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Dumb LFG observationFollow

#27 Oct 11 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
I almost always make my own group. On occasion I'll use LFG and keep occupied with something to pass the time.

Personaly, the LFG tool is useful for filling a group, but could be redone in some fashion to make the looking for players tab more usable. I would prefer a one page option with no tab at all.

Maybe combining the Players LFG buttion and Groups LFP into one click, and have 2 lists refresh at the same time would also be helpful.

I hear SONY is completely revamping the UI too, so that might be helpful. (the revamp will still keep the same metrics for current defualt UI and custom UI's, so older UI's will still usable with minimun re-work.

#28 Oct 11 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
Before you go judging the tanks and clerics too rough that have lots of hp or mana, you should know where they come from. Nearly 60% of all group invites for my 70sk and my 70clr are started off with "what's your hp/ac" or "what's you mana/mana regen". When tanks/clr's finally get those numbers up I can see why they would in turn be more picky with groups they join. Why would a 13/14k hp tank want to group with a 68(pick class) with 14 aa's when they have earned the ability to tank anywhere in the game.
#29 Oct 11 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
If I am LFG I can be LFG for up to 4 hours (current high of being lfg so far =P). I try to make a group, but there's never the right classes on (tank), because usually everyone my level is raiding...

-Predator Razzy M`Dri 67th season Vah`Shir Feral Lord

I think I know why your LFG for 4 hours at a time Razzy. Its because your a beastlord. Beastlords fill a very small role and thanks to SoE that will always be, face the fact that we will always be that way. If you don't want to be LFG all the time, be a Shaman, everyone wants shamans with their Wunshi and Fort and super slows.

I am hardly ever LFG unless I'm looking for something specific like "LFG for RSS" or "LFG for DoD Spell Progression". Most of the time I have to turn down offers to group up so I get some time with my alts. I'm afraid they are going to be 40 forever.

I also never use LFG tool to get a group. Sometimes you get a great group and you are luckly to join them, but sometimes you get a really crappy group and its just really bad. I'm in an assocation that is made up of some of my guild and some other guilds but we all work together very well and we know each other. So if one of them is wanting to get something done there is usually 3-6 of us not doing anything and willing to help. Then you get a call from our honored leaders and you know you have to join them because you are lucky enough to have them call for your assistance and that means they respect you and know you can do your job. And sometimes to be lucky enough to be someone more than just a SA caster is wonderful.

Briguy Theomega (70th Season Lord of Beasts)
Briiguy Theomega (40th Season Ranger)
EvilBri AntiOmega (38th Season Necro)
#30 Oct 11 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Well, just to add my 2 cents, it is certainly possible to get 100+ AAs before 65 as a tank. It takes some work yes, and is very frustrating. I was a "casual play" Shadow Knight and didn't even join a raid guild till level 70 with 250+ AAs. I felt the tank curse of not being able to tank in the high end game without the AAs and gear, but I am telling you...despite all the pain and suffering, it is all well worth it.

No, I could not solo past 61 (this was before the days of the new fear spells) so don't give me that SK can solo phooey. I tanked in groups from 62-70 with about 20 AAs at level 61 to start. By 65, I had about 120 AAs before I went to 70. And yes, people gave me a lot of crap, people would not group with me, and I could not tank anything past LDoN, Sebilious or Droga for a long while, where the xp sucks. I was referred to as a 'suck' tank...judged by my low hps.

But, despite all the bull, I fought through it, got better gear through LDoN, to OoW, to Cultural...and now, I DON'T EVEN PUT MY LFG TAG UP. All I have to do is log in and be unanon for about 5 minutes, and people start sending me tells. With the tank curse above, comes a shortage of tanks that can tank MPG, the Nest, GOD,RSS, and pretty much all the new all you got to do is make it over the hump, then the groups will come to you. You will develop a reputation, and they will seek you out. Your reputation is gold. Then YOU can be picky if you so choose.

