PlanetSide Preview on GameSpot!

Most of us by now have heard of Sony's New MOG that they're trying to have ready by summer. Its a little game called PlanetSide. If you've not seen the multiple advertisements on Sony's website for it then you've come some incredible focus abilities (No, not Flowing Thought VII!!). GameSpot has done a pretty thorough preview of Sony's new Brainchild. Its lengthy, so I've just put small bits of it here:
PlanetSide features three playable factions: the Terran Empire, the Vanu Sovereignty, and the New Conglomerate, each with its own style of weapons and technology. The world is divided into several large continents, each of which has about a dozen or more bases scattered around them. PlanetSide's gameplay centers around the three factions' struggle to control the bases and hold territories from enemy attacks. Bases are massive in size, dwarfing the largest ones in Tribes 2. Even with a few hours of gameplay under our belts, we still found ourselves getting lost inside some of them. A base filled with defenders who are manning gun turrets, creating vehicles out of the vehicle station, and guarding the vast interior architecture is extremely difficult to take over. It's pretty safe to say that lone wolf players or even a small band of three or four would have very little chance of capturing a well-defended enemy base. Raids require a concerted effort from many players with different skill specialties. *snip* The first thing you'll want to do at this point is head to a friendly base and log into the matrixing panel at that base. Once that's done, if you die, you can simply respawn at that base instead of having to start over at the sanctuary. Matrixing panels are also available at the mobile bases known as advanced mobile stations, or AMSes. The AMS allows you to spawn near the site of base raids and equip yourself, so you don't have to start all over at your own base, which can be a great distance away from the site of a battle. Inventory space is limited, even with heavier armor. Continental bases conveniently include respawning tubes, medical stations, and the same equipment, certification, and implant stations available at the sanctuary. They also come with vehicle stations where players armed with the proper certifications can create the game's many different vehicle types. Gun turrets decorate the tops of outer walls, and you can man these turrets to fend off incoming attacks. An interior generator powers everything. If the generator gets knocked out or the base's central control room gets hacked by an enemy, none of the base's critical equipment will work until the generator is restored or the control room is taken back by a friendly hacker.
Definitely check out the whole article HERE. Potentially, this could rock. Potentially... -Kenti
Tags: General, News


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