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Are necro's wanted in groups?Follow

#27 Jan 11 2004 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I don't get to group with necromancers nearly often enough. When I do, it seems that the mobs go down with much less effort.

I'm always pleasantly suprised by the variety of things necromancers can do.

I do think necros may have to work harder for groups than some other classes. That's true for a lot of us who aren't in the "must have in group" classes. But hey, you play, meet people you like to group with, get in a guild, the problem usually resolves itself.

#28 Jan 11 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
574 posts
In my experience I've only grouped with a few necro's that have either been friends or guildies. In these groups they've performed they're jobs admirably, either being the puller or just the caster mode. But even so I would say that it would be more difficult to get a group than many of the other conventional group classes.

As a beastlord I don't go lfg any more since IMO BL's are in the top 3 of most desirable classes for a group. And I just don't see necro's getting that desirable. I like what necro's can do and believe me I've grouped with awesome necro's but they're in competition with bards, since they have very similar attributes in a group. And in my opinion bards have the edge over necro's in that race unless its situational. In my adventure groups CC is really more a hindrance than a benefit, unless Hard adventures.

This is not to say I have something against necro's its just that in fast groups I'd rather have 5 mellee 1 cleric or just a supremely heave DPS group. But in the long haul groups such as BoT, Tactics and Elementals then necro's are great. Since mobs still drop quickly but necro's will be more efficient. Still prefer bards though but thats because my main alt is a bard. At the end of the day bards are the king soloers, in almost all situations.
The Real Iksar

#29 Jan 12 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
When forming a group, I never go looking for a necro, but they are always welcome as a dps member. They have some handy spells, like group mana tap and life tap, but these are never skills that are needed... just nice to have. Also, twitching the cleric shouldn't be needed in a stable group, but it's nice to have just in case.

Necros can solo throughout the levels, so being lfg isn't as painful as it is for many classes.

65 Chanter
The Rathe
#30 Jan 13 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Interesting question since I am coming up through the ranks. I play with some friends so I have not had to encounter a possible rejection. I do know from the friends I play with who has original charecters that are level 50+ they feel Necro's are a plus. In fact a 50+ Monk told me when he use to fight he stayed clear of Necro's due to the nastiness of the spells as they get past 20. They are teaching me exactly what everyone has said in the other posts about being support. I give them strength while I leach from what we are fighting. I also will cling them at the very end to ensure they do not run off and aggro another group. Mind you we are a small group but you have to learn somewhere among friendly participants. Typically I do very little fighting except with my pet. Since I can bind whem many cannot I sacrifice being killed to ensure the melee's live especially if binding points are critical. If it works like you plan no one is killed so experience in leveling really isn't an issue.
#31 Jan 13 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I have never played a necro (play pallys, clc, and chanter mostly), but my cleric loves having a necro around for LDON since they can twitch mana over when I get low. Played the other night with a necro and bard in group and never had to stop for mana break. Necros and Bards are great additions to LDON groups.
#32 Jan 13 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Default
edit: grrr double post

Edited, Tue Jan 13 15:49:25 2004 by Jarlo
#33 Jan 13 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent

1. fastest mana regen in game until mid 50s.

Who gets better mana regen than a necro?

Their lvl 64 hp/mana spell gives 50 a tick!! Yes 50 friggin mana a tick. It is really insane.

Also for those who think DOT's are too slow, check out this beast.

Necromancer level 63

Scroll info:
Sold at vendors

1: Increase Curse Counter by 24
2: Decrease Hitpoints by 430 per tick

Theoretical max unadjusted DPS: 14
Details: Raw spell data
Spell Type: Detrimental Skill: Conjuration
Mana: 470 Target Type: Single
Casting Time: 5.50 Duration: 5 ticks
Recast Time: 24 Resist: Magic (-30)
Fizzle Time: 2.50 Range to target: 200
AE Radius: 0 Interruptable: Yes
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Reflectable: Yes

yes that's right, 2500 dmg over 30 secs without focus. That is some serious friggin damage.

Also with their FD they can stack 2-3 DOT's on and then FD to drop aggro-- so they can pretty much cast without fear. My best friend in RL is a 65 necro and he is very good at it and I love to group with him. He usually casts Horror + Blood of Thule each fight with occasional lifetaps. So that means he is doing 765 dmg every 6 seconds while he meds. CRAZY !

#34 Jan 14 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Who gets better mana regen than a necro?

Shamans. The real power of necro mana regeneration lies in the fact that shamans have to cast a spell on themselves to get their HPs back, while necros can suck the HPs out of a mob.

A lot of the posts in this thread are written from the perspective of lower level necromancers. For what it's worth, things are a lot different at level 65. On LDoN missions, I usually don't even mem DoTs on normal level missions. I send in my pet, then nuke, mind wrack, and (when needed) snare. In Mistmoore, Guk, and sometimes Miragul's, I sometimes slow and mez.