I am telling you tanks, if you suck, except it, work on it..if someone gives you a tell to come tank MPG, be honest and tell them "sorry, I can't tank that yet". WORK THOSE AAs...get all the Defensive/HP/Mitigation/Avoidance AAs pre-OoW to start, then work up from there (this is probably about 100 or so AAs, which makes that guys estimate above pretty right on). I am telling you, it is certainly possible without a raid guild and without sacrificing your real-life. I didn't believe it myself...I was even a whiner too. But...I am on the other side now, and the grass DOES taste sweeter

Finally, don't shun druids as healers. In my experience, they make damn fine healers sub MPG...and the ones I played with didn't have a lot of AAs either. Sure cleric is ideal, but if there is none to group with you cause you suck, hook up with a druid....they are just as desperate for xp as you probably.
#31 Oct 11 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Well, just to add my 2 cents, it is certainly possible to get 100+ AAs before 65 as a tank. It takes some work yes, and is very frustrating. I was a "casual play" Shadow Knight and didn't even join a raid guild till level 70 with 250+ AAs. I felt the tank curse of not being able to tank in the high end game without the AAs and gear, but I am telling you...despite all the pain and suffering, it is all well worth it.

No, I could not solo past 61 (this was before the days of the new fear spells) so don't give me that SK can solo phooey. I tanked in groups from 62-70 with about 20 AAs at level 61 to start. By 65, I had about 120 AAs before I went to 70. And yes, people gave me a lot of crap, people would not group with me, and I could not tank anything past LDoN, Sebilious or Droga for a long while, where the xp sucks. I was referred to as a 'suck' tank...judged by my low hps.

But, despite all the bull, I fought through it, got better gear through LDoN, to OoW, to Cultural...and now, I DON'T EVEN PUT MY LFG TAG UP. All I have to do is log in and be unanon for about 5 minutes, and people start sending me tells. With the tank curse above, comes a shortage of tanks that can tank MPG, the Nest, GOD,RSS, and pretty much all the new all you got to do is make it over the hump, then the groups will come to you. You will develop a reputation, and they will seek you out. Your reputation is gold. Then YOU can be picky if you so choose.

I am telling you tanks, if you suck, except it, work on it..if someone gives you a tell to come tank MPG, be honest and tell them "sorry, I can't tank that yet". WORK THOSE AAs...get all the Defensive/HP/Mitigation/Avoidance AAs pre-OoW to start, then work up from there (this is probably about 100 or so AAs, which makes that guys estimate above pretty right on). I am telling you, it is certainly possible without a raid guild and without sacrificing your real-life. I didn't believe it myself...I was even a whiner too. But...I am on the other side now, and the grass DOES taste sweeter

Finally, don't shun druids as healers. In my experience, they make damn fine healers sub MPG...and the ones I played with didn't have a lot of AAs either. Sure cleric is ideal, but if there is none to group with you cause you suck, hook up with a druid....they are just as desperate for xp as you probably.
#32 Oct 11 2005 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts

i hope this was sarcastic:


I think I know why your LFG for 4 hours at a time Razzy. Its because your a beastlord. Beastlords fill a very small role and thanks to SoE that will always be, face the fact that we will always be that way. If you don't want to be LFG all the time, be a Shaman, everyone wants shamans with their Wunshi and Fort and super slows.

/end quote

when i form groups, i will pick a BL over a shaman everytime. you get the slows, as well as an extra two tanks. best duo i ever do is with a BL in my guild, we have duoed creator task, MM task. killed the named croc in PoE (that was before we were lvl 70 even) BL ROCK!!! IMO

i might be concidered one of those prema donna's. i am very picky these days with who i group with. you get sick after awile grouping with toons that got to lvl 70 with no gear and no aa, that think they can go anyplace. it gets disheartning. it is one of the reasons i tend to rather solo then do pick-up groups these days.

however, if i am off soloing, and i decide to go LFG i will leave the lfg tag up, if i recieve a tell, i will ask:

ME: is the group full? if it isn't, i will take lfg off, and keep soloing, send me a tell when it is full and i can be there fast.

most times they reply
THEM: will do

you see, too many times, what is described in the above post happen, the group falls apart right as you get there, or 30 min later. and just wasted my time going to the meeting place. so i will continue what i am doing, then go when they are ready.
#33 Oct 11 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
No need to flame or belittle him due to his level.

