningfully to Vana'diel. You can catch items which are valuable to other PCs and sell them, increasing available resources. In some cases you are catching items critical to crafting, so it can be an important contribution indeed. However it is also one of the easiest ways to introduce "new money" into the game, as you can easily turn a profit by selling directly to NPCs. This combined with the simplicity of botting makes it very enticing to the selfish. You can be a wonderful and productive member of society as a fisherman- or you can be one of the most hated things in the game.
Risk: Very low. Although each cast is something of a gamble, overall fishing is a very consistent way to make money, like any of the crafts.
Growth:Very high. Fishing is a skill that grows as you do it. The difference between a level one fisherman’s ability to reel in cash and a level fifty’s is amazing.
I think higher level fishermen would argue your statement that fishing requires only moderate research and little attention.

Every time you need to move to a fish with a higher cap, the research starts. You have to know:

1) the new target fish (and its cap)
2) where you can find the fish
3) what kind of bait to use
4) what other fish will bite that bait in that water
5) what items can be pulled up in that water
6) what level monsters can be pulled up

You need all of this information to prevent wasted bait, snapped lines, broken rods, and death. Also, in many situations, not paying much attention isn't an option. Two common methods of fishing are sneak fishing and sweat fishing - both of which require plenty of attention... and you can't forget avoiding the aggro of non-fished monsters.
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