Lost Kingdom Spoilers  

Below is the transcript for the mission AU13 - Lost Kingdom.

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Scene 1: Nashmau

Pyopyoroon: Pyopyo-pyoroon! Yooo brought vial of Jody's acid! Nose of Pyopyoroon can tell! Brrr. Brrr. Pyopyoroon make yooo vial of spectral scent! Yooo see spooky ghooost! Pyopyoroon is master perfoom maker! Make smelly smell into sweeet smell! Yooo take! Ooold smell is hard smell to make. But ghooost will smell, maybe cry? Yooo go west! Many rooocks, many stooones! Yooo find ghooost!

Scene 2: Caedarva Mire

The name "Sir Jazaraat" is engraved on the headstone.

A sudden, piercing wind blows over you.

PLAYERNAME hears a voice...

Jazaraat: That smell... so familiar... My nation...no...not anymore... My nation...now...Aht Urhgan...You...you...

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-02-14 11:10:05.