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Where have the quality Bards disappeared to?Follow

#1 Jan 08 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
In recent days I have found my self in a series of groups with different bards.

Sad to say, they are the worst bunch of Bards I have ever come across.

Ranging from insisting on meleeing and not singing anything, typically just singing one song, haste usually, to insisting on being mezzer even when there is a Chanter sitting around twiddling her thumbs. The Chanter ended up nuking to find some thing to do in fact.

The Bards that sing only one song are a puzzle, clearly they know something about their class as they are at least singing something (as opposed to the ones that don't sing at all), but surely the fun/challenge of Bardsdome is to twist as many usefull songs as you can?

Especialy when you are in a group packed with casters, wouldn't you at least drop in mana song along with haste once in a while? Huh?

Then the Bard that insists on mezzing, why would she mez the mob and then stand there staring at the mob doing nothing else for the duration of the encounter? Is mezz sooo difficult for Bards that they can do nothing else while mezzing?

If so, wouldn't it be better to let the Chanter mez after all? Seeing that the Chanter can mez multiple mobs with one hand behind his/her back and juggling three balls at the same time! Smiley: smile

Are all Bard damage songs AoE? Maybe they have only ever played in LDoN and so are scared of damage songs?

But what about Bard dispell songs? Group buffs, Mana song, Damage Shield? Mana song, etc etc?
#2 Jan 08 2004 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Bards do have some AE damage songs, but also a host of chants which are single target DoT/debuffs and single target DDs of varying effectiveness.

I don't consider myself the greatest bard ever to grace Norrath, but I've been playing my alt rogue a lot (lvl 37 right now) and just about every bard I've been in a group with has been a few strings short of a lute, if you get my drift. Like you said, bards who merely melee, bards who sing a single song and nothing else and one special bard who not only sang a single song, but did so to the exclusion of meleeing. Had he not been talking, I would have assumed he was a bot set to /follow and forgotten about.

Before anyone suggests maybe he was twisting five songs onto the mobs, my main is a bard. I have a pretty good idea of what songs give what effects and what a mid-30s bard would normally have in their line-up. If he was singing a full twist on the mobs, there should have been a laser light show of song particle effects. There was not.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell you. If I have a chanter in the group, they're free to mez to their little robed heart's delight. Frees me up for better things. If I do have to do CC, a single add is easy to hit once a twist and continue to melee the target mob and twist a couple other songs at the same time. If I'm mezzing 2+ mobs, I tend to fall out of combat since resist can be harder to recover from without giving it enough concentration. From your last sentance, it seems obvious enough that you have a decent grasp of what a bard should be capable of so I won't toot my own horn (the puns flow fast and free tonight) but I can't answer why so many suck. They do serve to make me look better though Smiley: smile

Where have the all good bards gone? Long time passing...

[Edit: Changed a couple words so that I might actually make sense]

Edited, Thu Jan 8 23:57:27 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#3 Jan 09 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
Stopped grouping with people like you?

Ok, maybe not YOU, but my wife hates grouping with strangers nowadays for the same reason I no longer group my enchanter with strangers: Everyone seems to KNOW how to play everyone elses class better, especially bards/chanters.

Isn't twisting? It gets tiring, and if there's no real need to do so, she doesn't. Just like I don't slow every mob we fight, but the way some schmucks in the game react, if they don't see that slow graphic and bard fireworks every single fight it's "OMG! WTF! DO YUOR JOB!". Doing the same thing every fight gets old real quick. Sometimes she charms. Sometimes she mezzes, sometimes I charm. Sometimes we pull 4 at once to see if we can handle it. Sometimes my shaman goes nuts with dots. Anything to make it interesting. The one cleric we did invite and told to melee and nuke to keep his skill up instead of sitting around the whole time now sends a tell every time we log in now :)

So, take one shaman, one bard, and one enchanter out of rotation. Not worth listening to the whinefests anymore.

Again, not YOU (Unless you do this as well), just why you'll never see her bard on a LFG panel.
#4 Jan 09 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Personally I play a Bard and usually twist while grouped. I also sometimes get a tad tired and take a short respite from the constant key pounding if not needed. I guess depending on the situation a good Bard will react and set things right when it goes bad, a bad Bard will continue doing what they do and the situation will go from bad to worse. To each there own I guess.

