New Updates

This is from the offical EQoA Site. Read it on their site here or read on below. In case you missed the update message in game, we wanted to recap the recent game changes for you. Group Member Targeting You to be aware that the distance your group members can be targeted has been increased. Should you become separated from your group, use L1 to cycle through targeting your group. If they are not overly far away, you should be able to see the targeting reticule on them and go toward that to meet back up with them. As was announced on the message forums, among other things, we still plan for further updates to assist you in finding your group members. Quest Notes: We updated several level 15 Quests to return the correct rewards. For the below listed classes, if you have previously finished your level 15 quest, please be sure to visit the NPC who gave you that quest to receive your missing scroll reward. Eastern-Human Shadowknight Eastern-Human Necromancer Eastern-Human Wizard Eastern-Human Enchanter Dark Elf Rogue Dark Elf Warrior Dark Elf Cleric Dark Elf Enchanter Gnome Necromancer We updated some wolf spawns that were still missing their Brittle Whiskers for the level 13 Wizard quest. We added several new level 17 side quests for evil aligned players in Highpass World Notes: An evil coach route was added between Honjour Village and Wyndhaven. Travel Updates: Dash abilities will no longer cancel when attacked. Item Updates: Several items were updated to remove question mark displays. We updated several lower level shields to correct inappropriate AC for their level.


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