Game Update #48, "Breaking Ground" Preview

Wow, is it almost August?  EQII Players has a preview of all the great stuff coming up in Game Update 48, "Breaking Ground".

Read all about it at EQII Players!

2008 SOE Fan Faire: Live Events

For some, the annual SOE Fan Faire is a place to gather with friends from around the globe, catching up on old times shared within an online world.  For others, it's all about the panels and meeting the devs, community teams, and other players.

Then there are those who go for the events... such as the Live Events... hosted each year by the community teams for each respective title.  This year was no different.  There were Live Events for EverQuest, EverQuest II, Star Wars Galaxies, and Vanguard, created by the community team for each game.

Just what is a Live Event, you ask?  Well... let me tell you!

For those who are seriously in to puzzle solving, riddles, and questing, Live Events are just for you.  That's right... it's a live quest.  You start with a quest giver who provides you with the necessary information for you to search out your next clue towards completing your task.  Be sure to ask the right questions, though, if you are hoping for success!

Hints at more gods for Norrath?

Isn't it amazing what you randomly find in-game? Tonight, I was scouting out some raid-targets for my guild, and I came across an interesting little trio of people. Perched on an island at the back of Everfrost, and with some very interesting tags under their names. Being the collector of oddities that I am, a screenshot was in order, which I shall now share with you!


But what do they look like up close? Do they have anything interesting to say? Find out inside!

EQII Developer Chat Logs!

The logs are up!  If you missed this evening's Dev Chat, here's the goodies:

EQII Developer Chat - July 31, 2008

Game Update 47 Patch Notes

GU 47 is in and the servers are unlocking as I type this!


  • Station Voice is now available!
  • Equipment changes have been introduced to improve item progression from levels 1 - 59 worldwide
  • Check out the sections below for details on these highlights and other details of "Storm Break" (GU47).

Read More!

GU47 July 31

Kiara posted this tidbit on the Official Forums :

Just FYI all, the GU planned for tomorrow, July 30th has been pushed back a day. GU is now planned to go to the live servers on July 31st.

We'll keep you updated as to status.

Plan accordingly!  We recommend spending your downtime in our IRC chat !

EQII Become a Legend Winners!

Part of the Living Legacy campaign was a contest inviting players to "Become a Legend".  Today the winners were announced!

Winners get some goodies, a Living Legend t-shirt, and a copy of the next exciting EverQuest II expansion.

Read more at EQII Players!

EQII 2008 Highlights

It might seem a bit early, but Kiara posteth:

I know it's only the end of July, but there's been so much stuff added to the game that we just had to bring you the EQII 2008 Highlights now!

Read all about it at EQII Players!

UK Worlds Downtime

Spotted on the Network Status Page :

Downtime scheduled - Downtime scheduled 07/26/2008 5:00 AM London Time / 07/25/2008 9:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time

This is a notification that UK worlds will be updated at 5:00 AM London Time on the 07/26/2008. The estimated downtime will be 1 hour.

- SOE Operations team

Plan accordingly!


Game Update 47 Item Revamp - Part 1

If, like me, you survived the Great Item Revamp of Live Update 24, then seeing "Level 1-59 Item Revamp" in the Game Update 47 Preview sends shudders of horror through you despite Kiara's assurances that it's "to bring them more in line with the rewards from the newer adventuring areas." I decided to take a random trip through our item wikibase and take a look at some gear on the live and test servers.