AO Daily Update

Here's Today's Daily Update from the official site: Today's update talk a little bit about how we are going to step up our community work, and how the new position as community manager will influence you as participants of this community. We have now started to focus a lot more on the community of Anarchy Online. We have had tremendous support from the fan-sites for quite some time. They have been very understanding of the fact that we have been swamped with work on all ends and that we have not been able to follow up with them to the extent we would have wanted. Now is the time to repay that patience. With our new Community Manager and the creation of a new community team, we should be set for the future challenges that lay ahead of us. The community team's primary goal will be to keep in touch with fansites. Second they will use a lot of their time to read different bulletin boards, and provide you with more official feedback which we know is sorely wanted. In this process you will also see some changes on the forums, and an increase of official activity there. The boards will be what they were always intended to be; a liason between you, the community member, and us the Development Team. This will also allow the Support Team to concentrate more on helping you to have a pleasant gaming experience. So, you may see less posts from some familiar names in Support, but you should see more of an official and active presence from our Community Team, who will work closely with Support. We hope these are changes that you will enjoy, and we are excited to be providing you with more of the information you deserve.


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