I searched this entire thread twice and found no reference to his level being inferior.

It does not make sense to compare the difference in effectiveness of LFG Tool and typing /lfg if you are ignorant of the supply and demand of the classes.
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#34 Oct 11 2005 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
I think I know why your LFG for 4 hours at a time Razzy. Its because your a beastlord. Beastlords fill a very small role and thanks to SoE that will always be, face the fact that we will always be that way. If you don't want to be LFG all the time, be a Shaman, everyone wants shamans with their Wunshi and Fort and super slows.

Well actually, I am usually playing my Cleric for exp, and the 4 hours lfg is for both, I usually put lfg up as "or 69 beastlord" and it seems quite odd that no one would need a healer OR slower.
#35 Oct 11 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
1. People who go LFG but blow you off the second a guildie group opens up. Talk about insensitive. If your going to jack the group who invited you am the first opertunity don't go LFG. Just sit in your GH and wait. If you get a group stick it out!

Now, IMO, if a guildie asks for help on something important (IE, Epic raid that's forming and they need (your class), it takes priority over exp.


2. The tools. I grouped with a 68 cleric. me: "Conv plz." Reply: "I don't have that spell yet" well ok it is the last spell in the 67 line up and we have a 70 druid so Bali will work. me: "bali please" reply: "I don't have bali either" OMG! quit selling the damn runes! Me:"Kaz?" reply: " I don't have that spell" Now I'm worried cuz I am playing the tank. Who wants to group with a cleric 68 cleric for martzin?

I agree that they should at least have Kazaad, but just because they don't have conviction, which as you say is at the end of the lvl 67 line, or Balikor, which as you didn't say is at the end of the 66 line, does not mean they are not a good cleric or are selling the runes! My best friend, a 67 cleric, doesn't get alot of OoW groups, and even when she does, either the runes just don't drop, or she can't win a roll. So quit whining, and help the clerics get the runes they need!
/rant off

Edited, Tue Oct 11 23:31:10 2005 by Zamerick
#36 Oct 12 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
I use the LFG option quite a bit. I 3 box a 68 necro, 67 cleric and 67 Beast. I use it to find other people that want to fill in slots while I mess around. Unless I'm doing something really difficult or specific I don't even need anyone else, but company is nice.

I'm amazed at the amount of people with the LFG flag up that are so picky they don't want to join at all. For instance if I'm doing a Creator kite mission, most won't join. I can 3 box them in about 45 minutes and if all they do is toss a spell once in a while it's free exp and crystals, but it sounds out of the ordinary so they are unwilling to try it. I won't take anyone that asks if we have a tank/cleric/bard etc...

Conventional groups are fun but much can be done without them. The most fun I've ever had are pulling off things that most would never think about.

I think not knowing your class has a larger drain on the game than levels and AA points. If you are so hung up on the pristine group then keep your friends list full and turn LFG off. Most likely you aren't nearly what you think even you are.
#37 Oct 12 2005 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
173 posts
I go LFG all the time.. I 1st well say LFG in guild chat.. if no reponse I use the LFG tool. hehe I find the best way to get a group is to go off farming for a tradeskill.. usually as soon as I get ready to farm I get a tell..

There are some ignorant people out there.. When I am filling in a group I will take a druid for healer.. Hell I know a druid who can not only be MH but can be puller as well.. I LOVE having rangers or mages in my groups for DPS. Rangers can also be puller and there snare is very valuable.. Mages in RSS/MPG are sooo nice to be able to add new members and keep a group going with little down time.

