WAR Mob:Grey Seers  

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Additional Info
Species Skaven

Grey Seers are prophets of the Horned rat. They have great power in the Skaven hierarchy because of their prophecies that come directly from the Horned rat. Using this power they can also use warlords as puppets to do their own bidding, claiming it is the will of the Horned rat. The Grey Seers prophesy that one day the Skaven will emerge from their subterranean dwellings and rise over all of the races to rule the world. This is known as the Great Ascendancy.

Grey Seer hair color is either dark or light grey and they have horns representing that they are the prophets of the horned rat. They wear light armor clothing that is usually highly decorated with Skaven trinkets such as the Skaven symbol, dead cats, cat bones, or Skaven glyphs on their clothing. They usually carry a sacrificial dagger of some sort with Skaven glyphs carved on it and a stave bearing the Skaven symbol with other trinkets on it.

When a Grey seer goes to battle, he will ride in to an army on top of a screaming bell, a massive bell built on wheels. The bell itself represents the time when Skaven were first created when the giant bell atop a tower in Skavenblight was rung and warpstone rained down upon the rats of the city forever changing them into the beasts we now call Skaven.

This page last modified 2010-11-10 10:31:01.