Patch Notes for July 15, 2009

Here is the "sneak peek" version of today's patch message (from the patcher):

*** Highlights ***

- New Hot Zones are now available!: Hot Zones offer an increase in normal adventure experience for the zone and have the additional bonus of some new content. Franklin Teek in the Plane of Knowledge will be happy to point you to the current location of a Hot Zone appropriate for your level. Franklin also has a series of tasks that can be done in each of the current Hot Zones. Each task can only be completed one time each day. The following zones are now Hot Zones:

Permafrost Keep
Iceclad Ocean
Tower of Frozen Shadow
Great Divide
Eastern Wastes
Velketor's Labyrinth
Kael Drakkal
Western Wastes
The Ascent
Icefall Glacier

- Hard Mode: All Seeds of Destruction raid events should now have a more challenging version available with a lower population cap. The "hard mode" versions of the raids are the same as the original raids but have a maximum character limit of 36. There are new reward items for completion of these raids.

- Anniversary Augments: This year's reward augments have been added to the abaci from the 10th Anniversary raid events. Each abacus will compare the reward from last year to the reward from this year and give you the better of the two results. Rewards for the Dragons, Dragons, Dragons event are currently only being given for players who defeated all 20 dragons. A progressive reward for defeating each individual dragon will be added with our next items update.

*** Items ***

- Removed the NO TRANSFER flag from 51/50 server starting gear that prevented augments from being inserted into it.

*** Spells ***

- Arcane Blade Strike now has a higher multiplier cap for higher rank versions of the song.

*** Quests & Events ***

- All Seeds of Destruction raid events should now have a more challenging version available with a lower population cap. The "hard mode" versions of the raids are the same as the original raids but have a maximum character limit of 36. There are new reward items for completion of these raids.
- This year's reward augments have been added to the abaci from the 10th Anniversary raid events. Each abacus will compare the reward from last year to the reward from this year and give you the better of the two results. Rewards for the Dragons, Dragons, Dragons event are currently only being given for players who defeated all 20 dragons. A progressive reward for defeating each individual dragon will be added with our next items update.
- The Automated Vending Unit II in Dragonscale Hills will now sell un-cored templates for achievements in Crystallos as well as Meldrath's Mansion.
- Players on the Mayong server will now be able to get a secondary set of titles from killing certain marquee encounters from each of the encounters. These titles will be awarded on any kill after the server first.

*** AA ***

- The Beastlord AA Ability Group Shrink will no longer interfere with your Summon Clockwork Banker veteran reward ability.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Seeds of Destruction Beta Rewards are now available for anyone who met the correct qualifications. The Beta reward is available on your account via the claim window. In order to claim the reward, log on to the character you wish to claim the reward on and open the claim window by using /claim. Once you have claimed the reward, you will receive a Mercenary Conscription Authorization. Click on the Conscription Authorization and you will be granted access to purchase 2 new mercenaries from Facesmasher Brog in the Plane of Knowledge – a Siren cleric and a Minotaur warrior. Once you /claim the item on a character you will not be able to claim it on another character so please be sure you log on to the correct character before accepting the claim. You do not need to log on to the Beta server to claim the reward.
- Made some behind the scenes changes to the marketplace. Let us know if you have any issues adding funds to your wallet.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain rogue poisons to use the user's level rather than the poison's level.
- /who all <guild name> will now return the members of that guild, as well as any guilds whose names begin with <guild name>.
- /who all <name> where the name is shared by a guild, class, or race should now return all matches.
- The state of /announce is now persisted across logins.
- Fixed a bug that could occur if you redeemed a LoN card when you had more than one of the same cards in your inventory.

*** UI ***

- Added some new drag icons and bitmaps to the animations file.

- Changed -


- The EverQuest Team


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i agree
# Jul 19 2009 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
i finally get to use a potion on my weapon that can help me, and it doesn't stick, so now what do i do with them? Thta is totally not fair.And how about giveing druids a pet thats worth a crap?Druids pets little bears aren't worth casting, ya need to upgrade them so they come in line with other pets in game that work on commmmmmmmands.
BS this isn't a BUG
# Jul 15 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
- Fixed a bug that caused certain rogue poisons to use the user's level rather than the poison's level.