Screaming Terror is completely worthless at high levels, and it has a high resist rate and short duration that limits its usefulness at lower levels. However, necromancers get an undead mez at level 63, which is the first time that necros become sought after as CCers.

Mind Wrack does not give everyone in the group 900 mana. It costs 600 mana to cast (before reductions for specialization and focus items), and gives everyone in the group 75 mana per tick for four ticks.
#35 Jan 15 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
Well my thing is why would you want to group besides the fact of different senery and more fun too. But other than that necros are THE best soloers in the game.

With grouping you have to worry about others, Necro's can heal yes thats true but the Mobs will aggro if you're hp is 12% or lower and then once you pull that usually you run then that pulls more mobs and you die and wind up killing the rest of yer pary too. And many people now-a-days are cutthroat about thar characters.

I mean necro's are good for LDON grps because of thar DOT's and pet and if in MM DMF due to desies ress. So I would just say that I'd solo till 50ish, it be alot easier and you wouldn't have to wait 3 hours to join a grp or wait for somone's freind to arrive ect. 50-65 its harder to solo but easier to group
(Also here's a tip. When joining a grp make yer own so much faster to get people than wait 2hours for people to get you) Also necro's have a weak Mez spell and they can sacrifice manna for the clerics so All in all Necro'a are on my Moderate thing for grps because thier better suited for solo I think.
#36 Jan 15 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
Are necro's wanted in groups... Well I think generally yes. They kick butt. As mentioned above, they are the best or second best soloing class in the game (competing with bards).

Necro's do all kinds of things, but mainly just kill stuff and fast. Plus they have a pet... I think they would be plenty dangerous without a pet, but the pet just adds another lvl of coolness.

Okay, now to the bad part. And that is that Necro's are so powerful, and such good solo'ers that many that I have grouped with don't do well in a group.

I grouped with a necro on an LDoN when I was lvl 25. The first thing the necro said when we entered the zone was I could do this by myself... and I half believed him. Now this would seem to be a good thing right? Well, not really, he was acting like he was soloing, by just doing what ever he wanted, pulling, mezzing, and sending his pet off to kill while the group was fighting another. The problem was/is when a necro screws up or things go bad they can feign death and all is good. In a group, they ***** up... people die. (well, chars die, same thing tho, hehe)

Another necro I used to group with often, is actually a friend (sorta) of mine. He is board to death in groups. He does things just to keep busy, to have fun. Otherwise he will pull when other members of the group are not ready. To sit in the same real life room with him is amazing... he is so board when grouping. It is so slow and unappealing to him.

With that said, I think Necro's are a great addition to the group, but I am not sure a group is the best thing for a necro. As long as the necro realizes that it is going to be different than soloing, and the rules and expectations are not the same as soloing, things will be good. But necros (as with most other chars) don't or shouldn't do the same type of playing in a group as they do when soloing.

#37 Jan 18 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
The eternal question...Does anybody want me.

Well...I play a lvl 65 necromancer on Mithaniel Marr server.I dont know if other necros on other servers have a different experience,but what I have seen...Is that usually the only people that want a Necromancer in a XP group (rather than raid...get to that in a moment) are those that have grouped with a Necro and realized some of the ultra cool stuff we are capable of.For many times has a linkdead tank caused your Adventure to go sour? A necro...equipped with good hp gear for thier level...and if teh mob is slowed....CAN tank for a group...Its not reccommended and your hps have to be pretty high (Hint:Lifetap constantly) but it can be done.same with just about any other class out there....cept we cant CH...oh well thems the far as Raids go...I have NEVER had trouble finding a spot in a raid.Necros are part of the Holy Trinity of DPS(rogues and Wizards taking the other two spots...Dont ask who is first...thats a matter of equipment and situation) we also are portable mana batterys that regen mana up to 5 times faster then everyone else (thats the way it seems...not actual figures)

So in short...If you learn your class...learn it well....then you will make a good impression on others....and thus pave the way for more groups wanting necros.

Oh yeah....And there is nothing funnier than a Paladin who doesnt know how to handle aggro complaining that the Necro steped up and finished MT'ing the Adventure and held and controlled aggro better than he did.Only happened with two different paladins....doesnt mean its a trend *grin*

Soulcatcherr Kaas'Vereor,Lich of Sarynn (forget this pansy worshipping Innoruuk BS,Im a follower of the Goddess of Pain)
#38 Jan 18 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
[quote]Well my thing is why would you want to group besides the fact of different senery and more fun too. But other than that necros are THE best soloers in the game [end quote =P]

Thanks for the false information... Necros are the 2nd best if that. BARDS own necro's... Sorry but its true. Wait, i am not sorry =P.

I LOVE NECRO'S!!!! They rock. I love having them in group. i am gonna list the reason why =-P with a little.

1. They can ghetto mez!!! This line of spells saved my Rangah *** 1000 times =P.

2.Their dots are unmatched just about. (65 lich killed my with virtue at level 56 in an arena with 1 dot. my cleric friend put a pumpy heart on me and i still died fast. It was crazy to say the least.

