Inside the Studio #8 Answers More DCUO Questions

Topics include secret identities and healing.

The eighth episode of Inside the Studio has been posted on the DC Universe Online Facebook page, and it once again features Game Director Chris Cao and Creative Director Jens Andersen answering questions from fans. They cover topics ranging from secret identities and healing.

If you don't have time to watch the 10-minute video, you can simply click through the jump for our summary of the Q&A. We're looking forward to more details on the secret identity feature. What questions do you want Chris and Jens to answer?

Q: Will buildings be destructible?

A: The major structures are stable, but there's an emphasis on destruction in the physics engine. You will leave your mark on the world, but it won't be permanent.

Q: Will the game let you have a secret identity?

A: They strongly hint that secret identities will be a feature in the game. They will be talking more about it in the coming months.

Q: What does it means when DCUO is referred to as physics based?

A: Objects will move according to their shape and composition. A block of ice will act like a block of ice.

Q: Is there an auto-targeting tool in combat?

A: The game is a fast-paced action MMO, so the combat is more focused on brawling.

Q: How will healing work?

A: The type of healing depends on the power you've chosen. Nature is all about regrowth, while sorcery may focus more on taking health from one target and putting it in another. On a similar note, all classes deal damage. Healers will heal through attacks instead of standing in the back and watching health bars.


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