I dont think this is a bug this is EQ's way of saying oops we messed up and made you powful. Well now all rogue poison are messed up so that means no more useing the level 40s which was all store bought for higher level toons. So now if you want poisons you need to get the stuff for your level which means poisons are going to be expansive and going to be rare not only many rogue don't have a poison skill but many rogues wont make you them. I for one being a rogue will make the poisons for those in need and only take 10% for my guild use.

This also mean all the store bought poison like anit argo poisons will be a pain in the butt to get because you can't buy the items anymore but need to hope they drop for you. So it back to evade once again. As a rogue I feel this hurts the higher levels more then the low levels because everything you need under 40thlvl you can buy the rest is drops.

Is it fair for a 70 toon to cast a 40 lvl spell and have it stick but when we use the poison as a 70 toon with a 40 lvl poison it don't stick. This is a bunch of BS and I would like to see people do feed back on it. This is not a question if rogues are too powful they arent they got a big tune up. If you seen the old school poison you would a agree.

I would think it would only be fair if they made the poisons last 2hour like they should instead of 60 uses or the 2 hours which ever comes first. They also need to make more of the supplies buy able for higher levels. This would be ok with me but we got here is not fair and it is not right.

Rogues of EQ stand up for your rights Melee of EQ stand up for your rights are we going to let EQ rob us of useing poisons with this new bug patch. I ask all of you to do a feed back and change this so called bug to the way it was or the other changes I posted.

Thank you for your time..
Geegen Painentheazz
85 Rogue master of Poison
east to west bug
# Jul 15 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
I am having east to west bug...never had it b4 today
What they didn't tell you.....
# Jul 15 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
They didn't tell you is that they nerf YES NERFED the poisons now the mob resist it so all those nice 40th lvl spider bite and scorpines agnoy 6's are resisted by the mobs now. So whats this mean well it means rogues are now the TOP DPS and you can't get the poisons that you want anymore because the mobs are going to resist it. So if you want poisons you need to get the big level stuff and since thats pretty rare well your SOL. I'm very upset that sony did this and they should get a smack on the nose for it. If you don't like this then do a game feed back and tell them to bring back the poisons. This effects all the melee classes we need a break as much as the rogues.

Geegen Painentheazz
85 Rogue poison master
Return of the West Bug?
# Jul 15 2009 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
55 posts
anyone else having west-bug-like issues?

After patching my wife's computer, it started getting textures that would just disappear: floor, ceiling, walls, boxes, terrain, doors... anything.

Anyone else having this issue or is this isolated?

Edited--I am a Comma ****.

Edited, Jul 15th 2009 1:08pm by omegamagni
two things
# Jul 15 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Sarcastic-- I'm certainly glad they addressed the voice chat problems they created last patch.

non-sarcastic-- I wonder if both hot zone augs will drop in repeat hot zones.
They Went Cold for the summer
# Jul 15 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
I noticed that this time all the zones are ice zones.

They must be trying to make us feel cold during the summer monthes.
# Jul 15 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
166 posts
Just a question.
So if they lower current can they raise old?
# Jul 15 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
166 posts
With so much going on and everything that is happening in eq I am wondering if they can do something.

If they are able to make a "hard" version of a raid encounter to lower the number of raiders allowed into the raid can they do the exact opposite for older content?

I mean when you are trying to flag 70+ toons through an expansion that has a raid limit of 54 it kind of sucks when you have to tell people they cant come. If they took off the restriction on older expansion raids it would help the smaller guilds of the game.

Just typing out loud I guess.
So if they lower current can they raise old?
# Jul 16 2009 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
221 posts
I don't see the smaller guilds experiencing max limit issues, so I'm not sure how increasing max limits would help out smaller guilds. What it might do if they say increased the max limit to say 300 would allow a one time server march into a zone - pummel the mob into silliness and never see that raid ever run again.
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