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Dumb LFG observationFollow

#1 Oct 10 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Afternoon all,

Just curious regarding the situation of LFG. I have a level 53 chanter on Bristlebane server and normally can find a group within a reasonable period of time (i.e. < 20 minutes).

If I just put the good old LFG tag up then it takes forever.

Therefore if you actively look for people who are LFG and send them tells, I find they are usually up for anything. Most of the time they are just too lazy to recruit for a group.

Also, go to the zone you are interested in exploring/exp'ing and /who. Find out who is in the zone and send them a tell letting them know you would like to group with them. In PoJ, this is very succesful since it's not overly packed and there is always room in groups. Sometimes you get lucky and get involved in a small powerlevling experience with some person 2 boxing and leveling an alt.

Now a lot of this is just common sense but I see a lot of people complaining about not being able to group. I am not certain about the high end game. Being turned down as a tank for only having 11k hp instead of 13k hp is something I will never experience.

Any thoughts on this matter???
#2 Oct 10 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
i agree, the best way to get a group, is to make one. back when LDoN came out i always was making groups, i wanted to max out my stone. but over time i have became lazy and i no longer activly form groups. but i know that if i go LFG for long periods of time, it is my own fault. and now move ofrward to DoD, now to, there is no reason at all to go lfg for long periods, as you can now ask ANYONE lfg to join you, reguardless of lvl.

people who complain that they lfg forever, IMO are just lazy.
#3 Oct 10 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
1,625 posts

Those people that complain are like my Father. He gets laid off from a high profile job at the beginning of the recession.

He thinks that someone will just call him on the phone and say "come work for Us!!! We have been waiting for you!!"

That was 5 years ago. And he is still waiting by the phone.

A little proactive motion goes a long way in real life as well as everquest!

p.s sorry about the real life scenario. Love my Dad but he is the biggest idiot on the planet.

#4 Oct 10 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
The other thing that I don't seem to understand is why people sit in PoK or the Bazaar with their LFG tag up. If mine is up, I might not actively persue a group, but I'm usually soloing something while waiting for a group to send a tell, or for more guildies to get online.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#5 Oct 10 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
339 posts
I like the LFG tag for two reasons. It's awesome for getting a group member replacement while in the field and for those like me who are lazy and want to sit in PoK and trade skill. Normally you'd have to go to the zone and now you can use general chat/lfg and it's easier than ever to find a group. It might not be fast but it's easy.
#6 Oct 10 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Not every class can solo, that is why alot will just stand around. Probably 85% of the groups I am in are ones I put together. I can understand why people don't want to try to put them together though, people can be a pain about it. You send a tell to a cleric and they don't want to join unless there #6 in a perfect group of lvl 70's. Same goes for high end shamans, enchanters, and sometimes even tanks. Then you get the ones who will only group with certain levels (I am lvl 68 now and I still get people who refuse me cause im not level 70...) You also get the ones who only want a group in 1 particular zone. Then as you start to form the group you get the people who leave cause you didn't get the perfect group formed within a short enough period of time. Then 1 leaves the others start with the "Sorry guys this group isn't working out, I gotta go." then you back to nothing.

When I have LFG on I will take almost anything that gives exp. About the only type of invites I will turn down is when I get invites to poor exp zones (IE pov at 68 = waste of time, and no I don't want to hunt lightblue mobs in poi :p).

People are alot pickier about grouping these days though and it is very annoying when you try to put a group together. Oh yea and you can't forget about the rude people who won't even reply to your tell. Im sure some of them are AFK, but plenty are there and just don't want your group so they leave you hanging.
#7 Oct 10 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
187 posts
One of the problems I have noticed on xegony is that often times it is hard to form groups because many people(raiders especially) simply do not go lfg except for when they raid and will usually have something like "raiding".

This makes it harder to form your own group. What can u do if there is not enough of the classes you need? Obviously every group needs a tank slower healer unless you are doing content is that much lower than what u should be doing.

So, if any of these 3 are not lfg for a long period of time its sorta tough to form groups. Not to mention that for a lot of content u need a puller and/or cc to deal with adds.
#8 Oct 10 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
As far as putting up LFG and remaining in PoK or the bazzar, there are times I simply don't feel like soloing and will put up LFG and tradeskill or do research.

I have to admit I'm also guilty of going into trader and forgetting to turn off LFG

Edited, Mon Oct 10 19:11:31 2005 by plick
#9 Oct 10 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I does drive you nuts to put a group together sometimes. I recently tried to put a group together. Every dam time I'd get the fifth or sixth person, some one would leave. Finally the 3 of us in it from the beginning just gave up.