3. THEIR PETS DO EVERYTHING. BS, DW, Spells, Proc, the list goes on and is even is more extensive with AA's!

4. Snare is always good

5. They get awesome mana regen. Mana for HP's with a good regen is awesome.

6. They FD, I see more and more necro's pulling every week. Its crazy.

7. They can give their mana to other. CLERIC saver =P

Must i go on?

#39 Jan 18 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
I seldom have trouble finding groups. Usually I put myself lfg and have tells for 2 or more adventures within seconds. I am not gonna cover all the ground that has been covered in the previous posts about how great necros are (and we are great) but I thought it couldn't hurt to get my 2cp in on this issue.

#40 Jan 18 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
usually the only people that want a Necromancer in a XP group (rather than raid...get to that in a moment) are those that have grouped with a Necro and realized some of the ultra cool stuff we are capable of.
I'll go a little further and state that most people won't seek out a necromancer until they see the necromancer do some cool stuff. I know this thread is full of stories about the necromancer who was pulling, DoT'ing, using his pet, mezzing, twitching and then feigning death to drop all the aggro but most necros I've grouped with used /pet attack and then did their nails or something. A well played necro is a nice asset but a "typical" necromancer is no more useful than a wizard, mage or other DPS class. In fact less so since it's wasted potential where with a wizard or a mage you're pretty sure they're going to nuke and use pets to their full advantage since that's pretty much all they do.

LDoN has changed that somewhat since classes like necros and bards are expected to do more now than they were when groups were sitting on the side of a hill in the Overthere or whatever. But they still remain a class that's only really sought after when you know it'll be played to its full potential, unlike warriors, rogues, etc where you pretty much assume the guy can noodle out "backstab" and you don't worry so much about what caliber of rogue you'll get.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Jan 18 2004 at 9:37 PM Rating: Good
As usual Jophiel has hit the nail square on the head. Necro is a compex class to play well and an easy class to play at a surface level. Similar to an Enchanter and a Bard.

A lazy, or poorly skilled player can get by with just the basics and appear to be contributing something. Its hard to miss ole Xener standing up there meleeing away. But if as Jophiel has said, you have had the good fortune to group a bit with a highly skilled Necro, you can then really see both what a good Necro can do for a group and, how few really good players there are to go around.

How often as a healer, do you get a twitch from a Necro when you call LoM? Without having to ask for it? Or see a Necro volanteering to use taps and pacts to pump HP? Sadly many seem content to simply sic Xener on to the mob and cast the occasional snare.
#42 Jan 19 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Generally getting groups is not hard, granted for hard LDoN necros may not be the obvious choice for DPS, but at lower levels necro are very nice in groups, especially in areas with undeads.

At 60 a necro with DC is probably best DPS class in POV.

On raids necro's have a few niches that are also quite nice.
Group with 5 clerics or 5 wizzies and keep a mob with mana near for endless mana for group. Mindwhack is 75 mana / tick for 5 ticks to everyone in group (not 900 like previously stated) recast of 1 min, which you can keep it on about 50 pct of the time.
Puller of course, take a few lessons from a monk about mob behavior when you can no longer rely on snare, FD combo.
Raid savior FD when things go to hell in a handbasket, rez cleric when camp is clear.
COTH establishment (my personal favorite) with 2 DA run through 100's of angry mobs to safe spot and FD, have mage dragged in and rez him.
#43 Jan 19 2004 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Feeding is a waste of mana in most cases, sure ill feed buffers after a whipe or underequiped cleric in a CH chain. I will not feed lame *** cleric burning his mana on small heals on MA (or worse ME) or chanter that insists on using GoK when he could use dazzle. I will not feed hybrids or nukers either save what they'd get from minwhacks.

Feeding is 3:1 ratio, now if you can do 3 times the damage than i can for my mana you need to nerfed and not fed.

Necro really excell on mobs with loads of hp, you can easily keep up 5 dots if you FD occasionally for like 10 mins, if you have affliction efficiency probably indefinately and still have mana to nuke or feed as appropriate.
#44 Jan 19 2004 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
Lol, Aknok. So which is, you let the group wipe rather than pump the cleric? Or, you expect the cleric to let the casters die rather than "waste" mana on them.

Oh, isn't a Necro a caster? I seem to remember healing their butts once or twice in the past.
#45 Jan 20 2004 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Lol, Aknok. So which is, you let the group wipe rather than pump the cleric?

If cleric cant keep up on mana in an exp group, he aint playing his class well. I will start looking for a new cleric or a new group. Healing casters is ok, healing necro's is silly in most cases, necro can FD and tap back lost hp for a moments aggro.
If necro is working as main mezzer/slower sure ill take a few heals cos FD usually means cleric is next in line.

If it is 1 bad pull with loads of adds and cleric running oom before camped cleared, sure ill pump a few times.
#46 Jan 20 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
What were you doin in a group without a chanter?! We rule! YAY!
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