All beta 4 e-mails have been sent

Everyone who applied for the AO beta should have received an e-mail by now giving them the links to download beta 4. I know I noticed a huge number of new players over the weekend, followed by a huge increase in the lag. Let the stress test begin.


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I'm in!
# Jun 11 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
I was one of those lag-inducing newbies this weekend, and aside from the lag and crashes (something tells me one was causing the other) all I can say is...


What an incredible environment. What freakin' incredible everything! I'm fairly convinced that the lag is being caused primarily by the fact that both the servers and the client software is set in debug mode, so you've got about 10 times the normal data traffic (pulled that number out of the air, but I know it's quite a bit more traffic than in standard mode). Once that's changed, and some of the minor bug fixes are complete, Rubi-Ka is gonna make Norrath look like a Chuck Jones production.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sticking with EQ as well. There are things about EQ that I love, and not all of my in-game friends will be migrating to AO, but it's gonna take me a few minutes each night to decide which world to enter :)
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