Camelot Patch Notes

NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - When Jewelry's condition goes down to zero, it will no longer give you a magical bonus. - Your own name was truncated when you viewed your own character (although it looked fine to others who looked at you). This has now been fixed, so the character named "Bandersnatchy SnatcherDeBandy" will now appear correctly, I'm sure to his great relief. - The checkbox to not show help tips will now work - i.e. if you check it, no tips will be shown when you level between levels 1 through 5. - Combat Styles now have different colored "trails" depending on which type of weapon they are used with. - The [Tab] key that removes the interface now removes spell effect icons as well. - The "you jump to location xxxx" debug message that printed when you zoned into cities and dungeons has been removed. - You can now use shift-left and right arrow to move the curser inside the chat input box to edit text. - You can shift-up and shift-down arrow to go back and forth between your last 10 commands (sends, etc.). - You will no longer see the Tips help box pop up after level 6. - When you move while interacting with an NPC, and the NPC interaction window goes away, you can now interact again with that same NPC and you'll see the text that you had seen before. - We are now experimenting with "sticky" combat. Use the /stick command to stick to your currently selected enemy, and you will follow him quite closely, while you can continue to fight him. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY AT THIS POINT. We may remove it once we test the dynamics of the proposed feature. - You now get the health bar for doors correctly. - Doors should now be better synchronized (i.e. you won't see them open when others see them closed, etc.). - All combat styles have changed. Please see the list in this release note for the new styles you character has been given. - There were some problems with Left Axe combat styles. These have been fixed in this round of combat style fixes, so now Left Axe styles should do more damage than before. - Several spells effects have been fixed and upgraded. WORLD NOTES - Midgard should now have the full complement of dye stores scattered throughout the towns in the Home region. - The denizens of the Cursed Forest have now made themselves known. Like Raumarik of Midgard, the Cursed Forest is not an area to go if you are looking for quick experience or easy camps. It is an extremely high level zone with only a handful of monsters that do not respawn quickly. Additionally, some of the monsters may require more than one group of higher level players to defeat. CRAFTING SYSTEM NOTES - Component pieces of Leatherworking, Metalworking, and Woodworking for Weaponcrafting have had their timers cut by 50%, which means you can make weapons in 2/3 the time you could before. COMBAT STYLES We have significantly upgraded and buffed out each Realm's combat styles. These are similar to, but not at all the same as what you are used to. This will require some getting used to, so please get to testing them, and let us know what you find. Albion and Midgard styles have their proper names; Hibernian Styles have been redone but do not yet have final names. Albion Weapon Styles Slashing: 2 - Ruby Slash – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Cross Slash – Low fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 6 - Uppercut – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 8 - Enrage – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium penalty to your defense for the next round 10 – Bloodletter – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Cross Slash, Causes short duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 12 - Reflect – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower own aggro damage so target will switch off you, raise defense for next round 15 - Opal Slash – Medium fatigue cost, Use after a successful Uppercut, medium bonus damage, causes light bleeding, bonus to hit 18 – Riposte – Low fatigue cost, use after parrying opponent, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense for next round 21 - Side Slicer – Light fatigue cost, Must be used from either side of target, low bonus damage, causes reduced movement rate 25 - Cleave – Low fatigue cost, Use after a successful Uppercut, medium bonus damage, bonus to hit 29 - Amethyst Slash – Medium fatigue cost, low/medium bonus damage, large bonus to hit 34 – Befuddler – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Riposte, Medium bonus damage, causes medium duration Stun, medium bonus to hit 39 – Back Slash – High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, high bonus to hit 44 – Sapphire Slash – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Enrage, Medium bonus damage, Causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense for next round 50 – Diamond Slash – High fatigue cost, use after successful Amethyst, High bonus damage, Very high bonus to hit Crushing: 2 - Daze – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Back Crush – Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 6 - Maul – High fatigue cost, high bonus damage, large bonus to hit, small defensive penalty for next round 8 - Bludgeon – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Maul, medium bonus damage, taunts enemy on to you, defensive penalty for next round 10 – Bruiser – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Back Crush, Medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 12 - Concussion – Medium fatigue cost, Medium bonus damage, slows target’s attack speed temporarily, small bonus to hit 15 – Contusions – Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Bludgeon, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit 18 - Blackjack – Use after successful Maul, medium bonus damage, causes short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 21 - Protector – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, reduce NPC’s anger towards you, defensive bonus for next round 25 - Divine Hammer – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 29 - Skull Breaker – Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium bonus damage, high to hit bonus, low defensive penalty for next round 34 – Side Crush – Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, Medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 39 – Bone Crusher – Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, long duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 44 – Body Masher – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Skull Breaker, Medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 50 – Devastate – High fatigue cost, use after successful Side Crush, High bonus damage, long duration stun, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense Polearms: 2 - Impale – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Defender's Cross – Medium fatigue cost, Use from Beside enemy, medium bonus damage, short movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 6 - Deflect – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, reduce NPC’s anger towards you, high defensive bonus for next round 8 - Executioner – Medium fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium damage bonus, reduce target’s attack speed temporarily, small to hit bonus 10 – Defender's Faith – High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 12 - Distract – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, small to hit bonus, medium defensive penalty for next round 15 – Defender's