#5 Jan 09 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
So, take [...] one bard [...] out of rotation
Cool. One less mediocre bard making the class look bad Smiley: grin

One could easily make the argument that it's not worth a shaman casting slow in a short battle or a chanter mezzing a single add because those things cost mana. There's no reason not to be twisting during combat except laziness. And I'm happier not hanging out with lazy bards.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Jan 09 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
When I play my alts (I have 42 monk, 47 druid, 52 sk and those in my sig), I ofte get so disapointed of the skills of many players. I don't think it is the problem of the bard class only; all other classes have bad players. Espeically in LDoN, where there is a time limit and requires skill to pull/CC, players with bad skills really drags the group down.

Just couple days ago I joined a group mostly made up of one guild. Every single player in that guild I've met have NO Skills to speak of. I still decided to join because I was confident that with my twinked monks dps there is nothing to stop a level 40's group to sucess in a LDoN (ldon is extremely easy at earlier levels). It was a cleric, druid, bard, wizard, necro and my monk in the group. The cleric, bard and druid are from the same guild. First of all, bard did not want to pull. She said warriors or monks had always pulled; she has never pulled before. I asked her to pull because monk FD split is a waste of time in LDoN, as we all know. However she didn't even want to try... I grouped with the level 45 cleric before and I knew she was a bad player (good person, just bad skills) so I didn't want to ask her to pacify mobs for me.

So there I go, my little monk goes FD split in takish.. First pull comes 2 mobs... easy for a full group with a bard mez'er right? No, it was not. Bard was meleeing the add and cleric used half of her mana healing the bard... I asked the bard to mez and the cleric said, "how can she mez when she's a bard?".

Obviously this bard has never lulled, and never mez'ed before in her 40'ish levels.

[edited out long winded of LONG list of bad things that happened in this partically bad adventure].

Anyway, everyone died a few times except my monk. Druid was not heling on healing much and cleric is very very very slow on patching casters. And there was another pull with 4 mobs (durid decided to come in to monitor my FD split progress and trained the group in the back room...), I kept agro on 3 this time knowing that bard wouldn't mez and hopefully the 4th wouldn't kill anyone.

I was wrong again. Cleric was chaining that cele healing on me. Yes, she's chain casting that heal over time thing on me until she went oom. I told them to gate or zone (wizard got tried of this stupid group and left, and and druid died so no evacor) while I hold off the mobs. but no, they either didn't listen to me or didn't see my message (happened a lot). I had to FD at 5% health and they wipped once more.

I decided to ask the cleric to pacify a room with 4 mobs in to save time. She brought all 4 back and died. We killed 3 mobs and I was down to 1 bubble of life before I started getting druid healing. And two or three 300hp heals later druid goes oom...

sorry for the long winded post even after edit... but I needed to vent a little...

Edited, Fri Jan 9 18:11:52 2004 by Assailant
#7 Jan 09 2004 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
Oh No! One less player out of thousands who must have every fight maximized for efficiency! How will we ever find the will to go on?

This should really burn your bard sensabilities: She actually wears armor that she likes the looks of over stats!

I mean come on! If you don't max those the numbers, why even bother logging, right?
#8 Jan 09 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
I find it rather difficult to grasp what you are trying to say Toasticle.

Are you saying that because some aspect of your class' skill base is difficult to perform, then you don't bother with it?

Bards used to be among the elite once upon a time, they took great pride in mastering the difficulties, like a good Chanter or Necro.

I think Bardsdome has suffered the same fate as Druids and Monks, because the class had earned an impressive reputation due to the efforts of a few very good players, all the "would be uber" types have piled into the class with out a clue as to what it realy takes to be competent, let alone good at the class.

I think it is sad. But as Jophiel said it makes the good Bards realy look good.

And how can you possibly be any good at the game if you do not have a decent working knowelge of the other classes that you group with?

