TestCenter Update December 12th

Greetings, TC will be coming down for an update. Also, the update over the weekend was just an updated version that is already on TC. If there were any new updates, I'll post them here. Thanks! TC Update December 12th Version 0.143819 Multiple Characters per Galaxy Added
  • We are testing the ability of players to create a second character on a galxy, so if you get a chance, please hop on to Test Center and see if you can make a second character!
  • FYI - For those of you that already have more than 2 characters on TC, you won't be able to create a 4th and you won't really be able to know if you can create a second character. Blaster Bolts - Blaster bolts won't track their target anymore. Profession: Trader; Shipwright: Shipwright Crafting XP will now count correctly towards the Artisan Profession. Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager
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