WoW Dev Blog: 'Why Does Blizzard Hate Healers?'

Ghostcrawler explains why healers won't have infinite mana in Cataclysm.

For the inaugural World of Warcraft developer blog, Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street decided to tackle the question, "Why Does Blizzard Hate Healers?" It turns out Blizzard doesn't actually hate healers, but Ghostcrawler admits that they mistakenly gave healers too much mana regeneration in Wrath of the Lich King. He outlines the main consequences of having infinite mana:

  • Expensive, fast heals were never a difficult choice. Healers would use the same handful of spells over and over.
  • Since healers weren't running out of mana, they made raid encounters more challenging through very high tank or raid damage. This made healing stressful without the reward of making good decisions.
  • Talents and stats involving mana regeneration became undesirable and players overhealed too much.
  • PvP balance suffered because nobody stayed in a wounded state for long.

In Cataclysm, healers won't have infinite mana. Ghostcrawler hopes players consider this less of a nerf and more of a fun challenge. You can read his comments regarding the change after the jump.

"To be clear, we don’t want healers to constantly run out of mana. We want them to run out of mana when they don’t play well. And we don’t want them to always fail. But we do want them to feel good when they are challenged, and overcome those challenges to succeed. When someone is wounded, we want healers to consider whether to use a slow, efficient heal (because they aren’t in immediate threat of dying) or a fast, expensive heal (because they are). That’s called triage, and it was notably missing from the Lich King healing environment. We think triage will make healing more fun. We’re making this change not to make healers sad by nerfing them, but to make healers happy by making the game more fun for them."

So healers, what are your thoughts on Ghostcrawler's blog entry?


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Balance is key
# Nov 22 2010 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
"To be clear, we don’t want healers to constantly run out of mana. We want them to run out of mana when they don’t play well. And we don’t want them to always fail."

That just brings up a question, simply how bad or "not player well" do you have to to be having mana issues in a long fight. Or how well do you have to play to have enough mana to last out a fight. While I'm late in Raiding, we've been doing Heroic 10 man after the 4.0 Patch, and so far I'm happy about the balance, but on some fights I find myself as a Shamman running out alot more than other classes such as Druids and Pallies. So I'm curious about the balance.
Disagree w/GC
# Nov 22 2010 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
coming from a casual raiding point of view, when guilds first started going into ICC, there were mana issues for the healers, even after the mechanics were more or less figured out. Assuming the healers wouldn't go oom on a certain ICC fight greatly depends on the rest of the group as OMG has pointed out.

If all we had to do was spam-heal the tank, then sure, no problems w/mana, but you definitely had top overheals.. so much so, that it became the "norm" for pally's showing 75% overheals, but were considered "the best healer" for ICC content.

If you weren't constantly spamming the tank, then you were a more valuable asset to the group, but more likely to go oom because of other people's mistakes. We always have been the only people who could bring others back from the brink, because most dps just want to blow stuff up, not watch threat and to top the dps meters for epeen rights, even if they had the ability to self-heal.
Tanks shackled
# Nov 20 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
It has come about in WoTLK that the tanks started just "running" through instances as was pointed out above. The only chance to stop them from controlling what everyone else in the group does was left to the healer, for if the healer didn't "run" to keep up with them, they died. This resulted in the tank either instigating the healer being removed as "not a good healer" or the tank just leaving as they know its only a minute wait for them to get into an instance unlike the 15 minutes it takes DPS to get into one. I find it a good move and one that was necessary to take some of the "god like power" from the tanks, who had their little heads bloated lately. The blow is not to healers as much as a relief to those who are tired of trying to finish an instance with no thinking, no timing, and just rushing through to get done as fast as possible.

Clue to the tanks, if you don't have the time to really do an instance and play the game and take into account everyones readiness, go do something else.
Tanks shackled
# Nov 22 2010 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
Agree with ourdoc 100%. Tank behaviour is why I retired my priest to Shadow. They have become totally precious in their own minds. Racing around like cockroachs on crack, they won't delay for anyone to collect quests or items in dungeons, berate any player who isn't as leet as they are, mass pull mobs without a care for the poor damn healer or anyone else in the PuG. To this day, I've never figured what the rush is all about. Anything that slows or stops this selfish reckless behaviour gets the thumbs up from me.
don pug
# Nov 20 2010 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
harder to get healers for pugs so DONT pug.
don't pug
# Nov 20 2010 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
As I have been leveling up my alts in prep for Cat by doing a of Pugs, I started paying attention to how people behave. They all expect the Tanks to control the baddies and the Healers to keep everybody alive, their goal is to do as much damage as possible without having to pay much attention to what else is going on. I do it myself. People are huffing up about it, berating when play doesn't go as expected, and either kicking others or quiting. I have a priest and I won't play her as anything but dps because of it (I'm starting to pay attention to healing when necessary).

Who hasn't had a tank rush from one encounter to the next without checking to see if the others are ready. People just don't want to vary their play to take in account the various play styles and abilities. In some ways this move with Priests may be a good thing.
# Nov 19 2010 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
4,445 posts
Awesome so now it will be even harder to get healers for raids since they are putting more stress on them.
# Nov 19 2010 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
they made healing WAY too easy with WotLK, healing on my shaman was keep earth shield up, riptide up, spam chain heal, and i'd be pulling 9k HPS, i used to have to single heal the first wing of icc to keep it challenging, my disc priest was just as mindless though i never geared him up to raid with, just bg's

and with healing beeing so easy more and more people made healers, pugging a healer (on khadgar at least) was a nightmare because 9 times out of 10 they're a complete idiot and just know how to spam a heal but cant move out of fire etc (is it not obvious that ground discoloration = bad?), derailing the group when we got to anything that took intelligence

going back to the BC healing setup will be the best thing that has happened to wow in a long time, i just came back from a 7 month break from wow because i couldnt stand how mindless everything was getting, cant wait till cata!! and cant wait to see all the babies that needed healbot as a crutch to tell them how to heal to GTFO!!

hopefully cata brings back the fun encounters with more emphasis on knowing wtf your doing like BC was, instead of just facerolling and getting away with it, but thats wishfull thinking

Edited, Nov 20th 2010 12:58am by OMGEverythingIsTaken
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