For slower Enchanter/Shammy/BST all work.. AND I would not mind having all 3 in a group.. As a tank.. Shammy buffs rock, BST buffs are usually good enough, plus they are good DPS and the slow is also usually enough.. Enchanters giver me C/haste/slow/mezzing.. all good

The key is the person behind the keyboard.. It has gotten to the point where if I really want to farm ... I know not to put up my LFG flag.. and as I am currently farming shadow scream parts to get my smithing to 267, but it is soooooooooooooooo boring I find it hard NOT to run up my LFG flag..
#38 Oct 12 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
I'm amazed at the amount of people with the LFG flag up that are so picky they don't want to join at all. For instance if I'm doing a Creator kite mission, most won't join. I can 3 box them in about 45 minutes and if all they do is toss a spell once in a while it's free exp and crystals, but it sounds out of the ordinary so they are unwilling to try it. I won't take anyone that asks if we have a tank/cleric/bard etc...

Actually, thats not a surprose. First off, many people are flat out sick of creator missions. I only do them on occasion and only because I need drake claws from Thundercrest for a quest.

Many are also just reluctant to do it kite style because its not the "usual" way and as such is outside their comfort zone. Personally, I wouldn't mind doing it that way just to do something different, but being a paladin means if I am there we have a tank, not to mention Paladins arent very useful in kite groups. Only done creator that way once and was becasue cleric went LD and didn't get back until we were about to engage the Furious Sentry.
#39 Oct 12 2005 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
The Holy Trinity still exists. However, instead of Warrior, Chanter,'s now Tank, Slower, Healer. That being said though the game after 65 requires that the Tank have more HP/AC/AA's than your casual player generally has at that level, and to a lesser extent the same is true for healer's and slower's to be effective.

A new warrior/pally/SK starting today with no external help(PP) or PL'ing would be able to get to level 65 effectivly in groups no problem assuming they put a reasonable effort into doing small quests along the way and picked up some basic upgrades. Once that player hits 65 though, they will no longer be effective in any group as a tank, and will end up having to act as 3rd rate DPS until they get to 70 w/ 100+ AA's and amass lots of PP for Bazaar upgrades. The same applies to a lesser extent to healers and slowers to not be a drain on the group. Anyone else really just needs there spells/decent weapons and enough knowledge of aggro managment to stay out of trouble.
#40 Oct 12 2005 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
Good players spens less time being LFG. Simple reputation and friends goes a long way to getting groups.

This means that the consentration of less than competent players is pretty high in the LFG pool. Of course there are always some good players FG, but the consentration is not that high.

Forming a group of people LFG, you are likely to end up with a bag group, if you manage to form one at all. This is why a lot of people would rather wait for a spot in an existing well funtioning group, than go through the work of trying to put a group together, and risk it being awful. If you invite people to a group that turns out bad, it will also hurt your image. Just making a group, is not all that simple.

Also there are classes and levels that have much harder time finding groups. Dynamics of the game changes and so does the classes that have a hard time finding groups, but there will always be classes that are below average desireability. I just dinged 70 myself, and know how hard it can be to find a group in the late 60'ties
#41 Oct 12 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
I never go LFG. If I'm not in my regular group which consists of 3 other people, two of which run three toons each, and I'm not in a guild only group, I log off and play an alt or switch to Wow. I absolutely hate being in pick up groups on my cleric. On my beast I don't mind so much because she's usually just dps or at the most dps and slowing, which is no big deal.
#42 Oct 12 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
Listing Alts in the LFG tool is a good idea and should be considered by developers.

Edited, Wed Oct 12 12:20:44 2005 by Deloehne
#43 Oct 12 2005 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
interesting read.... i liked to hear other people with some of the same concerns as i and some opposing views as well.

i mostly play lvl 70 sk with at the moment oh 342 aa. that being said here goes some rambling.

