Those Who Lurk in Shadows (I)  

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Seed Mandragora
Young Aldo

Qufim Island

Seed Mandragora: The Seed Crystal...its echo...they did not arise from nothingness...
They were drawn to this a song...
A song...that rings out ceaselessly...from within a mother's hear...
Seed Mandragora: you not see?
You are dealing...with powers...far beyond your control.

The Seed Mandragoras disappear

???: The "Seed Crystal," eh?
So that oversize slab of rock has a name.

Aldo appears

Aldo: I had a hunch that following that crystal would lead me somewhere.
Looks like this is where things start to get interesting...
Aldo: Well met, playername.
I see you've still got a nose for trouble.
Aldo: Now, what in Altana's good name is going on here?
Aldo: And what were those overgrown bean sprouts blathering on about?
A song within a monster's heart?
Young Aldo: Ah.
So you must be Aldo...
Young Aldo: Yes...You have your sister's eyes.
Aldo: What!?
Aldo: Boy! What did you say just now!?
Young Aldo: Finally we meet...Uncle.
Young Aldo: Mother named me Aldo too. After you...
Aldo: Just one minute, kid!
Are you saying your mom is my sister!?
Aldo: That you're...Emeline's son?
Aldo: My sister...still lives!?
Young Aldo: I'm afraid we've no time to celebrate this family reunion now, Uncle.
Young Aldo: We must unearth and release the antiphon...and quickly.
Young Aldo: Before the ancient echo reduces our world to so many pieces of shattered crystal.
Young Aldo: Luckily, you may prove to be the key to it all...Uncle Aldo.
Young Aldo: Yes. You just might be able to break the resonance between Mother and the Seed Crystal.
Aldo: What nonsense is this!? What does Emeline have to do with this so-called Seed Crystal!?
You expect me to believe this childish fantasy!?
Young Aldo: A fantasy? I think not, uncle.
No...there can be no doubt.
Young Aldo: Can you not hear it? A prayer of life...
Yes, this world must be matter how great the cost.
Young Aldo: If you wish to save Mother...
Young Aldo: If you care for the sister you once knew, make haste for Fei'Yin.
Young Aldo: The servants of the Seed Crystal will not hesitate to put their dark schemes into action.

Young Aldo begins to walk away, Aldo goes to stop him

Aldo: Hold it right there, boy!
Aldo: I must know...Where is Emeline!?
What's been done to her!?
Young Aldo: Oh, you'll have your answers soon dear Uncle.

Young Aldo fades away

Aldo: What the--? Cursed brat!
Seed Crystals and Ancient songs!? This is all patently absurd!
Aldo: But if the boy speaks true, and my sister truly still lives...
Aldo: For all those years, I thought I had lost you forever that day.
By the Goddess, I wont let them take you from me again.
Aldo: Fei'Yin, he said?
I'd best be on my way.
Aldo: And playername, I trust you to keep quiet about what you've seen here today.
Aldo: If these unfounded claims of the world's end reach the three nations, we'd have nothing short of mass panic on our hands.
Aldo: I intend to uncover what information I can, and I suggest that you do the same.
But until we find out if the boy's word's hold water, we're not to speak a word of this--not even to one another.
Aldo: Until we meet again...

Aldo walks off


Young Aldo: Ah, playername. We've no time to lose.
Young Aldo: Mother is being held captive within the walls of the Qu'Bia Arena.
Young Aldo: I tried to get in, only to find my entry thwarted by a curious magical barrier.
This must be the power of the Seed Crystal.
Young Aldo: We have only one choice.
We must harness this power for ourselves, and use it to negate the shield that bars our way.
Young Aldo: Remnants of the crystal's glow can be found scattered throughout these ruins.
Their light has grown weak, and their powers unstable...
Young Aldo: But if you can retrieve them all before their power fades, they will fuse to form the Mark of Seed.
This is the key that will open our path.
Young Aldo: Do hurry, playername.
Mother is waiting for us, and time is of the essence.

This page last modified 2009-04-23 06:28:45.