Courage – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Defender's Faith, medium bonus damage, medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 18 - Crippling Blow – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction to target, medium bonus to hit 21 - Disabler – Low fatigue cost, use after Crippling Blow, medium bonus damage, short duration attack speed reduction to target 25 - Phalanx – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 29 - Mangle – Medium fatigue cost, use after crippling blow, high bonus damage 34 – Defender's Rage – Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, Very high bonus damage, medium bleed, high bonus to hit 39 – Poleaxe – High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage 44 – Defender's Revenge – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Defender's Rage, long duration stun, very high bonus to hit 50 – Defender's Aegis – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Phalanx, Long duration movement reduction, High bonus to hit, small bonus to defense Two Handed: 2 - Half Moon – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Double Back – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, Short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 6 - Rile – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 8 - Pacify – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC’s anger towards you, defensive bonus to next round 10 – Two Fists – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Double Back, Medium bonus damage, Short duration bleed, Medium bonus to hit 12 - Bone Bruiser – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit 15 – Double Recovery – Low fatigue cost, Use after you fumble, High bonus damage, Causes medium duration movement reduction, Medium bonus to hit 18 - Fury – Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bonus damage, causes light bleeding, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense for next round 21 - Bone Splitter – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful bone bruiser, medium bonus damage, causes medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit 25 - Recenter – Low fatigue cost, Use after successful fury, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, high defensive bonus to next round 29 - Bone Breaker – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Bone Bruiser, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, small bonus to hit 34 – Obfuscate – Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Fury, medium bonus damage, Causes heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 39 – Doubler – High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 44 – Two Moons – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Double Recovery, Medium bonus damage, long duration stun, high bonus to hit 50 – Sun and Moon – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Bone Breaker, Causes heavy bleeding, small bonus to hit Dual Wield: 2 - Twin Spikes – Medium fatigue cost, very high bonus damage 4 – Twin Return – Low fatigue cost, Use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, Short duration bleed, Medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 6 - Shadow’s Edge – Medium fatigue cost, use when behind target, high bonus damage, bonus to hit 8 - Inflame – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, medium defensive penalty to next round 10 – Orbit – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Twin Return, Medium bonus damage, Short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 12 - Eclipse – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful shadow’s edge, medium bonus damage, short duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 15 – Misty Gloom – High fatigue cost, use any time, Medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 18 - Obscure – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC’s anger towards you, high defensive bonus to next round 21 - Penumbra – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Shadow’s Edge, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit 24 - Reflection – Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense for next round 29 - Flank – Medium fatigue cost, use from either side of target, medium bonus damage, medium duration reduction to target’s movement rate, medium bonus to defense for next round 34 – Dark Tendrils – Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, causes heavy bleeding, medium bonus to hit 39 – Shadows Rain – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Flank, Medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 – Hypnotic Darkness – Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Reflection, Medium bonus damage, Medium duration stun, high bonus to hit 50 – Dual Shadows – Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense Thrust: 2 - Thistle – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Ratfang – Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 6 - Puncture – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, light bleeding, medium bonus to hit 8 - Sting – Medium fatigue cost, Low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high defensive penalty for next round 10 – Wolftooth – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ratfang, High bonus damage, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 12 - Bloody Dance – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful puncture, medium bonus damage, causes medium duration bleeding, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round 15 – Beartooth – Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, high bonus to hit 18 - Tranquilize – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC’s anger towards you, high defensive bonus for next round 21 - Lunge – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful puncture, medium bonus damage, high bonus to hit 25 - Ricochet – Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, causes medium duration bleeding, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 29 – Pierce – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 34 – Liontooth – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Wolftooth, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 39 – Basiliskfang – Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 – Wyvernfang – Low fatigue cost, Use after successful Beartooth, medium bonus damage, long duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 50 – Dragonfang – Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, long duration stun, high bonus to hit, small penalty to defense Staff: 2 - Spinning Staff - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to defense 4 - Figure Eight - Low Fatigue cost, use after target is parried, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 6 – Friar's Ally – Medium fatigue cost, Use after Figure Eight, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 8 - Defender's Fury - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit 10 – Quick Strike – Medium fatigue cost, use after Defender's Fury, medium bonus damage 12 - Friar's Redress - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, very high bonus to defense for next round 15 – Double Strike – Low fatigue cost, use after Figure Eight, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 18 - Friar's Friend - High fatigue cost, use from side of target, high bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit 21 - Counter Evade - Low fatigue cost, use after target is evaded, high bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 25 - Banish - Low fatigue cost, use after successful #5, very high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 29 - Friar's Boon - Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to defense 34 – Holy Staff – High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 39 – Friar's Fury – Low fatigue cost, Use after Counter Evade, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 – Stunning Wrath – Medium fatigue cost, use after Banish, Long duration stun, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 50 – Excommunicate – Medium fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense Midgard Weapon Styles Sword: 2 - Whirling Blade – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Frost Cut – Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, small bonus to hit 6 - Draw Out – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, medium penalty to defense for next round 8 – Northern Lights – Medium fatigue cost, use from side of enemy, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit 10 - Assault – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 12 - Temper – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, lower NPC’s anger towards you, high defensive bonus for next round 15 – Aurora – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Northern Light, high bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 18 - Baldur's Fury – High fatigue cost, use after successful Assault, medium bonus damage, causes short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 21 - Reinforcement – Low fatigue cost, use after target is parried by anyone, medium bonus damage, causes short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round 25 - Ice Storm – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Assault, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 29 - Rush – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Reinforcement, medium bonus damage, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium penalty to defense for next round 34 – Polar Rift – High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 39 – Njord's Fury – Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit 44 – Sif's Revenge – Medium fatigue cost, Use after successful Rush, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus damage 50 – Ragnarok – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, low penalty to defense Hammer: 2 - Thor’s Anvil – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Crushing Blow – Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 6 - Placate – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, lower NPC’s anger towards you, medium bonus to defense for next round 8 – Slam – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Crushing Blow, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 10 - Ruiner – Medium fatigue cost, high bonus damage, small bonus to hit 12 – Frost Hammer – Medium fatigue cost, use beside enemy, high bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 15 - Provoke – Medium fatigue cost, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, low bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 18 - Demolish – High fatigue cost, use after successful Ruiner, medium bonus damage, causes short duration stun, small bonus to hit 21 - Revenge – Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium bonus damage, causes medium duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round 25 - Crumble – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ruiner, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 29 - Conquer – Low fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, high penalty to defense for next round 34 – Thor's Answer – Medium bonus damage, use after successful Revenge, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit 39 – Lambast – Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 – Sledgehammer – Medium fatigue cost, use after Conquer, High bonus damage, high bonus to hit 50 – Mjollnir’s Fury – Medium fatigue cost, use after Thor's Answer, High bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high penalty to defense Axe: 2 - Splitter – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Cleave – Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 6 - Plague – Medium fatigue cost, Low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 8 – Thrym's Strength – Medium bonus damage, Use after Cleave, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 10 - Pillage – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, causes short duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit 12 - Hoarfrost – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC’s anger towards you, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense for next round 15 – Evernight – Low fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 18 - Plunder – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Pillage, medium bonus damage, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 21 - Valkyrie’s Shield – Low fatigue cost, use after target is blocked by anyone, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to defense for next round 25 - Raider – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Pillage, high bonus damage, causes short duration stun, medium penalty to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 29 - Havoc – Medium fatigue cost, use when in front of target, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round 34 – Midnight Sun – Medium fatigue cost, use after Valkyrie’s Shield, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, high bonus to hit 39 – Glacial Movement – Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, low penalty to defense 44 – Arctic Rift – Low fatigue cost, use after Evernight, High bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 50 – Tyr's Fury – Medium fatigue cost, use after Havoc, high bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit Left Axe: 2 - Counter Slash – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Doubler – Medium fatigue cost, use behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 6 - Ravager – Medium fatigue cost, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 8 – Polar Light – Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, large bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 10 - Snowblind – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 12 - Atrophy – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Ravager, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit 15 – Frost Shadow – Medium fatigue cost, use after Polar Light, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 18 - Comeback – Low fatigue cost, use after target is evaded by anyone, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 21 - Scathing Blade – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Atrophy, high bonus damage, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 25 - Decaying Rage – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Atrophy, medium bonus damage, strong attempt to lower NPC’s anger towards you, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defense for next round 29 - Snowsquall – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 34 – Doublefrost – High fatigue cost, use any time, Medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 39 – Frosty Gaze – Medium fatigue cost, use after Comeback, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit 44 – Icy Brilliance – Medium fatigue cost, use after Snowsquall, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit 50 – Aurora Borealis – Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit Spear: 2 - Dazzling Spear – High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 – Return Thrust – Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 6 - Engage – Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt NPC to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense for next round 8 – Extended Reach – Low fatigue cost, use after Return Thrust, Medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit 10 - Lancer – Medium fatigue cost, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense for next round 12 - Dismissal – Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to lower NPC’s anger towards you, high bonus to defense for next round 15 – Wounding Thrust – Medium fatigue cost, use after Engage, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, small bonus to hit 18 - Stab – Low fatigue cost, use after successful Lancer, no bonus damage, causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 21 - Perforate – Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium penalty to defense for next round 25 - Lunging Thrust – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Lance, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 29 - Raze – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Stab, low bonus damage, causes long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 34 – Whirling Spear – High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 39 – Razor Edge – Medium fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 44 – Odin's Wrath – Low fatigue cost, use after parry, High bonus damage, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 50 – Gungnir's Fury – Medium fatigue cost, use after Perforation, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit Shields: 3 - Numb – Medium fatigue cost, medium damage, short duration stun 8 - Stun – Medium fatigue cost, use after successful block, medium damage, short duration stun 13 - Disable – Medium fatigue cost, use when beside target, medium damage, medium duration stun 18 - Incapacitate – High fatigue cost, use after successful block, medium damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to defense for next round 23 - Paralyze – Medium fatigue cost, use when behind target, medium damage, medium duration stun 29 – Bash – Medium fatigue cost, use after blocking opponent, medium bonus damage, medium stun 35 – Mangle – Medium fatigue cost, use beside opponent, medium bonus damage, long duration stun 42 – Slam – Very high fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, long duration stun 50 – Brutalize – Low fatigue cost, use after block, medium bonus damage, long duration stun HIBERNIA (Final names coming soon...) Blades: 2 - Blades 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Blades 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 6 - Blades 3 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt enemy to attack you, medium penalty to defense 8 - Blades 4 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, medium bonus to defense 10 - Blades 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 12 - Blades 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 2, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 15 - Blades 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 5, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 18 - Blades 8 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 21 - Blades 9 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 25 - Blades 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 6, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 29 - Blades 11 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 9, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, high bonus to hit 34 - Blades 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 39 - Blades 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 8, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 44 - Blades 14 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blades 13, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 50 - Blades 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after target fumbles, high bonus damage, very high bonus to hit Blunt: 2 - Blunt 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Blunt 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 6 - Blunt 3 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, medium defensive bonus 8 - Blunt 4 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 10 - Blunt 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, low attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit 12 - Blunt 6 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 2, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 15 - Blunt 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after you fumble, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 18 - Blunt 8 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 21 - Blunt 9 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 5, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 25 - Blunt 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 29 - Blunt 11 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 7, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 34 - Blunt 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 9, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 39 - Blunt 13 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 - Blunt 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 10, medium bonus damage, very high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 50 - Blunt 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Blunt 13, medium bonus damage, long duration stun, medium bonus to hit Piercing: 2 - Piercing 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Piercing 2 - Low fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 6 - Piercing 3 - Medium fatigue cost, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high penalty to defense 8 - Piercing 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 2, medium bonus damage, small attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 10 - Piercing 5 - Medium fatigue cost, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, medium bonus to defense 12 - Piercing 6 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 15 - Piercing 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 18 - Piercing 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 6, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 21 - Piercing 9 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside target, medium bonus damage, medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 25 - Piercing 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 29 - Piercing 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 9, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 34 - Piercing 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 7, medium bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, very high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 39 - Piercing 13 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 8, high bonus damage, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 - Piercing 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 10, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 50 - Piercing 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Piercing 12, very high bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense Large Weapons: 2 - Large 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Large 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after