1. LFG??? on bristlebane since the merger i have noticed that ya dont evan need to have it on cuz people send ya tells alla time.
"hey wanna join creator mission?"

i know you probably wanna fill yer group fast and all but really peeps if someone dont have lfg up dont ask. yeah yeah you get yer occasional bite and fill that slot but its what lfg was made for quit harrassing everyone. was that a sol ro tradition?

2. i enjoyed the reply from the lvl 68 guy who complained about 70s not taking him because he was only lvl 68, then at the end of his reply he said not to ask him to go hunt light blues , heh heh yeah it is better to be pl'd than do the pling idnt it?

3. one reply said sk cant solo past 61 i think he said.......phooey you jsut dont try hard enough. i got in this game right b4 LoY so im pretty new. first toon i made was my sk , guy who introduced me to this game said i could not solo this toon to 65. (when that was top lvl) forward lil over a year......ding ur 65 ,velkators lab. it can be done and has been done. if yer patient and know your limitations you can do it and no it aint gonna be fast but youll get there. evan now i can solo adn make a few aa a night if i want to dark blue nightmare mephits in PON work nicely adn are pretty generous with the gems and such. getting to em is a pain but usually no one is there and works out nicely.

4. to the people who ask me my hp and ac blah blah blah , what is your mana pool?? are you afraid you are not cleric enough to keep me healed? and yeah i understand that some peeps are a drain and all but here is an catch -22 alotta tanks are dealing with. you can only raise yer hp so many with aa and if yer not time geared best peice of equip i got on me is 175hp , so i try an dkeep everythign i got on over 100 hp and fully augged. where are you going to magiccally get these hit points from? if you cannot get into the zones your not gonna get the hp , if you dont got the hp you cannot get into teh zones. well unless you are one of the classes that sit in the back and toss a few spells here adn there while you play games on on yer other puter. just for the record my stats are maxxed and like i said b4 i have one item on with less than 100hp on it and at my best i am right under 11k hp so im not really wanted in rss a whole lot lol. filling them 69-70 spells is pretty dang slow.

5. some guy mentioned aggro management - if yer tank is decent you oughta be fine. i dont ever seem to have trouble getting and holding aggro. i group with casters with over 1k aa and their mighty blasts might make em look but they usuall dont evan make it to em ......voice of thule is always on and snap aggro spell is always memmed. one more thing to help yer tank out mr necro. snare is an awesome aggro tool and yes yours is muuuuuuuch better but let me snare em please it all helps. aggro is not a competition that some folk think it is. i always say dis ......"any fool can GET aggro, the question is SHOULD you, and can you hold onto it when you do?"

theres me views tear into em...........

Painlord Flatchy Bumwhistle
Lvl 70 SK
Ring of the Dragon Hearts
#44 Oct 12 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
When I play my bard or cleric, I turn LFG on and usually get tells within mins.

If I am playing other characters, I turn LFG on and then I start looking into the LFG list and making my own group.

Works ok most of the time, except some key role people take 40 mins to get to the meeting location (close to pok book, or off PoT whatever, they take forever to arrive for whatever reasons) and that makes other players loss patient and start leaving.
#45REDACTED, Posted: Oct 13 2005 at 12:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Please tell me you just called someone other than yourself a tool... You THREE BOX? Do you have a life outside of your computer? Have you seen the sun this week? Ever been on a date? I'm gonna go out on a limb and answer "NO" on all of those for you. "Tool"... how trite.
#46 Oct 13 2005 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
klerycal wrote:

4. to the people who ask me my hp and ac blah blah blah , what is your mana pool?? are you afraid you are not cleric enough to keep me healed? and yeah i understand that some peeps are a drain and all but here is an catch -22 alotta tanks are dealing with. you can only raise yer hp so many with aa and if yer not time geared best peice of equip i got on me is 175hp , so i try an dkeep everythign i got on over 100 hp and fully augged. where are you going to magiccally get these hit points from? if you cannot get into the zones your not gonna get the hp , if you dont got the hp you cannot get into teh zones. well unless you are one of the classes that sit in the back and toss a few spells here adn there while you play games on on yer other puter. just for the record my stats are maxxed and like i said b4 i have one item on with less than 100hp on it and at my best i am right under 11k hp so im not really wanted in rss a whole lot lol. filling them 69-70 spells is pretty dang slow.

