June 21, 2007

Several new guides today, enjoy!

New Guides: Jasica's Guide to Tanking, Chapter 2: The Warrior and ProtectionJasica's Guide to Combat Tables: Gearing for Bosses (Spells)Jasica's Guide to Combat Tables: Gearing for BossesJasica's Guide to Tanking, Chapter 3: The Druid and the Feral TreeJasica's Guide to Tanking, Chapter 1: TheoryJasica's Guide to Tanking, Chapter 4: Who Pulls and Why

New Mobs: Exodar Firebreather

Updated Items: Coif of The Five ThundersLeggings of Divine RetributionThe Lion Horn of StormwindGronnstalker's ChestguardSlayer's HelmGronnstalker's SpauldersGronnstalker's LeggingsGronnstalker's HelmetLightbringer ShoulderguardsOnslaught GreavesGronnstalker's GlovesBristle Whisker CatfishCitadel CrossbowReavers' RingLight LeatherRockscale CodLongjaw Mud SnapperSpotted YellowtailGirdle of Divine BlessingSpider's SilkSlitherskin MackerelLinen ClothLion's Heart GirdleRed Linen RobeHauberk of Totemic RageTabard of the HandRing of a Thousand MarksPhytoskin SpauldersBurnt Leather BeltSchematic: Mechanical SquirrelMok'Nathal WildercloakGronn-Stitched GirdleEdgewalker LongbootsEmblazoned BootsCopper Chain VestRavasaur Scale BootsBeatstickHeart of NoxxionRazor ArrowReaver BracersHunting PantsHunting TunicBurnt Leather BreechesHeaddress of the SleeperLoose Chain GlovesKnight's LegguardsSentinel CapDervish SpauldersInfiltrator ArmorScouting CloakGlimmering Mail PauldronsForest Leather BeltBard's BracersBard's GlovesPioneer CloakInfantry BracersTalon of the TempestReaver LegplatesJourneyman's RobeBandit BracersRusty HatchetPatchwork CloakZulian HackerBandit JerkinBandit BootsElekk Hide LeggingsBreastplate of Blade TurningChieftain's BootsBrigade BootsNetherblade BreechesEye of GruulMerc SwordSevering AxeScalping TomahawkSmall Brown PouchCopper ModulatorHandful of Copper BoltsEmblazoned BracersHunting RifleTraining SwordAverinn's Ring of SlayingScroll of ProtectionWarrior's BootsWarrior's TunicRuined Leather ScrapsCopper OreStringy Wolf MeatLoose Chain VestKnight's BreastplateInfiltrator GlovesGnarled StaffInfantry BeltWillow BootsHeavy CrossbowLight CrossbowPioneer TrousersPioneer TunicFeeble SwordApprentice's PantsSmall Blue PouchHatchetTigerseyeRing of Flowing LightMalachiteBroken FangRuined PeltNecklace of TrophiesGauntlets of the SkullsplitterScroll of SpiritMinor Healing PotionBlade of Trapped KnowledgeSharp ArrowRough ArrowBroken AntlerPhalanx BreastplateMail Combat HeadguardJourneyman's CloakDeathmantle ShoulderpadsCracked SledgeSlightly Rusted BracersDestructo-BladeSmall ShieldForest Spider WebbingPioneer BracersInfantry LeggingsBoulderfist EpauletsBoulderfist HelmHeavy QuiverRust-covered BlunderbussLight QuiverChief Brigadier GirdleGrim ReaperImperial Red CircletRabbit's FootFractured CanineBent Large ShieldBattered BucklerKrisMedium QuiverCleaverHammerRock HammerEspadonBaron's BroadswordLesser MoonstoneSnapped Spider LimbFootman TunicBeaten Battle AxeBattle AxeFlailMaulLongswordDacian FalxScarlet KrisJourneyman's VestChipped ClawLight Mail BootsWorn Wooden ShieldLight Mail GlovesLight Mail BracersLight Mail LeggingsLight Mail BeltLight Mail ArmorApprentice's BootsRecruit's BootsRecruit's PantsRecruit's ShirtWorn ShortswordForor's EyepatchBarrel-Blade LongrifleBard's CloakBalanced Fighting StickGlimmering Mail GauntletsConjurer's RobeDurable CapeHyperion GreavesTarnished Chain BracersRough Grinding StoneTarnished Chain GlovesApprentice's RobeSpellbinder BeltVeteran CloakShiny Red AppleIdol of the Avian HeartSpinefin HalibutBloodsail BootsPlans: Copper Chain VestArcane CloakImperial Red MantleBloodsail PantsBloodsail ShirtHeraldic LeggingsWarrior's PantsBurnt Leather VestLoose Chain PantsPattern: Red Linen RobePattern: White Leather JerkinTarnished Chain LeggingsTarnished Chain VestMail Combat SpauldersArcher's LongbowVenom Web FangSmall Red PouchSilverleafSmall Black PouchSalvaged Leather BeltMoongraze Stag TenderloinEmpty Draenei Supply PouchScout's BootsScout's PantsFine Light CrossbowWhite Leather JerkinCrude Bastard SwordSmall Spider LegChunk of Boar MeatLoose Chain BeltGypsy BucklerTranquility StaffTsunami TalismanFel Reaver's PistonHorde Gift CollectionRed Skeletal WarhorseBlack War KodoWhistle of the Black War RaptorHorn of the Black War WolfAlliance Gift CollectionSpiked Wooden PlankBalanced Throwing DaggerWicked Throwing DaggerVery Berry CreamGlyph of Chromatic WardingTrapper's ShirtLightbringer GreathelmLightbringer LeggingsLightbringer ChestpieceLight Chain BootsLovely Blue DressBand of DominanceBold Ornate RubyInsignia of the HordeDragon-Quake ShoulderguardsInscribed Ornate TopazTarnished Plate PantsTarnished Plate GlovesBloodmail LegguardsInsignia of the HordeMedallion of the HordeInsignia of the HordeInsignia of the HordeInsignia of the HordeInsignia of the HordePauldrons of MightMistwalker BootsEroded Mail ArmorMedallion of the HordeMedallion of the HordeMedallion of the HordeDarkspear ShoesInsignia of the HordeMedallion of the AllianceCloak of Draconic MightInsignia of the HordeFang of VashjGirdle of Fallen StarsGladiator's CleaverMedallion of the HordeMedallion of the HordeMedallion of the HordeMedallion of the HordeMedallion of the HordeInsignia of the HordeThe Night BladeGreaves of Withering DespairShadowcraft BeltAbjurer's RobeSilver-thread PantsGlyphed BootsHigh Warlord's Right RipperMagister's BindingsSharp DaggerBarbaric Linen Vest


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