Monday November 18, 2007

Welcome to the Monday update! Thanks to: Friml (1 new Hib quest!), Wolffkilke, and figmentium for sending in their new and updated information this past weekend!

New Hibernia Quests: 800 Alchemy Tradeskill Quest (Hib)

Updated Hibernia Items: Worn Dark Guardian LeggingsMantle of RegaliaStoic DefenderImbued VestFire Hardened Irewood SpearSmoldering Scale HauberkAncient Granite MaceSiabrian HelmPatched Hide SleevesPatched Hide JerkinApprentice Craftsman Pendant (lvl 9)Rough Hide BracerTanned Worn Pants (Hib)Tanned Worn Sleeves (Hib)Linen Worn Robe (Hib)Boglach's Greenthumb StaffBone Barely Torn SleevesWanted Dead or AliveA Tear Stained LetterRing of the OakTanned Worn Cap (Hib)Linen Worn Leggings (Hib)Tanned Worn Vest (Hib)Linen Worn Sleeves (Hib)Boglach's Big BladeBone Worn SleevesBoglach's SteelBlackthorn ClubTanned Worn Gloves (Hib)Imbued GlovesSiabrian Sword BaldricWorn Dark Guardian Sword
Updated All Items: Well-made PestleWell-made Herb-cutting KnifeWell-made Stirring RodMagic GimbalDragonsworn Lieutenant Cloak

Updated Hibernia Mobs: SurcynMercenary IuskedaroAslanderSapperGraoch RangerTaskmaster JerydArtificer LemuHarris MacCulloughLirazalRolcalbaggalBocephusOrcheWindailleSpicketLeptusXerxes

Updated Hibernia Quests: Straw's In TownSpicket, Spackit and Spykit

Updated Hibernia Spells: Oak's GirthDexterity of the BadgerVigor of the Redwood


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