People sometimes ask tanks stats, because they are vital to the success of the group, and you simply cannot assume any level 70 sk will have sufficient stats to fill a required spot. If clerics needed some level of mana regen, or some size mana pool to actually be able to keep a tank healed, I am sure groups would be asking for those informations as well, or if you needed some uncommon mez spell for CC, and that was required for the task at hand, chanters would be asked if they have it.

I sometimes make groups, and i would only ask someone stats, if I though it was rquired information to determing if they could fill a certain role. I probably woulnt turn a 'soft' tank down if i had 2 spots left, but I would definatly go looking for one more tank, if I felt it was needed based on the info i had.
#47 Oct 13 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
How do you expect a melee at lvl 65 with no AA's to get those AAs? For the hardcore "play all day" players sure 100 AA's might not be a big deal. But for people at 65 who don't play all day long it can take a long time to get 100 AA's especialyl since they are also probably wanting to level up to 70 to appease the people who are too good to group with anybody under 70

Same way I did, knock it out, kill what ya gotta, and if your not willing to do that, stop your whining. And I love the argument, if you are lvl 65 and have 100 AA's you must play all day. Well, the truth comes out. I work between 50 and 60 hours a week, it varies. I play 3 to 5 times a week typically for a couple hours at a time. Weekends typically longer than two hours at a time(cause I can).

Please tell me you just called someone other than yourself a tool... You THREE BOX? Do you have a life outside of your computer? Have you seen the sun this week? Ever been on a date? I'm gonna go out on a limb and answer "NO" on all of those for you. "Tool"... how trite

Sure did tool boy. :)
#48 Oct 13 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
I just posted this in another thread, and am copying it here as i feel it is relevent

I have many times sat for an hour with /LFG up, and not gotten a hit. Then i will decide to take the bull by the horns, and form my own group. It usually takes 15 to 30 minutes of looking, asking, deciding where to go, negotiating, and then i have a full XP group.

Yes, that is 15 to 30 minutes of non stop typing, and for a 2 fingered typist that is a ton of work, not to mention trying to keep 4+ conversatitions straight in my head at the same time. This part is actually harder then the killing the mobs part, BUT IT IS NECESSARY! Someone has to form the group! I have many times turned on LFG and seen 15+ people LFG within 5 levels of me but none of them was actively trying to form a group.

Then we go on the DoN/LDoN/(insert zone name here) that is agreeded upon, sometimes we kick butt, sometimes we die quickly and painfully. Sometimes we play for hours, sometimes it starts to break up in less than 30 minutes and i start again. Those are the breaks, it happens, and i get over it.

Everytime i do this i make new friends, occasionally i meet someone i put on my "Never invite to a group again" list, but all of the time the effort is worth it.

One time i met an low level (27) enchanter that had to log off 15 minutes into an LDoN, i understand emergencies come up, but we tried to continue and we SOOOO got our butts handed to us after that. A week later she invited my wife and I to her guild. We did not accept, but i kept her name in my friends list. Eventually we joined, and now I am now one of the primary officers in that guild.

If i had just sat on my butt with /LFG on this would have never happened.

If you are not invited to join a group, form one yourself. It is worth the effort.

By the way, this has worked for me at every level from 25 up.

However, one problem my wifes pally and my shaman have are getting stuck between the rock of needing the equipment(armor for her spells/runes for me) and the hard place of being not invited to the group because we do not already have the equipment(armor for her spells/runes for me).

