Item And Quest Updates for July 22

Hey all, here the newest crop of items and quests people have submitted. If you something to submit (item, quest, tradeskill info, anything) send it to and i'll get it up there for you. Speaking of sending items, there is a template of the FAQ page that you can use when sending in items. Oh yeah, and one more, please do not spam the message boards trying to get your post count and karma ratings up while under the guise of "testing your sig". All this does is make me post an annoying message to the site programmers for them to delete an entire person's message history. I don't want that and i'm sure you don't either.(A good example of this - Anyways, onto the updates: New Items: Razorback TuskGiant's NeedleTangeled Kelp LeggingsCap of the SensesStonewood CrossbowIron Kromise MaceStaff of Arcane MightBlizzard StaffOchre BracersCelestial MittensHardwater GlovesAnthelmintic BracersOrkol's BeltDanlon's Iron WallBlack Scale PendantTricotine BeltObtenebrate HelmDrakescale BootsIncandescent ShieldBloodstained SwordFungal WarbladeTae Ew Knight LongbladeFeathered RobeFurred BracersDarkstone TunicDark Rune CrookSpirit CharmRusty SmallswordRusty GliaveStone SwordGiant Snake FangGoblin ArrowGoblin KnifeWorn ClubSteel TargGusy GlovesProtectorate Plate BracersRusted TrinketOaken Maul of StrengthCalamitous FalchionLeaf Etched Battle Axe

New Quests: Human Qeynos Magician Lvl 07Dark Elf Enchanter Lvl 30Gnome Magician Lvl 20


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