World of Warships Fires Off New Cinematic


For those awaiting glimpses of Wargaming's upcoming action combat adventure on the high seas, World of Warships, the new cinematic will certainly wet the whistle.

Though not a full gameplay video, the very polished cinematic is a hint at the "immersive theater experience" awaiting attendees at E3 next week--hopefully this doesn't mean I'm getting thrown into a pool.

World of Warships Screen Attack

When I first heard about World of Tanks a few years back, I wasn't sure how I felt. While I loved the concept, I didn't like the idea of my "character" being a tank, which is one of the reasons I think I can't quite get into EVE Online as much as I would like to.  Well, the rest of the gaming world didn't seem to have that problem, and World of Tanks took off!, the company behind WoT, recognized this fanatical popularity and revealed that they are working on two other games, World of Warplanes (currently in closed beta) and World of Warships. We haven't heard much about World of Warships until yesterday, when they released a new batch of screen shots.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so below are 12,000 amazing looking new words for your enjoyment!

Bill "Lethality" Leonard