No Federal Charges for 38 Studios

State Investigation Still Continues

38 Studios may have gone bankrupt and the futures of Kingdom of Amalur and its associated MMO are currently in limbo, but as Huffington Post and the Associated Press reported, at least they have one less thing to worry about now: no federal charges.

A narrow review was performed by US Attorney Peter Neronha's office to see if any federal laws were broken, such as bank fraud. Jim Martin, a spokesman for Neronha's office, told the AP, "No further federal action is planned at this time."

That's one worry out of the way, but 38 Studios still has the state of Rhode Island to worry about as their investigation continues to see if any state laws were broken. Given that Rhode Island is out the $75 million it loaned 38 Studios to get them to move to the state in addition to all of the interest on said loan, I'd say the state investigation is going to be a bit more thorough than the federal one.


- Michael "Ragar" Branham


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