Monday, April 14th, 2008

New Items: Razorthorn RootRazorthorn Flayer GlandGolden Bow of Quel'ThalasShroud of Redeemed SoulsBook of Highborne HymnsSin'dorei Pendant of Salvation

New Quests: Your Continued SupportUpdated Quests: Beware of PterrordaxAlien EcologyRoll the BonesChasing A-Me 01Muigin and LarionShizzle's FlyerStrange SourcesRabine SaturnaCorrupted WindblossomDeadwood Ritual TotemWildkin of EluneWinterfall FirewaterFalling to CorruptionThe New FrontierReturn to Chillwind CampLocked AwayCounting Out TimeA Matter of TimeWinterfall Ritual TotemThe New FrontierFeathermoon StrongholdLethtendris's WebGuardians of the AltarThe Love PotionThe New SpringsEstablishing New OutpostsReturn to Chillwind CampThreat of the WinterfallWinterfall ActivityFurther CorruptionDousing the Flames of ProtectionWastelandFelbound AncientsPurified!Salve via MiningUncle CarlinA Little Help From My FriendsAncient SpiritDefenders of DarrowshireBrother CarlinHeroes of DarrowshireThe Mark of the LightbringerChasing A-Me 01Chasing A-Me 01Kharan MighthammerA Plague Upon TheeA Plague Upon TheeThe Annals of DarrowshireA Strange HistorianAuntie MarleneIt's Dangerous to Go AloneA Visit to GreganThe Sunken TemplePawn Captures QueenTarget: Dalson's TearsTarget: Writhing HauntA Final BlowAlas, AndorhalFlute of XavaricThe Wildlife Suffers TooThe Bait for Lar'korwiA Donation of WoolTarget: Felstone FieldForging the MightstoneA Plague Upon TheeDispelling EvilClear the WayLittle PamelaThe Scourge CauldronsInert ScourgestonesAll Along the WatchtowersDarkmoon Elementals DeckDeadwood of the NorthCleansing FelwoodChampion's BattlegearTwilight GeolordsVerifying the CorruptionDearest NataliaTo Serve Kum'ishaIt's a Secret to EverybodyForces of JaedenarThe Scent of Lar'korwiCrystals of PowerCortello's RiddleZapper FuelThe Sunken TempleBand of Vaulted SecretsGrinding Stones for the GuardLost!Volcanic ActivityThe Corruption of the JadefireCleansing FelwoodExpedition SalvationInto the DepthsThe Apes of Un'GoroJob Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk VillageWanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her MinionsLarion and MuiginSecret of the CircleThe Fare of Lar'korwiBone-Bladed WeaponsSathrah's SacrificeIt's a Secret to EverybodyMarvon's WorkshopIt's a Secret to EverybodyCorruption of Earth and SeedSpeak to NafienThe Stone CircleA Troubled SpiritWarrior KinshipMission Accomplished!Zaeldarr the OutcastThe Blightcaller ComethDisrupt the Greengill CoastA Charitable DonationDiscovering Your RootsKeeping the Enemy at BayCrush the DawnbladeArena GrandmasterUnfinished BusinessUnfinished BusinessUnfinished BusinessReturn to Chillwind CampThe Smoldering Ruins of ThaurissanTarget: Gahrron's WitheringKibler's Exotic PetsThe Active AgentHonor the DeadThe First and the LastFlint ShadowmoreFind RanshallaRecover the Key!Welcome!They Call Me "The Rooster"The Symbol of LifeThe True MastersBarov Family FortuneThe True MastersThe True MastersArmor Kits for the FieldFragments of the PastThe Eastern PlaguesThe Alliance Needs Your Help!Order Must Be RestoredPetty SquabblesMoontouched WildkinA Taste of FlameBeached Sea CreatureElectropellersThe ArchivistDoctor Theolen Krastinov, the ButcherThe Great Fras SiabiWhen Smokey Sings, I Get ViolentThe Flesh Does Not LieMarauders of DarrowshireAgain Into the Great OssuarySignet of Unyielding StrengthShy-RotamScarlet DiversionsThe Swamp TalkerTouch of WeaknessBuzzbox 411Trek to AshenvaleBeached Sea TurtleYour Fortune Awaits You...Green Iron BracersCorrupted Whipper RootFire TrainingCryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself...Secret CommunicationA Donation of MageweaveHurley BlackbreathA Donation of MageweaveA Donation of SilkOvermaster PyronOgre Head On A Stick = PartyGor'tesh the Brute LordAttunement to the CoreEn-Ay-Es-Tee-WhyHouses of the HolyAre We There, Yeti?Plagued HatchlingsDukes of the CouncilVyral the VileJammal'an the ProphetToxic HorrorsMystery GooA Taste of FlameAbyssal ContactsInto The Maw of MadnessThe Restless SoulsThe Restless SoulsVillains of DarrowshireBetrayedSavage FloraKidnapped Elder Torntusk!The Elemental EquationAugustus' Receipt BookAurel GoldleafVoranaku the Violet Netherwing DrakeGnome EngineeringThe Pledge of Secrecy


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