Thursday May 31, 2007

New All Mobs: Smoke ElementalSteam ElementalStorm Elemental Dust Elemental

New Midgard Spells: Death of SoulsDoom of SpiritsSoul BurialSoul OppressionSoul CurseSoul BurdenSpirit BurialSpirit OppressionSpirit CurseSpirit Burden

Updated Albion Mobs: Storm Elemental (Alb)
Updated All Mobs: Magma ElementalOoze Elemental

Updated Albion Spells: Divine EncouragementHoly EncouragmentBlessed EncouragementSong of EmpoweringSong of the MindSong of ClaritySong of EnergySong of PowerSong of RejuvenationSong of Minor RejuvenationSong of RegenerationSong of Minor RegenerationSong of HealingSong of Minor HealingSong of RenewalSong of Minor RenewalStunning BellowStunning ScreechStunning ShoutStunning YellMajor CacophonyDischordant ShriekGreater CacophonyDischordant WailCacophonyDischordant ToneLesser CacophonyDischordant NoteCant of PerplexityCant of DiscordCant of ConfusionCant of BewildermentCant of Befuddling
Updated Midgard Spells: Shieldmaiden's RemedyShieldmaiden's RedressShieldmaiden's AlleviationShieldmaiden's AidValkyrie's RemedyValkyrie's RedressValkyrie's AlleviationValkyrie's AidOdin's ElixirOdin's CureOdin's MedicantOdin's AntidoteOdin's Greater ElixirOdin's Greater CureOdin's Greater MedicantOdin's Greater AntidoteCompel DefeatCompel CaptulationCompel ResignationCompel SubmissionCompel SurrenderKelgor's RewardKelgor's BoonKelgor's GiftSavage BlowsBestial BlowsFeral BlowsRelentless BlowsFierce BlowsBrutal BlowsIgnore PuncturesWeather PuncturesEndure PuncturesWithstand PuncturesBear PuncturesDeflect PuncturesIgnore LacerationsWeather LacerationsEndure LacerationsWithstand LacerationsBear LacerationsDeflect LacerationsWeather BlowsIgnore BlowsEndure BlowsWithstand BlowsBear BlowsDeflect BlowsEvasion of KelgorQuickness of KelgorFleetness of KelgorSpeed of KelgorAlacrity of KelgorSwiftness of KelgorFangs of KelgorTalons of KelgorClaws of KelgorBarbs of KelgorHooks of KelgorNails of KelgorInfurating GestureRude GestureInsulting GestureIrreverant GestureZeal of KelgorFervor of KelgorMania of KelgorDrive of KelgorPassion of KelgorOdin's HatredOdin's VengeanceOdin's WrathOdin's FrenzyOdin's RageOdin's AngerOdin's GrudgeOdin's IreParalyzing ShoutIncapacitating ShoutCrippling ShoutDisabling ShoutStunning ShoutBattle RoarBattle HowlWar HowlWarbellowBattle ScreamWarshriekBattle ShoutWarhollerBattle WhoopWarcryDiffuse Movement
Updated Hibernia Spells: Concussive RoarConcussive ShriekConcussive WhoopConcussive ScreamConcussive HollerConcussive YellConcussive BellowConcussive Shout
Updated All Spells: Nethuni's Renewing WatersNethuni's Recuperating WatersNethuni's Refreshing WatersBlessing of NethuniGrace of NethuniGift of Nethuni


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