Some common sense rules I think should be followed:
Take off lfg before you go afk.
If you are doing a raid, only want one zone, don't want a zone, etc., put it in your comments, so other people know.
Except for monster missions, it would be nice if you had an hour or so, don't join and leave in 15 mins (unless group is really really bad).

Some people, like me, don't like to solo, I group or don't play mostly.
#10 Oct 10 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
If I feel like grouping, I'm gonna group. Sure, as a necro I can go do whatever I want, but sometimes I crave companionship.

A few nights ago there wasn't much going on, so I started messaging folks. Got a group together for an LDoN - 2 necros (myself included), BST, SK, bard and berzerker. Was originally going for a pet group but expanded from there. The berzerker dropped out early, and we wiped once, but eventually completed within time. Then we all logged our cleric "alts" to rez each other. Smiley: grin

Then later on I was invited to a traditional PoV group at Outer Caves - slower, healer, tank, DPS, etc. As people swapped in and out and eventually left, I ended up kiting with a cleric and a BST who had just turned on his Veteran exp reward. I was pretty pleased with how well I could pull and kite red-con Subverters at 59.

Non-traditional groups are your friend. It's better to try something odd and maybe die once than to sit around for hours and do nothing but burn buffs.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#11 Oct 10 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Default
Well I think the LFG tool works well, but here on Firiona Vie it really doesn't seem to serve a purpose anyways, if I am LFG I can be LFG for up to 4 hours (current high of being lfg so far =P). I try to make a group, but there's never the right classes on (tank), because usually everyone my level is raiding. It seems like I get more offers for groups late at night (12am-5am) when less people are on, which doesn't seem right. I understand why they haven't merged us with another server, because we're the roleplaying server and most things aren't no drop so there would be a lot of recoding, but I really think they aught to consider it, as our population on the server seems really low compared to others.
#12 Oct 10 2005 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
I've noticed as a 67 ranger, I'm close to helpless at finding a group. I'm quite well equipped (7K buffed) and do a good job of pulling, but I'm not 70... I don't have new paci (68), so I spend most of my time soloing.

I have given up on spamming lfg due to the fact that most of the people on Drinal could care less about other people even if you are spamming next to their group of 3 people where they could use the DPS. I do have my new snare, and a damaging bow. Shame SOE charges so much for character transfer with items.
#13 Oct 10 2005 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
I will agree that often times I throw up my LFG flag out of laziness rather than trying to form a group myself, but this comes from too many of the previously mentioned problem of player group pickiness. Here's my typical putting together a group scenatio:

/tell Cleric Hey, I'm trying to put a group together for ______. Want to come?

Cleric tells you "Do you have a tank?"

/tell Cleric Not yet, just started sending tells.

Cleric tells you "No thanks"

/tell Tank Hey, I'm trying to put a group together for ______. Want to come?

Tank tells you "Do you have a cleric?"

/tell Tank Yes, if you come I have a cleric who I think will join.

Tank tells you "Alright, omw"

/tell Cleric Hey, I got a tank. Want to join now?

Cleric tells you "I got a group already, but thanks anyway"

/emote summons a sword and falls on it, commiting seppiku.

It can just be such a pain to put a group together sometimes that unelss I'm feeling particularly patient that day I'd rather just throw LFG up and go solo somewhere until I get a tell. I'm sooo sick of the above scenario I'd rather just let someone else deal with it.

As a side note, I do wish the AFK flag turned on automatically after 5-10 minutes. Often times I've been soloing/tradeskilling/whatever for so long that I forget I have the flag up, go afk (and forgetting to turn on my afk flag of course) and then get pissed tells when I come back to the keyboard 15 minutes later. My bad! I forgot I had it on! Sheesh! I'm also guilty of being group leader (because I DO still put groups together occasionally) and turning on the LFP flag, and then forgetting to turn it off when we get our 6th member. I wish that turned off automatically once you got 6 people in your group (unless you turned it on when there were 6 in your group so you could throw it on when your cleric gives you a half hour warning).

Wow... ooops... that was long. /rant off
#14 Oct 10 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
My 3 biggest pet peeves are.

1. People who go LFG but blow you off the second a guildie group opens up. Talk about insensitive. If your going to jack the group who invited you am the first opertunity don't go LFG. Just sit in your GH and wait. If you get a group stick it out!

2. The tools. I grouped with a 68 cleric. me: "Conv plz." Reply: "I don't have that spell yet" well ok it is the last spell in the 67 line up and we have a 70 druid so Bali will work. me: "bali please" reply: "I don't have bali either" OMG! quit selling the damn runes! Me:"Kaz?" reply: " I don't have that spell" Now I'm worried cuz I am playing the tank. Who wants to group with a cleric 68 cleric for martzin?