She is 65 with 75AA's, and still working on them, i am 67 with NO 66 and 67 spells cause the runes are so hard to get to drop, and the few times they have i lose the roll. I do however have 3 68th level runes.
#49 Oct 13 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
People sometimes ask tanks stats, because they are vital to the success of the group, and you simply cannot assume any level 70 sk will have sufficient stats to fill a required spot. If clerics needed some level of mana regen, or some size mana pool to actually be able to keep a tank healed, I am sure groups would be asking for those informations as well, or if you needed some uncommon mez spell for CC, and that was required for the task at hand, chanters would be asked if they have it.

as i stated i know why, it just seems not right, i guess the point i was making was why is it ok for certain classes (aka anyone but tank) to get into zones like rss and no requirements are put on their equip (which is wht hp is all about , yeah ive gotten tier two don and all my hp aa i can)or with not that many aa ?? ive talked with some peeps who go there reg and all will say well you dont have the hp for there........ again its a vicious catch 22 for some classes. maybe i am way off base with that. if i am feel free to let me know cuz im always up for learnign ways to improve.

#50 Oct 13 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
As a bard I can do several roles sorta ok but because of that I maxed out LDR AA pretty quick as I seem to be putting grps together every day. I dont like to do something else while LFG. If I am LFG I am in a zone where I want to be and am searching the tool, checking whos on, ooc'ing, refreshing the lfg tool, etc. A couple times I wanted to farm more of the shrieking substances in hollowshade and I got a reply to my LFG on the tool and both times they were to far away places. Those two times I got kicked out of the group as I was taking too long to get there running at bard speed! Well, one time could have been because I said in group "You were joking about only inviting me to the group if I agree to let you have all the drops from the named at RSS statue right?" That dude immediatly kicked me out of the group before I even zoned in. I was about to leave if he said yes but I wanted the rest of the group to know what a drug dealer he was.
Many times ppl will ask details about the mission so now I often say "are you interested in DON Creator mission Kite group" or something like that if were not doing something traditional.
One dude seemed newbie'ish by his reply but I invited him anyway. Then when we were about to accept the DOD monster mission in Nektolous after we had all agreed on what type of orc to play, it said this guy didnt have DOD. I mentioned that in group-say and he replied that he thought we were doing a DON.
Often ppl will ask me specific details on our group makeup. I am patient enough to reply to one question such has if we have a cleric and a tank or who is the puller. But, when the dude who is lfg is asking me who is the tank, how much HP does he have, Does the slower have such-such spell, how many AA does the enchanter have, etc. I jus say forget it. I'm not selling my group like a car all wrapped up in a pretty bow and baloons with armor-all on the tires, I'm just getting one together. (Dumb-azz GM Saturn salesmen)
I appreciate honest ppl who say "Mezzing is tuff for me there" or "My AC is kinda low is that ok", or "Its very hard for me to pull singles there" and so on. Its when we get all set to go and accept a mission and get into it and the cleric is massively fast healing and HOT'ing the MT on the first mob. The tank barely survives the first mob and dies horribly on the 2nd mob after like 2 rounds. He obviously couldnt take the 1600-1800 hits from the mobs. The tank then tells us hes 'sorta' VT geared and cant hang here, then immediately declines a rez and summons his corpse to the GL and camps for the nite. That left us just standing there thinking how to add somebody to our mission in progress. We ended up winning it very unconventionally but it could have be much easier for this guy if he just said that mobs hitting him for 1800's was too much. We earlier asked if he could handle it as tank for the mission and he said sure NP.
Often ppl are asking for your AC/AA/HP etc because they know what will be successful and want to complete their goal, not because you are somehow inferior to them or useless as a person. Most all different missions or camps can handle a variety of classes or mix of ppl but some few take particular classes with specific skills or else its a total disaster.
I hardly ever turn down an invite myself. If I do its because somebody is saying "dude, we need you to pull chardok for us, were working our way to some awesome gear". Well, I'm lvl 70, hmm, light blues and low blues hmm, these guyz might start a train, hmm, "no thanks guyz, was hoping for a DON"
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