parry, high bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 6 - Large 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 8 - Large 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, no bonus damage, attempt to taunt target off you, high bonus to defense 10 - Large 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 12 - Large 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 2, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 15 - Large 7 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 18 - Large 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 5, medium bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 21 - Large 9 - High fatigue cost, use from in front of target, medium bonus damage, medium movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 25 - Large 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Large 6, very high bonus damage, high bonus to hit 29 - Large 11- Medium fatigue cost, use after target parries you, high bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 34 - Large 12 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Large 8, medium bonus damage, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 39 - Large 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after target blocks you, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 - Large 14 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Large 11, medium bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, large bonus to defense 50 - Large 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, long duration stun, very high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense Celtic Dual: 2 - Dual 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Dual 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after evading target, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 6 - Dual 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 8 - Dual 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, high bonus damage, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit 10 - Dual 5 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 4, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 12 - Dual 6 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 2, high bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 15 - Dual 7 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 4, medium bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, high bonus to defense 18 - Dual 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 21 - Dual 9 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 25 - Dual 10 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, long duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 29 - Dual 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 8, Medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 34 - Dual 12 - Low fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 10, medium bonus damage, short duration stun, medium bonus to hit 39 - Dual 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 9, High bonus damage, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 12, Medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 50 - Dual 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Dual 11, very high bonus damage, heavy attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense Celtic Spear: 2 - Spear 1 - High fatigue cost, medium bonus damage 4 - Spear 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after blocking target, medium bonus damage, short duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 6 - Spear 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use from behind target, medium bonus damage, short duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 8 - Spear 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, attempt to taunt target off you, high bonus to defense 10 - Spear 5 - Medium fatigue cost, use any time, low bonus damage, attempt to taunt target to attack you, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 12 - Spear 6 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 2, medium bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 15 - Spear 7 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 18 - Spear 8 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 3, medium bonus damage, medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 21 - Spear 9 - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying target, medium bonus damage, medium duration stun, medium bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 25 - Spear 10 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 8, medium bonus damage, medium attack speed reduction, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 29 - Spear 11 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 9, small bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 34 - Spear 12 - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, small bonus to hit 39 - Spear 13 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 11, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, medium bonus to hit 44 - Spear 14 - Medium fatigue cost, use from side of target, low bonus damage, medium bonus to hit 50 - Spear 15 - Medium fatigue cost, use after successful Spear 14, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit Critical Strikes: 2 - Backstab - Medium Fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden 4 - Eviscerate - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab, high bonus damage, causes short duration attack speed reduction, small bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 6 - Kidney Rupture - - Low fatigue cost, use after Eviscerate, Very high bonus damage, Causes short duration bleed, small bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 8 - Pincer - Medium fatigue cost, Use from beside enemy, medium bonus damage, high bonus to hit, high penalty to defense 10 - Backstab 2 - High fatigue cost, use from behind enemy, medium bonus damage, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden 12 - Hamstring - Low fatigue cost, use after evading enemy, medium bonus damage, causes medium duration bleed, medium bonus to hit, medium bonus to defense 15 - Thigh Cut - Medium fatigue cost, use after Backstab 2, Very high bonus damage medium bonus to hit, small penalty to defense 18 - Garrote - High fatigue cost, use any time, medium bonus damage, causes medium duration movement reduction, medium bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense 21 - Perforate Artery - Medium fatigue cost, use from in front of enemy, medium bonus damage, causes long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, medium penalty to defense, use while hidden 25 - Achilles Heel - Medium fatigue cost, use after Garrote, High bonus damage, causes long duration attack speed reduction, medium bonus to hit 29 - Leaper - Low fatigue cost, use after parrying enemy, medium bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 34 - Critical 1 - Low fatigue cost, use after Perforate Artery, very high bonus damage, medium duration stun, high bonus to hit 39 - Critical 2 - Low fatigue cost, use after Critical 1, Very high bonus damage, very high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense 44 - Critical 3 - Medium fatigue cost, use after Hamstring, high bonus damage, long duration movement reduction, high bonus to hit 50 - Critical 4 - Medium fatigue cost, use after Leaper, very high bonus damage, long duration bleed, high bonus to hit, small bonus to defense


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