3. People who level to 70 and don't get a darn AA OR proper gear....yet sit in RSS LFG....kinda...The tanks can't. The healers don't. Its just a pain and if they DO get a group they are a drain on the group not a assest. Crappy nukes. Small heals on that 15K tank, or if its the tank his life is like a yo yo while the clerics desperately chain heals. It gets old and makes you not want to do pick ups or group with non guildies. Get a clue peeps. If your 70 with 5 AAs you are just killing your rep by trying to function in a hardish zone. Don't wonder after a while why nobody groups with you. Its because we've learned about you! At the very least don't go LFG wait for a guild group and inflict your **** poor self on THEM, they let you in their guild they deserve to have to put up with you.

Heh excuse I think number 3 makes me the most mad. :P
#15 Oct 10 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,074 posts
I have a level 53 chanter

It is easy to find a group as an Enchanter and that means what?
The Holy Trinity is still alive?
Groups suddenly need a Slower?
Groups suddenly need Clarity?
Groups suddenly need Crowd Control?

Make that same claim as a 53 Monk, Ranger or other "not needed class."
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#16 Oct 10 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I think the OP's question was about the difference between the " /lfg on" command and using the lfg tool. No need to flame or belittle him due to his level.

Grats on the ease of getting groups bubspeed, when I came back to EQ as a 56 chanter I had to solo my way to 60 before grouping picked back up, glad bristlebane is still kicking for the under 65 crowd.

Edited, Tue Oct 11 01:00:46 2005 by plick
#17 Oct 11 2005 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
Ive found myself making plenty of friends in EQ. Or maybe the term hunting buddies works better. But whenever I group with someone whos got leadership qualities and can play their toon well, i usually add them to friends. Going from 1 - 50, I've grouped with a lot of different people. On an average day, my friends list contains anywhere from 5 - 45 people, most of whom remember me because when I leave groups, I tell them to add me to friends and to give me a shout if they ever need group members. It makes it a lot easier when you can group with someone you know and are accustomed to hunting with. For instance, I grouped with an Ogre SK from 13 to about 30 and he proved to be a great partner.
So my word of advice would be to expand that friends list, its come in handy for me on a plethora of occasions and the trend has continued with my alts. Its even weirder when your alt groups with another alt whos main toon had been grouped with your main toon for the last 2 weeks :p
#18 Oct 11 2005 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
The one thing that irks me when I'm setting up a group is the Prima Donnas who Say "how many do you have in group already" or " do you have a (such and such class)" These questions get an immediate response of "forget it" from me. Say yes to a group or say no, dont think your special and too good to wait for a few more to fill out the group. If your "that guy" your probably also the kind that whines about loot and xp and mobs and everything else there is to whine about.
#19 Oct 11 2005 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 70 Rogue. I will make my own groups when I am short on time. First guildies and then fill with pickups. The LFG tool work *ok* but it totally blows in usability. So I don't think I have *ever* seen group looking for player used effectively. Split it into two easy to use tools and it players looking for group might just work. The devs need to look into it.
#20 Oct 11 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
In response to your statement about the people that ask if you have a certain number of people or a certain class, it could be that they are allready running around with someone, not grouped or are 2 boxing, who might be a class that can be used or they have a friend on that might be an asset to any group you are trying to put together.
If you diss them for asking then you are possibly causing your group to take longer to form and the current group members might get tired of waiting and decide to leave for better oppurtunities.
#21 Oct 11 2005 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
I must agree totally with a lot of these posts.
If your past lvl 65 and do not have "AT LEAST 100 AA's as a melee class, 85+ caster class" Do not go LFG. Your a drain on the game.

If you put up LFG, take whats offered to you. If your going to be picky fine fillin what your looking for. If you don't take whats offered to you.

Personally I think you should not be able to go LFG sitting afk in guild hall. If your LFG, you should not be able to have the AFK flag up as well. As a matter of fact, if your not actively at your keyboard skilling, chatting, soloing, for a couple of minutes, your LFG tool should shut off.

Ya wanna LFG? Catch on to what others have said. Go to zone see who is there, put LFG up, and ooc it.

I am far more likely to grab someone close to where I am grouping than someone sitting in the "hot tub" in guild lobby.

Have your invis/sow potions as needed and be ready to move.

Is your job to get to the group quickly, it is not the groups job to get you there.
Ya wanna LFG? Catch on to what others have said. Go to zone see who is there, put LFG up, and ooc it.

If your one of the pre-madonna tools that will only group if such and such a class are in group? Then you are truely a tool, and a small one.

I three box a lvl 68(almost 69) warrior, lvl 67 chanter, and lvl 67 cleric. To add anyone else to the group is just cake. Yes, I even add rangers to the group, although if they show they know nothing of agro management, their targetability for heals becomes harder to accomplish.