Edited, Fri Jan 9 23:18:19 2004 by Iluien
#9 Jan 09 2004 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
Assailant wrote:

but no, they either didn't listen to me or didn't see my message (happened a lot).

Edited, Fri Jan 9 18:11:52 2004 by Assailant

Why on earth (umm Norrath) can't players learn to create a seperate chatbox dedicated to groupsay???

This is not rocket science/brain surgery as one or two of our old friends used to say.
#10 Jan 10 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
She actually wears armor that she likes the looks of over stats!
That's just silly. With armor dyes, any armor can look good. I mean, if you're so committed to fashion that you'd wear Cheapo Breastplate A over Decent Breastplate B, you ought to be committed enough to cough up the 40pp to make Breastplate B match your threads.

As for the rest of it, yeah, I know.. I'm super elitist for actually expecting the people I group with to play their class with slightly more skill than a monkey banging on the keys Smiley: rolleyes There's a difference between "maximized for efficiency" and "this guy is playing his bard like it's a warrior". I guess it's easier to just suck and blame the evil people for daring to notice that you suck than it is to actually learn how to play the class with a modicum of skill.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Jan 10 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
The one cleric we did invite and told to melee and nuke to keep his skill up instead of sitting around the whole time now sends a tell every time we log in now :)

Ahem, so you don't like being told what to do yet you tell this lil cleric what to big bully.

Anyway, this is one of the dumbest things a cleric could do unless whatever he's doing is a breeze. I LDoN alot, I play my cleric quite well, and if it seems I'm recovering more mana then I'm losing I'll nuke my **** off, however cleric melee is pretty pointless at high levels, seem to be a damage cap at 70, I have my skills up and find no use for them now...go figure =p

Clerics need mana, they need to med, they can't be healing and standing up fighting not recovering mana(unless they have Yaulp V or VI, but what good is melee at that level). If something went wrong from one of your pulls(think you said you pull 4 for fun) an lil cleric had been meleeing an not meddin per your request, bad things could happen. As a shammy you should know how mana works, especially since a shammy in a group that slows every mob has a cleric with alot of mana for healing/nuking/whatever you want him to do =p

#12 Jan 11 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
The main reason there's an increase of bad bards at high levels is it's one of the fastest leveling classes in the game. Swarm kiting will allow a bard to solo from the mid 20s to 65 without ever coming up for air. Add that to their increased demand in guilds since PoP was released due to the addition of Fade Memories, and you'll see there's been an influx of people playing bards.

Until a bard gets charm in the mid 20s, they's just another fighter with a few pathetic songs thrown in. But once they get charm, they can run off and solo to the top. So they'll run off on their own, playing with themselves. Then when the player's do finally feel like coming out and grouping, they don't have a clue as to what half their songs do nor do they understand what their role in a group their current level should be. A bard's role constantly changes as you level. Once you get mana song it becomes a main stay in some form or another. Once you get a few dots it's possible to just sit back and let your instruments do your damage. And the evolution continues all the way up to 62 with Fade. If they keep their head down soloing, when they finally pop up 5 or 10 levels later they won't understand their role anymore.

Playing a bard means you have to fill in the gaps in your party and if you don't know what you can actually do, how are you going to fill those holes. With a little research and study on the forums, that's how :)

Meesha - 65 Bard
Komoda - 51 Monk
Gnik Gnak - 55 Wizard
Qaat - 27 Rogue
Sfynx - 37 Beastlord
#13 Jan 11 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
I know this might sound weird coming from the guy that runs a PoTime guild and isn't exactly a casual player, but, lighten up on pick up group players. Things don't -have- to be perfect. Any crusade to make players that don't want to stress out will just leave you, and them, very frustrated and irritated with one another.

