AO Review on Voodoo Extreme

Voodoo Extreme gave Anarchy Online a 78% in a new review. Here's an excerpt: The design of this game is solid- all characters can solo and group effectively, choose their own progression, and even progress up a ladder of importance for the side they choose. While the high-level game is still unknown, the low-level game seems solid- I had a lot of fun playing it, when it actually worked. It all comes down to the software’s stability and the condition of the server. At the game’s launch, it was pretty much a complete failure. This game should have never been released in the condition that it was in, it was pretty much unplayable. Things have gotten better, but this game is still far from polished. If you can brave being part of this polish stage in exchange for being part of something that’s new and a little bit of a break from the norm, then give AO a try. Otherwise, I’d give this game a few months to work things out. You can read the whole review at this link.


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