The Tizmak's Advocate  

CategoryGreat Divide
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 11g, 72s, 32c
Max Coin: 12g, 79s, 35c

Speak to Zalyn D'Kilneld at -114, -336, -27 at the Daggerflow Camp within Great Divide to begin this quest. You must choose the dialogue "I'm not a servant of evil! To the Ether with you! If there's a chance at redemption I will choose it!" at the end of his prior quest in order to receive this one.

  1. Fight a Tizmak Hero (level 90^) just down the path from Zalyn's camp. Once he reaches 50% health, he changes into Toridar Mudhoof, then you can talk to him.
  2. At 50% health you can speak to Toridar. Be careful of your dialogue choices. The correct responses are:
    • "I was tricked! Betrayed by a fellow adventurer that used my compassion against me!"
    • "It made sense at the time. Is there anyway I can prove to you that I mean no harm to the Tizmak?"
    • "Yes, I'll go free them at once!"
  3. At this point the quest will complete.

Tizmak Treasure Seeker Great Divide
Quest Series
Daggerflow Camp
Tizmak Atonement
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Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2011-02-21 01:12:45.