If I have a couple spots free in an LDoN group, I just grab any old person that is LFG. I don't tell them what to do or how to play, unless they are doing something really group threatening, then I ask as politely as possible. I've never had a problem. If you want to play with people that you can trust, it really isn't very hard, just start to remember who plays well and build regular groups. If you are just grabbing people at random, or joining groups of people that you -know- don't like high stress, flawless groups and you then expect perfection- the problem isn't -them-. If a guildmate in one of my groups made even a trivial mistake that most pickup group players wouldn't understand, I'd probably make fun of them for a month for it. But if some pickup player randomly goes afk for 10 minutes, I doubt I'd even comment. It's up to you to define your own standards of the company you keep.
#14 Jan 11 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
lighten up on pick up group players
While I don't hound people in game, that doesn't preclude me from ******** about them in a general sense on message boards Smiley: wink

Talking of perfection is like the previous post about min/maxxing. There's an enormous grey area between "not even contributing the basic mechanics of the class" and "absolute perfection". If you were to invite a wizard into your group, you'd at least expect him to know to nuke, right? Maybe he doesn't always use the best nukes in term of mana ratio to damage and innate resists per mob type, but at least he's making things go boom in his own way. If said wizard spent 85% of the time meleeing, you'd start to wonder where he got his spell casting license. If I had an enchanter in the group, it wouldn't really bother me if he didn't refresh buffs until asked. I certainly wouldn't worry if he didn't have all the science of mezzing down and perhaps was using single target mezzes when AoE mez might be better or whatever. But if he reacted to five mobs in camp by casting Shallow Breath on each of them, I'd be curious what the hell he was doing.

Likewise for bards. If I was grouped with a bard who was singing, I don't know, Katta's, Shield of Song and Chant of Poison in a situation where I would have sang haste, slow and mana then at least I can say the guy is twisting and perhaps has some method to his madness. If he's not singing anything then he's dead weight. It's not a question of demanding perfection; hell I dork up all the time. It's just hoping that whoever you're with is somewhere over the halfway point in the suck-perfection spectrum.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#15 Jan 11 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
Just one more item to add onto the grievance heap. This weekend I decided to dust off my level 25 dwarven cleric and do a few levels in HHK. Normally clerics have no problem finding a group in the main room.

Within 2 minutes of logging on a group in MR needed a healer. My first clue that this was a disasterous group was to see it running frantically up the stairs with 7 mobs close behind them, while I was attempting to go down the stairs. Never a good clue.

Thinking "OK maybe they had a bad pull or got caught up in a train from WR" I decided still to group with them. The group consisted of 2 bards and myself as a cleric, and I fully believed that more people were going to be joining the group

I had just gotten done buffing and healing the group when the main bard (thinking himself as the leader) immidiately went into LR and pulled 3. All the while I shouted back to wait a moment since I only had 25% mana. He didn't listen thinking he and the other bard could mez 2 mobs and hack on the third.

As I sat back watching disaster unfold I kept seeing the mobs break mez, and I was frantically trying to heal them as fast as I could (with zero mana). Eventually 2 more pops occured and they never did wind up killing any of the original 3. Up the stairs the bards went with another train of five mobs on their tail.

When both of the bards eventually came back into the zone I told them I was in Ren's room. There was a fury of messages back and forth about working on a strategy, and eventually both bards came to the conclusion that I sucked as a cleric. At this I disbanded from the group and logged on with another character.

...and so the story goes about 2 fairly early level bards still under the dillusion that they can tank! As much as I don't like to tell people how to play their class, even my newbie level bard knows that mez is not infallible and not to rely upon it when pulling large groups. As I looked back at the situation there definitely was an ego trip involved
  • Why not wait 30 sec and wait for the cleric to regain mana before pulling
  • Why didn't they pull one at a time...why 3
  • Why were they so dependant on mez when pulling
  • Why was their DPS so low that both couldn't kill 1 mob
  • #16 Jan 11 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
    29,919 posts
    My theory is that all the good bards out there are currently recovering from Carple tunnel surgery again. That, or their wrists finally blew out.
    #17 Jan 11 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Excellent
    Official Shrubbery Waterer
    14,659 posts
    Haha, interesting theory Kaolian.

    Personally, I try not to pick up random people for groups, especially bards. As everyone knows, the bard is a difficult class to play well. I am less weary about picking up random hybrids or pet classes; those classes don't require as much knowledge of one's own class to play.

    But as far as horror stories go, I have many that involve crappy bards, but just as many that involve other classes too. So it's not just the bards out there that stink, its their alts too, hehe.
    Jophiel wrote:
    I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

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