P.S.: Do not get me on the topic of agro management. Its everyone's job.
#22 Oct 11 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Just because a melee doesn't have 100 AA points past 65 does not mean they are a burden on the group. My monk has been pulling 40 crystal creator missions since he had 11 AA's and was lvl 66 and was never any burden on the group. Only time I really died is if I had 2 adds and got stunned and hit osme more, and I have seen the same happen to level 70 monks with 100+ aa's. And casters can preform just fine without 85+ AA's as well. Yes its a nice thing to have, but it isn't going to burden a group.

About the only time I have ever had a problem is when a tank has no AA's or poor gear and can't take the damage. It is ashame but the game has evolved to the point that a tank without high end gear/aa's can cause a group to fail. But as for the rest of the classes they can do just fine without all these AA's.

How do you expect a melee at lvl 65 with no AA's to get those AAs? For the hardcore "play all day" players sure 100 AA's might not be a big deal. But for people at 65 who don't play all day long it can take a long time to get 100 AA's especialyl since they are also probably wanting to level up to 70 to appease the people who are too good to group with anybody under 70. Most melee classes can't solo. So I guess you want them all to hunt in crap exp zones now because there not good enough for you? And of course hunting these crap exp zones it will take even longer to churn out these AA's.

#23 Oct 11 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,156 posts
prima donna

1. The leading woman soloist in an opera company.

2. A temperamental, conceited person.

[Italian : prima, feminine of primo, first + donna, lady.]

It's a social game, it's about people. When I am not full, I will take anyone that asks (with the exception of missions.. I would not lower my average below a threshold.. shame on me).

But I have never asked "how many AAs/HP/AC/ATK/etc?" in my life.
#24 Oct 11 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
Yes it is dumb idea. If I read the 'manual' and follow the book, then it would work in a utopian society, however real life is much different.

I've seen a lot of posts that nailed what life is really like. As I'm here at work, I've just relived the anger that I feel every time I try to find a group. I don’t like this feeling.

There are many peeps in this game that believe they are the heart of a group and their class is the foundation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Verant/Sony made many classes to show you that a successful group can have many different make-ups.

Listed below is behavior I see almost every night. For reference I'm a 55 Ranger, who is usually buffed with ext Virtue, KEI, Fo7 and Haste ready for a group/raid. This behavior is also ranked from most common to least common, mostly.

Here are the losers and their behavior:
o (I've been in the desired group/raid zone too)
• Sarcastic responses
o (The list is endless, you've seen them yourself)
o (You can imagine the Rangers jokes)
o (In some cases, these losers actually mean it!)
• Peeps that tell you to stop spamming in OOC with your humble LFG message
• Peeps that ask to wait because they are looking for someone better, some will actually tell you they are doing it too.
• “How many AAs do you have?”
• “Do you have AM3?”
o (Yes, these are the game 'experts' asking dumb questions)
• “Do you have EQ?”
o (Same 'expert', same dumb questions)
• Peeps that want to join the group only if they get 1st dibs on loot rights

Then, when you finally get one formed with 4-6 peeps in it, you see this happened:
• Peeps that leave groups after they have formed, for ‘better’ groups
• Peeps that run to raid with out the others members, or port/gate there. Then they complain that the others are taking too long.
• Peeps that disappear for 20mins to get buffs in PoK
• Peeps that sit back and absorb exp while not really contributing
• Peeps that instruct me how to do everything, because they know how to REALLY play my character properly.
• Peeps that want to change the raid location after it has begun, because the exp sucks or loot sucks, or the weather sucks, or the food sucks or their life sucks
• Peeps that type EVERYTHING in d00d speak, because they are really cool, or at least one of their personalities thing so
• Peeps that want all pulls to be doubles and triples so that they gain exp fast enough, because they want to level tonight.
• Peeps that two box (or more) and do it poorly and of course don’t tell you ahead of time, when your engaging Named Mobs
• Peeps that inspect you and tell you your equipment sucks and then tell you the lvl 65 mobs you need to kill to get the good stuff
• Peeps that refuse to accept responsibility for anything

I could go on and triple the size of each list, but now I’m depressed and work is already depressing enough.
#25 Oct 11 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
I find the LFG tool works pretty well (and again, I am talking about the LFG tool, not the tools that are LFG :)

What I would love to see, is the ability to put Alts in the LFG tool, so that they show in the search. I have a 56 BST and that is not going to show on the filter with my 70 Druid.
#26 Oct 11 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
LFG tools is being very under utilitized until level 60'ish. Starting from 62 or so, most people start using it.
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