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Kiting bug where mobs disappear after 20% hpFollow

#1 Feb 03 2004 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
hey guys,

im not sure if this bug has been raised before. I just came back to EQ after about 9 mths out of it and started kiting with my shaman. I know it's a weird thing to do but it works for me :)

I was kiting things around East Karana (griffs, crag spiders, dogs) and what would happen is once the creature gets to under 20% hp, it turns to run and disappears. You can still target it, it can still die from your DoT, but you get no exp or no loot.

I was level 17 and i was quite happily kiting (sowed and then dot'ed NPC's) around EK. Mainly gorge hounds and dark stalkers and the occasional Crag spider if it was low enough. That was fine. I hit lvl 18 and solely went for Crag spiders.. and they just kept disappearing. I started playing around with them for a bit. You can root them before they go below 20%. They hang around and if u can kill it before root runs out it's fine. If not, root breaks and it disappears. It doesn't happen all the time but around i noticed it happens lots with yellow conned (i was 18 at the time) crag spiders.

Quick google search revealed that over at Necro talk ( they are having the same problem with fear kiting. Same issue.

I didn't really care about the loot, more so the fact that you spend most of your mana kiting yellows around the place just for them to disappear and you get nothing out of it. Med up, go look for another creature and same thing happened. Made the level from 18->19 almost impossible. Got to 19 finally, almost lost my patience though. Picked a high blue crag spider, same thing happened. I just gave up and logged.

Anyone else see this?/know if when it's gonna be fixed? It's really irritating. I wonder if wizards or druis have the same problem too.
#2 Feb 03 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I was having this same problem kiting Sarnaks in OT. But it didn't happen everytime, maybe 20% of the time. Playing on Stromm server if that matters.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#3 Feb 03 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
i was playing on fennin, i don't think it's an issue with a specific server since the necro's on that board weren't on fennin either.
#4 Feb 03 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I have /bugged this several times. I'm trying to get Quillmane to spawn in S. Karana and this is happening. I'm not kiting, just sending in my pet. One time it happened with Quillmane herself.. talk about upsetting! Luckily I had a tracker with me, and Quill was still on track. Tracked her to the northern zone line where I got to finish her off (no cloak, just legs, second time). At first I thought she gated, but I have never seen reports that Quill will gate. On other mobs, we have found them in the south - we found three of them that poofed all standing on top of each other - I'm pretty sure elephants and lions do not gate. I forgot to do a loc to see the exact location, but it was way south.

It does seem to happen about 10-20% of the time - the mobs will just warp to another location at about 20% health - my pet will not give chase - but the alive mob will still be in my target. Since I'm killing greens, I'm not so worried about the xp loss, but I could see where that would be a very big concern.
#5 Feb 03 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
I am having the same problem with my wiz, seems to happen consistently for me in Skyfire. I have mob snared, kite around with flaming sword of xuzl acting as a little dot for me. Once I nuke the mob to below 20%, causing it to stop, I let the sword whack away at the mob so I can med a bit. If I forget to refresh the snare, and the snare drops... Poof! Mob has warped across zone. It is still on target, but is on other side of zone.
Very annoying.
#6 Feb 03 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, has happened to me a few times with giants in RM and also more recently (a couple weeks ago) with one of the named cyclopses in South Karana (the second brother, Droog maybe??). I was kiting him down the shoreline of the river and all of a sudden he disappeared. I still had tracking on him and kept getting track messages after he poofed. Turned out he was just a little ways back up the shore, probably where he spawned originally. So my theory became that when mobs do this, they go back to their spawn point. It seemed that nothing changed with regard to how much damage he had taken, can't recall if he was still aggro'd on me or if I had to twap him again, but I did still get exp.
#7 Feb 03 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
224 posts
Happened to me on Fennon. My little DE wizzie was working on collecting the robes from the guys in white around the wizzie spire in Nektulos. The one guy by the one particular tree kept poofing like you describe here. Still on track, still invis, and wizzies have no dots or snares at that level, so SOL. I was fighting him AT the spawn point, and when he turned to run, poof. From what you say here, it might not have happened if I had had to brains to ROOT him, so he would not turn.

