I couldn't have said it better myself

Brian Clair at The Adrenaline Vault wrote a detailed article on a subject you've probably seen me rant about a few times already -- the fall of internet advertising. It's good reading for those of who who care about these sorts of things. Here's an excerpt: What the average person simply doesn't know (or that some even don't want to understand) is that operating a popular gaming site is incredibly expensive. These sites receive hundreds of thousands of user sessions (i.e., people visiting) a day and their web servers must deal with millions of daily hits (i.e., anything that requires the web server to send data to your browser, like images, the HTML code, etc.), to say nothing of the FTP bandwidth people have come to expect -- all of which is free to the end-user. It's not like running some personal web site where your provider doesn't care how much space, server time or bandwidth you use because you're not using enough to cost them money beyond your monthly ISP fees. You can catch the whole story at this link.
Tags: General, News


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