March 6, 2014

Here are today's updates:

New Items: Feir'Dal Artisan MaterialsValorite Artisan MaterialsCold Iron Artisan MaterialsDreamwalker's AmygdalaMushroom of Waking DreamsJungle Raptor SaddleFortified Bronze Artisan MaterialsHeroic PainmakerHeroic Blade of SoulsHeroic Doll of the GuardianHeroic Bow of the HunterHeroic Axe of the WoodcutterHeroic Greataxe of RageHeroic Spiked KnucklesHeroic Totem of the AgileHeroic Scarlet RodHeroic Jumping AxeHeroic Pauldrons of the GuardianHeroic Gorget of the CombatantHeroic Faceplate of the GuardianHeroic Sword of the SpecterHeroic Earring of the GuardianHeroic Belt of the CombatantHeroic Drape of the CombatantHeroic Spaulders of the CourageousHeroic Mask of the CourageousHeroic Earring of the CombatantHeroic DeathpointHeroic Ring of the CombatantHeroic Totem of the CourageousHeroic Earring of the SummonerHeroic Cloak of the AdeptHeroic Gorget of the AdeptHeroic Mask of the AgileHeroic Earring of the AdeptHeroic Earring of the AdventurerHeroic Belt of the AdeptHeroic Shoulders of the AgileHeroic Darkdreamer's RodHeroic Ring of the AdeptHeroic Ring of the AdventurerHeroic Rod of the AdeptHeroic GuardHeroic Satchel of the AdventurerHeroic Seal of the AdventurerHeroic Dream TeaHeroic Dream Meat Steaks

New Bestiary: Guard V`Rett

New Recipes: Silk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the HealerSilk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the HealerSilk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the HealerSilk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the HealerSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the HealerSilk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the HealerLeather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the OracleLeather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the OracleLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the OracleLeather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the OracleSilk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the OraclePlate Cosgrove Chest Seal of the AssassinPlate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the AssassinPlate Cosgrove Helm Seal of the AssassinChain Cosgrove Chest Seal of the AssassinChain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the AssassinChain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the AssassinChain Cosgrove Helm Seal of the AssassinLeather Cosgrove Chest Seal of the AssassinLeather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the AssassinLeather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the AssassinLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the AssassinLeather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the AssassinSilk Cosgrove Chest Seal of the AssassinSilk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the AssassinSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the AssassinSilk Cosgrove Helm Seal of the AssassinFearlinked Chain Boot Seal of the CutpurseChain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the CutpurseLeather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the CutpurseLeather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the CutpurseSilk Cosgrove Boot Seal of the CutpurseLeather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the CutpurseLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the CutpurseFearlinked Silk Chest Seal of the ArcanistFearlinked Silk Boot Seal of the ChampionPlate Cosgrove Leg Seal of the ChampionPlate Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the ChampionChain Cosgrove Leg Seal of the ChampionChain Cosgrove Boot Seal of the ChampionChain Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the ChampionChain Cosgrove Wrist Seal of the ChampionChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the ChampionLeather Cosgrove Chest Seal of the ChampionLeather Cosgrove Leg Seal of the ChampionLeather Cosgrove Boot Seal of the ChampionLeather Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the ChampionLeather Cosgrove Helm Seal of the ChampionSilk Cosgrove Leg Seal of the ChampionSilk Cosgrove Sleeve Seal of the Champion

Updated Items: Crystalline SilkDarkhollow Spider SilkCorathus SkinTuft of Fox FurBottle of RumDoogle's Spiced RumFrozen Toe RumGreen Death RumRoyal Rebirth RumRhino Beetle RumPirate RumCollector's Grimling ToeOrnate Boot MoldCollector's Lock of Mermaid HairSpell: Illusion: GelidranSpell: Illusion: BansheeVisage of the Screaming BansheeVisage of the King GelaquaSylvan Leather Chest OrnamentYttrium Studded VeilSpell: MoonfireYttrium Studded Leather BootsSpell: Greater FamiliarGlowing Orb of LucliniteHead of the InquisitorSpell: Transon's Elemental RenewalSpell: Koadic's Endless IntellectSpell: Hammer of SoulsWhite Satin GlovesAncient: LifebaneCollector's CanineSkeletal ArmCollector's Brittle Iksar SkullPizmip's Prize PurveyorSunshard PebbleGrey Dusted WrapsHammer of the IronfrostHategiver

Updated Quests: Powered Clockwork Talisman (#2)Desert CrawlLegendary Enchanter IllusionsRozz #2: Royal Access

Updated Recipe: Veiled Boot Seal

Updated Bestiary: undead mendicantThe Spiroc Lorda drolvarg growlerSythrax guardiana crystal crawlerTobala Honeyjara frenzied zelniaka true darkwing bata sun guardianVranol BlackguardSid Hackea temple patrollerThe Fabled Xerkizh The CreatorThe Fabled Lord Inquisitor SeruThe Fabled Thall Va Xakraa Shissar commandera Shissar soldiera Shissar shadow knighta pain golema Shissar patrollera temple deathcallera temple golemThe Fabled Terris Thulea crystal grinderA Jubilant Merchant


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