I think it is related to the old Z-axis bug, where the MoB was underground and could hit you, but you could not hit back. That happened to my Ikky SHM in FoB enough to be really irritating. So I think the 'turn to run' logic moves 0 to the Z axis parm and there you go.

But what do I know.

Karlowin, Fennon Ro
#8 Feb 03 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
I also have been experiencing this problem.

I first noticed the problem at the beginning of January 2004. I was hunting in the Eastern Wastes. I use Instill Doubt with mobs that I am not killing fast enough. About two to three percent of the time the mobs would just disappear rather than run.

I am now hunting in the Dreadlands and I am still experiencing the same problem.

When this occurs I am able to keep the mob targeted, but I never seem to be able to locate them.
#9 Feb 03 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Pathing bug with mobs that are trying to 'run'. If you keep them immobile while they are trying to run, they won't warp. If you have a snare strong enough to make mobs immobile, use that, and mostly won't see it. Also, if you fight in relatively small zones, don't seem to see the problem at all- I think it's mostly in zones with a 10k plus loc range.
#10 Feb 03 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
might as well add my own -- in EW on Vazaelle. /bug -- they know about it, trying to fix it.../sigh
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

#11 Feb 03 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
Happened to me last night in PoN.
Agro kiting a gnarled treant with necro pet and it disappeared with 1% left on it - VERY annoying...
#12 Feb 03 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Don't know if this is the same thing, but last year I occasionaly had a similar problem with mobs in Oasis near zone lines - they would be running and then disapear. A few times I eventually found them some where else or I would get exp/faction shortly after when someone else killed them. Wonder if it is the same thing as when a mob trys to walk through an object like a tree where they hang up for a time and then bounce out the other side much farther away?
#13 Feb 03 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Just in case anyone is keeping track: I have had the same issue with Forest Giants (they are the only mobs that run below 20%) in Burning Woods the last few days. Only solution so far has been to make sure they are snared. In fact, I was luckily tracking one and when I found it again across the zone it "warped" again before I could snare it.

Kind of disappointing to see that this isn't a zone-specific issue at the moment. Hopefully they make this a priority as it has made playing a bit frustrating the last few days.
#14 Feb 03 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I too have had this happen when kiting on Dro in NK, i root rot and if root breaks after 20% it just poof's and i have to track it across the zone. very annoying.
#15 Feb 03 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
This bug became more pronounced after the casiono patches (mid-December?). That was the first time I'd ever seen mob warping like that, and for the first week after the patches about 80% of the mobs I soloed with my necro were disappearing. To the best of my knowledge, all the mobs were *either* snared (Darkness) or feared, and this happened anywhere between mob at 90% or 3% health. Seems to have lessened a bit, though I still get one or two warping mobs a session now.
Someone once mentioned that it might be an outdoor Z-axis (hilly terrain) issue.
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#16 Feb 03 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hmmm... This used to happen all the time, but I haven't seen it for awhile (but then I haven't been playing my wiz much lately either).

What happens is that there's a kind of "cleanup" process that gets run with mobs. When they are sufficiently low on health, they will turn and run away. However, if there is no player within a certain range, the game figures: "What the heck? Why bother tracking this mob?", and just warps it back to it's spawn point.

They key I found to preventing it is to stay closer to the mob when it gets to that low health point. It will warp away whether it's snared or not. Where I remember seeing this alot was when one or two mobs in a quad would resist a few nukes more then the others, so that some would stop moving and some would keep coming at me (very annoying when that happens btw). I'd have to keep moving to get those last few immobilized, and often that would put me far enough away that the earlier mobs would warp away.

