Try Wrath of the Lich King Free for 10 Days

If you have World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade but just aren't sure you need Wrath of the Lich King yet, there's now an easy way to find out if you want to buy the expansion. Blizzard is now offering a 10-day free trial of WotLK. You can sign up here or check out the FAQ.

What content do I have access to during the 10-day free trial?

The trial account will have access to all of the expansion content, including creation of the new death knight Hero class and access to the new continent of Northrend. Please note that in order to create a death knight, you must already have a level 55 or higher character on the realm on which you wish to create the death knight. Northrend is recommended for characters who have reached level 68 or higher. While you can complete expansion quests and even pick up some powerful new items, any characters you play during the trial can only advance up to one experience point below level 71.


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