I have also just plain seen it happen. It's always about distance from the mob(s) though. When you think they're about to be immobilized, make sure to keep close to them. That should prevent them from warping.

When they do warp, they always go back to their spawn point. Um... When a mob is at its spawn point, it regens very very fast, so if you can't get there to finish it off very quickly, you're going to be in trouble. Always make sure to zone or camp to clear agro if you didn't kill off the mobs. I've seen kinda flaky behavior with this. Sometimes, they just forget all about you. But sometimes, they keep you on their agro list, but the spawn point is out of their chase range from where you are. What that means is that at some random time later, a fully healed up mob will come running at you seemingly from no where (perhaps even with friends). That's a really pain in the butt...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#17 Feb 03 2004 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
I normally am not too far away from my mob, because i don't want other people to think im running away from it and steal my kill.

I stay close enough for me just to cast a spell on it. I have tried a few other things such as nuking the crap out of the mob then the last bit I DoT and it still sometimes disappears.

Weird thing is they do EVENTUALLY come back. I'm not sure where the Crag Spiders spawn in EK, but I was killing one and it disappeared. I noticed there was a spider trying to cross the North Karana bridge, and low and behold, it was my spider. *confuzzled*.

I guess I'm just curious whether this has been reported and whether we have an official response on whether it's an issue that can be fixed or not. Very disheartening when a level that normally takes x amount of kills, now takes x times 2 or something because kills go missing.
#18 Feb 04 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
Kiting Mammoths in Everfrost, same thing. If you have track on them you can track them and usually they warped to the opposite end of the zone. Probably happened half dozen times in a hundred kills. Started making sure the dots were fresh enough so that if they did warp, I didn't have to lose the xp.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#19 Feb 04 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
Just to let you know guys I believe gbaji is correct. I just spent the last session doing the same ol crag kiting except this time I run to melee just before it hits 20%.. so around 23% i run at it and start to melee it. NONE warped anywhere for me.

For those classes that can't melee the other option is the time a spell (DD or DoT) so that just before he gets to you it hits the mob below 20 so just as he gets to you, he runs away again.

My theory on it is along the lines of this.

The game needs your co-ordinates to determine where the mob runs away from. IF you are too far away it can't determine your co-ord, the mob doesn't know which way to run and it just warps back to spawn point. just a guess :)
#20 Feb 04 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
As you can see from the posts, it doesn't seem to matter if you're kiting, or right in the mob's face. Some mobs are just warping at some point.

Now I know elephants in SK do not gate but I swear the same one kept warping on me every time it got to about 40%. How do I know it was the same one, you ask? Because elephants are indifferent and this particular elephant kept aggroing me. The warping does not clear aggro.

Also, I was having this problem even more on the test server.
#21 Feb 04 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Distance between myself and the mob, and mob health, do not have any bearing on mob warping, in my experience.
#22 Feb 04 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
What that means is that at some random time later, a fully healed up mob will come running at you seemingly from no where (perhaps even with friends).

Yeah. After an aviak in SK poofed on me, my wizard joined a group killing gnolls at the spires. They got a laugh when he came back with two others to give me a pecking.

A previous poster mentioned losing Quillmane to this poofing thing, I too had that happen. He was down to 7%, and just disappeared. I still had him in target, and used Bind Sight just to watch him be finished off by another player in the zone. Maybe I will be lucky enough some day to have Quillmane pop by me with only 7% life in him. Nah, the bug will be fixed before that ever happens.

Places I notice mobs warping to in SK. Cyclops to the undead camp in the north. Aviaks to under the aviak tree, or up by the hermit.
#23 Feb 04 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
This happens to me in PoV if the mob turns to run while it's on the hill in NE. I'm always right in range, and the mob does not poof back to it's spawn point. I have the spawns very well timed, and I have checked several times.

I can repro it about 33% to 50% of the time if I get them to turn and run on a certain part of the hill in NE. The mystic poofing only seems to occur when the mob is running UP the hill. It doesn't have to be an extreme hill, and a 20% grade will do. I also seem to see more repros where the slope of the hill is changing, like uneven ground or the base of a hill where it is just starting to slope up.

I have yet to see a case where the mob is running down hill, switches to an uphill vector, and warps/falls. If you have a repro case for this, please tell.

Distance to mob does not matter in the cases I've tested. I only started seeing this about 4 months ago. I've killed in PoV NE for about 12 months now for a total of about 80 aa's worth of xp.

I suspect it is a terrain based bug because it only happens if the mob turns to run (or otherwise changes movement) in certain places. It is more likely on a slope, for instance. I've NEVER had this happen in HoH, and HoH is perfectly flat in most areas. I believe I've also had this happen when I root a mob as it is running toward me, but I'm not 100% sure about that. (about 80% sure)

I also suspect that the mob isn't going to the far reaches of the zone. I believe that the mob is below the terrain. I think this because if you get far enough from a mob, it regenerates at an alarming rate. In PoV, they regen 4% per tick. When my mobs disappear, they don't regen faster than what is normal for an in range mob.

I've also seen posts that say they dotted the mob and got xp for them after they disappeared. You don't get xp for a mob if you are a long distance from it on the x and y axis (not sure about z) when it dies.

I also notice graphically, the mob starts turning around an instant before they disappear.

Has anyone had this happen on perfectly flat terrain, like in paved zone where the fighting surfaces are flat? I've noticed this in outdoor zones only, but has anyone noticed it indoors? The warping only appears to happen only during a vector change. This happens when a mob suddenly turns while it is moving; when a mob turns to run, when fear wears off, when snare wears off, when fear takes hold, etc. Anyone have any cases where this is not true?

I need to do some packet sniffing to see if the mob is falling down or warping to the "Mob safe point"? I know that it is not warping to it's spawn location.

The rest is slightly more technical, and is somewhat speculative.

If I had to guess, I'd say that when the movement vector changes, they are applying the original vectored offset one time without either applying or checking the z axis of the vector. Normally, on movement, the z axis appears to be adjusted after the x and y positions have been determined and terrain has been checked. If you miss the z factor in the last vector offset, then you can end up with a mob that has moved toward the hill one last step without stepping up appropriately. When the mob turns and applies the new movement vector, the mob's z axis is below the plane of the terrain. It fell through the world.

This may happen because the movement/bounds check pair is not a completely ACID transaction, and a race condition occurs. If a new vector is applied in the middle of a movement calculation it may skip the bounds check on the previous vector, for example.

When a mob regenerates past it's run threshold it starts coming after the pc. Most of us know that if the mob can't get closer to you for 4 seconds, the system corrects the position so it can. This would put the mob onto the nearest pathing node to it's present location that puts it closer to it's intended victim. Since all pathing nodes are on the world plane, the mob would reappear on the world. If the mob is within a certain distance to the pc, then it just teleports onto you, which we've all experienced.

And, just curious... can you really bind sight on a mob across the world?
#24 Feb 04 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
I have seen this in several zones GD, EW, DL, and a few others I have not seen it happen in Dulak and Gulf. I tracked one warped mob in EW it had popped from north middle part of the zone to under the bridge from ICO under water. But it sems to be pretty common since the Nov/Dec patches. I hate loosing te exp and the loot.
#25 Feb 05 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
And, just curious... can you really bind sight on a mob across the world?

I had no problem binding sight on mobs clear across the SK zone, I was all the way down in the southern part, fighting a cyclops, it poofed, I bound sight and watched it up at the undead camp near the NK bridge. I have fought aviaks in the north, they poof and with binding sight I see them under the aviak tree clear down in the south part of the zone. Distance from where the mob ends up after warping doesn't seem to prevent me from binding sight to it.
#26 Feb 05 2004 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Bind sight is fun!
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